...In With the New (private)
I want you to know I'm thinking of you. I wanted this. I wanted to be with you. Wait for me, I'm coming. I'm going to be with you always. I want to be with you always. Live with you. Marry you. I love you, Eiryk, wait for me. I'm coming, Eiryk.
Alex repeated the words again and again. Like a prayer. Something had happened. He felt an echo in his body. Like the ghost of pain. Wasn't painful anymore. He sucked in a breath. It tasted... new. There were things in the air he could taste on his tongue, different and familiar all at once.
A soft sound came out of his throat. Halfway between a moan and a sigh. He was lying the same way he'd been. Beneath a thick, warm comforter with Alfarinn's strong arms wrapped around him. Only now he actually was warm. Warm and alive. And a vampire.
And he was very, very thirsty.
Moving his head some he turned to look at Alfarinn. He parted his lips, felt the poke of fangs. With a soft groan he turned over and pressed himself up along Alfarinn's cool body. He still curled up in that strong embrace, but he felt like he was looking for something. He wanted blood. God, he wanted blood. Badly. The jolt of it, the way it rippled into his veins like silver and gold, he wanted it.
He swallowed, his throat dry. "Hi," he said softly, looking up into Alfarinn's pale grey eyes. "Is it over?"
((ooc: Pick five or six words from the first paragraph. Alex just sent that to everyone in this thread - Eiryk, Alfarinn, Kem, Aishe, Rowan, Cris.))

Suddenly there was a soft voice from the hallway and Eiryk made a pleased exclamation. Rowan looked up to see Alex standing there, embracing his fiance, and while his hear thumped gladly at the sight of their friend alive and well, he made absolutely no move to get up or go closer. Kem and Aishe were already standing to go hug Alex.
Rowan just couldn't. He wanted to. But he couldn't.
He tightened his hand on Cris's leg a little, hoping Cris would continue in the same vein. Rowan felt numb but he couldn't ignore Cris's voice no matter what. It irritated him a little bit to be so dependent on his husband; he was a stronger person than this more often than not. He was exhausted right now though, and more than a little emotionally drained. If Cris could help get him through this Rowan could go home and reboot himself with his husband. He'd be better able to handle everything after a little sleep.
He watched Alex, though, for any signs of dissatisfaction, looking at him with empathy and ignoring the fire the blossomed along his back and coursed down his spine. Alex was content. A little nervous. Happy. He didn't look angry. Rowan didn't feel that from him at all. He seemed exactly like a new vampire should seem. Rowan picked his head up a little, encouraged by that.

Alex entered the room and Eiryk went to him immediately. Cris watched Alex, taking a quick look at his aura. It was much as he had hoped. He then turned his attention back to Rowan, watching his partner's aura with more scrutiny. He could tell that Rowan was using his own form of empathy but that was becoming more and more difficult to discern as it got easier for Rowan to use. He hoped that one day Rowan would only feel a comforting warmth instead of a fire when he used his gift.
[Tell me what you saw.] He demanded with another tug on Rowan's hair. Cris knew the answer but he wanted to hear it from his husband.
He waited until Eiryk was done hugging Alex and had moved back enough to let Aishe and Kem in for hugs of their own. Looking down at Rowan, he smiled, running his hand gently along Rowan's cheek. [We are going to get up and congratulate Alex so that we can make sure he is happy and healthy. Then we are going to go downstairs. You are going to drink some of my blood and then we are going to get some sleep.]
Cris considered the past few days and added another piece to the plan. [We will both be taking personal days tomorrow so you will need to make arrangements with your staff to have someone cover your shift.]
Leaning further down, he used a finger to tilt up his husband's chin. He kissed Rowan soft, tender, and lingering, without concern for the fact that other people were in the room. That was a gift that Rowan had given him, being with Rowan had changed him in many wonderful ways. He was happy to share them with his partner now.

Before the teasing could progress too far Alex appeared, to be immediately tackled by Eiryk. Or he would have been tackled, had he not met Eiryk head-on and wrapped his arms around him. Aishe gave that kiss an eleven or so on the 1-10 scale of hotness.
When they parted she slipped in between them and wrapped her own arms around her friend. He smelled nice, freshly showered and faintly of herbs, or pine trees, something rich and slightly sweet. Alex smiled at her, little fangs evident, and she reached up and touched one.
Then she noticed his eyes and she cupped his face in both hands, pulling him down so she could look. "Oh Alex. Your eyes are ridiculous." She glanced at Alfarinn. "How did you make his eyes like that? They're gorgeous."
