How Do You Feel
Blaise got there a little early and put his calculus book down on a table to both hold the table and let Pakpao know he was there, or at least around, and waited.
It had been an odd couple of years and Blaise was still trying to sort himself out. The whole mess with Alfred and Jarrod had been wrapped up and both his creator and his 'brother' were dead. Blaise was decidedly OK with that. They were both pretty messed up and it also meant he wasn't having to watch his back. On the downside his twin sister had wound up dead as a result as well. He kept telling himself she was Alfred's familiar and probably wouldn't have done well without him, but it didn't keep Blaise from feeling more than a little sad and lost. They'd gone through a hell of a lot for each other over the years and he just kept expecting her to be there.
On the other hand he apparently had a clan now. It was sort of odd but good, certainly better than the crazy under the radar paranoid life style Alfie had them living. Although, Blaise was being surprisingly reserved about dealing with people. He was more than a little aware that he'd joined up under circumstances that were considerably less than honorable and he was, quite understandably in his opinion, not everyone's favorite person. But he was trying.
Oddly enough, Pakpao, the one person he'd probably been the absolute worst to, seemed to rather like him or at least reluctantly tolerate him having half adopted her as a sort of replacement sister. Like tonight, she'd agreed to try and help him with his calculus homework (apparently he needed to fix the high school dropout thing and come up with a less criminal profession these days).
As the place was pretty empty right now and he'd seen Pakpao before she'd seen him Blaise decided to try something. He blended and followed her as she got a cup of coffee and then back to the table with his book on it. Once she sat down and set the coffee on the table he placed a hand on her arm and let himself be seen. It startled a response out of her and he was able to see the flash of a misty aura around her. It was there and gone too fast for Blaise to make any sense of it. It also earned him a half full cup (thank god it seemed to be a half full water someone had left on the table and not her hot coffee) to the face and Siamese rant (even he'd learned it wasn't Thai as far as Pakpao was concerned).
After a second's spluttering and taking a giant step back he wiped the water out of his face.
"Relax love it's just me... and it didn't work anyway.â€
He complained slightly in the Manchester accent refused to shed.
Blaise had relatively recently begun to develop what he was told was a new ability, empathy. However, he'd spent a lot of time trying to pretend it didn't exist, because he thought he was going slightly crazy and seeing things and then a fair amount of time hiding it afraid for some unknown reason it would be held against him, so he wasn't very good at it. It didn't help that a few of the people he spent probably the majority of his time with could block him out. Hence his attempt here. He wouldn't be trying this method again.

She was a hair late to this little tutoring session as Blaise's book was there but he wasn't. Assuming he'd ducked in to get a coffee Pak did the same. Coffee in hand she came back and still no Blaise. Deciding he might have needed something from another shop she waited. She wouldn't wait long, she was moderately patient and understanding not a push over and he knew that and she was a few minutes late so she owed him a little flexibility.
At least she thought that until someone grabbed her arm. She'd been very much lost in thought and badly startled, sheer instinct caused her to mentally grab the nearest thing she could and mentally hurl it at her "attackerâ€. Only the fact that they were in the towers kept her from a more aggressive response.
Once she'd caught up and realized it was Blaise she stopped swear and growled at him a little bit.
"You realize with your track record that wasn't your best plan right?â€
She said rather than apologize or feel bad about half dowsing him. Pak had played this card with him a few times. It was -almost- a joke now, not quite probably closer to a friendly threat. He'd finally started to understand that and didn't get nearly as apologetic or defensive has he had the first few times.
"It was an experiment.†He said in weak defense.
Now that she knew for certain he was working on his empathy Pak ensured she was blocking him, and any other nosey empaths, out as best she could. She just didn't like people nosing about in her own, occasionally erratic and unexplainable, emotional state.
"And I said I'd help with calculus not with this particular party trick of yours.â€
It had occurred to Pak that she probably should be nicer about it. From what she understood Blaise's empathy didn't always work anyway and then when she used her subterfuge to block him out it apparently further confused him. In this case, however, Pak felt entirely justified. You shouldn't sneak up on people, even in the name of trying to develop a new ability.

