First Impressions (Attn:Julian)
Evgeni was more than a little nervous about this meeting with Julian's girlfriend. What if she didn't like them? What if she thought they had stolen him away from her? Hadn't they? Sort of, Julian wanted them all which was amusingly greedy of their human friend but he understood and couldn't complain so long as Julian continued to want him and Jan.
His clan mate walked beside him down the trail toward where Julian had said they were. Jan's hand was in his and Evgeni felt that hand squeeze a little tighter. Pale green eyes looked up at him framed by those dark beautiful curls. "It will be alright.†Jan's voice was a soft purr that soothed his soul without the need for the use of his glamour. "Sex with us is too good to quit. Once you've had a taste...†And just like that the supportive mood was gone.
Almost gone. He could feel what Jan felt now and there was no mistaking that the humor had been purposeful, said to make him smile, to help him worry less. The same fear haunted the edges of those green eyes but Jan was trying to be brave for them both.
It made him stand up a little straighter. Julian's thoughts didn't suggest anything so dire so he could worry about the future if and when that possibility became more of a reality. He was still more nervous about meeting this werewolf than he remembered being in a very long time. There had been foreign dignitaries that hadn't made him this nervous.
They were both dressed for the club, perhaps they should have changed. They looked like vampire delinquents. Jan was wearing a pair of black leather pants that fit him like a second skin. He had a light weight cotton shirt that was a delicate green so pale that it looked white from a distant. It made his eyes seem almost unnaturally vivid. The shirt was untucked and completely unbuttoned. The edges of it flowed around Jan's pale chest exposing it or covering it seemingly on a whim. He had a silver cross on a chain so long that it almost touched his navel and a few smaller, more delicate chains and trinkets that rode just beneath his collar bones.
Evgeni looked more conservative, slightly. He had black trousers with metal rings on the waist and at the pockets. The pants were a slim cut to show off his long legs and slender waist, a very long shiny silver zipper accentuated the crotch in a manner that suddenly made him somewhat embarrassed. What if she thought they were both sluts? They could certainly pass for male prostitutes at the moment. At least he had a shirt on...and it covered him...mostly. It was a snug fitting black Lycra with grey pin stripes. The fabric might have looked dressy if it hadn't been cut to accentuate his long torso. It wasn't tight to his skin but it wasn't loose either and it just barely came to the edge of his pants which meant occasionally his midriff showed with some oof his movements. He tugged at the shirt absently with his free hand.
"You look hot. Stop worrying.†Jan's hand squeezed his again. "Though if the shirt bothers you that much...†Green eyes slid sideways to glance at him and a sly smile played across soft lips. The rest of the statement didn't need to be said but Jan supplied the feel of warm hands pushing up along his chest anyway, just in case the not so subtle hint wasn't enough. Evgeni wasn't sure if it was a trick of glamour, telekinesis or their bond but he wasn't worried anymore. He was too distracted to be worried.
"Cut it out. She will smell us. You know this.â€
"And she'll know that I want your body and you like that I want it.†Jan shrugged. "I can smell that too.â€
Evgeni sighed. "I am not thinking who I am wanting is so easy to discern, yes? We both smell of desire and we are meeting Julian...â€
Again the shrug. "And we want him too. She knows that by now and you know it.â€
"We are not having to rub it in.†Evgeni muttered softly.
"Fine, no rubbing.†Jan agreed but the way he said 'rubbing' suggested that was exactly what he wanted to do. Evgeni let out his breath in a long suffering sigh.
"We are here.â€
((OOC: Julian next and then Tavi can go.))

"Too itchy." Jan protested from his place on Evgeni's shoulder.
"Can we have cool shapes? Maybe skulls or something?"
"Sounds good to me." Tavi smiled at him and already thoughts of outfit designs for the singer were going through her head. She must have been eyeing him steadily for longer than she thought because he picked his head up and looked at her.
"What?" His eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"Nothing." Tavi answered, her own eyes wide and innocent.
Julian asked for a wine or a beer. She and Evgeni said no at the same time. Jan leaned out and gave Julian a grin. "Sorry man, I would have totally let you have one."
Tavi would have glared at him but Evgeni was already doing it for her. Instead she leaned closer to Julian, snuggling into his neck. "Those pain meds are strong and you were just dizzy a moment ago so the concussion is still a problem. Sorry, soon though. Until then its the straight and narrow for you."
