A modest entrance
Xerxes looked up at the Meridian Skyrise and was impressed. If nothing else it was a formidable and public image of Evenhet's power, both in human and vampire worlds. But, Xerxes knew it's purpose was more then just for appearences. The seat of Evenhet's power was housed in this very building and that alone was enough to awe the pragmatic man. Furthermore, he was well aware of the business dealings that ran through here each day, sustaining the large organization and even allowing it to thrive, escalating it to a status that rivaled some of the largest business and organizations of the world.
He took it all in stride though, knowing well the real security such power provided a person. In the end, it fell to the individual to take care of him or herself, as he himself and both learned and taught (For how many officials or other high-ranking members of the elite been layed low by one of Xerxes own knife blades or bullets?)
But, he thought wryly, he could think of few places that contained as many capable people as this building did.
And, so it was, that he step foot inside his new clan's headquarters.
'Temporarily,' he reiterated to himself. He was quite aware that Megan had done him a favor, perhaps for him but more likely for her and her clan, measuring Xerxes as an asset rather then a person, let alone someone special to her.
The Atrium was simultaniously intelligent, sexy, modern and yet comfortable. Xerxes imagined it had to do with the stark white interior and grand glass windows.
His dark skin had a warm glow from the dying light of the recently set sun; his dress was elegantly refined while maintaining the time's styles (the more tasteful ones he tended to think). This evening he wore a sleek black blazer with sexy lines and a distinct lack of a collar. Beneath this he wore a black tie over a deep red shirt. His black slacks were seamless and functional and he wore comfortable yet professional Doc Martin black leather shoes.
His face was well maintained but not devoid of facial hair, the short dark beard helped to shape and define his face. His eyes were nearly as dark as his hair which was medium length resting on the bottom of his neck. He smelled vaguely of an exotic spice, which was actually the scent of a native flower of his Persian home. His smile was friendly though his eyes told of a keen perception of his surroundings and a deep understanding of survival.
His pace was measured and confident while still maintaining the aire of respect and modesty as he approached the reception counter.
He spoke clearly with a pleasantly deep voice, "Good evening, I am Xerxes Asha and have recently spoken with Miss Björn. I really don't know where to go from here, but was told, as my admittance to Evenhet is a bit," he paused and smiled despite himself, "abnormal, I was to prove my worth so to speak."
He stood comfortably awaiting a response from whomever may be beyond the desk, though he had yet to see anybody yet. He doubted, knowing Megan, he was being left unattended, however. And with this assurance, he continued, "What steps should I take at this point?"
"Welcome Mr. Asha. I am MARI, Meridian Artifical Regulatory Intelligence. Ms Björn has given you temporary access. Do you need a residence at this time?"
She watched him with a pleasant expression on her face as she waited on him to answer her query.

"I do," he said, smiling. "May I inquire a bit more about your origins, I was hoping to help update and significantly improve Evenhet's security."
Xerxes understood such programs well; Though they maintained an amiable exterior at teh core they were still programs - direct input usually was most responsive.
"I am a constantly evolving program and hardware combination set into the core of the building. I have my own team of specialists to see that I perform my duties to the best of my ability. It is my job to monitor all of Meridian Towers. I am responsible for maintenance, guidance, security, and climate conditions among other things. I was installed in 2000 when the interior of the building was redone to take advantage of modern conveniences that had recently become available. My creator is one of Meridian's top computer designers and continues to upgrade my systems on a regular basis."
MARI paused and then addressed his other query. "I am afraid that a detailed look at our security systems is not available at this time. I assure you we have top of line measures in place and design teams that upgrade them regularly."
There was a bland smile and another pleasant inquiry. "Is there anything else I can help you with, Mr Asha?"

"Effective if not sophisticated," Xerxes mumbled.
"Uh, yes, Mari, if you could show me to my room I would be grateful." As if a passing thought he added, "When Alfarinn has the time could you let him know I am interested in speaking with him?"
"I am certain that Evenhet will find a place for you despite your lack of sophistication, Mr. Asha. We take pride in our willingness to take in all kinds." Her pleasant voice continued. "It is good to hear that you at least consider yourself efficient, I personally find this to be a very noble trait."
The code ran again across MARI's eyes and the marble looking floor tile began to give off a warm glow, followed shortly by another until a trail could be seen leading in the direction of the elevators.
"Your wish to speak to Alfarinn has been noted and I will see that he receives the message as soon as he contacts me or returns to the towers. Now if you would care to follow the lighted pathway then I will be able to show you to your quarters. "
((OOC: Way to go, it takes talent to annoy an AI. ))

