Tonight Ellis picked a virginal white silk dress. Every so often she grew tired of red and black and she enjoyed the irony. She adjusted her white fur wrap that draped around her bare shoulders. She rubbed the soft material against her chin as the doorman opened the Grand Piazza's door for her.
Ellis spotted Sorin immediately and made her dramatic entrance across the main floor, casually dropping her fur wrap to the ground behind her. Her hips swayed as she locked eyes with Sorin. The crystal chandelier lights glittered off the beaded material of her dress. She stood behind him at the booth and casually run her hand down her neck, smiling down at Sorin. She hoped her strapless gown had a reasonably pleasant effect on him.
Let's make a deal (ATTN: Ellis) Private
Sorin sat in one of the more private booths in the piazza and waited for Ellis to arrive. He had mulled over his current situation and decided dealing with the Tacharan was the best way to go. He'd need to talk to the Wolf as well, get him to take care of his blonde problem and then he'd have no more use for the man.
He thought Ellis would be agreeable to just such an arrangement. Sorin smiled and sipped his wine. In fact, he felt he could count on it.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago

19 years ago
Sorin looked up at Ellis and smiled brightly, He paused to give the view its well deserved attention before commenting with an arched brow.
"We're going for the vestal virgin in pure white tonight are we? You look every inch the wolf in sheep's clothing, my sweet, I'm sure more than one man has happily succumbed to your bite."
He gestured to the seat beside him in the booth and said.
"I thank you for joining me. I hope I haven't taken you away from anything -important.-"
Sorin made the pretense of looking innocent and then reached for his wine, watching her over the rim as he took a sip.
"We're going for the vestal virgin in pure white tonight are we? You look every inch the wolf in sheep's clothing, my sweet, I'm sure more than one man has happily succumbed to your bite."
He gestured to the seat beside him in the booth and said.
"I thank you for joining me. I hope I haven't taken you away from anything -important.-"
Sorin made the pretense of looking innocent and then reached for his wine, watching her over the rim as he took a sip.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Ellis dipped slightly, accenting her curves and smiled. She threw her fur wrap onto a waiter walking by them and sat down in the booth with Sorin. The strapless gown hugged her curves and looked tight enough to suffocate.
Another waiter presented her with a champagne flute and poured her a glass. Taking a sip she purred, 'How long has it been since I said, "oh this tickles my nose"?' Then with a wink, 'And dont you tell me.'
Another waiter presented her with a champagne flute and poured her a glass. Taking a sip she purred, 'How long has it been since I said, "oh this tickles my nose"?' Then with a wink, 'And dont you tell me.'

19 years ago
Sorin chuckled and feigned mildly indignant posture at the suggest.
"I would never presume to guess a lady's age besides your's is an eternal beauty. A fact that has been proven each time we've met."
Taking another swallow of his wine, he then set the glass down and turned in the seat to face Ellis more fully.
" I also would not waste your time with a game of words. I have a small problem and I believe we might be able to work it out to our mutual benefit, if you would care to listen to my offer."
Sorin smiled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. He was certain Ellis would be at least curious and from there it he doubted she would have reservations about the plan he had in mind. She was ruthless and cunning as well as beautiful and killing one clanless vampire was a mere trifle.
"I would never presume to guess a lady's age besides your's is an eternal beauty. A fact that has been proven each time we've met."
Taking another swallow of his wine, he then set the glass down and turned in the seat to face Ellis more fully.
" I also would not waste your time with a game of words. I have a small problem and I believe we might be able to work it out to our mutual benefit, if you would care to listen to my offer."
Sorin smiled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. He was certain Ellis would be at least curious and from there it he doubted she would have reservations about the plan he had in mind. She was ruthless and cunning as well as beautiful and killing one clanless vampire was a mere trifle.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
'A small problem?' Ellis snapped her fingers at a nearby waiter without looking away from Sorin. She held up 2 fingers and the waiter immediately produced a cigarette, her brand, and lit it. She gave him a dismissive wave and settled into the booth, crossing her legs.
'You know how I solve my problems, dear.' Ellis inhaled deeply on her cigarette and blew the smoke out away from her. 'I'm intriqued, what's troubling you darling?'
Ellis thought to herself, Sorin coming to her for help? Interesting turn of events here. Smiling casually she waited for him to speak, but in the background heard the tinkle of glasses and laughter. She looked the vampire over and sighed wistfully...why could Simon be as ambitious as this one? Granted Sorin had hundreds of lifetimes to develope his delicious disposition. Still, she was slightly sad that Simon had been disappointing her as of late. Now, having Sorin by her side...oh the possibilites were endless.
Ellis would have to consider disposing of Simon some day. Maybe not soon, unless an opportunity presented itself. She tilted her head to the side as she contemplated Sorin's request for help.
'You know how I solve my problems, dear.' Ellis inhaled deeply on her cigarette and blew the smoke out away from her. 'I'm intriqued, what's troubling you darling?'
Ellis thought to herself, Sorin coming to her for help? Interesting turn of events here. Smiling casually she waited for him to speak, but in the background heard the tinkle of glasses and laughter. She looked the vampire over and sighed wistfully...why could Simon be as ambitious as this one? Granted Sorin had hundreds of lifetimes to develope his delicious disposition. Still, she was slightly sad that Simon had been disappointing her as of late. Now, having Sorin by her side...oh the possibilites were endless.
Ellis would have to consider disposing of Simon some day. Maybe not soon, unless an opportunity presented itself. She tilted her head to the side as she contemplated Sorin's request for help.