"Straight?" Jan asked with amusement. "I don't think the doctor told him that was required."
Tavi grinned. "Some things are straight." She looked a line down his slender body to his lap and then back up to his eyes. "and some things are narrow." Tavi leaned back enough to making curving gestures with her hands around her waist and hips.
"Sometimes narrow is perfect." Jan said very seriously.
She blinked dark lashes at him and gave him a smile before settling down against Julian again.
"Is there anything else you guys wanted to know?"
"Any hobbies?" Jan asked immediately.
Tilting her eyes up skyward thoughtfully, she said. "I like running, riding my, designing clothes, dancing, playing the violin." The last comment was said quietly and she nibbled Julian's neck while she spoke.
"Does everyone here play a violin but me?" Jan asked with a little whine.
Tavi tilted her head up to look at Evgeni. He nodded. They both answered Jan at the same time. "Yes"
He chuckled at the response to the beer and wine; he hadn't been serious. He returned Jan's grin and nodded his head, but when Tavi apologized Julian just smiled and laughed softly again. After the back and forth about straight and narrow, which amused him mostly because the two of them were just so damn cute when they were flirting (which they were doing, right?), Julian reached up and ran his fingers through Tavi's hair.
"I think it's straight and narrow for a while after this," he said solemnly. "Seriously. I was drinking way too much as it was."
He wasn't sure he could hold himself to that. He knew he had an issue with restraint when it came to drinking. Julian had never been nad enough to become an alcoholic, but if he didn't watch it he could almost see himself going that way and he didn't want to.
"Besides," he said, turning his head and ducking it to kiss Tavi's lips, "I can taste it here."
Turning back to Evgeni he kissed him, too, his tongue flicking out against the vampire's lips. "Here too."
Jan was leaning over Evgeni's shoulder. "You need to be less far away. I'm not moving until Zhenya gets sick of me." He crooked his finger at Jan, encouraging him to lean in further so Julian could taste him as well, and was rewarded with another wine-touched kiss.
"God yes, that's perfect," Julian said with a little sighing moan, or moaning sigh. He wasn't sure which. He just knew this felt so damn good.
Tavi had made herself comfortable against him and he dropped one hand to touch her anywhere he could reach, just brushing his fingers gently against her. The other one still wrapped around Evgeni's waist, under his shirt, but he moved it away briefly to reach back and caress Jan's leg.
As Tavi listed her hobbies and then Jan asked about the violin Julian automatically joined them in their 'yes' chorus, then turned his head away to let Tavi have plenty of room at his neck. "I knew there had to be something we could do together," he groaned at her. "Everything else you do might kill me."
He could never run with her, never dance with her, the thought of her bike terrified him. it was a telling sign of - well, of something, that the only other appealing thing in that list was designing clothes. He still wouldn't profess to homosexuality. Jan and Evgeni were the only ones he wanted that way.
Tavi's lips on his neck distracted him from that thought, gentle and light thought they were. "Okay there are a couple things we can do together, although that still might kill me," he amended.

Julian gave her a kiss, tasting her lips in a way that made her sigh slightly. Then he tilted his head back and tasted Evgeni's lips also. She watched the two of them, this time not so much noting how they interacted together for Julian's sake but because it was incredibly hot to watch.
Jan had to scoot an inch or two closer for Julian to be able to reach him but then that kiss was extremely sexy also. Apparently Evgeni used the nickname for his current name. She was a bit surprised that he didn't use Mikhail but maybe he didn't have any special attachment to his birth name after all these years.
"Wow, I don't suppose I can convince you to kiss him again?†Tavi smiled at Julian, loving the little sigh that he gave and the assertion that this whole moment was perfect.
She was asked about her hobbies and when she listed them she found out that she was in the company of yet another violinist. Julian complained that her hobbies would kill him. Tavi shook her head, her lips brushing lightly against his neck. "I am a very good driver.†He amended the list to several things they could do but the second one might also kill him. "Yes, but you'd die happy.†Her voice was low and sexy, a little bit of the wolf rising to the surface.
"I know I would.†Jan helpfully supplied from Julian's other side. He nibbled gently on Julian's ear and smiled at her around him.
