"Damned it Ces, you -can't- be here.â€
Blaise growled, rather agitated and irritated, at his sister. This was going to turn into a mess if she didn't get gone in a hurry.
"Why not?â€
She pouted back at him in the Manchester accent they both had. Irritated or not it was good to hear the accent, it was one of the few things that made him feel safe and at home these days.
"Oh... -she's- coming isn't she?â€
It was hard to tell what she meant by that. Given her cat that ate the canary sly smile Blaise suspected Cecile had knowing Pakpao was coming from the get go and that Alfred or Jarrod had put her up to it. That and that she was spending far too much time with vampires.
He knew his sister was Alfred's familiar, it was hardly a secret between them, but Blaise was starting to think it was warping his sister's personality. Alfred needed to either turn her or let her go, he'd say something now but they'd just fight about it (again) and he didn't have time now.
"Yeah she is. So you can't be here.â€
"Come on Blaise you know she doesn't have a clue who I am.â€
"No Ces even if she doesn't Hoang does you want to run that risk?â€
She grinned again and Blaise knew she was about to say 'yes' so he cut her off.
"Even if you do I don't. I don't need Alfred or Jarrod pissed at me.â€
More than they already were. That didn't need saying, she'd already know that.
"Besides what if she thinks you're a date and gets jealous.â€
Blaise wheedled. Maybe a little flattery would get her to back off, it usually worked.
"Actually it might help you with her from what I've seen.â€
"And what is that supposed to mean.â€
Although he knew very well what she meant. Of course it rather hurt his pride and he'd snapped back a bit louder than he meant too and a few of his team mates looked at them, but then looked away again. Blaise, however, would make sure to lower his voice.
"Blaise, love, you know what it means. You're not dumb and you know this bird is just trying to let you down easy.â€
"Actually I think she's trying to put me in 'the friend zone'.â€
It was his turn to sulk. He didn't know where he'd heard the term before, but it fit and he knew that was what Pakpao was trying to do.
"You're OK with that are you?â€
Cecile continued to taunt him. Blaise raised his big shoulders and shrugged at her as he went back to looking for his brace. If anyone else had given him this kind of attitude there would have been a fight. He might even have gotten physical, which was less fun since he'd become a vampire (unless of course it was with another vampire), but he loved his sister and she was almost totally immune from those kinds of out bursts.
"I have to be don't I?"
Any other woman he would have pushed more aggressively or dropped like a hot potato once she'd made it clear she wasn't interested. This one though, if he didn't keep her on the radar Alfred had made it clear Cecile would be the one to pay. Blaise didn't know if that was an idle threat or not, but he didn't want to find out.
When he looked back at his sister her eyes were vaguely sad. She'd gotten him into deep, they both knew it. There was no getting out now either, not that Ces seemed to want out. He wasn't sure -he- wanted out either. Some days this was the best set up he'd ever had, some days the price was extremely high. Figuring maybe there were times they were both confused and lost in all this he smiled, weakly, back at her. If they weren't surrounded by guys getting ready to play Blaise probably would have hugged her.
"What plans have you two love birds got tonight?â€
She teased him, apparently relived that the serious moment had passed.
"None with you about.â€
He played right back to her.
"Fine, fine. I'll go. But kiss me first?â€
"On the forehead like a good brother.â€
Blaise obediently quoted back from Gone With The Wind, one of her favorite movies. He'd been forced to watch it more times than he liked to think.
With a bright laugh his still human sister jumped up and threw her arms around his neck, Blaise barely noticed her weight, and kissed him passionately.
On the cheek.
"I'll see you in the morning then.â€
"Probably before that.â€
As she turned and left his team mates called him over and the game started. It had been too much to hope Pakpao would show up for the beginning of the game. She really had been trying to cool his ardor and so couldn't show too much interest, he knew that. On the upside, it had saved trying to explain Cecile.
Knee wrapped up he went to play. That at least he could do and would enjoy.

He seemed to be, mostly, most of the time although he also seemed to occasionally think she would change her mind. If Blaise didn't sort it out soon, even though she'd like to have him as a friend, she'd end everything. It would just be awkward with him always sort of hoping... Sighing she stopped thinking about it and rebooted her computer for the evening before driving to the park.
It looked like she was showing up about half way through the game, which was perfect. Interested and supportive but not -too- interested. There were a few other spectators who had blankets or brought camp chairs spreading her own little blanket Pak joined them wishing she'd asked someone else to come with her so she had someone to talk to rather than looking like a 'girlfriend' she also wished she'd done more than skim that wiki article about rugby. Here two minutes and she was already rather confused by the action.
Pak was about to pull out her phone and see if she could find the same rugby guide she'd been looking at when one of the other spectators, who were mostly women, leaned over out of her chair and spoke.
