Somebody's been sleeping...(Attn: Alex)
Alfarinn squeezed the warm body wrapped around his a little tighter and drifted in comfortable bliss for another few minutes before the fact that there was someone in his bed made its way down into his brain. Or maybe the truth was that his brain finally woke up enough to register the fact that there was someone in bed with him.
Someone not Thaddeus.
The fact that it was not his blond was an immediate understanding. Alfarinn was bonded to Thaddeus and just knew with a certainty when Thaddeus was in the same state much less the same piece of, admittedly large, furniture. The scent and height were wrong also.
Getting to that made it easier to know who was next to him, nuzzled tightly against his neck. Alfarinn put together the facts:
The person had access to his apartment. That narrowed down the list considerably.
The person was taller than Cris.
The person was snuggled up to him contentedly which knocked Cris and Artemis off the list. Well perhaps Artemis would still be on the list if he had a ton of alcohol in his system.
The scent was faint and clean, which could be Cris but Cris had already been crossed off the list by several other factors.
That really left only Alex, which given their recent connection, made the most sense. One hand along said person's back confirmed the lack of a ton of hair. Alfarinn smiled and opened his eyes.
"Good evening, Alex.†He hugged his progeny. "This is something of a surprise. A good one.†Alfarinn added the last bit to make it clear that he was not alarmed or angry to find his newly turned child sleeping next to him.
Leaning up a little, he noticed that the bathroom light had been turned on and the door closed. Interesting but understandable. His room was normally a bastion of blackness and he could navigate it, if necessary, without the need of any light at all. Alex was not familiar with his home yet and would need a little light to get around.
"So how was last night?†He didn't need the details of Alex's personal life if his progeny did not wish to share them but he would like to know how the first night of being a vampire had suited his child.
It was over, and he was going to do his best to move past it. Which meant no more vampire drinks. Maybe ever. Something inside him wrenched, almost painfully. Maybe he couldn't quit cold turkey.
He relaxed even more when Alfarinn sat next to him, and he leaned into the weight of the arm around his shoulders. It didn't matter that Alfarinn looked a decade younger than he. Alex associated him with strength and comfort, much like Eiryk, and he was happy that Alfarinn was there.
He chuckled softy at Alfarinn's turn of phrase. "Yeah. I remember those needs."
Eiryk wasn't the only one who'd ever bitten him. Alex had enjoyed being able to provide for his friends. Even if it were awkward or uncomfortable sometimes. Ken and Will had each other, and clearly they had a very understanding relationship even though Will wasn't a familiar and Ken was. Alex had a lot of questions about the two, but hopefully they might get in touch and maybe he could ask those questions to them himself.
Alex turned toward Alfarinn and drew his legs up onto the couch, curling up. He nestled his head closer to Alfarinn's neck, but not in a suggestive way. It was just where he happened to be lying.
"I don't have any plans," he murmured. "Get used to being a vampire, I guess. Adam is going to meet me at my store later, and we'll discuss where to go from here, since I hired him based on the understanding that the position was just temporary until I got better. I can't run my own store now."
Alex was sad about that. He loved having his own business, taking care of it, minding it every day. Now, unless he drastically expanded his hours, the only time he'd get to see the inside of his store would be at the end of the business day, and then only in the winter when the sun went down early.
He didn't ask if Alfarinn knew Adam, just assumed he did. Adam was a part of Evenhet after all... he guessed sort of like Will maybe, not a familiar but someone knowledgeable about vampires.

Nope might be better to think of the plans for the rest of the day.
Alex said that he had plans to talk to Adam later about the store and possibly permanent employment. He knew who Adam was because he had talked to him at the store for a while, asking him what he thought of Alex as an employer and as a friend. Alfarinn had talked to quite a few people in his new child's life after he had first promised that something would be done if the time ever came that Alex needed it. Several helpfully told him that Alex was happily in a serious relationship, several had thought he was a future investor of some kind and a group of women gushed on Alex's looks, his flexibility, his smile, his patience, his quiet cultured voice...
It hadn't taken very long to learn that Alex was the quality human being he had suspected him of being from the start.
"Hmm, it is a shame about your store.†It would be hard to black the windows of a camping supply store and even if Alex had a back room with no windows there was no way he could effectively run the store by himself even if he hid somewhere until the sun went down.
"Perhaps you could open a new store in The Towers?†Alfarinn hugged Alex a little tighter. "It wouldn't be odd not to have windows here and perhaps we could rent two spaces and make one into a small yoga studio so you could hold classes right at the store, would make it convenient for people who forgot something they needed to just buy it from you right there...â€
"I might even know the perfect place...†He turned to Alex and pressed one finger to his son's lips. "And don't tell me you don't have the money to open a second shop. You are family and it is my right to help and be all parental and such.†Alfarinn smiled and added. "Besides, I know this guy who owns a company that he started with his sister when he founded a clan ages ago. I hear he's loaded.†Most of Meridian's money went to Evenhet but he had plenty to spare and other investments as well.
