On the Fly (attn: Pakpao)
Ran hadn't visited the HoP in a very long time. Decades long. But he was told the music was pretty good. That seemed to be the case; before he was even admitted, twenty stories up, he could feel the heavy vibrating beat that seemed to seep into his veins. It promised excitement, it promised fun.
He was dressed appropriately for the occasion. In Ran's opinion, that meant even more remarkable than usual. He was covered from neck to toes in a sort of bright blue mesh that was a solid sheet but almost transparent. The play of skin and muscle under the fabric was quite obvious, as were his various weekly piercings. The blue mesh fabric was accented with deep indigo leather straps that criss-crossed and wrapped around his arms, legs, wrists, and chest in apparent haphazard fashion. These were decorated with hooks, studs, rings, and chains. In all, the outfit didn't look like much of an outfit - it looked like head to toe 'kink.'
In his opinion, it was a lot of fun.
His hair was, as usual, brightly colored and spiked up, some of it brushed over to the side. There was glitter in it and the rest of his face was glammed out as well; blue lipstick, dark eyeliner, contacts in glowing neon blue. His fingernails were painted he same glowing blue shade, and his face bore more piercings than usual, most in the form of barbels and spiked studs.
Ran was here for food but he was also here to immerse himself in Nachton's vampire nightlife. He always jumped in wherever he could, and as a Nightsman it was his job. No one here would betray his affiliations, and he would steadfastly avoid the Anantya section of the club. It was a dangerous pursuit, perhaps, but one he was perfectly willing to undertake.

It was her own opinion that any vampire who lived in Nachton for more than a year developed a bit of a HoP appropriate wardrobe. Pak herself was often surprised at how much she had, but that was the beauty of the Internet. You didn't have to go out and look for the stuff and try it on you just pointed and clicked and no one looked at you funny or asked questions. Tonight she'd picked skin tight black leather with mesh filled cut outs that went quite literally all the way up. She'd paired that with red Mary Janes with a four inch heel and the same red and black studded corset she'd worn the night she'd met Blaise. Her hair she'd done simply in a high set pony tail, and she'd used eyeliner to exaggerate her almond shaped eyes. It would be enough to attract someone, to have a little fun, but very simple by HoP standards.
Blaise had proven to be interesting. He had emailed her and they'd met up a couple of times. Pak liked him and had warmed up to him a bit but she still wasn't quite sure what to make of him. To his credit though, he hadn't pushed. He'd made his interest clear but had, thus far, respected her reserve.
She'd quietly drifted out into the less territorial area of the club. Pak just wanted to get a look around, to figure out if she was doing a fly by appearance tonight or if there was a reason to stay longer. She hated to get all dressed up and not hang around, but the club could some times make her nervous. As she slid through the crowd bright blue hair caught her eye, then the rest of him did. The look made her mouth go a little dry, she was impressed with the courageous fashion choice and how well he carried it off.
"Business or pleasure?"
She said quietly, well as quietly as you could and still be heard, with a little grin. Running into her 'uncle' was unexpected, but certainly not a bad thing.

"Brighteyes," he said by way of greeting. "Little bit of both, as always. But, also as always, more pleasure than anything else."
Ran wasn't in denial; he knew he wasn't always the most devout of Nightsmen. In this case, though, he actually was establishing himself. He always did. He played the charming rogue vampire often enough wherever he went. He preferred no one know his Clan affiliation. It made his job easier, most nights.
He gestured to the empty seat next to him, which probably wouldn't have remained so for long. Ran didn't usually lack for companionship, whether he sought it out or it came to him. He wasn't sure if that was because of his flamboyant stye or in spite of it.
"Have a seat?" he invited. "You look absolutely sinful."
Ran's smile was openly appreciative. While Pak was technically 'related' to him in terms of vampire bloodlines, Amir never referred to any of them as his children, and any bonds Ran had with his fellow vampires were brought about because of the way they'd all lived. Mara had cared for him when he was young; she 'felt' like a big sister. She'd never been available in any other way. Bao was 'brother' because, Ran suspected, if it weren't for their ties to Amir, they probably wouldn't get along at all.
Pak was in delightfully grey territory and they had yet to establish how their relationship would pan out. If she wished to view Ran as an older brother or uncle figure Ran would be all right with that. If she were interested in something else, however, he would be all right with that too. His restraint was based on the fact that she was younger and she was the female in the relationship - Ran wouldn't push her into a decision because he was mannerly. Most nights.
Sipping at his drink, a delightfully acidic beverage that was the same glowing blue as his outfit, eyes, nails, and hair, he raised bright blue glittery eyebrows at her. "So are you out for fun tonight, or just cruising for a meal?"