"You're new. Who's yours?â€
Caught totally flat footed at the idea of being a rugby bunny Pak was startled into silence for a second. Fortunately, before she came up with too much of an answer Blaise saw her and waved. She waved back.
"Oh... love his accent.â€
Pak felt the other woman sizing her up and sat up a little straighter, making sure to subtly show off her Christian Louboutin sandals. It was a fairly catty thing to do but Pak just didn't like to be assessed like that and had a feeling it would make the other woman at least take notice.
"Something about an English accent can make a person sound smarter.â€
She agreed.
A perky little burnet sitting next to the first woman leaned forward and smiled warmly. It was a very open and honest expression. The burnet over all had such a happy wholesome appearance it was hard to imagine not liking her, at least a little.
"And it is dead sexy besides. I'm Julie. Blaise has never had a girl come watch so you're going to have at least half of us asking you questions once the word gets out. Let me be the first... is it serious?â€
"Julie!†The first woman, a blond, gasped and then giggled. "You could at least start with her name!â€
She then turned to Pak, with a smile of her own. Pak couldn't help but think she must have passed inspection.
"I'm Sandra and we promise not to grill until after you two at least get to say hello. And there should be a break in play here soon.â€
Pak's stomach twisted. These women looked about her age, twenty some things, and they both acted like it, bubbly, sugary sweet and far more friendly and open than she was. Pak wasn't exactly good at responding in kind and she knew it. Not unless she knew the people she was talking to.
"I'm Pakpao.â€
"Oh that is rather exotic. Maybe that's what it takes to turn his head.â€
Julie teased Sandra. At least Pak thought she was teasing Sandra because the blond just cheerfully rolled her eyes and didn't say a word even though there was a faint blush under her healthy tan.
Trying to at least be friendly Pak answered back.
"Maybe I should be grilling you two instead?â€
She was saved from any more bubbly small talk by a whistle and the players scattering. Some into the crowd some to the bench and their equipment and Blaise to her, much to the amusement of the two women.
It didn't take long though for her to be pulled into a conversation. The folks who came to watch were all regulars, fairly friendly and would notice someone new. Blaise was fine with that, he'd expected it would happen but then he noticed who it was Pakpao was talking too.
As play resumed Blaise cursed himself for not thinking this quite through. The persona he played out here and the one he played with Pakpao weren't quite the same, especially where it came to the women. They'd be expecting him to be fairly confidant and aggressive with Pakpao but to keep her from just walking way Blaise knew he had to be more reserved. Even as the ball was snapped and they ran he hoped that no one would notice that difference. But knowing Pakpao had somehow wound up sitting with Sandra and Julie, Blaise had no doubt that wouldn't be the case. Those two were slightly possessive, gossipy and nosey it didn't help he'd been to bed with Julie and Sandra was making a play for him.
This was a rookie mistake.
Blaise cursed at himself a little bit. He really had to remember Pakpao wasn't really his girlfriend he couldn't just invite her out and not think about the consequences. It was too late now though, he'd just have to cross his fingers. For now he just concentrated on playing, one of the guys on the other team in particular, a middle eastern-ish looking guy with a French name he was either in -really- good shape or he was a vampire. Blaise would like to know, but not tonight. When the whistle blew and they took their break instead of nosing around about that he grinned boyishly and trotted over to Pakpao.
Cheerfully sprawling his solid frame out alongside her on the blanket Blaise kissed her hand.
"Gorgeous! Glad you could make it.â€
He honestly hadn't known for sure she'd show.
"Wouldn't have missed it.†Pak answered making him laugh.
"Liar. How'dya like the game?â€
Blaise was doing his best to ignore Julie and Sandra. At least Sandra had wandered off to see the other guy she was currently making a play for. That girl couldn't be satisfied with just one fish on the line; not that Blaise minded that in a woman.
Even as he was starting to hope that maybe Julie would keep her mouth shut and mind her manners she spoke up.
"You're looking good tonight Blaise.... You didn't tell us you were seeing anyone. Maybe you should bring your girl around to show off for more often.â€
The words were honey sweet but there was a knife in there somewhere. She was sticking up for Sandra, at least he thought she was. Maybe even trying to ward Pakpao off. Who knew with Julie.

His laugh made her smile. It was a good laugh, rich and open, honest and somehow he managed to laugh with an accent. She might not be an ancient or even very old in the grand scheme of things but she'd not met many people who could do that. That was probably part of the reason she was catching looks from some of the other women around being tossed at him. Accents were sexy, there was no doubt about that.
"I don't understand it at all.†Pak answered honestly, she was not a sports fan, "There seems to be a lot of action though so it is interesting.â€
She must like Blaise to have fished up some kind of a positive for him. Pak didn't often bother with that kind of social convention, but she hadn't wanted to tell him she was confused by it and would probably be bored by the game in the next thirty minutes.