He noticed Pakpao headed toward a table with a book. Then one of their newer vampires appeared. Cris winced as the cup of liquid went all over Blaise.
[Rookie vampire mistake. Never sneak up on a someone when there are fluids readily available.]
Heading in that general direction. He paused long enough to send. [Should we go save him from himself?] Once he was given the affirmative by his daughter, he headed that way.
Cris made sure to come upon Pak very visibly. She still had a cup of coffee and quite probably an itchy throwing hand.
"Good Evening,Pak. Do you need another cup." He proffered his coffee. "Or does he look drenched enough for the moment?"

[Yikes], she sent to Cris. [We should definitely rescue him. He might not even know how badly he needs to be rescued.]
When Cris offered his cup for potential throwing, Aishe snorted softly and poked him in the arm. Shawe reached out of his carrier and also poked Cris, then made a grab at the cup himself. Aishe twisted out of the way, so Shawe's scrabbling paws got nothing but air. She was far too used to his shenanigans by now.

"Not just yet, thank you. Eiryk would go into conniptions if he found out I was throwing coffee, at least as a first line if defense...†Pak said with a bit if a shrug. "Besides think Blaise is done playing hide and seek.â€
She grumbled. Even though the grumble was directed more at Blaise than Cris it still rather surprised Pak she was comfortable enough to grumble at all with the security chief about.
As Pak and Cris'social circles had a rather diagram quality there had been a slow, subtle, but concerted attempt to get her to relax around him. Pak appreciated it. She was less certain Cris did. His life had probably been easier when she was scared of him. Pak went out of her way not to ask, just in case the answer was yes.
"Hi Aishe. Hi Shawe, I'm sure Mongkut sends his regards.â€
Not being a savant and not able to actually communicate with her cat he wasn't as well travel as either Shawe or Thora. But thanks to early socialization he did get on reasonably well with both. For her part Pak was more than fond of her little masked friend.
"I don't suppose either of you is any good at calculus?â€
Nope, not mentioning empathy not at all not ever. That was Blaise's problem. Well actually maybe... just maybe it would be helpful to throw the young vampire under the bus, he really could use the help. Although, this was a -lot- of empaths for her to be surrounded by. The idea made her slightly queasy, but Pak opened that door, just a crack.
"I think he'd rather practice his new party trick though.â€
Pak was very very careful to keep her voice and body language neutral. She might at least fool Blaise.
Great, now she had back up serious back up at that. On top of which Blaise, who wasn't a small guy and knew darn well he could look intimidating, had just gotten caught letting Pakpao (who was relatively small) get the drop on him rather convincingly. Blaise was suitability embarrassed.
"No one understands calculus.â€
Honestly the class wasn't a requirement, he really should have stopped with algebra rather than being talked into this one. He'd been a little seduced by the idea that he had any kind of potential at all. Very few people had ever told him that.
Great, more embarrassment, of all the times for Pakpao to try and be helpful.
"Just one try really, it was that or try to find the area under a curve and I thought this might be easier.â€
Blaise couldn't control his empathy at all; he couldn't consciously invoke it, sometimes it was there but weak, and sometimes it was totally overwhelming. It was like having a shitty extremely unreliable car stereo.
"I was wrong.â€
He said with an attempt at wry humor, he wasn't sure it succeeded though.

Cris smiled at Shawe, who reached out to poke him because Aishe had. He moved the coffee away from the little graspy hand at the same time that Aishe turned away.
[It is hot and bitter.] He told the raccoon. [You would not like it.]
They were asked about calculus and then Pak mentioned that Blaise wanted to learn about his party trick.
"Blending?" He furrowed his brow in confusion. "It seems you have that one trick well in hand."
Cris pulled up a chair to the table with the book for Aishe and then grabbed another for himself. Since the party trick seemed to not be blending then he would need further information to know whether or not he and his daughter could help but they would definitely know someone who could. They knew people. Even people who knew people. And other people who had people.
"So what is this party trick that you are trying unsuccessfully to work on?"

