The Fugitives
The reception was being held upstairs in the penthouse that had once belonged to Meghan. It had been redecorated for tonight's purpose, and everyone was invited. There hadn't really been any way to host all of their friends and family for the actual ceremony, so many of their friends had watched it here, televised by MARI, since the bridge between the Towers simply couldn't fit as many people as needed.
When Rowan and Cris arrived there were already a number of people in attendance... in short, the place was packed. They entered the penthouse, with Alfarinn and the rest of the wedding party, to a chorus of cheers and whistles and playful catcalls.
The decorations were simple but elegant; the living area of the penthouse had been cleared to create a decently sized dance floor. All around the suite there were tables and chairs, but none labeled. There would be people coming and going throughout, and because of that they'd opted against the formal dinner in favor of something easier, something buffet-style. Cris and Rowan had decided they wanted to be sociable and visit with everyone, too, not confine themselves to a table of 'special' people. Everyone who came to celebrate with them was special tonight.
Along one wall was a beautiful table set with a large cake. It had six tiers, a series of squares decreasing in size and set at angles to create a diamond effect. The cake itself was white with delicate silver trimmings and a fall of white, silver, and crystal leaves along one side. The topper was a silver heart, engraved with the letters C and R. Henri had made it, but in addition he'd done something that Rowan had found touching, when they'd mentioned they wanted everyone to be able to share.
There was no way to make a cake huge enough to account for the (literally) hundreds of people living and working in the Towers, so Henri had created little tiny versions of the same cake, each one decorated by hand in a similar fashion. Once they finished cutting into the big cake, they would distribute the little ones to everyone in the Towers, including random passers-by. Just because.
Rowan was looking forward to tasting it, himself. In honor of their meeting (outside of Barney's, over coffee), Henri had made a chocolate cake with a filling of hazelnut and cappuccino cream and a thin layer of rich chocolate ganache just beneath the white buttercream icing.
The rest of the decorations were lovely; white tablecloths, sprays of flowers here and there accented by little falls of crystal and white and silver ribbon. In place of centerpieces each table had its own personal fondue pot; cheese on one side, chocolate on the other, and a circular tray with breads, fruits, and other tidbits to dip which were constantly being refilled by the hired help. Music was being played through the penthouse-wide speaker system, an assortment of songs and artists both Rowan and Cris enjoyed. Eiryk had provided mead for the occasion, in a quantity that had to have taken him a very long time to brew.
In lieu of wedding presents, which the couple clearly didn't need, they'd asked for donations to be made to various charities in their names. In short, they had tailored their wedding to be an event with things they loved, people they cared for, with enough pomp and festivity to be a fitting reception but without the blatant formality some people seemed to desire and require for their weddings.
As the cheers died down both Rowan and Cris were enveloped in a swarm of well-wishers, and Rowan had to cling tightly to Cris's hand to avoid being separated from his new husband. They managed to get in the door and move slightly to the side so they could greet everyone who was already present. There were people Rowan hadn't seen in years, friends and family from ages long past.
When the crush finally organized itself into a more or less civil line, Rowan stepped close to Cris and slipped his arm around his partner's waist. Leaning down, he murmured, "Getting away might be harder than we anticipated. Who invited all these people?"
It was difficult to say with a straight face; he didn't try. They both knew damn well that Rowan had been responsible for inviting a large number of people. Not that Cris's guest list had been countable on one hand either. Secretly, Rowan suspected that many of his friends had shown up just to see if the rumors of his marriage were true. He was proud to prove that they were.

Bubble blowing did not appear as entertaining to Shawe after the first few pops. Other people thought it was good fun and several more little bubble containers were opened. It was just as well because if he and Rowan had their way then the big send off with the bubbles wouldn't be happening. Or if it did then they would have to catch them outside just before they got into the helicopter.
Aishe and Kem returned and sat down with them. His daughter looked radiant and but somewhat embarrassed. Cris smiled at her, approval and understanding coloring his aura which he was happily showing tonight.
His furry little grandson left him for his daughter. Cris sighed softly in disappointment as his partner in crime abandoned him for more cuddling from Aishe.
"We were only having a little bit of fun, right?" He looked at Shawe for back up. [Nod so I do not get in trouble.] Cris tried to convey the simple idea of teamwork for the very good cause of not getting in trouble and hoped that it was something Shawe understood. Certainly the raccoon understood things that got him in trouble but hopefully he would be willing to help keep Cris out of trouble. He figured 'try to look innocent' was a bit tricky to convey, especially since he had never sent to an animal before this night. So far his skills at sending had been a big help but he would need to practice to see how it was different and how much he could convey, and to whom.
