A Comedy Tonight
Alex had given up on working his own shift at the store. Marie, finished with her classes for the semester, had come on full time for a little while to help out while he interviewed a new hire. The process was exhausting.
Personally, he was sick of being sick. Normally incredibly healthy, Alex was having a very hard time adjusting to life as a near-invalid. He was trying to stay focused, stay healthy, stay motivated, but more often than not he retreated onto the couch with a blanket and a cup of water.
He was still managing to give lessons, something that gave him a measure of comfort. He couldn't demonstrate everything but bless her heart, Aishe had become a sort of personal assistant in those cases. He had thanked her (and Cris, for giving her the time) multiple times and she seemed happy to help. She came and got him in the evenings and they drove to his studio, where he talked his classes through their lessons with Aishe flowing through the vinyasa like Alexander normally would have. She was getting good at tai chi as well. That one, and some of the beginner yoga, Alex didn't have any problems doing but he was just hammered with exhaustion after.
Fortunately Aishe drove him back to the Towers again and saw him home safely before heading to work herself on the days she did work. His classes at the Towers continued, too, and it was plenty to keep him busy and employed. His store was doing well enough now that he could afford a second hire. All in all, he supposed it could be worse. He was trying very hard, too, not to get his feathers ruffled about being dependent on everyone for everything. He was grateful for all the help he got from his friends and he definitely remembered a time when he had no one who'd have helped.
Tonight was a night off from all of that. He hadn't gone to the store, he had no classes. He was snuggled up on the couch; the medications Rowan had adjusted for him were working and he wasn't nauseous all the time, which was a blessing. It did hit him now and then and for a day he'd be miserable. Today wasn't one of those days. Yes, he was beat, but he had his Kindle, his blanket, a little bowl of soup with some oyster crackers, and a glass of ginger ale, which was growing on him. Thora was curled up on the blanket at his feet, nose tucked under her tail.
Eiryk would be up soon. His fiance was wonderful; he understood how Alex felt and he'd been attentive and sweet and helpful. Alex knew it bothered him that he couldn't be up all the time and with Alex all the time. Eiryk had driven him to meet Aishe at he studio several times, when he was up for it, but on days like these Alex knew he could look forward to having his partner's full attention and why shouldn't he? He could be spoiled... a little.
"Chateau might be more accurate," he said, when Aishe and Pak had a brief discussion on that topic. "Although cabin works too... it's not that huge."
They'd probably have to rent a few rooms at the resort for their guests, but certainly not the entire thing. They had a banquet hall there though as well as some smaller dining rooms, one of which would surely be sufficient for both the ceremony and the reception. Then they could spend the rest of the weekend enjoying the snowy weather. And hopefully there would be snowy weather.
When Aishe made an obvious crack about Kem and then explained it, Alex nodded with a little 'ah.' He did have to admit, Kem was probably the most unlikely person to have learned winter sports.
"But," he said, arguing in the absent Elder's defense, "Fifteen hundred years is a lot of time to branch out and expand your horizons. He did do a lot of traveling, after all."
Kem was always open to Alexander's questions about his long long immortal life. For the most part Alex restrained himself to asking those questions more of Eiryk, Cris, and Rue, but Kem's life was equally fascinating. Perhaps more, if one had a yen for all things Egyptian. Alex didn't, but he still liked the stories Kem told.
"You'd make a very pretty ice sculpture," he said, trying to mollify Pak who didn't seem thrilled in the least about a winter wedding. "Besides, it's not like the whole thing will be outside. You could stay inside at the fire with your own nice steaming mug of hot cocoa."
She certainly wouldn't be required to go play in the snow, and Alex doubted they would all be spending every free moment out there. For his part, really, he was just kind of hoping he still had a leg. He'd be grateful for that... otherwise he supposed he'd be keeping Pak company indoors, but not really voluntarily.
Eiryk had -no- issues being rather blunt, at least not around Aishe and Pak. Some other people he would be more discreet but now he'd call a spade a spade.
It really should be lovely. If Alex was feeling better by then maybe they could do an outdoor ceremony. Lights reflecting off the snow, Alex' cheeks pinked by the chill, the gentle creak of the snow under foot, flowers would obviously have to be brought in but they would pop against such a background. Maybe they could have all the guests where white coats and he and Alex could wear black.
His day dreams had taken him far enough that Eiryk missed the bit about Kem and winter sports and had to spend a second or three catching up. It was dreadfully cute how Alex stood up for Kem. Really it was, but having seen the man handle Pak with wit and grace and that he seemed to quite enjoy Aishe's teasing Eiryk doubted Kem needed defending.
"I don't know... at that age Aishe maybe you should put him in some Tupperware. Keep him fresh and all that, even wine turns eventually and all that."
Not that Eiryk was all that much younger. Most humans would see a big gap, but after the first few hundred years... well Kem would always be older and he'd hang on to that.
When Alex started to sooth Pak though, then Eiryk chuckled.
"No... she would be a cantankerous ice sculpture and if you want a winter wedding, she will come out and play with us and enjoy herself."
Pak herself just snorted and didn't protest. He had to give her credit for knowing which battles to pick. Although, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, she could be saving it up for a massive scene later. Well they'd cross that bridge when they came to it.

