Uphill Battle (Invite only)
Alex sat in the lobby of Liefde with his eyes closed, waiting. And waiting. He had been taking a cocktail of chemotherapy drugs for a week now, injected into the little port in his chest, and the first day or two had gone well. He had felt pretty sick to his stomach but the medication he'd been given to help with that had. He'd continued to go to work and for those first two days he'd figured he might actually be okay with this.
And then on day three it had all hit him like a Mack truck. He'd been queasy all day, and he'd been so tired by early afternoon that Marie had sent him home. Marie... had sent him home. And he'd been so damn tired he hadn't argued.
It had only gotten worse from there. Today he hadn't even made it to lunch time. He had even called a cab, because he didn't want to stay at the apartment over his store and he knew he couldn't walk the short distance to Liefde.
Now the prospect of riding the elevator made him want to hurl and the stairs were totally out of the question. He figured he'd just hang out here for a little bit, letting the cool air soothe him, until his stomach settled and he could brave the elevator once more. Once he sat down though, his legs and feet seemed to turn to lead. He should call Cris. He was the only one of his friends likely to be here at Liefde and capable of being woken up, if he was asleep. But his phone was, like, a mile away in his pocket. He'd be okay for a few minutes.
"I tried to be everything else they wanted me to be," he explained. "Good at sports, good in school, dressed like every other guy my age. I even went out with girls at first. But it wasn't good enough." He shrugged. "Now, well, they don't want me around and I don't want to be around. This is my home now."
The last part was said with almost a sigh of relief. Alex loved it here. He remembered seeing Eiryk's apartment building from the street before they'd become a couple, thinking how swank it was, how far beyond his own means. And yet here he was now, and they were nearly at the door of the apartment they shared. It was incredible.
Alfarinn set him gently on his feet but kept his arm around him, which was good because Alex's balance was definitely off, a disconcerting sensation for a yoga instructor. He raised one hand and clutched at Alfarinn's arm to steady himself, murmuring his thanks for the continued support. They made their way slowly down the hallway until they reached Alex and Eiryk's door. Alex unlocked it and opened it, then turned to look up at Alfarinn.
"Will you come in? There's coffee ready to go, and if you want to try it there's a bottle of mead in the kitchen as well. Eiryk's home, but he won't wake up for a few hours yet. Once he's out, there's nothing that can wake him up."
He smiled ironically. It had taken some time to get used to the fact that Eiryk wasn't dead - just very, very asleep. It was still habit to go about his way quietly, even though he knew Eiryk would remain asleep. Alex was sure Eiryk would regret having slept through it when Alex could have used his help, but Alex would simply have to convince him it wasn't his fault and he certainly didn't hold it against him. After all Eiryk had done for him, Alex knew if his love could have been there for him, he would have been.
He didn't intend to detain Alfarinn for long, but he did know Alfarinn was interested in Eiryk's mead and if nothing else, perhaps he'd want some coffee to go. It had to be Eiryk rubbing off on him, Alex thought. To Eiryk, coffee was the natural solution to almost everything, and he'd have been appalled if Alex hadn't offered it to anyone crossing the threshold of their home.

Alfarinn could council his clan mate to choose his Creator carefully but that was a discussion for another time. Cris would be first in line to explain all there was to know about strategic vampire making strategies. He and Grisha were some of the most careful Creators around.
He smiled at the invitation to come in. Alex was still being a good host despite not being able to stand up straight. The longer he spent talking to the man the more he understood why so many of his friends liked him.
"Coffee and mead!†Alfarinn grinned. "I might never leave.†He followed Alex inside figuring that he could drink some much needed caffeine while continuing to talk, and keep a watchful eye, on Alex.
Apparently Alex's partner was home but blissfully asleep. He nodded in understanding when it was explained that nothing could wake Eiryk up. "I know how that is myself.†Alfarinn smiled. "As does another friend of mine, a drinking buddy. We have a long standing tradition of playing pranks on the first one to fall asleep whenever we are together for an event.†Which led to long nights of drinking and talking because neither of them was willing to sleep in front of the other.