Pak said as she settled into the seat next to Ran. She had a feeling that it wouldn't be open long Although, he'd said pretty bluntly that he didn't play well with boys. so to speak, she doubted that would keep a few from making a play for Ran. Quite a few vampires seemed to be flexible in their sexuality after all, and the humans here often were more interested in the bite than the bitter. Pak supposed she qualified as being some what accommodating in her preferences, but that had more to do with her having started life as a whore than anything because while she didn't rule female partner and often preferred to hunt females, they were less threatening, but she didn't seek them out.
"You don't look so bad your self."
And he didn't. Pak hadn't quite figured out what to do with Ran. It wasn't an incest thing. Since she'd spent most of her vampiric life without knowing who her family was she didn't view their created families as actual blood ties. Pak had no issues with Mara hooking up with Amir, she didn't find it disgusting or even odd, if she'd been the least bit attracted to Bao Pak wouldn't have been fine with that too. No her hang up was considerable more mundane, she just didn't know how to deal with men she wasn't being paid to service. Pak had kept herself so walled off that those skills were weak if not non-existant. It had been OK to throw herself at Henri, when it started Pak had assumed that he was just a random guy and once they'd established he wasn't it had been clearly defined that he was off limits for long term commitment and that had made it easier, it might have even made it possible, for her to enjoy herself with him. Ran was trickier he had very clear very strong ties to people she knew and cared about there was no out with him if she acted on her attraction.
"Mostly the latter."
She answered honestly. The HoP was more practicality for Pak than pleasure.
It was hard not to notice that his drink matched his look, which went so well with his hair. It was an adorable bit of vanity. Looking meaningfully at the drink she nodded.
"Think you can find me something to match?"
She half teased, half flirted. If nothing else it would be an excuse to hang about with him for a bit. Pak honestly wasn't sure if Ran would want a 'little sister' type about. She also couldn't tell if he was at all interested in her, she could be totally barking up the wrong tree.
"You know it is positively unfair you have a nickname for me and I don't have one for you."
Granted her nickname was longer than her real name, but she still thought it was cute and was rather flattered by it.

He liked to dress up and dress out. What was the point in trying to attract attention if you were only going to make a half-hearted effort? He'd already been propositioned several times since arriving but he'd yet to make any commitments for the night. He was sure he would eventually do so, but for now he was enjoying the atmosphere... and the attention.
Pak asked him to find her a color-coordinated drink and Ran laughed brightly. "I can't take credit for it, love, Seya here was the one who hooked me up when I asked her the same question."
Turning to the pretty bartender Ran switched into perfect Chichewa, which the dark-skinned woman had told him was her first language. He asked her politely if she might work her alcoholic magic on Pak as well, the request made with his usual devil-may-care smile and a toss of his (rather sparkly) head. She smiled and nodded and very soon Pak had a striking drink in front of her in a tall glass, which was a bright red at the top and then slowly grew darker to almost black-red on the bottom. Ran smiled at Seya, who shot him a flirtatious look back. He had no doubt the woman had to beat off admirers with a stick, so he didn't assume she was into him - she was a bartender at the HoP, after all. She'd either make her desires known or they would simply play this delightful game until Ran moved on and the next charmer took his place.
As he addressed Pak again Ran chuckled and shook his head at her. "Well, I'm certainly not going to give one to myself. So you'll have to come up with one all on your own." He held a finger up, as if about to dispense some advice, which he was. "Don't force it. It won't be as much fun, or as natural, if you do."
He sipped at his drink and looked around. He offered a wink to the cute young man with the black, black hair who had hit on him earlier. Ran's tastes rarely ran toward men although they had every now and then. He wasn't opposed to flirting with anything on two legs but women were his preference. Neon blue eyes scanning the crowd he said to Pak, "So did you find a snack yet, or should I try to coordinate one of those for you too?"
His tone was lightly teasing. Pak would certainly have no trouble finding food here. She was hot as hell, and many of the eyes that were drawn in their direction were traveling over her, not Ran.