"I know that it means a lot to you to do things on your own. I understand and respect that but families invest plenty in their children. I am not an deadbeat dad. I want to give you time, love and support. I want to see you achieve everything you want from the many years of life ahead of you.â€
He removed his finger and hugged Alex again. "The store means a lot to you, just like your classes mean a lot to you and an allergy to sunlight shouldn't take them away if there is a solution. This way people will figure the second store was done so that you could be closer to home and Eiryk no one need to...â€
Alfarinn turned to Alex, a possible problem coming to mind. "We might need to get you some contacts.†It would be hard to explain Alex's change in eye colour. "Maybe some brown ones and some clear ones. You can wear the clear ones so that people see the edge of them when speaking to you close up. Once people think you have a lovely pair of cosmetic contacts you can wear the brown ones every once in a while and then once people are used to the new eye colour you can just stop wearing the clear ones because people won't even notice anymore.†And eventually all the people Alex knew from his human life would pass away leaving only vampires and humans who knew vampire Alex and his uniquely coloured eyes.
"You... would let me do that? Here, in the Towers?"
A second store, a new studio... those were things Alex secretly daydreamed about. Right here at home, in a place he wouldn't have to worry about sunlight or faulty water mains or leaking roofs. He loved his current building, but it obviously wouldn't work for him now. Oh, it was being used. Adam was living on the top floor; the second floor studio was being rented out almost full-time by the karate class, and of course his shop on the first floor was thriving.
Alex's hands gripped Alfarinn, one on his upper arm and one on his leg, in his excitement. "I don't... I don't need money. I have it. I can rent. But is there a space like that here?"
He had done a few classes in the gym at Liefde but it wasn't an ideal space for a yoga mind set. Alex wanted a smaller, more intimate space. Someplace he could turn the lights down low to help people focus, play soft music, light a candle.
"Could my old students come to classes here at Meridian?"
He'd been unable to instruct for several months now; many of them had moved on to different studios and different instructors, but the feeling he'd gotten from them when they'd canceled with him was that if he ever got back up and running they would return. Alex knew a lot of them were loyal; not all of them would come back but he suspected most would. He could add to the existing clientele.
"Maybe I could just do my classes," he murmured thoughtfully, almost forgetting Alfarinn was there in his enthusiasm. Alex loved teaching. His store was doing very well and Adam seemed to enjoy managing it. If Alex added to his income he could give Adam a raise, keep him on permanently, and Adam needn't worry about losing his job. Alex could swing by in the evenings and they could discuss business. It could work.
He continued to think out loud. "I could give my usual evening classes for hu... humans and familiars." He stumbled over the term, unused to using it from this side of the fence. "Then I could give another few classes early in the morning, for vampires getting off work and anyone else on a night shift."
That schedule could totally work for him. Especially splitting his days like that; he didn't teach for eight hours straight. In fact, he'd probably only be working about six hours a day. Three evening classes, three morning classes. He could expand the hours if the classes filled up, and that way he could keep them smaller, more intimate. Oh God, he would love that.
He realized he'd pretty much voiced all of that out loud and he sat there, blinking, as Alfarinn reminded him about his eyes. Alex just nodded, shocked at suddenly having some direction, glad that Alfarinn had a solution for his eyes and happy that he was willing to invest in Alex.
Eiryk had offered to do the same many times, and just like he was doing now Alex insisted on doing it himself. But if Alfarinn could find him space just for a studio, he would be so very happy.
He stared at Alfarinn with his oddly-colored eyes, practically holding his unnecessary breath with anticipation, hoping for, waiting for, Alfarinn's agreement, his approval, whatever it was Alex seemed to need. And then he wanted to run downstairs and tell Eiryk. And then maybe he'd go run in tiny circles around Cris's office in his excitement yelling 'oh boy oh boy' at the top of his lungs. And take Aishe out for hot fudge sundaes.

Alex then told him that he had enough money for a second place. He secretly wondered how true that was. How much of Alex's savings he would be giving up on a new place? Of course, he doubted that Eiryk was without money and the two of them lived in the building.
"Yes, they can come to Meridian.†He nodded. "It is the business side of the clan and the more public of the two buildings.†Parts of it were more public and parts of it were very private but the company was the face Evenhet showed the world.
Shrugging, he stood up. "I am sure that your classes will make you some money but if you want them to remain small then I don't think it would give you enough.†If the classes weren't going to be expensive then it would be difficult to pay rent without doing class after class back to back to back.
Alfarinn went into the kitchen and retrieved the coffee and returned, handing Alex his mug. "I suggest at least a small store. Perhaps more centered on things having to do with your classes. Yoga mats, clothing, music, videos, instruction books, maybe some other things that went along with a healthy lifestyle since you would have Castaways here to compete with you on outdoor equipment.â€
He beckoned Alex to follow him and led them to his office. "MARI could you show us the layout of the second floor of shops?â€
"I could.†The AI said, her voice surrounding them from the sound system installed through out his apartment. No diagram was forth coming.