"I'll let you in on a little Evenhet secret.†He smiled and looked for the direction of the kitchen. "We are largely responsible for the coffee trade in Europe.†Not anymore, exactly, but definitely the beginning. "It went like this. The English East India trading company was mostly run by Anantya. The Dutch East India Company...that was us. After coffee was first introduced in Europe and began to become a popular traded item there was a race amongst the many merchants to grow coffee more locally.â€
He liked coffee and had enjoyed it long before it came to Europe. Alfarinn had been especially interested in the trade of one of the few drinks he held dear that did not, normally, have an alcohol content. "One of our merchants, Pieter, managed to bring live coffee bushes from Mocha, which were very carefully guarded by the locals.†He gave a slight cough and left the how that acquisition came about unremarked on. "Anyway, it turned out that the coffee bushes did quite well in the Netherlands and later the Dutch moved their coffee production to a little known area of the world called, Java.†Along with a few other places still well known for quality coffee.
"Small bit of clan trivia for you.â€
Their apartment layout was very open, and of course it was very clean. Eiryk wasn't a messy housekeeper and Alex was fairly meticulous as well. In that regard they worked very nicely together. He made his wobbly way to the coffee maker and hit the power button; Eiryk always set it up to brew before he fell asleep. Alex would re-set it after but even if he didn't he suspected Eiryk would understand, given the circumstances.
Alfarinn claimed to understand Eiryk's sleeping issue, and mentioned a friend of his who pranked with him. "It isn't Rue, is it? He has the same trouble and I can totally see him doing that."
As the cheerful steaming-bubbling sound of brewing coffee filled the kitchen Alex retrieved a wine glass and filled it generously with Eiryk's most recent creation, a light sweet ginger honey mead, passing it to Alfarinn. Alex had only sipped a tiny bit of it previously but he'd loved the taste of it and the mildly spicy snap of the ginger. For himself, he got out a box of crackers. He laid them on the bar top at the kitchen in case Alfarinn wanted one, and while he went about slowly setting out two mugs, milk, and sugar, he nibbled carefully on one. As Rowan had said, the nausea he'd been feeling was nearly gone. He was still light-headed as hell but at least it wasn't making him sick.
All the same, he wasn't going to push it - he'd try out a cracker or two and make sure they would stay in place. He might not drink any coffee but a little bit of milk might be nice as well. Almost anything to get some calories. Alex was very aware of the effects of chemo on a body and his overall state of health. He didn't want to lose weight if he could help it.
As Alfarinn told him about Evenhet's role in the coffee trade it was hard not to stop everything and listen in fascination. To be able to remember it, too... that was incredible. He blinked when Alfarinn finished and, leaning on the bar top, said, "That's really cool."
He gave a soft laugh. "I can't wait to be able to tell Eiryk something about his own Clan... unless he already knows. He is kind of a coffee nut, so it wouldn't be a shocker if he did."
Still, he thought Eiryk would be pleased to know he was taking an interest in Evenhet. Alex slid himself onto a barstool with a short sigh of relief and said, "I don't suppose you know anything about crop circles, huh?"

Chuckling, Alfarinn shook his head. "No, not Rowan. My drinking buddy is Artemis. He is a mad scientist and wine brewer...and obviously a fellow heavy sleeper.†They had a bunch of them. It was rather common for the creating process to result in that problem. He couldn't say whether he had been a heavy sleeper before or not. He remembered that he had slept quite soundly as a child but then most children tended sleep quite well before worries took over. Alfarinn didn't remember a phase with nightmares or insomnia but perhaps it simply escaped his faded memory. He did remember going to bed exhausted after days crammed with work and play.
Alex seemed to be doing a little better. Alfarinn followed him into the kitchen and leaned lightly against the counter and the other man puttered around turning on the coffee maker and getting mugs and a glass. Accepting the mead, he watched Alex and decided that he was much improved since the lobby.