Alex blushed, and Aishe giggled as his fangs peeked out. He pulled away and covered his mouth with a hand self-consciously, laughing. He hugged Kiamhaat and then Aishe stole another embrace.
"Feel better now?"
She couldn't help glancing at Rowan, who was finally rising, somewhat stiffly. Almost mechanically, his hand tucked into Cris's. She turned away from him and reached out to hug Eiryk too, who already looked worlds better now that his lover had been returned to him whole and healthy.
Alex beamed and rushed to meet Eiryk as he entered the living room. He was caught up in strong arms and kissed, and kissed, and kissed, and it was so wonderful his heart just about exploded right there, so he put off answering Alfarinn's question for a moment. Tears stung his eyes but didn't fall. When Eiryk pulled away Alex pulled him back and kissed him again, then lifted him easily off the ground and crushed him tight - well, not too tight. He didn't want Eiryk bruised.
He laughed softly at the idea that he was part Norse. Looking over at Alfarinn he raised his eyebrows. "What oath would that be? I solemnly swear never to give up snow sports, to drink as often and as much as possible, and to give up aiding and abetting Cris and Rue in their eternal quest to catch Eiryk out in a Viking helmet?"
He could make that oath. "Well okay... I might not manage the last part."
Alex wasn't perfect after all.
As he released Eiryk and looked at Rue, who was curled up on the floor at Cris's feet looking particularly... un-Rowan-like, Alex considered Alfarinn's question.
[How do I feel about being sick... and Rue? I don't follow. Rowan was amazing. I can't imagine having had anyone else there. I knew he'd take care of me.]
Only, Alex had been dying. He bent to hug Aishe, still looking at Rowan, trying to understand the meaning behind Alfarinn's question. His friend's praise about his eyes made his fangs drop and he laughed and covered his mouth.
"So much better," He said, not missing her glance at Rowan and Cris. "I'm happy I'm still here."
He saw Rowan wince at his words; just a quick flinch and then it was covered up. Alex looked at Alfarinn. It must have sounded like Alex was saying... how must Rowan have felt? But he had tried. Alex knew he tried.
[Alfarinn... does Rue think it's his fault? You don't think I'm angry at him do you? I'm not, I'm grateful! He's a brilliant doctor. I know I wasn't awake but he did everything he could to save me. I know he did. Look at him, has he even slept? Or had any blood? He looks like hell.]
Alex stared at Rowan, knowing he was right and suddenly feeling terrible. His words just now must have hit a nerve, rubbing in the fact that he had died in spite of Rowan's efforts. Alex took two big strides forward and saw surprise on Rowan's face as he approached. Rowan actually tried to backpedal but Alex reached out and put a hand on his chest. Rather than encourage him to keep going backwards it stopped him cold.
Alex stared into Rowan's eyes; they were exactly the same height although he thought Rowan probably seemed taller than he did because he had several more pounds on him than Alex, all muscle. They locked on each other, brown and indigo and pale ice against stormy ocean green-grey.
[You didn't cause this,] Alex sent forcefully, as hard as he could manage, if you could think hard at someone. Then he realized everyone should hear it.
"It wasn't your fault," Alex said, his voice coming out a soft growl. "You were there. You took care of me. This," he tapped his chest, "was for the best and I'm glad for it. It's okay."
Rowan just stood there and stared, and his face looked emptier than Alex had ever seen it. It made him sad. He shook his head and moved his hand from Rowan's chest. Alex looked at Cris.
[It's not his fault. Why is he being stupid?]
Alex really thought Rowan had better sense.

Alfarinn drank his cup of mead and watched the reunion take place. He smiled at Aishe and shrugged. "Ancient vampire secret. Cris didn't give you a choice of eye colour when he turned you?" He glanced over at his friend and tsked disapprovingly. "Stingy stingy."
"Her eyes are perfect the way they are." Cris said calmly.
Alex asked the question he had expected him to ask when he mentioned a solemn sworn oath before he could be any part Norse. Then his new son supplied some interesting answers. Alfarinn smiled because he had been very close to exactly the oath he had meant.
Shaking his head, he said. "Almost right. You must swear never to be seen out in public wearing a horned helmet." Alfarinn smiled. "I suppose a pass could be given if you were supporting the football team, but only just, and only at the game." He gave Eiryk a meaningful look that said, 'agree with me here for all Nordic kind'.
"One stupid Renaissance painter..." He took another drink and poured himself some more.