Jan had mentioned that he was the only one who didn't play the violin. She pulled away from Julian with an effort of will. She liked Jan and would have had no problem dating him or Evgeni by themselves but now there were three people including the one that she had been set on seeing. It was a little soon to be intimate with your new boyfriend and his boyfriends. She would admit to being curious about how Julian would take it if she were interested in them in an intimate way also but she wasn't sure she wanted to walk down that road tonight. So she chose a topic of conversation that was safer. "You have plenty of people who could teach you, if you wanted.â€
"And we could roam the night as a quartet of violinists with interesting taste in music and a keen fashion sense?†Jan asked with a smirk.
"Sure, why not? Though Julian has to be convinced to add colour to his work wardrobe.†Tavi's eyes sparkled when they turned toward the person among them who was currently making a living playing his violin. "Apparently some choices are not...healthy.â€
Evgeni looked confused but after a moment Jan smiled. He shrugged and looked at Julian. "I think we'll be safe enough. Tavi will protect us.†Jan then wrapped his arms around Julian and looked at her expectantly from Julian's shoulder.
"Yeah, I love a good fight.†Tavi grinned and shrugged. It was true and it was one of the reasons she stayed attached to law enforcement. They let you fight bad guys without giving you too much trouble. Who was really going to believe that the five nothing little girl got the better of someone six foot plus? Or that she might have started it. There was an echoing glimmer in Jan's pale eyes and she thought that maybe she had found someone that would be a willing companion in her occasional need for trouble.
"I like horse back riding too.†She told Julian. "Though I have to find the right horse. Some of them seem to sense that I consider them food.â€
"Really?†Evgeni asked. "Is valuable animal.â€
"But very tasty.†Tavi grinned. "Don't worry I have never eaten anyone's thoroughbred pet.â€
"I also spin poi and fire.†She glanced at the two vampires but then looked back at Julian. "I have a friend who is much better at the fire spinning but there is a small group of us that have fun spinning at the gatherings.†It was a good thing to do for those who couldn't necessarily dance. Spinning was better if you could dance but moving and jumping wasn't necessary to being a good spinner. It was perhaps necessary for being an amazing one but being amazing was never a requirement for fun.
"The fire part isn't necessary.†Tavi added in case anyone objected to it.
Evgeni asked. "What is poiâ€
When asked to kiss Jan again Julian didn't even hesitate. He turned his face back toward his boyfriend and leaned into another delicious kiss, favoring Evgeni with one more as well after that. And trying valiantly to ignore his now raging hard-on. Between the three of them (figuratively and literally), Julian had absolutely no peace. He loved it.
As Tavi's lips once more grazed his neck he moaned audibly. "Yes, yes I would. But no more talk about dying, even pleasantly. Please." He shivered a little.
When Tavi moved off a little Julian smiled at her reassuringly. He was amazed she was so cool about this. He knew her mind still had to be going over it, around in circles, but she hadn't gone running off yet - er, well, only to get drinks. Which was totally fine. He closed his eyes again, let the conversation go on around him, thrilled for the three of them to talk. He laughed at the comment about his work attire, though.
"Sadly, I'm stuck in my penguin suit until they tell me otherwise. I'll suggest bright bold colors if they offer to renew my contract."
He loved his tux, though. He knew dressing up was a chore for plenty of guys but when it came to preening, Julian generally went to town. Something about being all dressed up on stage under the spotlights with his violin made him so happy. He sighed again, wistfully. In a few days he could pick his instrument back up and... well, just try he supposed.
He was wrapped in Jan's arms in addition to Evgeni's and the added pleasure bumped his heat rate up just a bit. He wriggled comfortably, his hand sliding gently up and down Evgeni's spine. "Tavi will definitely protect us," he murmured, cracking his blue-green eyes open and smiling at her.
When she mentioned riding horses Julian grinned even more. "I bet that's hot," he said. "I'll watch. Well... I could be convinced to try it again."
It was yet another sport he couldn't participate in; at least he didn't think so. He'd only gone riding once since his accident but he'd been ridiculously uncomfortable by the end of it and desperately in need of a good soak in the hot tub at the resort he'd been visiting with his parents. Maybe if he did it more often he would adjust; it would be worth a shot if it was something Tavi enjoyed.