Kem's time was sort of at a premium these days, what with refusing to give up his position in the archives and also handling Elder-y stuff, but Aishe was sure he'd make time to help if needed.
She smiled at Cris and took the chair he retrieved for her, setting her cup down on the table in front of her while she waited for an answer to Cris's question about tricks. In the meantime, Shawe gave a soft, resolute sigh when it became apparent he wasn't going to get any coffee. He cuddled down into his carrier and grabbed a few strands of Aishe's hair, which he occupied himself by grooming. He wasn't a baby anymore, so while he still got up to his fair share of mischief, he had at least calmed a little to the point where he would happily observe the world around him for a time.

"Of course archeologist need calculus, you have to figure out how much dirt was in the hole or something...â€
Some one should know how much dirt had been in the hole, Pak was certain of that. She was less certain why that was important.
As everyone sat and she sipped at her coffee Pak shook her head. She wasn't going to throw anything more at Kem. Her brother could be generous to a fault and honestly Pak would rather he have more time for his own amusements, or for her to harass him.
"No it's coming back to me, I just remember more with a slide rule.â€
Although, Pak was having an oddly good time playing with the graphing calculator. Such a strange niche technology that just wouldn't die. Even though modern smartphones could run rings around it in so many ways the calculators were just perfectly suited to somethings.
As far as Blaise's problem went she let him explain. Pak wasn't comfortable with the gift and had told Blaise at least twice to ask for help, from one of the two other people at this table specifically in fact.
He was going to have something else thrown at him in short order, he was sure. With his luck it would be hot and probably stain his shirt, and this was one of his few good ones. He kept meaning to Google a slide rule but it kept slipping his mind after the homework had melted his brain.
Deciding that it would be better not to mention that no one else seemed to think calculus was a valuable skill Blaise let himself become fascinated with Aishe's raccoon. He'd never really paid much attention to racoons before, but you usually didn't get this close (even if this one was in a carrier).
Blaise felt rather awkward as questions were directed to him and fantasized for a second about demonstrating his blending by just disappearing and wandering away, but he knew he'd never hear the end of that.
"Er... umm... she thinks it is empathy but every time I try it out with her it sort of goes away.â€
Honestly some days the fact that he got nothing from Pak was a relief, some days it was frustrating as hell.
"And it pretty much always will.â€
Pak half assured half threatened him
"I've been meaning to ask for a second opinion.â€
He had been too, but Blaise was used to sorting things out more or less on his own. Back when he'd been human he'd at least had his sister. Even when he'd first been turned she'd been helpful more often than either his maker or his 'brother'. Looking for help now that she was dead was... awkward. Pakpao was about as far as he was comfortable looking.

"That is Protection Engineer." He said as dryly as possible and then took a sip of his coffee.
He was not interested in teaching calculus but he could find Blaise a tutor if he needed one. Sorcha would be a possible choice. If the new vampire was not alarmed by people communicating via Sending. They could cross that bridge later if necessary.
Pak mentioned a slide rule and then the young vampire said he didn't know what it was. Cris sighed and drank another soothing swallow of coffee.
[Well I feel old now.] He sent to Pakpao. Looking over at Aishe, he narrowed his eyes slightly. "Please tell me that you know what a sliderule is." She was what 50 now? It seemed like she had become a vampire just yesterday.
Blaise said that Pak thought that he had Empathy and that it didn't work right around her very well.
"I bet it doesn't work right on me either." Cris gave Pak a small sly grin before turning a more serious face to Blaise. "Some of us have the ability to hide from those with more nosy abilities like Empathy and Sending. It is called Subterfuge."
"And some of us also have the nosy ability as well." He was willing to tell Blaise that he had Empathy in the interest of helping him but he wasn't willing to out Aishe's ability to do the same thing. That was up to her.
"So what happens when you use it around someone that isn't Pak?"