Taking a sip of the mead, Alfarinn raised his eyebrows and took another sip. "This is good. Different, but really good.†He hardly ever turned down alcohol; he never turned down mead. However, there was good mead, indifferent mead and sometimes even bad mead. This was really good mead.
He savored the exceptional drink while the coffee continued to brew. Alex munched on a cracker and considered his story. Alfarinn was happy to be able to provide him with some history that might be shared with his partner. "I guess that would depend on where he was at the time.†He considered and then added. "Assuming he was around then?†Alfarinn seemed to remember Cris explaining that Rowan and Eiryk were old friends but he wasn't sure how old "old†was.
The next question made him laugh. He paused, savoring a swallow of mead, before answering. "Well, the aliens, of course.†Alfarinn shook his head. "The English have always been a bit strange. I believe they are a result of too much time on their hands. Truthfully, I believe they were a hoax. My secretary, prior to my current one, was fascinated by the possibility of alien life.†He shrugged. It could happen. Maybe it had already happened. "As a mythological creature that most people believe doesn't exist, I can't rightly say that aliens don't....I haven't seen any...at least I don't remember seeing any.â€
Of course there was that one time...but I always blamed it on the wine.â€
When Alfarinn reacted to the mead Alex's smile grew wider. He knew Eiryk was good at what he did; after all, a thousand years of mead-making had to result in some sort of skill. But Eiryk was also a mead-snob, and second-best wouldn't do. There was the occasional bottle of 'maybe I'll add or subtract such an item next time,' but for the most part everything he produced was delicious. Alex regretted that he couldn't also partake, but with his stomach sketchy and a variety of potent drugs in his system that would just be asking for pain and trouble.
"He'll be happy to hear you like it. He's his own worst critic. I don't think he's ever made anything bad, but he's always trying to improve on it. It really is kind of an art form for him."
He gave a soft laugh when Alfarinn asked about Eiryk's age, or Alex's knowledge of history. Either would suffice to tell Alfarinn if Eiryk would have been around, but Alex's forte in school had not been history. He had a much more artistic and mathematical mind... memorizing dates of battles and political policies from days gone by had not been his strong suit. He'd done enough to get A's and then promptly forgotten everything he knew.
"I imagine he would have been around. I think. He's twelve hundred and... something," Alex said, with a vague wave of his hand. He smiled wryly. "He's never told me the exact details... I think he originally thought maybe the addition of a few more decades would tip me over the edge of disbelief."
It made him grin, the expression brief, not one he usually displayed. But it was funny now in retrospect, how Eiryk had tried to gloss over his own age. Because, you know, after the first century, everything else was more and more outrageous right? He continued speaking as the aroma of coffee filled their apartment. "Rowan jokes that he and Eiryk were baby vampires together, but I know that Rowan is twenty-five years older than Eiryk. Vampire time."
Alex shrugged. "Rowan has no idea how old he actually is either. How do you count, anyway? Vampire years plus human years? Or just the vampire parts?"
That fascinated him, the fact that you could be so old. He peered curiously at Alfarinn. "How old are you? I mean... if that's all right to ask. Do you even keep track?"
He knew some vampires did and some didn't. His friends had been very understanding of his questions. Rowan kept meticulous record of his birthdays, while making sure Alex understood he had made up his own birthday and counted from the night he'd been turned since he had no other frame of reference. Aishe, still very young, still celebrated her birthday. In fact, Alex realized, she'd just had one. He and Eiryk had missed the celebration because he'd been sick. He would have to send her something. On the other hand, Aishe's husband Kem had only a vague recollection of when he'd added another year as a human, a general idea of his age, and didn't seem bothered by the fact that he didn't have an exact number.
Alex listened to Alfarinn's views on crop circles, smiling, and laughing softly at his last statement. "I've had plenty of drinks, but none of them made me consider alien life. What was in that wine?" He shook his head. "Then again, maybe don't tell me."