Alex answered his earlier sending, Alfarinn had begun to think it hadn't gone through except that it felt like there had still been a connection. A bonded sending felt a little different to him but he supposed that was because you were connected all the time.
[It would seems he does. I get feelings of failure and guilt from him...among other things.] He mentally coughed and neglected the mention the sexual overtones of Cris and Rowan's interaction with one another. [You are a friend and I believe he felt that he should have caught it sooner somehow and that if he had then you could have gotten healthy before making this choice. He worked night and day and tried everything he could think of and none of it was working.]
He watched as Alex told Rowan in very clear terms that what had happened wasn't his fault. Alfarinn watched with interest but kept his peace. He was going to be getting to know Alex much better from here on out and seeing him with his friends was a great way to tell who he was as a person.
Snorting at Alex and Alfarinn's Norse oath Eiryk let it go. He was so happy to have Alex with him and know Alex would stay with him that he might have considered dancing on the roof of the towers on a bedazzled tutu, a horned helmet and nothing else. That was either joy or the combination of no sleep and no blood for several days. Probably both.
"Since you're only part Norse I think that might work."
As Alex went to Aishe Eiryk retrieved his mead taking a swallow letting the flavors roll around on his tongue savoring them much like this moment.
When Alex confronted Rue though, Eiryk felt his heart break a little. He should have seen that. He should have guessed but he'd been to wrapped up in his own pain to see it. He was a terrible friend.
As much as Eiryk wanted to say something he didn't. If too many people jumped on this issue at once Rue might discount everything. For now it had to be between Rue and Alex. Eiryk would habe his say later. If it hadn't been for Rowan Alex might not have lasted as long as he did. You couldn't cure everything people died no matter how hard you tried but even knowing that Rowan hadn't spared himself and Eiryk loved him for that. Even if Alex had died Eiryk would never have blamed Rue and would have loved him for trying.
For now though all he could do was hope that Rowan would believe Alex.

Rowan knew Alex was all right. He knew there was no anger there, although, a little voice said in the back of his head, Alex hadn't really noticed him there yet. He also knew his own insecurities were being fed by hunger and exhaustion. Cris was helping him, though, the way Cris always seemed to know how to do. Rowan just wanted to get through this and escape. Sleep and blood would do a lot of good.
He leaned into Cris's tender caress and nodded when Cris told him exactly what they were going to do. Something inside him strained for that; that was just what he wanted. What Cris had done for him earlier had helped a lot, but the feelings were still there and growing stronger now, seeing Alex. Rowan tried to tolerate them. He could beat them. He was just lacking defenses at the moment and Cris was providing them.
He looked up at Cris when he said they were both taking some time the next day. [Oh, love. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make this about me. I know it's been hard on you too. Landon can cover for me. We can sleep. And I can take care of you, too.]
He needed to take care of someone. And Cris deserved a little spoiling. More than a little. Rowan's breath caught in his throat as Cris kissed him, then, driving away his thoughts for the moment. Rowan let a soft whimper escape his throat as he met his husband's lips and the room dropped away.
When they parted Rowan managed a soft, fleeting smile. He got up and turned toward Alex, who was watching him now with a strange expression that made Rowan uncomfortable. Alex's words about still being there hit Rowan like a freight train and the brief relief he'd felt vanished as if it had never happened.
He didn't have any time to regain his equilibrium before Alex charged him. Rowan actually tried to back up, not wanting any conflict, thinking for a second that it had been foolish of him to come here.
And then Alex sent to him and spoke out loud and Rowan froze. He didn't know where to look or think, although in his mind he cast desperately around for Cris. He just stared wordlessly at Alex, and when Alex removed his hand from Rowan's chest Rowan thought he might just fall over.
He tried to speak and managed a few words. "Glad you're still here," he said, his voice thick and hoarse.
That was all. He had to get out of here. Couldn't say anything else. Rowan wasn't a coward but he just couldn't face this now. Since Alex had apparently had his say he did back up now, not able to take his eyes off Alex but trying to get as close to Cris as he could. Images of home, of their bed, of a quiet space, all cascaded through his mind. He wanted that sanctuary now and the comfort of Cris's arms.

[I am happiest when things are all about you.] He sent to Rowan along with a squeeze to his partner's shoulder. [Tomorrow, we can sleep in and spoil each other.] It would be nice, something lazy. He was already considering what they might do...in the evening... when they finally emerged from their house.