19 years ago
Sorin smiled, well aware of how she dealt with her problems, which was the perfect answer to dealing with his own little matter.
"I believe that your solution will be most adequate to the situation."
He loathed going to another person to deal with this whole mess but Sorin found himself running out of options. At the very least, Ellis wouldn't know exactly why he wanted the Wolf dead and if the blondes were put out of his misery along with the killer then there would be very few people left to tell the tale.
With a sigh, Sorin continued.
"I had an occasion to need someone of a rougher sort than myself. Now the person that did that little job for me is making himself something of an inconvenience. In short, I'd like him gone."
"I believe that your solution will be most adequate to the situation."
He loathed going to another person to deal with this whole mess but Sorin found himself running out of options. At the very least, Ellis wouldn't know exactly why he wanted the Wolf dead and if the blondes were put out of his misery along with the killer then there would be very few people left to tell the tale.
With a sigh, Sorin continued.
"I had an occasion to need someone of a rougher sort than myself. Now the person that did that little job for me is making himself something of an inconvenience. In short, I'd like him gone."

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Ellis shrugged her shoulders in a happy giggle, her breasts pushing together and almost out of the top of her dress. 'Wonderful! Who's this vile beast that needs vanquishing?' And as an afterthought added quickly, 'Oh and is this particular person old? I'm in need of old blood.' She smiled. 'Beauty treatments, must keep the body fit.'
Ellis batted her eyelashes. Maybe she could replace her ancient partner Megan with Sorin. He wouldnt object to petty things such as appearance and blood shed. What's the point of killing if you can't profit from it? And why go about profiting from your murder and mayhem if you can't make it interesting?
They had a bright future together, if not a common path she wagered.
Ellis batted her eyelashes. Maybe she could replace her ancient partner Megan with Sorin. He wouldnt object to petty things such as appearance and blood shed. What's the point of killing if you can't profit from it? And why go about profiting from your murder and mayhem if you can't make it interesting?
They had a bright future together, if not a common path she wagered.

19 years ago
Sorin laughed and shook his head. His lovely companion was truly a delight. It was a shame more women couldn't be a wonder to behold, intelligent to speak to and morally questionable...on the other hand, it was probably best that there weren't as many women like Ellis around, entertaining though she was, the vision of innocence in front of him was ruthless in her goals. It was best to make sure you didn't cross those.
"I do believe he is rather old, yes. Greek." The Roman in Sorin snorted at this but he continued on. "Lykaios, though he calls himself, The Wolf." This did cause him to sneer slightly and he chose to hide it by taking another swallow of his wine.
"So long as he's dead, I don't care what you do with him. Drink him dry, have him stuffed and mounted or wear him as a coat. All of them would be an improvement."
Sorin watched Ellis over his glass. She didn't even bat an eye at him speaking of murder and that was such a delightful change. It seemed as though the human rights and simpering correctness of the age had affected his own kind, what happened to rulers who did has they pleased..or at least as they needed and killed those in opposition? Things ran so much more smoothly when you were willing to cut out those bad spots that spoiled a peach of a kingdom.
Thinking of countries and rulers reminded him of their previous conversation about running things together as King and Queen and the good times they'd have. It had been all in jest but the idea of them working together had stayed with him. The premiere Tacharan made a formidable ally.
"I do believe he is rather old, yes. Greek." The Roman in Sorin snorted at this but he continued on. "Lykaios, though he calls himself, The Wolf." This did cause him to sneer slightly and he chose to hide it by taking another swallow of his wine.
"So long as he's dead, I don't care what you do with him. Drink him dry, have him stuffed and mounted or wear him as a coat. All of them would be an improvement."
Sorin watched Ellis over his glass. She didn't even bat an eye at him speaking of murder and that was such a delightful change. It seemed as though the human rights and simpering correctness of the age had affected his own kind, what happened to rulers who did has they pleased..or at least as they needed and killed those in opposition? Things ran so much more smoothly when you were willing to cut out those bad spots that spoiled a peach of a kingdom.
Thinking of countries and rulers reminded him of their previous conversation about running things together as King and Queen and the good times they'd have. It had been all in jest but the idea of them working together had stayed with him. The premiere Tacharan made a formidable ally.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Now that's a surprise. What was Sorin doing with the Wolf? Her freelancer. Her's. Ellis felt her hackles bristle slightly, but hid it with yet another show of her clevage. She suddenly wanted an olive.
Looking again at their waiter, Ellis ordered a martini. She looked back at Sorin and gave him a sly grin. The wolf was indeed very old. She mentally steepled her fingers. At the very least she'd get to bleed him out. Her martini arrived seconds later and she took the speared olive out of the glass and held it up to her lips.
'You know...he's one of my best freelancers but,' she shrugged and popped the olive into her mouth, 'consider it done.' Ellis wagered that this now gave her an upper hand. She love having the upper hand. It made her all giggly.
Looking again at their waiter, Ellis ordered a martini. She looked back at Sorin and gave him a sly grin. The wolf was indeed very old. She mentally steepled her fingers. At the very least she'd get to bleed him out. Her martini arrived seconds later and she took the speared olive out of the glass and held it up to her lips.
'You know...he's one of my best freelancers but,' she shrugged and popped the olive into her mouth, 'consider it done.' Ellis wagered that this now gave her an upper hand. She love having the upper hand. It made her all giggly.