He slid from his bar stool and grabbed the coffee pot. Turning back carefully, since things were still spinning around although the dizziness was much better, he poured a full mug for Alfarinn and a little bit for himself as well. He offered milk and sugar to his guest before supplementing his coffee with both, making it more like coffee-flavored milk. Not how he normally drank it, but he thought he was probably wise to alter his habits in this regard. He sipped his drink very slowly.
"Do you want anything else to eat? I haven't been doing a lot of cooking, but there's some chicken soup in the fridge."
He knew some vampires ate and enjoyed it and some didn't. Maybe a day would come when he stopped doing so, but Alex was still Greek and it was etched on his DNA to offer guests food no matter what the circumstances of their visit. He regretted that his offerings today were not very impressive, but they must still be offered or the world might collapse.

Forming a look of understanding, he said "ah†and smiled when Alex explained that another decade or so might have made the age of his partner completely unbelievable. Rowan and Cris were close in age, at least as far as older vampires were concerned so he could sort out roughly how old Eiryk was by Cris, for whom he had a more exact number.
"It depends on the vampire and their age.†He shrugged. "I don't have an exact birthday. I was born in the spring. I do put one on my license though and use it to celebrate in modern times.†You had to have something for the records these days.
He smiled when Alex asked him if he kept track. Alfarinn shrugged again. "Somewhat. You know that BCE thing that happened a while back...I'm older than that.â€
Accepting the mug of coffee with a word of thanks, he gratefully drank a few sips. Closing his eyes with a relieved sigh, caffeine. After a few more sips, he set the mug down and smiled. "This is good coffee.†It tasted familiar. In fact, it tasted like the coffee he had in his own cupboard. "Your fiancee has excellent taste in beverages.†It could be Alex's coffee but he suspected between the Scandinavian names, the mead, and the coffee that a fellow Norseman lived here.
Shaking his head, Alfarinn smiled but declined food. "Thank you but I will stick with the much needed coffee. It is past my bed time but I have some paperwork to finish so this is much appreciated.†He held up the mug of coffee in illustration.
Oh, Alexander knew Eiryk enjoyed his current job and no doubt the interior design community would utter a collective wail of dismay if he retired from it, but Eiryk loved to make mead. Loved, loved, loved it. Alex thought he was lucky to be working at a job he enjoyed, and he thought that while Eiryk liked his job now, he might love it if he were pursuing something full-time that was a passion.
He nodded as Alfarinn politely answered his question about ages, his words very similar to what Kem had once told him. Then his eyes grew wide when the taller man gave him a reference point for his age. He'd been told Evenhet's leader had some years on him; of course he must, to be in his position. Still, the reality of it was almost incomprehensible to Alex, who was still getting over the fact that thirty was a bygone occurrence.
"Well," he said, clearing his throat and trying not to sound too floored, "you don't look a day over two thousand."
When Alfarinn said Eiryk had good taste in beverages Alex had to agree. Eiryk really did. He might be clumsy, overly enthusiastic, and occasionally completely oblivious to Alexander's human nature, but he had great taste. And, Alex thought, he was a kind, cheerful soul who, in spite of a pretty violent past, was one of the most caring people he knew.
He had little time to reflect, though, before Alfarinn mentioned bedtime and paperwork. Alex's eyes grew wide once more and he felt himself growing red. He stood and went to the cabinet, retrieved one of their many travel mugs, and filled it with the remaining coffee. There was plenty; Eiryk always made more than enough because Alex didn't always drink it.
"I'm sorry," he said, feeling embarrassed. "I shouldn't have kept you. I know you're busy. And there are important things to take care of."
Far more important than carrying his sorry ass up fifteen flights of stairs, but Alfarinn had done so anyway, which was unspeakably kind of him. Alex handed him the travel mug.