When the conversation focused on her husband she chuckled softly. She did agree with Alex but she would never resist a poke at Kiamhaat, for all the poking he handed out first.
"Eiryk, I can't keep him in Tupperware," she chided. "They don't make it nearly tall enough, plus it's not very snuggly in bed." She had other reasons to want to keep Kiamhaat around, but those two seemed practical.
As they chatted over their drinks, Aishe was sensitive to Alex's moods. Maybe it was because she was worried about him. Her empathy was still in the 'work in progress stages' and while she now had a good grasp on how to invoke it when she wanted it, she didn't always manage to keep it from springing itself upon her unbidden.
She could tell when Alex's thoughts took a darker turn, and although she didn't know what he was thinking about she was pretty sure Helen Keller could have followed his train of thoughts at this point. They were talking about winter sports, and Alex liked to be active. He was probably worrying about something to do with not being able to participate.
There was nothing she could do to ease his fears, and that made her sad. She couldn't even use her empathy to tell him if the chemo was helping any, because chemo killed a body. He looked sicker on it than he ever had before starting it, and his aura reflected that. She looked down at her nearly-empty cup and then up at Pak, giving her friend the tiniest of little nods. They'd intruded long enough. If they left Alex and Eiryk to themselves, chances were they'd return to whatever they had been doing when Aishe and Pak arrived that had been so pleasant.
Standing, she brought her cup to the sink. "Well. I really just wanted to come make sure you and I were still on for tomorrow Alex," she said, smiling brightly at him. Being exhausted and sick all the time got him down - reminding him that tomorrow they would be going to the studio would perk him up a bit, she thought, and it did.
Alex nodded at her. "Call me if anything changes," Aishe added. Alex had good days and bad ones. If he felt unable to go tomorrow, she would give his class for him. She couldn't really tech the higher level classes but she could do the beginner tai chi and yoga. But those things were very relaxing for Alex too, and she hoped he'd be able to go.

"One can be cute and cantankerous. They aren't mutually exclusive.â€
She made a mental note to ask Eiryk out for a drink soon. He could use a little break, and she'd missed talking to him. For a second Pak wondered about telling her friend about the whole Ran and the human situation, but she probably wouldn't. Kem knew, sort of, mostly, a bit and there really wasn't that much to tell, although Eiryk might have some insight.
Catching Aishe's glance she didn't dwell on things very long and only offered her own small little nod and gulped down the rest of her coffee. Although she didn't feel like walking over to the sink and instead mentally nudged her cup along the counter top and lightly set it in the sink.
"I'll get out of your hair too. Let me know if you need anything.â€
Pak, however, wasn't sure what she could do for Alex or Eiryk she just didn't know what to do. A quick internet search could give her some ideas.
After they closed the door and listened to the two soft pairs of footsteps walking away, Alex turned back to Eiryk. Leaning against the front door he gently twisted his hand into his fiance's shirt and pulled him close, wrapping his free arm around Eiryk's narrow waist. Alex tipped his head down and kissed Eiryk softly, humming in soft approval at the lingering bitterness of coffee on his lips.
"Have I mentioned I love you in the last hour or so?"
With his eyes on Eiryk, he reached around without looking and clicked the lock on the door. Then he kissed Eiryk again, deeper, even more satisfying than before. "I'm still not all that tired," he murmured. "Maybe you should fix that for me. Otherwise, I'll never sleep later."
It was a lie; he was pretty tired and he'd sleep like a rock later but sometimes the comfortable lie was more necessary than the blunt truth. Tonight was one of those nights. Alex was learning some very important lessons recently about learning to live in the now and enjoy what you have. Tomorrow, he might feel like death warmed over again but tonight he was still alive and kicking and he was going to enjoy that feeling while it lasted.
He wrapped both arms around Eiryk and hugged him close. It didn't matter what happened tomorrow. Alex pulled back for just a moment to flash a quick grin at Eiryk. "Surely I can entice you into another round," he said with raised eyebrows, reminding Eiryk of the movie they'd watched.
((ooc: Alex and Aishe out pending response))
He was a little surprised when Alex wrapped an arm around him and kissed him, but he didn't hesitate to return the sentiment. It was times like that he loved Alex being a little taller, he loved reaching up into the kiss and leaning into Alex, although Eiryk did his best not to lean -on- Alex. He would at some point, that was how being partners worked, but right now he wouldn't.
"Not in the past hour or so... you've been slacking.â€
The lock clicking into place was possibly the sexiest sound Eiryk had ever heard, it was pretty clear that Alex wanted to pick up where they had left off and he was just fine with that. He'd be fine if Alex wanted to do was cuddle on the couch or crash out on the bed by himself, okay he wouldn't be fine but he'd accept it. He liked this better.
"We can fix that, unless you think you should save your strength or something silly like that.â€
Eiryk teased Having eaten earlier in the evening he was feeling considerably more energetic. It wasn't perfect, he hadn't been able to bite Alex but that didn't mean he couldn't absolutely love Alex in every sense of the word and damned if he wasn't going to try.
Not wanting Alex to waste any more energy on silly things like walking Eiryk swept Alex off his feet and carried him to the bedroom. There was only one little bobble as he discovered that kissing and walking wasn't something he excelled at, but he didn't drop his partner. Nope, he had other things to do with Alex.
((OOC... Pak and Eiryk out))