Having quietly talked himself into that, Julian raised his eyebrows at the idea of eating your mount... or your mount's cousin. "I've tried it," he said, "didn't much care for it."
His music had taken him to many places, including Europe. He remembered biting into a steak, wondering at the unusual flavor, and then his friends informing him it was horse. He'd eaten it, but he hadn't felt entirely right about it, and it hadn't settled well in his stomach. He'd rather pet them and feed them carrots instead.
The talk about poi was interesting too. Julian answered Evgeni with as much of an explanation as he could give. "It's a... well, I guess it's like a dance," he said, "where you spin two cords with weights at the ends, and they make patterns in the air. It's pretty cool to watch, and if they're lit on fire, or glowing or something, and it's dark, it's even better. You do that?"
He directed the last bit to Tavi. "Can you show me sometime, you think?"
He loved watching poi spinners. Any sort of dancing, he really did like to watch. He couldn't participate but that didn't mean it wasn't enjoyable. It was a visual art form, after all. He wondered if his violin might make an interesting sound to spin to. And if Tavi would like that. There were plenty of jigs and reels he could think of right off the bat that had a great rhythm to them, and while they weren't the usual drum-beat tribal sorts of songs he normally heard they were still good.
Meanwhile, nestling deeper into Evgeni and Jan's combined embrace, he wrapped his free arm across his stomach, subtly slipping his fingers between the buttons of Evgeni's shirt to caress his skin in feather-light strokes. He wanted to go lie with Tavi, too, but he was so fucking comfortable. Julian gave himself a mental count of a minute or two, and then he promised himself he'd get free. Otherwise he was likely to either fall asleep or beg one or all three of them to do him right there. He was already exhausted just from being up and around; being constantly aroused was going to finish the job. But he wasn't complaining one bit. He was just enjoying the fantasy of it all, thrilled to have the three of them there.

"We could just talk about the first part.†He suggested helpfully. A sharp poke broke his attention away from that thought. He looked down to find Tavi's bronze hand stretched across Julian's body. The sensation was more surprise than pain; he smiled at her. It grew more sensuous and he couldn't help but add. "If you want to poke me some more I won't mind...If I get to return the favor.â€
She sighed at him and instead of pulling away, Tavi poked him again. Then she removed her hand. It was as if there was a small challenge in his words and she refused to back down from it.
They moved away from the talk of death and sex or death by sex and went on to the violin. Apparently Julian and Tavi had discussed the orchestra's wardrobe before. He personally thought Julian looked incredibly sexy in the tuxedo, all proper and dignified. It made him want to undress him, one classy piece of clothing at a time.
"That brings to mind extremely ugly rented wedding tuxedos in bright unnatural colours. Horrible.†Jan wrinkled his nose and shook his head at Julian's suggestion of mentioning brighter hues to the orchestra management.
"So not what I meant.†Tavi said and her own expression was one of horror and amusement. "Would everyone be wearing the same colour of Las Vegas wedding travesty or is it anything goes?â€
"That's a good question. It might be too much ugliness for the eyes if everyone was in a different colour. Maybe each section had it own?â€
Tavi laughed and looked at Julian. Jan wasn't sure but he suspected there was something more funny about his suggestion than he knew.
She had easily agreed to protect them and admitted to loving a good fight. Jan sighed happily. He was falling in love. Where had she been all his life? She loved fashion, music, fast vehicles and fights. Aside from being completely inedible, she was perfect.
They moved on to hobbies and Julian said that he would watch her ride. Evgeni sighed softly and shook his head. Jan smiled and kissed Julian's shoulder. "You should definitely try it again.†He murmured softly. The reward for at least attempting it again was seated very close and looking at Julian with hope that was turning a little uncertain.
Tavi didn't try to convince Julian herself, not yet anyway. Maybe she didn't want to make a date with the two of them around or maybe she didn't want to push Julian into something he didn't want to do.
She mentioned spinning poi and Evgeni asked what that was. Julian gave an answer and Jan supplied more direct visuals. "Its the lighted balls on strings that we've seen sometimes at the clubs.†Evgeni made a small sound of understanding.
