Chance Meeting
Pak leaned against the wall letting her back soak up the residual heat. It felt good and was as close as she could get to soaking up the sun.
She exhaled slowly, thoughtful, half watching the smoke dissipate and half watching people going into or at least trying to get into Club E across the street. She could go there but it really wasn't her style. Of course Babylon wasn't her style either but she just didn't feel up to the HoP tonight. So she was outside debating going in versus going to pick up a prostitute. Of course she could also go and actually hunt too.
She took another drag on the clove while considering that. It just didn't seem appealing. It was days like this Pak actually considered taking a familiar. That, in and of itself, was a terrifying idea and made the idea of going into Babylon appealing; actually it wasn't an unappealing prospect, it wasn't like she was being drug here against her will or anything she just wasn't in the mood.
Just as she was taking another drag and considering that maybe she wasn't hungry (she was, it had been days since she'd fed) a smooth cultured voice with an English accent startled her and put her on alert. She wasn't by the front door after all she was lurking in the shadows so this person was probably looking for something and that probably wasn't a good thing.

She did shiver a little at the idea the Englishman might have plans to bite her. Pak was extraordinarily particular about who bit her and why. She should have considered that, there were probably vampires out there who really enjoyed hunting other vampires. What a nasty thought.
Was all she said as Reginald left. Not sure if the man could blend or had another way to still be lurking about she continued to send to Ran rather than speak.
[So I -don't- have to be nice to him?
Wait! That guy is the reason you got hurt? And Amir let him live?! I'll kill him if you want… … or at least drain his bank accounts.]
Pak had very few friends and so tended to be rather protective of them. Amir probably had a good reason for not killing another Anantya vampire so she wasn't judging him at all, just offering what little help and support she could.
"I don't like him."
She said decisively. Even if she hadn't been leaning that way what Ran said was the final nail in the coffin. But she also immediately let it drop Pak didn't want to upset Ran by going over the matter again and she also didn't pry into Anantya business.
Her voice became warmer, more playful as she changed the subject.
"He's wrong though… now that you're here I was hoping I might not have to take care of myself."
Pak teased with obvious double meaning. She could hunt tomorrow or even later tonight if they didn't make a day of it.
"If you don't have any plans that is."
They weren't a couple, they didn't have that kind of relationship, so if Ran turned her down Pak absolutely wouldn't be hurt. She'd just go with the flow and they'd hook up at a later date or they wouldn't. The important part was they were friends and she did enjoy his humor, his brashness and company.

[By all means, don't be nice to him,] he sent back to Pak. [Honestly, I've run into him a handful of times since and I can't say he acted out of character then - douchenozzle seems to be his permanent setting. Amir lets him live, barely. I guarantee when he hears about this little run in Amir's going to pay him another visit. Reg hasn't really been impressing anyone on the homefront.]
As Reg disappeared, neither one of them really gave him much more thought, it seemed. When Pak turned the conversation to more pleasant things Ran was happy to go along. Her proposition wasn't a surprise, and it was welcome. He and Pak were solidly in the 'friends with benefits' area and he was perfectly fine with that, as it left him room for other relationships and pleasures.
"As it happens, I had no plans aside from coming back here a bit later to see Mina home safely. So I'm yours for at least the next few hours."
It wasn't a full night, but Pak would understand. Ran linked his arm with hers and, with one more quick glance around to make sure Reg hadn't lingered, strolled happily down the street with his friend.
(OOC: all out!)