They stood and came close to Alex so that they could give him a hug. Cris paused to put their glasses back on the bar for Alfarinn. [I am taking him home.] He sent to his friend. The reply suggested they both could use some sleep, Cris wouldn't have argued.
He wasn't entirely sure what happened next but Alex came to stand in front of Rowan, who backed up until Alex put a hand on his chest. There was a determined look in their friend's eyes but nothing was said for a moment. Damned sender was learning very fast; Cris briefly rued sending to Alex so often. He obviously picked it up very quickly.
Stepping closer to Rowan, he wrapped an arm around his husband and squeezed him tight. Alex wasn't trying to hurt Rowan, he knew that, but Cris moved slightly ahead of Rowan anyway. Their new vampire spoke out loud and left him wondering whether Alex also acquired empathy as well as sending. Alex said the right words but Rowan wasn't quite ready to hear them. Rowan knew it to be true and it would sink in while he slept but there had been just too many emotional shocks in a very short period of time. Rowan was burned out on everything at the moment.
[He is being a doctor who couldn't find a way to save someone. He would have beat himself up over anyone but you are a friend and that hit him very hard.] Cris stepped forward again, sliding the hand around Rowan's waist down to his partner's hand. He reached out with his free hand and gave Alex a tight, warm hug. [He will sort it out after some sleep. You being healthy and happy will make that much easier. He will be okay, I promise.] Rowan was made of stern stuff but losing patients took its toll on any doctor. His husband had been practicing for a very long time and which said that he had always picked himself back up and kept helping people. Cris lost people he was protecting or people under his command and he beat himself up for each and every one. He understood Rowan's pain and guilt better than most people and what it took to get back up again.
Smiling at Alex, he spoke out loud. "Welcome again to the family. Now that you are apparently officially a Viking and I am a pirate by marriage we must occasionally be at odds but I am very happy you will be with us for a long long time." Cris glanced over at Alfarinn and then back at Alex. [You picked an excellent father. He will always be there for you and so will I. ]
He stayed with Rowan long enough for his partner to get in a hug and some well wishes. "We should celebrate more officially after everyone has had some sleep." Cris smiled over at Alfarinn. "I volunteer your place."
His friend gave him an affronted look for half a second before grinning. "I think I can put together a little something if Alex is willing to help with the guest list." Alfarinn then leaned over to Aishe. "Psst, partner in crime, want to help plan a party? It involves shopping..."

Aishe watched the exchange between Alex and Rowan from beside her husband, who wrapped his arm around her just as surely as Cris did his own love. Aishe watched Rowan, glad that he wasn't blocking her out. He rarely did so. Even now, when he was clearly upset and floundering.
The situation was hardly out of control though. Rowan just looked worn the hell out. Aishe didn't see anything really serious in his colors - she just saw a lot of them, flaring in and out. Those sorts of emotions on top of no sleep and too little blood would make anyone look like Rue did right now, and Cris was obviously prepared to take him in hand.
So she felt free to bounce over to Alfarinn at the suggestion of a party. "Only if you're shopping with me," she said brightly. It wasn't that she didn't want to do it but the prospect of shopping with Alfarinn was lots of fun.
[I know he had to have worked his ass off,] Alex sent to Alfarinn privately. He was glad he had friends who used sending. Otherwise having multiple conversations might have felt weird. As it was it did feel a little weird, but only because he wasn't used to having control over it.
Both Alfarinn and Cris confirmed what he guessed about Rue. Alex hated the fact that Rowan looked so wan and depressed. He didn't know what else he could do. He returned Cris's one-armed hug, squeezing his friend's slim body close for a second. [He couldn't have saved me,] Alex sent back with confidence. [I believe that. If I'd been salvageable, Rowan would have found a way to do it. He has to believe that too.]
He smiled at Cris's comment about Alfarinn. [I don't know who picked who,] he sent. [I think he's a good man.]
He shook his head at Cris and said out loud, "I don't think we can ever really be at odds."
Alex hugged Cris again, then reached out to hug Rowan too, who simply went through the motion a bit like a wet dishrag. "Please go to sleep," Alex said to him. "We'll have a party later. Everyone I'd want on my guest list is right here right now anyway. We'll just call it 'next time,' right?"
He looked at Alfarinn and Aishe as he released Cris and Rowan and moved back to Eiryk's side where he belonged. After a moment he tugged on Eiryk's hand and went to stand next to Alfarinn too. Sure, the room was full of couples but there were so many other relationships between them. Look at Aishe, who clearly loved Cris and Alfarinn even though it was a different love from what she shared with Kem. Kem, too, had been quiet as was normal but even he seemed to have his place. And now Alex was even more tied to them. He had Eiryk, but he had Alfarinn too. It was strange and warm and good. More family here than he'd ever had with the people who raised him.