Julian asked Tavi if she would show him sometime. Her smile was brilliant again. "Definitely. I can bring an extra pair and show you the beginning moves.†She looked at him and then Evgeni. "Or I could bring several and we could all work on it together. If you like.†The last part was a question more than a statement and was directed at Julian.
[She shouldn't be sitting by herself,] he sent to Evgeni by way of explanation. He would have loved if everyone stayed in one comfy pile but that was definitely asking a lot. He could totally split time.
He shuffled around behind her, pressed close, and sat behind her. He carefully wrapped his arms around her waist, still a little tentative in case she decided she didn't want him after his prolonged cuddle with his vampire partners. He didn't think she'd push him away though; she had made it clear so far that she was at least interested. It felt nice to have her tiny body in his arms though, and he tugged her close and rested his chin on her shoulder, pressing his lips to her ear.
"I'll try almost anything you want me to try. Horses. Cars." He swallowed hard. "I'll go on your bike with you. If you want."
He tensed as he said it; a motorcycle was pretty much about as terrifying as it got for him. He didn't think he'd ever told Tavi how he felt about fast-moving vehicles, especially something as exposed as the bike, but her business was to figure things out about people's clues. Julian suspected she probably had guessed plenty by now. If nothing else even a blind woman would know about his scarring. It was everywhere; face, arm, hand and wrist, hip and leg.
Tension aside, though, his words were sincere. Yes, the bike terrified him. But he meant what he said. If Tavi would take him on her bike, Julian would go with her. Hopefully she'd go slowly. And not think too much less of him if he cried like a baby and hung on with white knuckles.
When Tavi's next statement was directed at him, Julian smiled and glanced at Jan and Evgeni. He spoke low, aware that they could hear anyway but the words were still for her. "Just me," he said. "I'm sharing you tonight. Next time I get you alone all night, maybe? And after that maybe we can both give lessons."
He tucked his arms in around her and snuggled close. Jan and Evgeni would understand. They could feel what Julian felt, after all, and that meant they should know just how much he loved them, and how much he was coming to feel the same for Tavi. He wanted time with all of them. Balance. Some nights for just him and his boys, some nights for just him and Tavi, a night here and there with all three of them.
Of course it wasn't all up to him, but if he had a say that would be his preference. Everything in moderation. Well most things. Okay. Some things.

Jan crawled over and took Julian's place, settling in between his legs and up against his chest with a sigh of satisfaction. The barely there material of Jan's shirt made him feel naked from the waist up. Worse than naked, somehow the gauzy fabric called attention to how little it covered. Or that could be his lustful imagination.
He wrapped his hands around Jan, smoothing his long fingers up and down the pale expanse of his clan mate's chest. Jan murmured a happy sound near his neck. Evgeni could feel his and Julian's desire echoed back at him from Jan. [I am thinking we are all going to need to leave soon or Ms. Tavi might find herself in the middle of an orgy.] He sent it to both of them.
Jan's response was to turn his head and look at the pair cuddled up next to them. [I am not so sure she'd mind.] He smiled as Tavi wiggled closer in Julian's embrace and clasped her hands over the arms wrapped around her. She looked over at them and smiled.
[She might be open to the idea but we should date her better first.] Evgeni sent stubbornly. There was a sense of right and wrong and somehow just involving her in sex before they had been on a proper date seemed wrong.
[We had sex before we had gone on a proper date.] Jan's mental voice held amusement and a little sorrow. They had been locked in a room together for several weeks. There had been no dating but there had been plenty of getting to know one another. They hadn't been entirely sure they would live to see the outside world again and that had added an air of desperation to their meeting.
[That was different. You know this.] Jan agreed that he did understand it and he even agreed with him that Tavi deserved better than a trio of boys behaving like horny teenagers.
Jan raised his eyebrows at Julian when the other man said that he would go riding with Tavi on a bike or in a car if that was what she wanted to do. He glanced up at Evgeni and then went back to looking at Tavi.
Tavi seemed to sense that it was a big deal, either that or Julian had explained his accident to her, because she smiled softly at him. "I would be very careful with you. I promise. I am not very fragile so I can do crazy things but I promise nothing crazy if you are with me.â€
She hugged his arms closer and leaned to the side and gave Julian's cheek a kiss. "We can start slow. I promise.â€
Julian said that the next date between them would not involve the two vampires. Evgeni could almost feel Jan's pout. He squeezed his companion tighter and gently kissed his neck. [How are we supposed to date her too if he's off by himself] Jan's complaint was gentle, as if he were distracted by the nibbling attention his neck was getting. [I guess you will just have to schedule your own date with her.] Evgeni smiled into Jan's neck.
