
Pale lashes fluttered open as dawn's light woke Meegan. She slowly slipped from bed and made her way to the bathroom. She glanced at the little calendar pinned to the wall in her bathroom. "July twenty-third...July twenty-third, why is that familiar?" When it hit her she sank to her knees there on the plush rug in front of her shower. Her parents had died on July twenty-third, 1996. On their way to a gala at the country club.

Pictures that had haunted her for the last nine years flashed through her mind; the phone call, the hospital waiting room, collapsing into the police officer that had told her. Meegan shook her head to clear it. She could not believe the anniversary had crept up on her, it was odd that she had not spent the last week brooding and planning her trip to their resting place.

"Maybe, just maybe this means I'm getting on with my life. Maybe this means, I can finally find something or someone that will make me truely happy. Maybe I have finally said good bye."

As she spoke aloud Dill pattered into the bathroom and lay his head on her silk clad leg. He knew his mistress was distressed and did not know why. Meegan absently scratched behind his ear, as she took the time to remember her grief and smiled when she felt it had finally lifted from her shoulders. She knew she would never forget that awful day, but she was glad the grief was over.

She gave Dill a kiss on the top of his head and activated the shower, then stood to undress. Fifteen mintues later had her showered, her legs shaved and her hair combed back into a slick slightly damp ponytail at the base of her skull. She took a new package of stockings off the little pile in her closet and selected a knee-length black skirt, a white silk blouse and a black hip-length blazer, and carried them to her bed. She turned around and crossed to the lingerie chest and took out a seemless white bra. Slipping off her rob, and laying it across the pillows, she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the panty hose out of the package and went about putting them on.

She grinned down at herself and gave her hip a pat when she had managed to get the first pair on with out snagging or running them. She crossed to her vanity and took just enough time to swipe bronzer on her cheeks and forehead, and a pale peach color on her lips.

When she'd dressed, she clicked her tongue at Dill and headed out the door. She planned to stop and get something to eat on her way to the groomers, it was time for Dill's weekly appointment and they would be more than happy to keep him over night for her. As she wouldn't be home until after they closed. She left her briefcase and portfolio case on the counter and took only the little black purse she was using at the moment and Dill's collar. After setting the alarm, she set off down the street.

Meegan 18 years ago
After dropping Dill at the groomer's, she took a cab to the rental car place on The Strip, and took out a sporty little convertable. She put her purse and a small zipper folder containing a portion of her CD collection into the passenger seat, and set off to Virginia.

Several hours later found her at the entrance to Holy Cross Cemetery. She pulled into the little parking lot, and checked out one of the little golf carts they have, since the only time cars are allowed is during a funeral. She parked where the little road called Anne intersected the little road called Mary, and got out to walk to the center of this little grass island.

There before her stood the monument to her parents. A sixfoot tall angel, clasping a rosary and a portrait of her parents. Masters was engraved in large letters at the angel's feet, and below to the left and right were her parents, Stewart Michael and Julia Olivia Masters. To the right of her mother there was space for both herself and one her parents had optimistically placed for her future husband. She stared at those empty spaces for a long time. At least they had had the decency of not engraving her name into it like they had had theirs, when they purchased both plot and monument the year she was born.

She had found all of this out when she had found the papers and letter that was clipped to them the day after her parent had died, and she was going through her father's desk to find his insurance policies and the number to his lawyer.

Meegan knelt on the grass just outside of the stone regtangle that marked the perimiter of her parents grave, and smiled gently.

"I discovered today that I have finally stopped grieving. I still miss you both terribly, but I can hold my head high and not crawl into bed for three days every July." Meegan chuckled softly. "What you would say to me runs through my head often. 'Amelia it is high time you stop all this non-sense. Pull yourself up by the boot straps and get on with your life.' You know what, I have. My lines are doing well in both the boutiques, and the larger chain retail stores. I have the most amazing assistant and what looks to be the most promising relationships I have ever made.

"I know that fashion is not what you would have chosen for me, but I love it. I am very close to being happy, really and truely happy. And I hope that you two are watching me from up on your cloud with smiles on your faces and approval in your hearts."

Meegan rose to her feet, her heels sinking in the soft dirt a little, and walked to the angel. She kissed the tips of her fingers and pressed them into the stone just above her parents names.

"I'll see you next year, Mom and Dad." Her voice was a small whisper, heavy with the tears flowing down her cheeks. Returning to the golf cart, she took a few moments to compose herself, dab her cheeks with a tissue, and apply fresh lipstick.

Meegan glanced at her watch, she was due at her aunt's at four for high tea, which gave her three hours. She decided shopping was just the fortification she needed against Aunt Lilian.
Meegan 18 years ago
Midnight was not Meegan's idea of a good time to get home. Her Aunt had surprised her with a small family reunion. 'Joy, so much joy.' Meegan grumped to herself. So she was obligated to remain well past tea and visit with half the upper crust of Richmond. She was beyond glad that she had chosen modest clothes. She really didn't care about her image, but for some strange reason she cared about her aunt's.

She let herself into the building and trudged up the stairs. 'I don't think it has ever taken me -this- long to get up the stairs before.' Meegan found herself, for the first time, wishing her building had an elevator. When she'd finally made it to her condo, she stripped as she made her way to the bedroom, falling into bed naked. Her last thought as she turned on the alarm, was that severn o'clock alarm for nine o'clock mass was going to come awfully early.