"Is that what we are now? I could have sworn it was Defensive Specialist. Or was that last week?"
She stroked Shawe's head absently, only partially aware that she looked like some kind of potentially evil genius plotting to take over the world with an army of raccoons which could absolutely happen if she were either evil or a genius. She already had the raccoon army.
When Cris implored her to say she knew what a slide rule was, she smiled innocently at him. "Of course I know what it is."
She sipped her cocoa. "We dug one up at a prehistoric site in college."
She noted that Cris didn't offer up any of her abilities, which was good because she had been about to blurt out that Blaise should practice using empathy on Rowan. But Cris's omission was a pointed reminder that while things were very informal among her friends and family, there was still etiquette to be observed outside that group. Rue was, however, one of her favorite people to read. He didn't often use subterfuge, and he was so cheerful and colorful most of the time. Eiryk was a second favorite. She had no idea how Blaise's ability worked though, and she didn't feel the need to speak up on the topic, given that the man next to her was her mentor, too, and had more experience with this sort of thing than almost anyone she knew.

Pak decided rather blithely. Not that she was looking to saddle herself with any more people to coach, but it might help them to narrow down their job description. Pak was now also considering renaming various positions in IT. There had to be something better that programmer or systems analyst. Maybe she'd open it up for suggestions among her managers. No doubt HR would shoot down anything official, but unofficially...
She muttered a fair amount of Siamese profanity under her breath at Blaise and would have thrown something at him but she would wait until the coffee cup was empty. It was good coffee.
[I could understand him not knowing but the teacher too? Apparently even I'm outdated these days.]
Pak replied to Cris. Technology didn't used to move this fast. It didn't used to make you feel old before your time. And Aishe didn't help. Pak rolled her eyes pointedly.
"Can we please stick to picking on Kem about being old? That is comfortable and familiar. This is uncharted territory for me and I don't think I like it.â€
The first person to make a crack about punch cards or magnetic tape was going to have their drink spill. Apparently Pak, neither as young as Alex or Aishe or as old as ... well anyone else she routinely hung out with, was something of a middle child and inclined to act out when irked.
She gave Cris a little nod at his observation about subterfuge. Impulsively she decided to take a little risk and tease him just a bit. Pak wasn't entirely sure how he'd take it but...
"Subterfuge? I thought it was the extra good job we did programming you.â€
Pak had heard some of the rumors/speculation that Cris was a robot. She'd never thought that herself, even if she had she loved technology, Pak just had issues with authority figures.
Pak was impressed how open, relatively speaking, Cris was being with Blaise. She hadn't been this open. Blaise didn't know she could send and she'd not explained subterfuge. She had told him -repeatedly- who to ask for help but not exactly why he should ask them.
As they grumbled about slide rules Blaise again looked at the the racoon. He never could remember the little guy's name. Blaise thought about asking to pet him, but he'd never had so much as a goldfish and thought better of it. Critters were a mystery to him.
His eyes widened a little as Cris explained a few things.
"You're doing that on purpose?!†He accused, a little shocked. "You could have told me.'
He wasn't exactly hurt or even surprised. He was a little annoyed though. But annoyed with himself, he'd spent enough time with Pakpao he should have seen this coming.
"I told you I was no good at empathy and to ask for help.â€
She replied calmly.
He sighed. Well at least he knew what sending was, that was something. Blaise hadn't even known empathy was a thing when this started. And apparently Cris was an empathy as well, okay he probably should have listened to Pakpao.
"Truth is I can't really use it... it just sort of turns itself on and off and does that mostly at random.â€
Blaise had been trying to find a pattern or a wherefore or why to it without any luck. Although, Pakpao blocking him out might be part of that.
"I... er... hear things... music. Sometimes loud sometimes soft sometimes just a beat.â€
The way the question was phrased Blaise wondered of that wasn't right. Wasn't that how this worked? Maybe it wasn't empathy, maybe he was just losing his marbles. Smashing.