Tavi smiled and answered Julian. "That sounds like a good plan or maybe we can do something else and save the poi for later.†The sultry timber of her voice suggested that maybe she had some idea in mind and that it didn't involve being outside swinging ropes around.
[She is going to be a busy woman.] Jan sent with amusement.
[And Julian is going to be equally busy.]
Evgeni reached out a hand and slid it around Julian's shoulders. [And what do you have planned to do with the two of us next? Or do we each get alone time with you as well?] Evgeni sent to Julian. He couldn't quite keep the amused smirk from creeping onto his face but he hid most of it behind Jan's dark hair.
He liked that Jan filled his spot; he smiled at the two of them [All of us?] he sent curiously to Evgeni. Was that an invitation? God, they were going to have to work something out, weren't they? Julian loved the feeling of being so torn, and hated it at the same time. It was pleasurable agony. Who was he supposed to go with? How could he manage this without hurting someone's feelings? He would have to figure it out.
Evidently offering to face one of his worst fears was a good thing? Tavi got pretty damn snuggly when he offered to ride her deathtrap - err, bike. But he would. He just gave her a tight little smile and a nod, leaned down to brush his lips against her temple. "I trust you."
He forced himself to relax. Calm down, Jules, he chided himself. He wasn't talking about walking out right now, hopping bitch on her bike, and tearing down the freeway. He could get on the bike in a day or two. Hang on tight. Not throw up on her. Totally could do that.
"Slow sounds good," he said, his voice rough. He couldn't even begin to voice the terror he felt at the idea. But you were supposed to face your fears and grow stronger, right?
When Evgeni touched his shoulders, sliding his hand around, Julian turned his head to rub his cheek against it. Then, feeling mischievous, he picked up Evgeni's thumb between his teeth and sucked on it gently before letting it go.
[Oh... I might have ideas,] he sent suggestively. His eyes glanced up at Evgeni. [Do you want alone time? Because I'm pretty sure I could stand to finish what we started earlier.]
His tone was as teasing and light as he could make it; Evgeni should know, he hoped, that Julian would take him and Jan however he could get them, alone, together, he wanted them both.
Out loud he said to Tavi, "I'm starting to feel downright boring. I might need to go find some hobbies."
He really did a little of everything. Where fast-moving vehicles were not concerned Julian was a borderline adrenaline junkie. Tavi just seemed to have a knack for picking the few things he would have trouble with - walking, riding, fast cars and motorcycles. How come so many exciting things to do involved speed and heights? He could actually handle the speed better than the heights, so maybe the motorcycle was an okay place to start. Driving would be better though. Water sports, he liked those. Winter sports, too... his fears did not affect his enjoyment of hurtling downhill on skis. He'd get sore quickly but he'd be okay.
They would find things to do together. He'd make sure of it. He could suck up his fears for that.

Tavi turned in Julian's arms and hugged him close. She placed both her legs over one of Julian's. Because they were all seated so close she tucked her toes up under his thigh. Evgeni raised his eyebrows at her and she smiled which made him smile.
She seemed to sense how difficult riding would be for Julian because she squeezed him tight and agreed again that it would be very slow. "Maybe on the dirt roads near home where there won't be many other cars.†An amused grin followed and she slid her glance upward to Julian and made another suggestion in a very innocent tone of voice. "Or I could carry you piggy back and run.â€
Jan quickly raised his hand, waving it in the air like an overly eager student. "Oooh, me too! Me too!â€
Evgeni noted with amusement that Tavi just laughed at Jan. She didn't tell him no but she didn't tell him yes either. That was probably very wise.
[I very much want alone time, Sunshine, but I think tonight you should take the lady home and let her have her way with you.] Because he had no illusions that Julian was up to a vigorous out pouring of energy right this moment. He also didn't think that Julian would turn Tavi down if she wanted to use up some of the last of his reserves. Once he was home then he wouldn't have to worry much about what happened afterward. [I would like a date, just the two of us some time soon. Then we can finish what we started. Maybe we could convince Tavi to keep Jan out of trouble for us. ] Though he had a suspicion that was like asking one fox to keep another fox out of a the hen house.
