A Night Out on the Town
Feeling a bit restless after spending too much time in the manor, Sorin had decided a trip to the theater would improve his mood. He dressed in one of his finer suits and arranged the appropriately lavish transportation. His eyes lit up as the glow of the theatre front reflected onto the car on the approach and waited with as much patience as was possible while the driver came around the car and opened the door.
Thank you, my good man. He gave the driver a curt nod.
Ahhh, the theater. If there was ever a place he felt more at home in Nachton, it was here - the dwelling of a true artist such as he. The feigned sensuality of Club Eternity was entertaining enough and allowed him to grab a quick bite, but few things were more pleasurable to him than rubbing elbows with the city's human elite to the backdrop of some of the finest acting in the country and then showing those same humans how truly weak they were when he fed upon them. Perhaps tonight would be as satisfying of an evening.
With a devilish grin, Sorin nodded at the doorman and weaved his way to his private box. Tickets were not needed - he was one of the theater's most active patrons and in return for his graciousness required a box to his liking that was entered by no one without his permission save the cleaning staff. He also enjoyed the luxury of playing a hand in deciding the shows each season. Wealth and power certainly had their benefits.
Settling into his cushy seat, Sorin grinned as the lights dimmed and the curtains parted. The only thing that would make him happier would be to stand in the spotlight himself, but he had the clan productions for that. He certainly couldn't call too much attention to himself in the human world.
Sorin's eyes wandered to a nearby box during a scene and his steely gaze fell upon a wealthy middle-aged woman and her son who looked to have just become a man. Mrs. Cadwallader's diamond necklace twinkled gracefully as it grazed her ample bosom. Such a shame there was no longer a man in her life to fully appreciate those breasts. And young Jonathan had certainly become the strapping image of his father. Sorin nearly licked his lips at the sight of the delicious looking pair. The Cadwalladers were also patrons of the theater - a fine quality indeed.
He picked up the receiver of the phone in his box and called for the usher. The gentleman appeared promptly and nodded at Sorin's instruction to invite the Cadwalladers to join him in his box to enjoy the rest of the show after intermission. Another usher deftly delivered a bottle of champagne and a few flutes without a word. Any man could appreciate a well-trained staff. Standing to receive his guests, Sorin felt his blood stir. Yes, this would be a meal to remember.
The woman looked almost girlish, but who could blame her after an unexpected invitation from such a mysterious and handsome bachelor. Her blush ran through her cheeks down past her neck and to her succulent breasts as Sorin kissed her hand in greeting. The young man looked strong and tanned - Sorin decided he must be on the rowing team at school. He gave a hearty handshake but still looked a bit timid. The vampire decided he would like to see this one cry a little.
Deciding he wanted to play a bit before the end of the show, Sorin began to test the reaction of his female companion seated to his right by lightly rubbing her neck. She blushed again, but still leaned in toward him. Nice and submissive, just as she should be. He continued the massage while letting his hand drift lower until he reached the zipper of her gown. Her skin became slightly more flushed and yet she still followed his command by leaning forward to give his hand more room. Sliding the zipper down, the front of her strapless gown drooped until he could see the hint of her areolas. She bit her lip and her eyes fell as he slid his hand around and began rubbing her nipple.
The woman properly engaged, Sorin shifted some of his attention to the young man at his left. He watched the boy stare fixedly at the stage in discomfort (much to Sorin's amusement). Jealous, dear boy? Sorin patted the boy's knee but did not remove his hand. He shifted a little in his seat, but said nothing. Sorin added another item to his to do list: inspire the boy's vocals. Inching his hand further up the young man's thigh, Sorin watched as he turned a similar shade of pink as his mother. How adorable. Did he feel a tremble under his hand? Perfect. Reaching the young man's groin, Sorin felt he had stirred much more within his young guest. Rather than show him pleasure, Sorin teased as he motioned for the boy to follow his lead which he did without hesitation and furthered the gesture within Sorin's zipper.