[Apparently, I have learned something new.] Cris sent to Aishe. [Shawe understood my sending and I understood his answer.] Never mind that he tried sending to a raccoon in the first place; he had been drunk and distracted. It had worked which was something that would baffle his mind far more when he ceased to be drunk and had a chance to really think it through. That might be some time after the honeymoon.
Aishe pronounced him and his grandson adorable but trouble and then claimed Rowan should have kept them out of trouble. He raised his eyebrows at the very idea of his husband walking away from harmless mischief and wondered if Aishe had been drinking the spiked punch instead of the other stuff. After all, it was Rowan that had convinced her to start a raccoon invasion of The Towers and she had heard of a few of their shared moments of fun and everything about Rowan said 'trouble in the making' (even if that image wasn't completely to be believed).
Rowan's response pointed that out clearly; he even suggested that Cris had vowed to be the responsible member of their partnership in the pre-nup. "Yes, if Rowan has to be the voice of reason at any point then I must pay damages in the form of acquiescing to silly pranks of Rowan's devising. The number of which would have to be determined by our lawyer and would be dependant on the severity and length of Rowan's role as 'responsible' spouse."
He was considering what was around to build a bigger better bubble wand but decided that perhaps that was not the best use of his thought processes. Picking up his new fruity drink, Cris leaned back into Rowan and waited for their chance to escape.
[I think Ume wants to talk to you first.] He pointed out to Aishe when she tried to drag Alfarinn out onto the dance floor. His assistant was still standing near the entrance but was making small, not entirely subtle, beckoning gestures toward his daughter.
Alfarinn looked over at Kem's less than perfect state and then smiled at Aishe. "Well whatever you were doing seemed to agree with him so I am perfectly willing to let you try to compromise me." He looked up at Ume and then back at Aishe. "Then again maybe I will just have to borrow him and we can see about getting into trouble on our own." He nodded his head toward the dance floor and raised his eyebrows toward the Nachton elder.

He wholeheartedly agreed with the sentiment that they needed to get out of here soon. Cris had already set his plan in motion though, so all that remained was for them to wait just a bit. The opportunity would present itself.
Aishe relieved Cris of Shawe and Rowan was pleased to have his husband all to himself again - or, as much to himself as he could here in this group of people. His partner happily agreed that there would have to be prank-like reparations if Rowan had to be responsible and that made Rowan chuckle and tighten his arms around Cris as he leaned against him.
Aishe asked Alfarinn to accompany her to the dance floor but Cris must have said something because she suddenly turned to Ume instead. Alfarinn responded by inviting Kem out to dance instead and the Nachton Elder grinned and stood. As they headed out to the dance floor Rowan heard Kem say, "We're going to have to find someplace else to get in trouble because trust me, that closet would not fit us both."
Rowan chuckled at the idea of both Elders somehow trying to wedge themselves into a closet for whatever trouble that might involve. Nope... it was far more pleasant to envision himself doing so with Cris.

[So... I'm rubbing off on you?] she sent back impishly. [It was bound to happen. Before you know it you're going to be making rash decisions and storming off after your wayward lover.] She looked at Cris and Rowan, both content, both glowing with love, no small amount of passion, and a little frustration which she definitely understood. [No, I take it back,] she sent with a softer smile. [Your lover is never going to be wayward. That much is clear.]
Aishe couldn't even imagine it. Rowan had settled on Cris and every hint of body language, word, aura, spoke of deep and long-lasting contentment. It was beautiful.
She was interrupted in her dance-seeking by Cris again, who mentioned Ume. Aishe turned to see Cris's familiar and smiled at her, moving to talk to her. She turned around briefly to excuse herself to Alfarinn but he and Kiamhaat were already heading away. So she looked at Ume with eyebrows raised expectantly.
"Please tell me this has something to do with Operation Get Them Out Of Here," she murmured.
She was also pretty sure that Aishe did not share her Creator's ability to mentally send to her so she answered the other woman's question out loud, just very very quietly. "Yes, there is a plan. I was hoping that you would help."
Handing over her tablet, she showed Aishe what was on the screen. "We were going to put on a presentation. I was wondering if you might be the presenter?" Ume looked at the Maid of Honor hopefully. She would do it for Cris and Rowan if she needed to be but public speaking was really not her thing.
