Julian was nervous, but he knew he was ready for this. After more than a month of rehearsing and practicing he was finally back on stage ready to solo. His wrist was finally healed up, and although he had had one or two setbacks involving the blows to the head he'd gotten when he'd been roughed up he was finally back in shape. Better than before, he hoped. He'd already overcome one traumatic injury in his career. He supposed he was just proving how stubborn he really was.
He'd been playing with the Symphony for the last month, but he hadn't been ready to take on a solo part again. He hadn't thought so, anyway. That opinion hadn't been shared by many - but Julian had lost a little confidence in himself after having two accidents threaten his career in the last few years.
Evgeni and Jan, mostly, had helped him recover this time (with no small amount of help from Tavi, too). He had moved in with Evgeni pretty much the day following their incredible night together, and he hadn't looked back. The massive panic attack he'd had while there had shown him that he wasn't as cool and calm about the kidnapping and beating as he'd thought. As a result, he was also seeing a therapist.
The combined efforts of his friends and the calming presence of his therapist (a sweet middle-aged woman named Dr. Emily Callaway who looked like she should be someone's grandma but had a way about her that was like velvet-clad iron), Julian had regained his equilibrium for the most part. The best part about Dr. Callaway was that she was a familiar and Julian didn't have to tiptoe around the vampire issue - not that it came up often; with everything that had gone on with Julian the fact that none of his multiple lovers was actually human wasn't even an issue. No, all of his problems revolved around what had been done to him.
Still, being able to mention what they were helped when Julian was trying to talk through things that helped and things that hurt. His friends, they helped. After the big panic attack he had been disappointed when he continued to have them; he'd thought he was over them after his sister's death but the trauma of being kidnapped and beaten had started them up again. The bond with Evgeni, the secondary bond with Jan, were a huge help. Tavi's presence soothed too. They had no bond like the one he shared with the others, yet she always seemed to know how to soothe him, when a touch would help or when space would help more.
He'd thought it before, but it didn't hurt to remember - Julian had never felt so loved, so supported. And now, less than six months later, he was standing again on stage under the spotlights, bow poised, ready to play. He didn't fear that he'd forget the notes; this was a song everyone could hum to. The first of several solos this evening. Julian was going to be back with an explosion, if he had any say in it.
The spotlights narrowed in on him and he couldn't see where his friends were sitting. He knew they were there though, and he felt what they felt because in these months he had never even tried to master the technique of blocking Evgeni (and by extension, Jan) out. He couldn't. Never would. The idea terrified him.
Julian took a deep breath and nodded to the conductor. And just like that, the song started, one of his favorites, Palladio by Karl Jenkins. Julian immediately lost himself in each note but he couldn't go away entirely. When he'd finally picked up his violin again he realized he had a perpetual audience of two. And he loved it, loved that Evgeni and Jan felt the music like he did.
So he played for them, knowing they could feel what he felt as well. His nerves, his excitement, his utter elation as he drew the bow across the strings and his violin didn't wail or scream like it had in his earliest nightmares. No, it sang for him finally, the rich beautiful tones filling the concert hall, lightening his soul. He played for Tavi, trying to make her feel it too without the benefit of the bond. His arm had never felt so sure and his fingers had never been so accurate on the strings, flying over them with every arpeggio.
The hall could have burned down and Julian wouldn't, couldn't, have stopped playing.

One happy charity was getting a lot of money.
When the bidding was over, Tavi shook her head. "Wow, just wow. You have that kind of money to spend?â€
Evgeni waved a hand in dismissal. "I will sell egg. It will be fine.â€
"An egg?†Jan looked at him like he had gotten his terms confused. "A nest egg?â€
"Oh my god!†Tavi exclaimed and grabbed his arm. "You have one of those? But you could... You can't!â€
"I have several of the lost ones, as happens. My Creator and I were around at that time.†Messing in politics the way that clanless vampires shouldn't do.