Turning back toward the woman, Sorin found she was breathing a little more heavily. Excellent. In a motion quicker than human perception, he jerked down the front of her gown to completely expose her breasts and enjoy the sight of the nearly jubilant bouncing they did in return. He placed her hand on her breast and she responded appropriately by caressing it. Enjoying the sight of her self pleasure while her son was busy massaging his throbbing organ, Sorin dove his hand down the front of her gown to find her wet with her own juices and throbbing for him. Such a well-trained pet, he thought. Slipping a finger inside her, he smirked as her lips parted in a quiet gasp. He slowly removed the finger and slid it up to run over her clitoris and feel it throbbing under his touch. Careful not to allow her to climax, Sorin slipped his hand away and stood. He looked out over the theater to see the last of the audience filtering out and concluded the current entertainment was a bit more engaging than tonight's subpar acting anyhow. He really would have to arrange to give lessons.
Mother and son caught their first full glimpses of each other with Sorin no longer holding their attention. Mrs. Cadwallader moved to pull up her gown when Sorin finally spoke using his commanding ability.
Stop. You will leave yourself as you are and not change your state of dress until you are told. Do you understand?
She nodded nervously and placed her hands at her sides while trying not to look at her son. Sorin stifled a laugh and turned to stand with his hips directly in front of the boy.
You want to see it, don't you?
The boy stammered his answer in agreement.
I give you permission.
He said these words with a devilish smile as he looked down and followed the boy's hands as they reached out and completely unzipped Sorin's trousers and freed his engorged penis. Sorin wondered for a brief moment if the boy might choke should he thrust his sizable member into his mouth. Dismissing the thought, he watched in amusement as the boy looked up at him as if in question. Sorin only smiled down at him in assurance and the boy reached out with both hands to stroke the length of his shaft and linger at the head. Jonathan leaned forward slowly seeming to test his boundaries before he placed his mouth on the tip and ran over it with his tongue. He explored Sorin's organ with his lips and tongue until he finally attempted to swallow it's length and nearly came close to being successful. The boy quickly developed a taste and proceeded to develop rhythm as he began to repeat the motion. Satisfied with the boy's performance, Sorin looked over at the mother seated quietly and awaiting instruction.
You are to follow my instructions without hesitation. Come stand behind his seat and face me.
The woman did not give pause and moved quickly into place. Sorin reached out and pulled her so her hips were pressed against the seat. Sliding his hands from her shoulders, down her arms, and to her wrists, Sorin pushed them behind her back and held them both in one hand. With his other hand he pulled at her waist and forced her to arch her back so that her breasts were prominently displayed. He ran his tongue slowly around each until he stopped at the nipple of her right breast and sucked at it with force. She leaned further into him in invitation and in acceptance he bared his fangs and sank them into the flesh of her breast. As he savored the sweet nectar in her veins, she moaned loud enough to echo in the halls of the theater. Sorin was not worried about being disturbed - the theater staff knew better - but the sound reminded him not to drain her too much and he released his bite. The brief taste had been pleasurable enough and he thrust fast and deep into the boy's mouth until he filled it with his own juices. Obediently, the boy drank it down and continued to suckle. Sorin released the woman and pulled his hips back albeit slowly to savor the feeling of the boy's lips on his organ.
Sorin instructed the woman to dress herself and then allowed the boy to return Sorin to his proper state of dress. Picking up the receiver, he instructed the usher to have his driver pull the car around to the side exit. Sending the woman ahead to wait in the back of the car and remove her gown, Sorin turned to the boy and pressed him hard against the wall of the box with his own strong frame. He gripped the boy's hair tightly at the base of his neck and pulled his head back to open him up to Sorin's forceful kiss. The vampire continued the kiss down to the boy's neck where he made the most delicate bite behind his ear. Sorin's loins stirred again at the taste of the young Cadwallader's blood which was slightly richer than his mother's. He licked the boys neck to clean up after himself and then instructed the boy to follow out to the car.
((To be continued...))