Before the conversation could go any further they were interrupted. Pak wasn't sure if she was upset about that or not. Keeping Blaise in the friend category was important but on the other hand she really didn't like this woman being so possessive. She instinctively bristled a bit.
"So he doesn't play so well when you're usually here?â€
She countered with as much naivety and innocence as she could muster. T-Rex mode was much easier but Pak could be a bitch when the situation called for it. As the woman flushed slightly before answering Pak was satisfied the barb had hit its mark and she could stand down.
"Blaise has never had a bad night.â€
Pak had already tired of this game and as she was just a friend there was no need for her to get into this cat fight, she was satisfied just making a little bit of a point, and she'd done that. Although she might consider spilling that bottle of water in Julie's lap if she didn't drop it.
"Really?†She asked. "That's good.â€
Having acknowledged Julie it was then acceptable to politely turn back to Blaise.
"Star of the team are you? You didn't tell me that.â€
He laughed again and Pak was sure it was just at her rather groupie like question.
"I wouldn't say that.â€
A whistle blew and the guys headed back to the field.
"A kiss for luck?â€
Rather shyly, still aware of their audience as the other woman was coming back now, Pak gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"You're not going to be leaving without me right?â€
"I'll be here.â€
Pak promised as he ran back to the game with a big grin. She might not be paying much attention to the game but she'd wait and they could go for coffee or something after.
Pakpao could be a prickly little bitch; she'd even turn that on him a little bit when he'd gotten too aggressive. It really did make him mad that she wouldn't go to bed with him, you'd think this centuries old vampire wouldn't be stupid enough to think men and women could just be friends, she should at least sleep with him once to get it out of the way, and incidentally make this assignment worth it, because right now it still seemed pointless. All of these things made Blaise certain he could act when the time came. For a while he'd had doubts, but when it came down to it while he liked Pakpao it was just a job, she was a target and in the long run it was better for his health, and Cecile's to do what Jarrod and Alfred told him.
Over all though he was feeling pretty good about how things were going, a little proud even. Jarrod couldn't pull off this balancing act, he was old and ridged and had no way with women at all, Ces excepted, but even that hadn't worked. His sister had been happy enough to move on to Alfred when given the chance. Blaise was so pleased with himself that he played with great focus. He was also feeling cocky and rather superior and so he pushed the rules and played a little dirty. If he thought about it, which Blaise almost never did, he half -wanted- Pakpao to know he was a vampire. He at least wanted her to suspect it. If they were going to do this Alfred's way what was the harm; intimidation and fear that were part and parcel to Alfred's way of doing... anything.
So when Blaise saw a chance to throw an elbow, hard, at the middle eastern looking bloke he'd noticed before he went for it. It was a solid hit and he heard the other guy grunt. Blaise grinned, the other guy frowned. Rugby could be a rough game so nothing immediately came of it. Blaise, however, couldn't let go of his earlier suspicion that this guy was a vampire and continued to find ways to harry him, rough him up a little. It was stupid. He knew it was absolutely bonkers and could ruin his mild mannered good guy image, but even a good guy could get lost in the heat of the moment right? He'd justify it later.
Soon enough he'd very clearly landed on Achmed's radar and he was coming back at him. They were both still sticking, mostly, to the rules but they very clearly had a grudge against each other. Things finally came to a head, as he knew they would, and Blaise found himself with Achmed in his face. The guy had five inches on him and probably a few pounds, but he wasn't scared he grinned and waited for the first punch. This was going to be fun he hoped the guy would underestimate him, assume because he was bigger he was also stronger. Not that Blaise looked like a ninety eight pound weakling but he could hope.

Studiously ignoring the speculation, although thanks to vampire hearing, she did know that the women were talking about her even though their voices were quite low Pak alternated her attention and her phone, mostly skimming the rules and trying to figure out what was going on. The women weren't flat out rude they did sporadically engage her in little bits of conversation and Pak answered, she even asked a question here so her attention was rather divided. However, even keeping track of several things at once she began to notice some tension on the field. Others more aware of an attuned to the sport picked it up first but eventually Pak caught on.
Both the blond and the burnet were looking rather concerned. Pak leaned over slight to ask a question.
"What's going on.â€
"We're not sure.†Julie answered. "It looks like one of their guys has it in for Blaise.â€
Pak frowned and watched for a second. Sure enough it did look like something was going on with Blaise. Since the other guy was bigger, scary but true, and she knew it could be hard to rile Blaise it was very easy for her to assume he was on the defensive. Things built over the course of a few more plays and each man was starting to show a little bit of wear, things that might leave a bit of a mark.
