Book suggestions?
For Christmas my Master gave me a nook color, and then a few weeks ago I lucked out and got a kindle 3 B&W on ebay for 32.00. So I have both, and have been slowly reacquiring digital copies of books that I own (and only those) and am reading my way through my local libraries digital collection. But...
I'm running out of things to read! Any suggestions of authors or specific books would be great. Like most writers I'm a voracious reader. I like pretty much everything except trashy romance stories (but add some paranormal and I'm all over it) and westerns. The daily book blasts from amazon of the free and 1.00 books have gotten me some new authors...
Right now I'm reading a children's story about an amish girl named Lily on my nook and reading Lauren Oliver on my kindle with some cw gortner in book form from the library. To give you some idea of how wide my reading preferences are

Love her writing. Total fan of hers now, and romances aren't usually my thing either.
Aside from that I've recently read a bunch of historical fiction, if you like that sort of thing I recommend Jean Plaidy. Anything of hers. She is deceased, sadly, but her novels are numerous and will definitely suck you in if you like reading about historical characters.
Aside from that if you want sci-fi/fantasy and haven't read the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, you need to. That one begins with Storm Front.
If those aren't enough, you can try some of the books by another of my favorite authors, Steven Brust. He writes the Taltos series, which is written kind of out of order. I'd recommend beginning that one with Jhereg. Fantastic author, very dry/sarcastic humor. Love him.

I share my library card with an ex-boyfriend and since he's going to take his store to pennsic in a few weeks I'll try to get a few Dresden books and read through them while he's gone.

I recently read the Hunger Games series as well.
I haven't read a lot lately because I am usually too busy playing with clay, posting here or gaming.
For fantasy though, Name of the Wind is an excellent book. I really need to read the next one.
And all of the Game of Thrones series (though don't get terribly attached to anyone. >_> )

Mike is making no mention of Game of Thrones because she is mad at the author.

This week I have a doctor's appt on friday that will likely end up with me trapped there for the entire afternoon. So I'm hoping to get a few of these on the kindle to take with me as it's a lot lighter than the nook tablet. But the tablet can play mah jong...choices, choices! Keep the suggestions coming and I'll add some when I get to my laptop and the kindle that are inexpensive. I just finished a series about a mermaid that cost me 10 for the entire series, so it wasn't bad. I love that the e-readers have given us the ability to discover a lot of really good writers. Actually one of the guys from the Raven- Mythic (an eq2 rp site) just published a book on amazon and sent me a pdf. Cyber-punk isn't really my thing so I'm having trouble getting through it.

On an entirely different note. I would be playing and writing but my internet connection has been horrible. Clear is doing some updating, upgrading or something and it has not been reliable at all. It took about four tries over several hours to post Evgeni. So if there is not a post in the morning by me then that is why. I will get to it when the internet connection has sorted itself out.