19 years ago
Sorin smiled as he watched her contemplate the arrangement. He knew that association with him would far out weigh the usefulness of one hired thug, even so talented a thug as the Wolf.
"I am in a position in which to offer my support to your request for thelegitimacy of your people. I feel that if the human loving Evenhet can have their own clan despite such a disasterous notion as involving themselves with the food then I don't see why Tacharan should be deprived of the same benefits. "
He looked at her and raised an eyebrow in appraisal.
"In fact, I believe Tacharan and Anantya have more in common with each other than the bleeding heart humanitarians could ever have. It amazes me sometimes that they were ever a part of our clan in the first place. There is so much more understanding of the power we hold over mortals from your group than that. I believe Anantya and Tacharan could go far together."
Sorin smiled slyly and added.
"Under our capable of guidance, of course."
He drew a lazy finger up the hand that held the martini glass, pausing to ask.
"Don't you agree?"
"I am in a position in which to offer my support to your request for thelegitimacy of your people. I feel that if the human loving Evenhet can have their own clan despite such a disasterous notion as involving themselves with the food then I don't see why Tacharan should be deprived of the same benefits. "
He looked at her and raised an eyebrow in appraisal.
"In fact, I believe Tacharan and Anantya have more in common with each other than the bleeding heart humanitarians could ever have. It amazes me sometimes that they were ever a part of our clan in the first place. There is so much more understanding of the power we hold over mortals from your group than that. I believe Anantya and Tacharan could go far together."
Sorin smiled slyly and added.
"Under our capable of guidance, of course."
He drew a lazy finger up the hand that held the martini glass, pausing to ask.
"Don't you agree?"

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
Sorin had something up his sleeve, she wasn't that naive to not realize that. She wondered what his motives were and why his business involved her freelancing harvester. No matter, Sorin doesn't have to know that she actually won't -kill- the wolf, just bleed him dry for centuries. That's all.
Ellis smiled and raised her martini glass in a toast. 'Here's to a fruitful future together.'
Ellis smiled and raised her martini glass in a toast. 'Here's to a fruitful future together.'

19 years ago
Sorin smiled and raised his glass to Ellis.
"And what a long and illustrious future it is likely to be."
Excellent, Ellis will take care of the Wolf and hopefully he could get the Wolf to do one last piece of dirty work before he dies. If not, it was no real loss, he'd just have to find some way to take care of the problem himself, but it would be so much better if this worked out neatly and according to plan.
"I so appreciate you're taking an interest in this matter. I know you're a busy girl."
"And what a long and illustrious future it is likely to be."
Excellent, Ellis will take care of the Wolf and hopefully he could get the Wolf to do one last piece of dirty work before he dies. If not, it was no real loss, he'd just have to find some way to take care of the problem himself, but it would be so much better if this worked out neatly and according to plan.
"I so appreciate you're taking an interest in this matter. I know you're a busy girl."

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
'Oh, speaking of which.' She finished her martini and slid out of the booth. A waiter was waiting to drape her fur wrap around her shoulders. She gathered it up looking very much like a green eyed eskimo and purred.
'Things to steal, people to kill.' Ellis walked around to Sorin's side of the booth and leaned in close to give him a quick kiss. 'Ta,' she grinned and walked away.
((Ellis out))
'Things to steal, people to kill.' Ellis walked around to Sorin's side of the booth and leaned in close to give him a quick kiss. 'Ta,' she grinned and walked away.
((Ellis out))

19 years ago
Sorin smiled as he watched her leave, already planning his next moves.
((OOC:Sorin out))
((OOC:Sorin out))