"This will show the picture currently up on the screen." Or wall really but MARI could make any wall a screen. "here will be some information about the picture." Cris took very good notes and all his pictures were labelled and organized with important or interesting facts listed within the file. It was pretty anal, even for Cris, but she knew the pictures and memories were important to him. "This little screen at the bottom gives you a preview of the picture coming up." Because there were a few surprises thrown in there to keep the guests focused on what might come next and not on the crowd, or drinks, or escaping grooms.
"Cris said to tell you good luck. Improvise if you have to, tap dance, sing, tell jokes...and he promises a really big box of chocolate when he returns."

Shawe apparently got the message and felt that he was worth helping. Cris smiled and petted the raccoon sitting in Aishe's lap to let him know that he was grateful for the backup.
Aishe suggested that she was rubbing off on him and he agreed. [It must be you because Grisha has been able to talk to animals for ages and I have never been able to say a thing to a single one. Either you, or Shawe. Maybe he is a genius raccoon.] The other things she said that he would do made him grin. [I would definitely storm after him if he decided to go somewhere.] The 'get to the chopper' scene from earlier returned to his mind. In that little mental flight of fancy he was intending to be right behind Rowan. He certainly wasn't going to hang around with the silverware throwing mob. Cris leaned into Rowan and smiled at Aishe when she changed her mind. [Yes, I think he is mine to keep now.] And that was incredibly satisfying and comforting. He had thought of Rowan as his and he as Rowan's for a long time now but somehow it seemed all the more real all over again for being official.
His daughter got up to speak with Ume and Alfarinn decided to drag Kem off to the dance floor. Cris couldn't help but laugh at the Egyptian's comment about the broom closet. He sent to Rowan [Now that would be a social media moment for certain.] A photo of both elders crammed into a tiny closet would make it through The Towers in seconds and probably around the world in under an hour.

[I love you so much,] he sent back. [Soon... we'll have 'special' very soon. If this ploy doesn't work we're out of here.]
There was only so long they could restrain themselves, anyway. Now that Shawe had been removed, Rowan let his hands drift again, wandering low and teasing Cris's thighs again. Resting his lips against Cris's ear as he had before he murmured, "I cannot wait for you to take me, husband. I want you so badly right now. Inside me. Making me scream your name with the feeling of it."
Oh, yes, he was doing his best to distract Cris and drive him mad. He knew his partner was more than a little inebriated and Cris was generally far less restrained when that happened. Rowan would very much enjoy being manhandled by his husband right here and now. Come to think of it, he might be slightly drunk himself... which didn't make him any less horny.
They had a good laugh over Kem's comment to Alfarinn. [I'd FaceBook that. In a heart beat. They can punish me later.]
Another round of drinks was set before them on the table. Rowan glanced down at the new one, which was electric blue. There was no pint in trying to guess who'd sent this one over. Clearly their guests were trying to get them sloshed. Rowan was of sturdy constitution even for a vampire, though, so he knocked back the remainder of the last fruity red drink and took a healthy swallow of the new one. He'd been expecting berry or something; what he got was an icy-cold chilly mint that threatened to freeze his eyeballs. He swallowed again, shaking his head.
"Careful with that one, love," he choked out. "Kind of a kick to it."
At about that time Aishe clapped her hands for attention, moving with Shawe and a little tablet toward the largest expanse of wall. The lights turned down low, and the music came to a stop. Alfarinn and Kem returned to the table looking like they had enjoyed whatever mischief they'd made. but Rowan didn't ask. He was too busy watching and waiting for an opportunity.

She winked and smiled brilliantly as she headed to the wall that was best to display the pictures on. "Okay MARI," she murmured once she had clapped her hands, gotten everyone's attention, and waited for the dance floor to empty a little. "Let's do this."
Taking a breath she said, "We thought it might be nice to have a little slide show of Cris and Rowan through the years. From the time they were innocent little babies to what you see now, a perfectly matched pair of miscreants... er, respectable Clanmates."
She indicated Cris and Rowan, who were snuggling at their table - very appropriate. Definitely an 'aww' moment. By turning all the attention to them she hoped to accomplish two things - first, to prove that they were there, hanging out, not trying to escape. Secondly, to make it even easier for people to turn away, having verified their presence.
Aishe began her slide show, which started with some adorable and obviously photo-shopped pictures of babies. One was red-haired and the other, of course, curly blonde. She offered a brief description, and moved quickly to the next few photos, which showed similar children at various stages of growing up, randomly chosen because they bore some resemblance to both her Creator and his new husband. Toddler pictures, gawky teenager pictures, and even one of teenage Rowan in braces, and awkward teenage Cris pinning a corsage on an unseen prom date who appeared to be several inches taller than he.