Tavi gave him a surprisingly knowing and sympathetic look. She hugged him close and then spoke more calmly. "Still those are family heirlooms.â€
"Oh!†Jan said. "Egg, I see.†His clanmate gave him a long look also. "I am helping you know.â€
"And I am not going to sell anything, promise.†Perhaps his humor had been a little misplaced. He didn't think anyone would care so much about the famous Faberge eggs that were worth small fortunes. He had plenty of money from his own centuries of living but also his Creator's. Vitali may have been with the monks when they had met but he had lived a long and involved life among humanity's elite. Evgeni had inherited more wealth and possessions than he knew what to do with. He would gladly trade it all back to have his mentor again.
But finally he was no longer drifting alone in the world. All the money and dusty old stuff couldn't come close to comparing to what Julian, Jan and Tavi had given him.
"Let us go claim prize before someone tries to hold him up with more talking.â€
"Good plan.â€
They moved through the crowd and came up behind the Asian lady and her friends just in time to hear the blue haired man say that someone had offered.
Evgeni gave Julian a questioning look. He was offering his services for free to a stranger?
"I have a new business. I was wondering if you might be willing to perform there sometime. I am hoping to change the expectations.†She smiled up at Julian.
"What kind of expectations does this business have now?†Jan asked.
"A good time with a certain lack of class. Loud music...poles.â€
"You are the new owner of Babylon?†Jan stated more than asked.
"You want Julian to play at a strip club...interesting.†Tavi looked up at Julian. Evgeni got the impression that she did not entirely approve. Tavi seemed more protective of Julian's reputation than her own but she wasn't stating an opinion so the choice was left up to Julian.
"That was the intention, yes, but I am always willing to negotiate. However, we can do it later when we have more time to discuss the new vision for Babylon. Jacob can give you a way to contact us and take your information if you are willing to at least consider it.â€
At Evgeni's questioning look Julian leaned in and brushed his lips softly against the pale cheek. He squeezed Evgeni's arm, not sure exactly what had concerned Evgeni but everything was good. Before he could ask about it, though, Hana was speaking. Julian was hardly going to interrupt her.
It quickly became clear, with Jan and Tavi's questions, what sort of new business Hana had. Julian tried not to let his eyes grow wide in surprise but he couldn't force away the bright red stain he felt rising to his cheeks. He'd never even been to a strip club. He nestled in a little bit closer to Evgeni, a little embarrassed, especially when he caught the blue-haired guy grinning openly at him with obvious amusement.
"It's not that kind of place, mate," he said. "It's gorgeous inside. Hana knows what she's doing."
Julian gave Hana an apologetic smile, nodding. He liked her, and he thought if she said she was raising the image of the business she was as good as her word. "Yeah," he said, "I'd like to see what you're doing."
He couldn't make any more promises. He did, as Tavi had reminded him, have a professional reputation to watch out for. Especially if he wanted to promote himself on a more global stage. But if Hana made this business something unique and exclusive... he might be able to help them both out.
The slight Asian man, Jacob, had produced a tablet from somewhere within his posh tux. In a soft voice that was every bit as serene as he appeared to be he prompted Julian for his contact information and then handed him a card in return. He was terse but utterly polite, and when the exchange of information was over he simply ceased to speak at all and somehow - Julian didn't know how - managed to fade back into a shadow at Hana's elbow.
"Glad you came tonight, Hana," Julian said. "I'll get in touch, you can let me know what you had in mind. If nothing else I'd like to see your new place."
He slid his hand down and tangled his fingers discreetly in Evgeni's. Soon, they could go home and he could show Tavi and Jan how happy he was that they'd come, too.

It hardly seemed to matter. They were all going home together and Julian was not auctioned off to anyone else. A lucky charity made a lot of money that he would make back soon enough and even if he never made it back it would be okay. Money wasn't happiness.
He was surrounded by people he cared about and who cared about him. That mattered more than all the material wealth that he had.
And Julian wasn't immediately agreeing to play in a strip club despite apparently knowing the woman after all. The woman, named Hana, and her friends left shortly after information was exchanged. She gave him a knowing smile in parting and leaned over to murmur something softly to her blue haired friend. They were unsettling and Jan's inability to influence her was ever present in his mind. Evgeni noticed that he wasn't the only one who breathed a little easier once the party of three left the room.
They made their way toward the door shortly thereafter. A few parting pleasantries and congratulations were given and received but eventually they all were able to make their escape.
Back home they celebrated Julian's return to the symphony in a more personal and private manner with a performance of a very different kind.
((OOC: All Out))