"I really appreciate your help. Hopefully it'll get better." He had his bravest face on, knowing it would likely only get worse, but then again the drugs Rowan had given him were definitely more effective this time than the previous ones. So maybe there was some hope that he could do this thing. Either way it wasn't for him to burden Alfarinn with. He'd done that enough today, in the most literal sense possible.

Blood from a bottle sounded disgusting.
He did think Godric had one bad ass moment where, as the preacher was going on about how Jesus would protect him from the vampires, Godric announced from high above the man that he was actually older than Christianity's Jesus. He said that he was sorry he hadn't met him but he missed it. The look of utter amazed disbelief was pretty priceless.
Mentioning the need for coffee and the paperwork he had to do when he got home had been a mistake. Alex apologized and began packing up another mug of coffee for him to take with him. With a small sigh, Alfarinn placed his hands on Alex's shoulders to pause the man for a moment. "You have no reason to be sorry so there is no need to apologize.†He smiled. "I would have gone to Barney's to get a coffee since some Security Chief assured me that his people were all too busy to deliver me a nice tall latte. You're company and the wonderful beverages were much better than trudging over there and drinking at the cafe.†All in all it probably even had taken less time, or at least about the same. He would have spoken to at least a half dozen people on his way to the coffee shop and a few people inside the shop before heading to his own apartment.
Taking up the mug, he held it up. "Thank you.†Alfarinn gave Alex an appraising look before he turned to go. "Do call Rowan if you need anything. I know he and Cris would be very upset if you didn't when you needed them.†Tapping his temple, he said. "I will tell Bern that you are okay and home safe and sound, which might give you a chance to nap in peace without the Swiss Army busting down your door in a rescue attempt.â€
He headed toward the door. "Thank you again for the coffee. And Alex,†Alfarinn smiled. "I expect to see you around here for the next two thousand years. See you later.â€
Alfarinn hadn't been at home long when he heard a knock on his door. He got up from his laptop and answered it. Outside his friend and head of security stood with a very large steaming hot cup of coffee from Barney's in each hand. "Personal delivery?" Alfarinn grinned. "I could get used to this you know."
((OOC: Alfarinn out. Cris in...and out *waves to Alex* ))
He looked at Alfarinn with wide eyes, nodding when he was put in his place - kindly - and only protesting enough to say "No, thank you," when the Elder thanked him for the coffee.
He grew red once more when Alfarinn mentioned Cris and Rowan, and the potential for a worried Cris to come storming in. It pleased Alex to no end to have friends who might actually do such a thing. He had worried that Rowan would be a rival at first, but it was clear to him now that while Rowan and Eiryk loved each other, it wasn't that sort of love. They both claimed it had never been that sort of love, even a thousand years ago, and Alex believed them. And Cris - well, Alex liked him most of all, aside from Eiryk. The small, quiet man just 'felt' right to Alex. That he was concerned for his welfare - he and Rowan, and Aishe and Kem and all of the people he'd met here - was flattering and humbling.
"I'll do my best," Alex said with a little smile at Alfarinn's parting words. He shut the door, bemused by the idea and comforted, if that had been Alfarinn's intent. Knowing that his life would continue in one way or another. Feeling excited, nervous, a little scared about his choices.
And exhausted. And still a little swoony. He didn't feel great about leaving a mess in the kitchen for Eiryk to wake up to so he did a quick clean up and at least got things to the sink, as well as resetting the coffee maker for his partner. That sapped the rest of his flagging energy and he made his way to the bedroom, his mind spinning with all kinds of thoughts. He changed into pajama pants and a soft cotton tee and slid into bed on his side. That lasted for a whole minute before he squirmed over to Eiryk, dragging his pillow with him, and nestled up against his partner. With a comfortable sigh he closed his eyes. Tossed a little bit. Then he reached over, grabbed Eiryk's arm, and tugged it around himself. Oh, that was much better. Alex was asleep in about half a second after that.
((ooc: Alex out - permission to manhandle comatose vampire assumed