"Of course, that was long ago," she said. Then she added, "Long, long, long, long ago."
She glanced at Cris. "A really really really long, long, long, long, long time ago."
From the table her own husband sat at came his unmistakeable baritone. "Any longer, dear, and your chocolate stash might disappear."
She widened her eyes. "Oh, that's dirty."
Still, Aishe continued, flipping to a picture of Rowan as he was now, dressed in scrubs, heading out of the Towers. It was followed by a picture of Cris in his typical work attire, black on black, hands behind his back, a solemn expression on his face. "Then they met each other here in Nachton, and all kinds of rumors started."
She flipped to the next picture, which showed Rowan on skates on the sidewalk outside of some shops on the Strip. "These rumors would turn out to be true."
Next was Cris, also on skates, obviously taken by Rowan on their first date. Then came a series of pictures Aishe had seen from Cris, which the two had taken in the photo booth down near the docks. "They're so cute," she said, as her audience giggled at the picture of Cris reaching out while they toppled over anyway.
"They couldn't stay hidden forever," Aishe said. "Especially not when they were trying to convert us all to the Dark Side. I'm a member, by the way. Totally."
The next wasn't a picture, but a video clip taken from a phone someone was obviously holding under a table outside of Barney's. In it, Rowan walked purposefully over to Cris and said they were ready and would make excellent drones. Cris responded by saying Rowan had done well. And then, in live action, was the Kiss Seen 'Round the Towers as Cris pulled Rowan down and planted the famous smooch right on Rowan's lips.
There was another collective coo from the crowd and Aishe rolled her eyes. "Guys, up here. On the screen. Come on, we already have one on video. Okay, someone get that one too."
As encore performances went, Aishe had to hand it to them... they were definitely trying to one-up the Darth Bern kiss. As far as not drawing attention to themselves in an effort to slip out, well, that wasn't going so well.

Rowan sampled the latest concoction that was placed in front of them. Cris hadn't finished even half of the fruity one that they had been given. He raised his eyerbrows when his husband coughed and pronounced it dangerous. Nodding, he decided he was in no hurry to find out why he needed to be careful with it; though he was a little curious. Okay maybe one sip and then back to the other.
Casting a sideways glance at Rowan, he gingerly picked up the tall blue glass of liquid. "Beware Romulans bearing gifts?" Cris took a small sip, not sure what to expect though it had a sharp clean smell about it. That turned out to be the mint. He raised his eyebrows slightly after the first taste. It was cool and deceptively refreshing but the mint along with the other alcohol was like ice so cold that it burned. "Yes, thank you for the warning." Taking a huge swallow would have gone straight to his head for several reasons.
Aishe clapped to get everyone's attention. The lights were dimmed and one wall was lit by MARI. Their escape plan was put into motion and Cris was only sorry that they were going to miss part of the show.
He raised his eyebrows at the pictures of his 'youth'. The first baby picture was actually a distant relation and probably bore quite a bit of resemblance to his own self at that age. [Gunther, He has the same curls.] Cris explained to Rowan who might be interested to know that the picture did have some connection to him.
The rest were interesting but not his family. He was amused by the prom picture and his obviously very tall date. Cris thought of those years and being part of an army. If they had pictures back then perhaps the height difference would have been accurate; however he doubted anyone would be letting him pin a flower to their armor. Rowan's teenaged awkwardness was adorable even if it wasn't true either. Cris somehow doubted that Rowan ever lacked the easy confidence that he had now and he certainly hadn't worn braces.
Then Aishe pointed out that these events happened a very long time ago. In fact, she made it very very clear. So clear that her own significant other threatened her chocolate stash. Cris chuckled and gave Kem a smile. After all, if he was old then so was Kem.
He watched a couple more pictures go by, happily leaning against Rowan as their love affair was displayed to all their friends. Where did the private hermit Cris go, the one who would never have wanted people to know what he did with his off time or with who? He decided that where ever that Cris was he could stay there. Rowan had changed him for the better and he was happy to let everyone see that and how much he loved the man behind him.
And then they played the video from Barney's. Cris chuckled softly, hearing Rowan talk about the crowd, some of whom had been discussing their love life moments before. The next part he didn't need to see; he remembered it quite well.
Cris looked up at Rowan and smiled. Setting down his drink, he turned and pulled his partner down to him again. [May the force be with you, Love.] They had later played the online version of themselves as members of the Dark Side. It had been fun and Rowan had been sexy both on his screen and off. He would admit to making Rowan's healing more difficult once or twice by distracting him while they played.