"My, but I like your sense of humor. Take no offense, just a professional evaluation. I am sure that after inspecting me you can find more then a few flaws," he said as he walked towards the elevators.
His eyes twinlked as he looked at her artificial face, no doubt designed to be appealing and inviting to a maximum number of individuals, "And this particular building, what's its history?"
He stepped into the waiting elevator and turned, facing the doors.
((OOC: Thanks, I try hard. Best 'misunderstanding' you could have come up with, gj ))
She watched him as he reached the elevator and called one that was not currently busy down to this floor.
"This building was constructed in 1931. In the underground section of the building you can still see the original stone construction. In 1990 the building's outer surface was given a makeover covering the stone with the steel and glass structure that you see today. The inner facade was entirely redone in 2000 to take full advantage of modern technology. The double tower design accommodated separate living spaces for the owners at each apex with the archway connecting both buildings across the main street."
Finishing her brief description she asked. "Is there anything specific you would like to know?"

"And, besides, they make life more interesting," he smiled and winked at the program masquerading as a woman.
As Mari spoke the elevator coasted quietly and smoothly up the tall building, Xerxes listened carefully to the history of the building, absorbing the details to later filter through; you never know when something you hear once will become important later. It was this attention to detail that had set him as one of the most skilled men in his dangerous field of work.
"Who designed each stage of the building? Outside architects, clan members, or a collaboration of both?"
Regarding him, her smile dropped and she became serious.
"The building was designed and built by clan members. There are few else who would understand its intricacy or be trusted with the full design of this building and its nature. Do we seem careless to you? I see you file says that you were Anantya and have been told they have a... less than amicable opinion of our clan as a general rule. I do understand, of course, that this is a broad statement and I mean no disrespect. It is an..AI's curiosity."

Xerxes silently thanked the fact that the elevator music that normally went hand-and-hand with the ascent of buildings was shut off by the more pleasant and stimulating conversation the AI was providing him.
His eyes narrowed slightly when MARI mentioned his past with Anantya;fully aware of the lack of loyalty the program implied.
"Does your file describe why I left? I doubt it, for few know, but, feel free to amend it. I left to escape the petty political movements that had seemed to capivate all about me. No, I hold Evenhet with the utmost respect, especially Megan and Alfarinn," he said meaningfully but without a hint of smile, "I just was considering the close ties to humanity. Sometimes," he commented seriously, "the best kept secrets are those hidden within plain sight."
He smiled cheerily soon after though, trying to lighten the mood and indicate that he meant no threat to MARI or any other Evenhet member, "In any event, it is beautifully crafted and excellently designed, I hope to meet some of the designers to compliment them. And," he grinned openly, "hire them to build me a house."
MARI logged the statement away for later perusal and continued on with the conversation.
"I believe adventures have been described in such a fashion before. Unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to "go on an adventure" in the classical sense. Perhaps you can tell me of some of yours?" She smiled at him pleasantly as the elevator doors opened and resumed the lighted path down the hall.
"No, the records did not say why you left. Your added information is helpful. I would caution however, that there seem to be those types of individuals in every clan, Evenhet, included. Alfarinn assures me they have their uses." MARI's expression might actually have been considered a smirk before it faded as she continued to speak.
"We do try to be discreet in which humans are allowed to know of our existence. There are certainly more with that knowledge in Evenhet than most clans from what I am to understand but we try to keep that exposure controlled lest wide spread panic ensue in the lobby."
MARI smiled and nodded her head.
"I am sure they will be pleased by your appreciation. I can inform them of your interest in acquiring their services if you would like."

"I would love it, actually," the Persian said honestly. "thank you," he added."Now, but one or two more questions, if you don't mind. Where abouts are my quarters located and how may I best aid Evenhet at his point?"
"Your quarters are on the 34th floor, room 27. The lighted path will take you there directly."
Tilting her head to the side as the code ran over her eyes, she responded.
"Your present security status does not allow for high information job assignments at this time. Perhaps Alfarinn or Megan could suggest something for you? I will leave them both a message with such a request if that is your wish."

He stepped smoothly out of the now stopped elevator and started making his way to the apartment that was his new residence. He had no plans of selling his other house, but having both an official residence and his own personal one didn't bother him in the slightest.
As he reached the door the pathway MARI had indicated for he nodded and said, "My thanks, MARI. It wasd a pleasure to meet you and I shall look foward to some more conversations with you. Either Megan or Alfarinn can reach me on my cell phone."
With that, Xerxes was home. And, he didn't fail to notice, it was a good feeling.
((OOC: Xerxes out, sorry for the delay on posting this.))
"Noted and it was a pleasure speaking to you as well, Mr. Asha. If you have need of further assistance I am but a question away."
She blinked off of the wall screen and left him to explore his new place.
((OOC MARI as out as MARI ever is