He turned his head, kissed Eiryk on the forehead, but then reached up and tugged Alfarinn close, brushing his lips against his Creator's cheek. "I really have more than I ever thought I would," he said.
Eiryk said with a wry smile as Cris very wisely suggeated they all get some rest. It had been an extremely long few days for all of them. As excited as he was to have Alex back, as much as he felt like he could take on anything Eiryk also knew his limits. He was going to be falling apart in the very near future. Maybe not until he officially welcomed Alex back home and to his new life, but soon.
"Not going to happen but you have years to try."
What a nice thought. Eiryk couldn't help but smile at Alex. It was probably very 'goo goo eyed' but he was entitled to that for a while.
He followed Alex' example and hugged Rue, but very tightly, kissing his long time friend on the temple. He wished there was some way he could show Rowan how greatful he was, but there wasn't much he could do now.
"Sleep on it. It was a good night. You'll see."
After all even if Rue hadn't saved Alex' mortal life he was willing to turn him Rowan had to know he'd done everything possible and then some. Rowan was to smart, stable, amd responsible to turn evey patient hed ever lost. This would have to pass.
Then Alex claimed his hand and he gladly followed where he was tugged to. He didn't need any more. Let Alfarinn and Aishe plan something if they wanted. It would be nice, it would be fun and fitting, but he was happy right now and would be for a long time.

Cris and Rowan finally left. His friend promised that they were both going to get some sleep. Alfarinn gave them a parting smile and a salute with his raised glass.
Alex came over a few moments later and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at the gesture and the words that he hoped stayed true for a long time.
"You are treasured here and rightly so." Alfarinn placed a kiss on Alex's forehead.
"It has been a long time since I had close family." He had a clan but that was different. Looking after a lot of people held a different set of challenges than looking after one young vampire. "I believe we can figure out how to be one together." He had been made with family. Megan had already been created when he had been made but she was young and then their Creator left them. He had to care for and protect his sister and learn how to be a vampire all at the same time but they had each other. Or they did once. His foray into parenthood hadn't gone well either.
It was a modern world and they had a small empire here, a high tech fortress and a lot of people willing to work together for the future. Alex would be much safer than his last child. He wasn't planning on taking up the life of a soldier either. At least Alfarinn hoped he wasn't. This time things would be different.
"So...Dracula for Halloween?" He smiled and flashed his own sharp set of fangs.
Party plans were made, but not before Alfarinn kissed his forehead and called him treasured. Alex blushed and promptly bit his own lip as his fangs poked out. "Ow. I have to stop that. An hour into it and it's already annoying."
They chatted with Kem and Aishe for a little bit more before those two also left, informing them they would be close by in case any of them needed anything. Alex got the impression they meant blood, and he felt a tickle of thirst inside at the idea. He wasn't particularly hard up for a drink now, though. Not after Alfarinn had seen to him. He understood what it felt like now - that little tiny ache of thirst inside that promised to grow and blossom into more. He didn't feel like a bloodthirsty monster. It felt like being hungry. That was all.
When the other two had gone and Alfarinn, Eiryk, and Alex were alone Alex looked to Alfarinn for guidance. Was he supposed to stay with his Creator? He wanted to go home with Eiryk but he didn't know what the situation called for; he wasn't entirely surprised to discover a little part of him wanted to stay there with Alfarinn. At that point he knew without a doubt that he had more than just a Creator. Alfarinn was part of him now. His blood was part of Alex. If Alex closed his eyes and thought about it even just a little he knew he would smell fir trees, icy winter air, salty sea spray. Snow and ocean, the two things he'd dreamed of while Alfarinn's blood turned him.
Alfarinn reassured him on that score, encouraging Alex to go with Eiryk. Alex did so but not before another smile, another tight hug. While he kept himself private, Alex was fairly affectionate with his friends. He had been starved for affection for such a long time that once he broke that barrier he was more than receptive to touch. And tonight, at last, he would get to cuddle up around Eiryk, free of pain, free of illness, strong healthy and alive. He was so eager for that he held tightly to Eiryk's hand the whole way to the elevator. When the doors closed on them he practically threw himself into Eiryk's arms.
He was home, and he was going to stay here for a very long time.
((ooc: all out))