Alfarinn sighed, stared at the ceiling and after taking a deep calming breath. "Please show us a diagram of the second floor stores.â€
"Certainly, Alfarinn.†MARI's voice replied with cheerful innocence. A diagram appeared on the dark glass surface of his desk. Leaning over it, he pointed to one of the boxes. "This one here was what I was thinking.â€
The place he pointed to was larger by at least a half to the two on either side. "This area has been dedicated to a more relaxing or enjoyment theme of stores. Someone thought what we needed in the building was an arcade.†Alfarinn tapped it. "It didn't really work out, not here. It couldn't compete with the larger arcades in the city and elsewhere someone responsible and creative set up a games store. That place does quite well for itself and even has an after school program for some of the children here in the building. The parents pay a monthly fee and the game store watches the children, helps them with their homework and then entertains them until their parents are finished with work. But that's another place. This place could be made into a studio and store with very little effort.†It had a very open floor plan at the moment because its walls had been lined with game consoles and more consoles and tables in the center made all the partitions the former owners had needed. Alex could add some walls to divide the store and the studio and maybe even add a tiny office.
"Next to it is a massage parlor.†Alfarinn smiled and turned toward Alex. "That is another reason why I think this location is perfect. This is Oasis.†No doubt Alex had seen the serene looking spa once or twice while shopping. It was hard to miss and even if he hadn't seen it then he probably heard people entering it since each potential customer triggered a series of soothing wave sounds when they walk through the front entrance. "I believe there is going to be a tea and herb shop going in a few stores down.†Tea Time was down on the first of the shop levels and was a different type of tea store. "Their focus is on holistic healing and natural remedies.â€
"So what do you think?â€
"Y... yeah," he breathed, not sure if he was agreeing t one thing or all of them, following Alfarinn to his office.
He looked at the layout he was shown, only barely noting MARI's teasing - could an AI tease? She never had with him, she always just seemed pleasant. Nice, really, which always put Alex at ease.
He looked down and brushed his fingertips over the glass surface Alfarinn indicated. In his mind he was imagining it now. He wanted wood floors, warm golden floors. A nice place to store mats and pillows. Maybe there was room for a little bathroom and a changing room for those who didn't live there. Eiryk could help him decorate, maybe in a deep burgundy to go with the polished floors. Or a soothing blue.
Alfarinn's voice was so sure, as if it were already a reality. Alex was still staring at the floor plan when he realized he'd been asked a question that actually required an answer.
"Oh yeah," he sighed. "I'd love this. It sounds almost too good to be true."
He looked up at his Creator. "How much is the rent?"
He could swing it; Alex had gone to school for a business degree. He knew he wasn't smart enough to be a doctor or a lawyer or anything but he'd always been good with money. He'd loved starting his store and growing it, he'd loved working on his building. He was going to love having his own private yoga studio, a little more intimate.
He'd been pressed for cash before, and he wasn't exactly rich now, but since he hadn't been able to teach lately, Mr. Yen had been using his studio exclusively for his karate classes and Alex had been saving the income from that. Alex's pride would never allow him to take handouts, and even poked at him in such as way as to wonder if this absolutely perfect location had been saved for him somehow.
He shook the silly thought away. No way. But he was going to pay for it. Alex didn't want to be given this. Bad enough he was half an addict, which surely disappointed Alfarinn. He could at least show his Creator he could do something like this. If Alex had no other use, he could definitely market himself and run a business.

"I don't know about rent. We can go down to the management office and find out later.†He was sure that MARI could also be convinced to cough up the information but that could happen later when they went and looked at it.
"Perhaps Eiryk will be awake by the time you have finished talking with Adam. You could both go down there and see it together.†He sipped his coffee, watching Alex over the rim of it. No doubt Eiryk would be plenty excited as well and would want to share the first moments of this new turn in Alex's career with him.
"Or it can wait until he is if you want.†Or maybe Alex would like to experience it first by himself. Alfarinn was not yet sure how Alex dealt with things and what he might find most important.
"There might be other places in the building that you want to look at. I think this one is the largest currently available but there might be other options.†This wasn't a typical mall; there were no huge anchor stores; everything was generally boutique sized. The arcade had been made out of several shops and the partitions were taken down.
Setting his coffee down, he reached out and drew Alex into a hug. "I am happy for you. And if you need anything then let me know. We are family, damn it.†He let Alex go and waggled an admonishing finger at him. "Now go talk to people. I will in The Towers somewhere if you need me.â€
((OOC: Alfarinn out pending response. We can go on to blending training))
He let his fingers trace over the floor plan one more time then leaned into Alfarinn's hug. Alex used to be a lot more stand-offish. Having family and friends who cared had softened him a great deal. In a good way.
He wrapped his arms around Alfarinn's lean frame and hugged back nice and hard. "I'm glad you're family," he said.
He returned his mug to the sink and headed out, planning to go change into something clean and presentable, give Eiryk a kiss on the cheek, and head out to talk to Adam.
[And if I need you I know how to reach you], Alex sent as he trotted out the door. [Thank you Alfarinn.]
((ooc: Alex out))