"You're boring?†Evgeni felt Jan's dark curls slid away from his neck as Jan lifted his head to turn and look at Julian. "You mingle with the rich and famous after shows, you sideline with a goth band and you date a couple of vampires and a werewolf...Can you handle more excitement?â€
"Perhaps we are not thrilling enough, my friend.†Evgeni said with a small smirk.
"I am plenty thrilling.†Tavi grinned. "But if you want more excitement then I am willing to aid you in that quest. Did you have something in mind?â€

Tavi turned in Julian's arms and hugged him close. She placed both her legs over one of Julian's. Because they were all seated so close she tucked her toes up under his thigh. Evgeni raised his eyebrows at her and she smiled which made him smile.
She seemed to sense how difficult riding would be for Julian because she squeezed him tight and agreed again that it would be very slow. "Maybe on the dirt roads near home where there won't be many other cars.†An amused grin followed and she slid her glance upward to Julian and made another suggestion in a very innocent tone of voice. "Or I could carry you piggy back and just run.â€
Jan quickly raised his hand, waving it in the air like an overly eager student. "Oooh, me too! Me too!â€
Evgeni noted with amusement that Tavi just laughed at Jan. She didn't tell him no but she didn't tell him yes either. That was probably very wise.
[I very much want alone time, Sunshine, but I think tonight you should take the lady home and let her have her way with you.] Because he had no illusions that Julian was up to a vigorous out pouring of energy right this moment. He also didn't think that Julian would turn Tavi down if she wanted to use up some of the last of his reserves. Once he was home then he wouldn't have to worry much about what happened afterward. [I would like a date, just the two of us some time soon. Then we can finish what we started. Maybe we could convince Tavi to keep Jan out of trouble for us. ] Though he had a suspicion that was like asking one fox to keep another fox out of a the hen house.
"You're boring?†Evgeni felt Jan's dark curls slid away from his neck as Jan lifted his head to turn and look at Julian. "You mingle with the rich and famous after shows, you sideline with a goth band and you date a couple of vampires and a werewolf...Can you handle more excitement?â€
"Perhaps we are not thrilling enough, my friend.†Evgeni said with a small smirk.
"I am plenty thrilling.†Tavi grinned. "But if you want more excitement then I am willing to aid you in that quest. Did you have something in mind?â€
Meanwhile, the way Tavi turned and cuddled against him made something in him relax further. Her words were sweet, understanding. He nodded, the motion a little jerky but not quite as bad as a few seconds ago. "Yeah," he said, his voice still a little hoarse. "That sounds good. I can try that."
The motorcycle scared him even more than the idea of driving in a car, really. The car at least had an enclosure. The motorcycle preyed on two of his greatest fears at the same time; speed and exposure. He did trust Tavi though. And he suspected she wasn't going to load him up and tear off at road-crayon speed. Her alternative made him laugh in spite of himself.
"No, no," he said, surprising himself with his own sincerity. "I'd prefer the bike."
That was a first for him, actually, and he glanced down at Tavi with a little pleased surprise on his face. Whether she'd meant to do it or not, for Julian it was a big step forward to actually admit he would rather be on the motorcycle than bodily hauled along on someone's back. He squeezed her tight in a little hug, hoping she understood he wasn't trying to slight her in any way. Maybe she really did want him clinging to her back.
Evgeni's words in his head as he continued their silent conversation sent a little vibration of pleasure through him. [I will,] he told Evgeni, [but yes. Soon. I'd really like that, Zhenya.] There was a different bond that Julian felt with them all; fundamentally it was the same. Attraction, friendship, love, desire. But there were layers built on top of that foundation and with each of his three lovers those layers had been built differently. With Evgeni a lot of it had come from being rescued by him both in dreams and out. Julian thought that might make him feel the strongest toward Evgeni right now, but he knew that the ties to the others were very strong as well. It was exciting to explore.
His statement about being boring was met with arguments from all three sides, Jan's first, backed up by Evgeni and Tavi. Beneath their onslaught Julian found himself laughing again, lifting one hand in defeat while keeping the other arm wrapped around Tavi.