[Welcome to the club. We have complementary matching canes. I will get you one.]
Aishe said she knew what a sliderule was for and he felt better, for about two seconds until she claimed it was an archaeological find. He glared at his daughter and then reached over and poked her, making a point to be very obvious about it for his little grandson. Shawe obligingly poked Aishe as well. Cris grinned.
He explained about Subterfuge and Pak interjected that it was actually the very good job of programming that they did on him. Cris widened eyes and gave her a subtle shake of the head.
"Ixnay on the ecretsay. Not everyone at this table is cleared for that kind of knowledge."
He turned back to Blaise who said that he wasn't sure that he had Empathy but he heard bits of music. Not the strangest form of the ability that he had ever heard actually. That would probably be the person who developed different rashes in different places based on the emotions of others. Music seemed very normal in comparison.
"That sounds like Empathy...or your phone randomly logging into Pandora."
Cris set down his drink and explained more about the ability. "For me, I see auras around people in different colors. I have a friend who hears voices that tell her how people feel. So, imagine how crazy she thought she was when that first started happening."
He dropped his subterfuge and looked at Blaise. "Okay, I am purposefully not hiding. I can also tell you what I am feeling after you try to figure it out."
((OOC: Cris is calm and happy at the moment. He is sitting with family and friends and his lovely husband is but a mental message away ))

She remained mostly quiet while Pak and Cris carried a good deal of the conversation; she didn't have much to add. She was enjoying hanging out with her Creator and her friend. She certainly couldn't educate Blaise any more than Cris. Mostly, she and Shawe were here for cocoa and company.
She did pipe up when Cris described his empathy to Blaise, though. "I see colored symbols around people," she said. "They're different shapes depending on the strength of emotion."

[Do they at least have Bluetooth or act as a hotspot? Maybe if we're useful the whippersnappers will still let us hang out with them.]
She snickered at the interaction between the two vampires and a racoon. Pak had grown fond of the various animals that her friends could speak to, she had a particular soft spot for Shawe who she had known the longest. Pak even thought these relationships were charming and was starting to secretly hope she might develop this gift at some point. With her luck though she'd wind up speaking to elephants or something and Pak didn't think there was any way in hell she'd be allowed to keep one of those in the city let alone the towers.
Not knowing or being able to read Cris as well as Kem, Aishe or even Eiryk she wasn't entirely sure Cris was playing with her. She was eighty maybe ninety percent sure but not certain. So rather than bait him further Pak looked slightly sheepish and studied her coffee.
As Cris conducted something of an impromptu lesson Pak smiled at Aishe appreciating that she'd jump in at least a little. Cris she'd say something to a bit later.
[Thanks. I couldn't get him to ask for help. Hell I'm not sure why he seems to keep asking me these things.]
She took another sip of her coffee doing her best to ignore Blaise who was trying not to squirm under Cris' scrutiny, relaxed as it may be, and even though Pak could relate she didn't say anything to him and continued speaking to Aishe.
[Did I drive you crazy when you were learning?]
Pak knew she'd spent a lot of time hiding behind her subterfuge when Aishe was first turned. In fact she was pretty sure it wasn't until well after she and Kem had bonded that she'd given it up entirely, at least when it was a small intimate group. Pak still spent more time closed off than not when she didn't entirely trust everyone around her
There was a huge surge of relief when Cris seemed to think he wasn't going crazy and it was probably empathy.
Blaise debated for a second asking what Pandora was, most people he knew used iTunes, Spotify or other newer services. But at the last second he decided maybe he'd pushed that button enough for one night and kept his mouth shut.
"Trade you.â€
It was said to both Aishe and Cris equally. Either of those options sounded a lot better and easier to deal with than spontaneous musical interludes. They were particularly annoying when he couldn't place the song or it got stuck in his head.
"Wait a tick ... I mean... I can't...â€
What part of he couldn't control it did they miss? That was half the reason he'd snuck up on Pakpao, to try and startle her into a strong enough reaction for him to get an impression.
Still with a intense scowl of concentration Blaise studied the slight blond man. There had to be something there and Blaise was determined to find it. Just as he was thinking about getting a headache he started to hear something.
It was a little static-y, like the car radio when they did a road trip when he was a kid and got too far from a town, back before his parents had died. In fact that's why he knew the song. His mom had liked it. Without realizing it Blaise started to hum along a bit trying to place it, the song was casual, upbeat, cheerful but kind of relaxing. It got clearer as he gained confidence in what he was hearing.
"It's... ummmm... Herman's Hermits†Blaise said, a little chagrined to know the song. "I'm Into Something Good. So, I'm guessing you're in a pretty decent mood.â€