Those thoughts slipped away once his lips touched Rowan's. His lover's stated wish for the near future replayed itself again in his mind. Cris held his new husband tighter, pouring his desire for that moment into his kiss, exploring Rowan's mouth the way that he wanted to later explore his body.
Distantly, eventually, the sounds of the crowd filtered back into his consciousness. Aishe had said something and they had probably missed another picture.
Pulling away from Rowan, Cris gave everyone a slow satisfied smile. He looked up at his daughter and raised his hand, gesturing in a rolling motion. "Continue" He would make no apologies for their interruption of the proceedings. Once everyone turned back to the screen and Aishe began commenting on the next slide, he tapped Rowan on the leg.
Another picture went by and they eased their way out of their seats. It was crucial to be casual for any who might catch a glimpse of them. Cris took hold of Rowan's hand and kept his fruity drink in the other. He sipped it as they made their way toward the door that led outside. So far so good.
Cris set the drink down on a table near the door as they made it out into the windy night air. He gestured toward the pilot who was waiting beside his helicopter, the twirling motion indicating that they were ready to go and would like him to start up the vehicle.
They had almost escaped without incident. Then two tall figures appeared from behind the sleek back body of the machine.
Cris looked from one elder to other, weighing whether or not he and Rowan could still manage to make a break for it. They were getting on this helicopter even if he had to knock his best friend over the head with one of the decorative potted plants nearby.

Once Kem commented on Aishe's chocolate stash they were ready to go. They both waited until everyone's eyes were back on the screen, including the newlyweds and then they had both quietly slipped away. No one was particularly interested in where they went so, once they were away from the table, they were able to move with casual ease.
The escape route from the roof would have to involve the helicopter which left Cris and Rowan no other option but to come out here. Alfarinn supposed that if they were really desperate, and suspected more mischief, then they could head downstairs and hail a cab instead of the planned mode of transportation but he doubted that was going to be the case.
From out here they could still hear the ooh's and ah's from the crowd inside. Flashing lights suggested that more pictures were being taken which meant Cris and Rowan were still inside.
Perhaps they were wrong about the two making a break for it during the slide show. He leaned against the thick concrete wall and waited, giving Kem a shrug. Natt had come and gone several times tonight through a window that Alfarinn had left open for him in his sister's old penthouse. Right now he was perched on a chair and was eyeing a certain nondescript Frenchman with keen interest and hope.
[Natt, look around. Let me see.] Alfarinn closed his own eyes and concentrated on seeing through the eyes of the crow instead. His keen sighted friend scanned the crowd. Cris and Rowan were leaning against one another and everyone was facing the screen. Then the two men slowly began moving away.
Alfarinn smiled slowly and opened his eyes. "The birds are flying the coup." He straightened and waited for Rowan and Cris to make it through the sliding door.
Once it opened and the two thought they were safe, he and Kem revealed themselves. "Going somewhere?" Alfarinn raised his eyebrows and looked mildly curious. [Stop contemplating hitting me over the head, Crispin.] He sent to his friend. [We will let you go. In a minute.]
"We couldn't let you go without giving you your elder tribute." Alfarinn smiled and looked over at Kem. His fellow elder was carrying a sealed folder. Vampire marriages were something special and it was tradition when two of their kind chose to officially bind themselves together for the elders of their clan to give them something special in acknowledgement of their union. What that gift was tended to vary. There was no specific gift that was considered appropriate and sometimes it was a gift that needed to be carefully thought out, lest someone be insulted or be considered too highly favored by everyone else. In the case of Cris and Rowan, Alfarinn and Kem did not feel they needed to worry about how their gift was going to be received. They were both well respected, long time members of the clan who both worked hard in service to that clan. They were also both very good, personal friends of both elders.
"Oh" Alfarinn looked through the large windows to the party still going on inside. "it looks like people have noticed your absence. You guys better hurry." He then produced one of the small bottles of bubbles and blew a few in their general direction before wiggling his long fingers in a gesture of goodbye.
He then headed back toward the sliding glass door and turned to watch them both as the helicopter took off. More people soon joined him, waving and blowing belated celebratory bubbles into the night air.

[Nicely done, merit,] Kem sent. Aishe didn't particularly enjoy public speaking but she could do it when the situation required it and was reliably good at it.