"Okay okay," he said, looking at Jan. "When you put it that way I guess you're right. Except the part about the rich and famous. I only mingle when I have to and I'm pretty sure they don't really remember me."
He shook his head, still chuckling softly. "You are plenty thrilling," he told Tavi, his eyes flickering to Evgeni to include him in that statement. "Too much more excitement and I might not be able to handle you."
He really didn't want to bore her, though. Tavi seemed like the kind of girl who wanted that excitement but at the same time, she was loving and sweet and he thought she wanted a little of that too. He would try to do more of her style, because so far she'd been so good about accommodating him.
He reached out and grabbed one of the drinks Tavi had bought, checking to make sure it was non-alcoholic. It was the sports drink; good enough. Opening it and sipping at it, he offered it to her too just in case she wanted to try it. He was aware that it was now very late, and he still had to trek out of the wilderness on legs that were very tired and sore. They would have to break this up soon, but he was comfortable here, having fun.
"I'm glad you all came tonight," he said, looking up at the moon which was slipping between the branches of the trees overhead. "I really like this. Just being here with all three of you."

He very obviously didn't want her carrying him but Jan readily and eagerly agreed to it. She grinned at Jan and then smirked up at Julian. "Suit yourself.â€
Julian suggested he was boring and Jan pointed out that the statement was untrue. Julian argued that the rich and famous probably didn't remember him after the shows. "I bet they do. Some of them anyway.†She shrugged gently. Cameras were occasionally shoved into her face but she was only a local name. She had been at events with her parents like the orchestra and some of the people truly enjoyed it and loved speaking with the artists. Those people became more interesting to her and the rest a little less. Some people were only there to see who wore what and who came with who. Tavi would admit to a fascination with what everyone wore but once the lights were out then her attention was on the show.
She shook her head when Julian offered her a portion of his drink. "No thank you.†Instead she reached for her abandoned wine cup that was over where she and Jan had been originally. She couldn't quite reach it without crawling away from Julian's arms but once her intention was clear, Jan leaned forward and grabbed the cup for her and his own as well.
Tavi smiled her thanks and settled back into Julian's arms with her drink. A few decent swallows and the warmth of it slid down inside her, making the inside almost as cozy as the outside.
Julian said he was glad that everyone came tonight. She hadn't known whether she would be glad to be here or not but now that she was here it hadn't been very bad at all. She would have regretted waiting to meet Jan and Evgeni because anxiety about the three of them getting along would have built until they met. Tavi wasn't one to want to waste her day worrying and facing up to something head on was preferable. Most of the time it wasn't as bad as you feared it would be anyway.
This certainly hadn't been. It was actually kind of nice. She felt as though Jan was a kindred spirit, perhaps a little too close to similar to be a wise match had they been only a couple. Evgeni seemed solid, thoughtful and a little sad but maybe that last bit was the memory of him from before. She still felt she knew him and she still had the urge to protect him. Werewolves didn't trust vampires very often and wanting to protect one was unheard of as far as she knew. She wondered what he had done in the past.
Drifting back to Julian's statement she nodded. "This was nice. We should do it again soon.â€
The evening had been highly successful in his opinion, even though it was drawing to a close. The portion of it that he'd spent with all of them together felt very short, but he had to admit he was exhausted. This was the longest he'd been out and around since last weekend and while he felt good about that, he was ready to go back home. It was a good kind of tired.
He cuddled Tavi close and nodded. "I want to do this again."
But it really was time to go home, before he passed out or something and was useless for the rest of the night. He nuzzled his nose against Tavi's temple, kissing it softly. "Going to come home with me?"
He murmured it softly, knowing how well Evgeni and Jan could hear and meaning the words for her alone. Even if they heard, his soft tones were obviously just for her. He figured if nothing else she would probably make sure he got home okay; he wasn't sure if she'd want to spend the night but he really wanted her to. Maybe she would; she'd seemed all right, interested, even happy, with tonight.
He began to gather the drinks up with one hand, still sort of reluctant to move but they eventually had to. When he finally stood he held his hand out to Tavi and didn't let go of it, not even to give both Jan and Evgeni a very thorough kiss good night.
It was pretty incredible, all things considered, that they might actually manage to make this work. They could totally make this work.
((ooc: All out, unless you wanted to add something else))