[We could probably make it happen.] He sent to Pak about the canes. A portable hotspot could come in handy.
He reached over and picked up his furry grandson and nuzzled a cheek against him before fishing out a shiny fidget cube from his pocket. He had made this one especially for a raccoon with shiny buttons, things that click, and wheels that could be rotated. It had a little hollow spot inside that let you put treats into and another button that made sounds that he had recorded telling Shawe "Good" and other encouraging words in raccoon least that was the plan. It might not translate.
He gave the cube to his grandson and watched a moment as Shawe spun it round and round before trying the different buttons and wheels.
Blaise told him that he was in a decent mood. Cris nodded.
"It is hard to be in a bad mood with a cute raccoon sitting on your lap." [Because you are adorable.] He sent to Shawe. [Try the silver wheel next.] There was a combination of maneuvers that made the little treat box open. It started with one thing and then added a new thing and then another thing after that until it encompassed all the sides in a sequence before resetting with a different sequence. It should keep Shawe busy for a while.
Looking at the table toward the side of the cafe, he could see two people who appeared to be on a date based on their auras. That and the way they leaned into each other over the table.
"You did really well for being put on the spot. Let us do something easier. See the girl in the floral dress with the young man in slacks. Try to tell me what you pick up from one of them."
Cris would let Blaise pick which one he found easier to focus on.
"Since we can both see them we can compare notes, plus they do not know we are looking. Unless you make it obvious." He thought he should throw that caution in there. Staring in concentration at strangers makes you look like a demented stalker.
"We can even tell you what we see and we will have thoroughly invaded the privacy of two complete strangers for the sake of science." They worked with vampires, whether they knew it or not. One or both might even be a vampire. Unintentionally giving out knowledge about yourself to strangers was the hazards of living life around people with extra abilities. Cris figured if they wanted privacy bad enough then they would have developed Subterfuge like a sensible person or stayed home.

The current toy appeared to be even more complex than Cris's last few attempts. She watched with interest as Shawe began to manipulate it in his clever little hands.
Suddenly it chirped at him. Shawe grasped it in both hands and squeaked at it, his eyes wide. He shook it, but nothing happened. His head swiveled as he turned first to Cris, then Aishe.
[Yes, cuteness, it talked to you. See if you can do it again.]
Shawe's intensity increased as he hunkered down on Cris's lap and continued to play with his toy. While he did, Aishe's eyes followed where Cris indicated the couple Blaise was to practice on. She was still tempted to mention their friends' names and had to make a conscious effort not to. Apparently she needed to spend more time outside of her own little circle so as not to lose her manners, because they were rusty.
She smiled softly when Pak sent to her. [You know, I honestly don't remember. I don't think so? Cris was always willing, af Kiamhaat too. So no. You didn't traumatize me. You'll have to try harder.]

She was also trying not to smile as Cris played with him. Not so long ago Pak would have believed that interaction to be impossible, or at least that someone was impersonating the blond.
Pak was also fascinated by the little toy. While hardware wasn't her forte Pak had seen some of Cris' handy work and had been quietly, on the side, in her own time trying to work out how to connect them to an ap. She wasn't there yet but she was making progress. She might have destroyed a fair number of cheap wind up toys in her attempts.
Glancing at the couple Pak formed her own non-empathy related observations and opinions but kept them to herself, it wouldn't do to muddy the waters. Instead she grinned wryly at Aishe.
[Are you old now too? You can't remember?] Pak teased her friend before raising a challenging eyebrow. [Really I haven't traumatized you yet and you -want- me to try harder? I do still have some tricks up my sleeve you know.]
Although in Aishe's case (Kem's as well) any tricks were undoubtedly way up her sleeve. For better or worse those two tended to see her at her best and worst and had almost since Kem stepped on her screwdriver.