[Why thank you. Does this mean my stash is safe?] she promptly returned to him, without appearing to break her stride in the presentation. He couldn't see her from where they were but she had demonstrated her ability to mentally multitask on numerous occasions. Not only were her Creator and her husband senders, but she and Kem shared a bond that they spoke through all the time as well. She had grown so used to having people talk to her in her head by now that he doubted she gave it much notice.
[For now,] he teased back easily.
Kem was watching Alfarinn while his long-time friend closed his eyes and focused. In a short time he re-opened them and informed Kem that their targets were on their way out. When Alfarinn moved around the side of the helicopter, Kem followed.
Cris glanced between the two of them and Kem offered him his usual brief, soft smile; he knew what Cris worried about but surely he couldn't think they would truly try to stop them from leaving. When Alfarinn spoke, Kem handed the folder to Cris. Looking at the two of them he let one side of his mouth tip up again.
"Happy honeymooning," he said, his voice a low murmur even with the sound of the helicopter starting up behind them.
He saw people moving toward the door and chuckled softly. When Alfarinn produced a bottle of bubbles Kem moved toward the door. Aishe was one of the first out, having recognized the futility on trying to hold off the crowd and wanting to see her Creator off with his husband. She held Shawe in her arms; the little raccoon was frantically waving around a bubble wand, doing nothing but splashing everyone nearby with bubble solution.
Kem slid his arm around Aishe's shoulders and shielded his eyes with one hand as Rowan and Cris disappeared into the helicopter through a sudden veil of bubbles.

"I want a copy of that one," he said, still giggling over it a minute later.
The photos became more personal and he could feel Cris's reaction... really feel it. He heard Cris's sent words to him and smiled. [Oh he is,] he sent back. [He is always with me, and he is quite the force to be reckoned with.]
Opening himself up to his husband he felt nothing but love, joy, warmth. He soaked them in, feeling them radiate throughout him without the pain of fire coursing over his skin. This was the second time, now, he had used his empathy with Cris without it hurting. He would contemplate it later, perhaps, when Cris no doubt revisited his sudden raccoon conversation. For now he basked in the sensation, delighted when Cris pulled him down and kissed him with even more passion than that day outside the coffee shop.
The feelings Cris felt exploded through Rowan's whole body in a way no one's ever had. He gasped into his love's kiss, wrapping his arms around Cris and clinging tightly, practically begging him to forget their audience and simply take him right there. He moaned softly, nearly overwhelmed by the dual emotions, his own and his partner's, the taste and the feel of Cris, everything resounding through his mind, his soul, until he thought he might simply shatter right there.
He pulled himself back together at the sounds of the crowd around them. He couldn't bring himself to blush; he wasn't embarrassed or ashamed of the way Cris could make him forget there was anyone else in the room. Or on the planet.
The time had finally come, however, to make good their escape. He went along with Cris, strolling as if they hadn't a care in the world. Maybe he imagined it or maybe not, but he could have sworn several people moved to block their departure from any wandering eyes. People he knew, people Cris knew, as if they were being helped by a number of people.
Once they were outside Rowan breathed a sigh of relief. Home free... until Kem and Alfarinn appeared. Rowan tightened his hand on Cris's. Hell, he would tackled them both if he had to. There was literally nothing that could stop them from getting to that helicopter and then to their jet, where they fully planned to immerse themselves in several hours of personal and private mile-high membership.
But there was no need to worry, apparently. Rowan remained silent while Alfarinn spoke briefly and Kem handed a sealed folder to Cris. It was Alfarinn who then mentioned they'd been noticed missing. Rowan and Cris didn't need to be told twice to hurry. They reached the helicopter and climbed quickly inside; it took off immediately after.
It was too windy in the helicopter to risk opening the folder; they waited until they reached the plane. What was inside, frankly, stunned Rowan. It was the property deed to a piece of land. Specifically, a small island in the Bahamas where two people could dock a boat and spend several weeks in intimate privacy with no disturbances or interruptions. Rowan was speechless for several minutes.
"That's pretty amazing," he murmured softly. He paused for a moment, running his hands slowly up and down Cris's arms, embracing him lovingly. "It sounds almost too good to be true. Thank them for me, too."
He knew Cris would be sending his thanks to both Elders. And he knew Cris would also have mentioned Rowan but it had to be said, of course. From the look on Cris's face he knew his sentiments were returned, and that their thanks were being conveyed. When Cris turned back to him Rowan bent down to kiss him deeply.
"Now come love me please, my husband," he requested softly. "Love me and don't ever stop for as long as we exist."
(ooc: All out))