The two men faced each other down, the darker of them looming over Blaise, a whistle blew but neither man moved. It wasn't until Blaise smiled, or said something, or both, Pak couldn't quite tell, that things quickly came to a head. The darker man moved fast and Blaise countered. Apparently their teammates had expected this as it wasn't more than a few quick blows before each of them was jumped on, mostly the taller darker man she didn't know.
There was shouting from all sides on the field and the spectators as the fight was quickly suppressed before it could spread. As the instigator was removed from the playing field he grumbled a bit in French. As he passed by them Pak could understand him and her eyebrows raised.
Although he appeared to still be in a bit of a temper he must have noticed her expression because he paused in front of Pak and gave her a rather wicked smile before half nodding in apology. Or what she took for apology.
Funny he was bigger than Blaise, although perhaps less muscular just taller, and she didn't think he was so bad looking. He had great eyes. She replied to his unspoken apology in French.
"D'accor monsieur, je l'ai dit bien pire.â€
He laughed and went on his way, her apparent disregard for Blaise by speaking to his antagonist wasn't winning her any friends.
"Do you know him?†Sandra accused almost before the other guy was out of ear shot. Pak answered as calmly as she was able. The hostility in the other woman's voice was grating.
"But you speak French. Julie piped up, apparently tag teaming her.
Pak answered that one too and back and forth until she was seriously considering sending to beg him to call her phone so she had an excuse to get up and walk away.
Sure pay back was a bitch and all but Pakpao wouldn't be around for that so he wouldn't have to be as careful. While he'd run into other vampires here and there Blaise was always curious. Alfred had them pretty deep in hiding, they didn't associate with other vampires and Blaise had been told this was where 'the clan' hung out and to be extremely careful. Not that he was certain he actually belonged to anyone other than Alfred or what this mysterious clan would do, Alfred hadn't even told him that so Blaise was more curious than afraid and he wondered if Guillaume there might be a way to find out more. How many rugby playing vampires could there be in this city? He might be an OK guy.
Once play wrapped up, there wasn't much left, Blaise trotted back to Pakpao. He moved a bit slowly when it looked like she was deep in conversation with Sandra and Julie. Given the total lack of expression on Pakpao's face she was annoyed. Blaise couldn't say he knew Pakpao well, but he knew well enough that she had a great poker face when she wanted, usually when cross. The closer he got the more he could hear, the girls were grilling the hell out of his date. Seriously, Alfred should take these two on they could get information out of anyone.
Cheerfully ignoring Sandra and Julie he again flopped on the blanket with his 'date'.
"So, what did you think of the game?â€
So obviously reclaiming Pakpao made the two girls shut up, although they both did frown. Sandra even scowled at the back of Pakpao which made Blaise wonder what they had been talking about. Probably more than girl talk about shoes and nails and the like.
The look of shear relief and gratitude that Pakpao gave him though was so intense Blaise had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing.
"Interesting. I think I might need to brush up on the rules though.†Pakpao responded.
"Tell you enjoyed it, you at least had a little fun.â€
"A little.†She said with an impish smile.
Blaise watched her raise an eyebrow, it was -so- Mr. Spock. He couldn't do that at all but Pakpao had it down cold better than Leonard Nimoy.
"You going to shower first?â€
"You're that fussy?â€
"Some nights.â€
"What about a beer? Sports bar? Tough guys, pick up leagues, I won't be the only unshowered hooligan in there.â€
That got her to laugh and Blaise was rather pleased with himself. Not that it should matter to him....
She said with a grin. They quickly agreed on a place not too far from the park where he'd been a few times and knew some of the other players would drop in so he could keep his promise about not being the only sweaty one there.
"I'll drive.â€
"Meet you there.†She countered and he didn't argue it. Pakpao loved that little care of hers and he didn't blame her it was sexy.
He watched her stand and couldn't help but admire her as she did it, Pakpao was well put together. Maybe Alfred would let him play with her a bit once they... Probably not though. Alfred would have first claim, then Jarrod, never mind that he did the actual work. Blaise sighed mentally. That was how these things went wasn't it?
"Be there quick I have to say goodbye to some folks.â€
Blaise kissed Pak on the cheek and she folded her blanket and left. He frowned a little as she left, although he didn't notice it and even if he had he wasn't sure why.
The girls let her go with short cheerful farewells which Pakpao returned, apparently everyone could play nice when they had too but as soon as Pakpao was gone the turned on him. To him. it was hard to tell but there were a lot of questions about who Pakpao was, what she meant to him, why she spoke French, how she knew the guy he'd gotten into it with and why he'd gotten into it in the first place. It was amazing how possessive these two could be for no reason and it explained a -lot- about why he wasn't with either of them, or anyone really.
As they grilled him like a fish, or a boneless skinless chicken breast, and he did his best to keep up Blaise realized he had -very- few answers. He didn't like it, but he couldn't question it either. Got damned he wanted that beer right now.
((OOC... all out))