Besides, it seemed to be just part of who Ran was, charm and flirtation seemed to come as natural as breathing to him. It did make it a little harder to determine if he was just being friendly and polite or if he was actually interested.
Rather astounded by her drink Pak thanked the bar tender.
"Its almost too pretty to drink."
She told them both. It was too. It was an odd thing to have her drink match her outfit, but right now she was feeling a little frivolous and chose to embrace it.
"Don't worry, eventually I'll come up with something. It might take a while though, I mean you're such a shy retiring person with an absolutely bland physical appearance."
Pak rolled her eyes at him with an impish grin. If she came up with something, and it was an if she didn't often give people nicknames, it wouldn't be something obvious. That would be too easy and wouldn't mean as much.
She laughed at his little game. It was something she would ordinarily dismiss but it might be interesting to see who he'd pick. Typically Pak bite and vanished she didn't get involved with her meals, not even for the night. They both got something out of her bite, why push it beyond that? Besides, keeping people at a little bit of a distance kept her protected. Not that she was the sort who saw human as cattle, Pak just kept most people at a distance.
"I hadn't thought through that just yet, what would you say if I took you up on your offer? Who would you pick?"
She said with a grin clearly playing but rather enjoying the game.

As if to demonstrate he took a hearty swallow of his own electric blue drink, enjoying the burn as it went down. Afterward he laughed at Pak, shaking his head. "I look forward to hearing what you come up with. But maybe I should really dress up next time, since this look is so boring. It's really quite modest."
Pak didn't seem to take offense to the fact that he'd nicknamed her already. He hadn't done it intentionally; it just seemed to fit her. She did have the most striking eyes.
He continued to scan the room when she asked who he would choose for her. "Depend on what you're into, really," he said. "Do you like a good buzz? A good high? Or do you prefer straight and clean? With or without package, and did you want more than just a snack? All important things to know."
She had asked which way he swung but she hadn't told him about herself. Perhaps she preferred women over men, perhaps it was a sexual preference or not. Some people he knew got their high from drinking blood already tainted with drugs and alcohol; Ran generally preferred his clean of drugs but didn't mind a good drunk off an inebriated human. Vampires metabolized it too quickly for it to matter much anyway.
"Offhand, though, I might choose him. Just based on looks." Ran nodded his chin toward the sea of people grinding away to the hard beat of the music. "The one without the shirt."
The person he'd indicated was a man, a particularly slender one who was almost pretty. He had pale blond hair but an Asian cast to his features, as if he were half Asian. His face was slightly too angular to be full, but that gave him a rather exotic appearance. Ran couldn't see his eyes from where they were but they were a dark color; perhaps brown. He looked like he was having fun with a group of people, and he wasn't too drunk to stand. He had a gorgeous smile, white teeth, a little dimple in the corner of his mouth that Ran could see. And he had a really nice set of abs, not unlike Ran's own. Both of his nipples were pierced through with small rings with beads, tasteful. A little kinky but not horribly kinky, he seemed to say.
Ran thought he looked tasty too, but he was more interested in the guy's female friend.

She just giggled at his 'modest' clothing. Usually very quick with a come back Pak couldn't find a fitting retort for such a comment. In ten minutes she'd probably come up with something, but it wasn't going to do her any good right now.
Scanning the crowd with him, it wasn't too hard to see who was looking they way they were and who was trying to be noticed, to attract their attention. There were, of course, those that fit right in the middle and would be a challenge. Pak didn't know if she was up to a challenge tonight.
"I don't mind a buzz, but prefer to get my own and never have liked a high."
She wrinkled her nose. Maybe if she'd been more prepared the first time she'd come across the sensation it would be different. But back in the sixties Pak had bitten the wrong person and had not at all enjoyed the side effects. It was something she'd run into a couple of times since then and some of her trips had been -bad-. Brief, thanks to their metabolism, but bad.
"I never look for more than a meal here. Maybe I should though."
Again Pak was slightly bolder than usual. Ran might be able to flirt with just about any one but she didn't. She thought that maybe if she was obvious enough though, he might pick up on that.
The man he pointed out wasn't bad. He had, er, rythem to say the least. He was slight enough that she wouldn't be physically intimated by him and had a lovely clean cut look to him. He was rather like a breath of fresh air.
"He's probably a CPA during the day."
She said in a teasing manner. But it was a good choice one she quite approved of.
"But not bad, I might have picked him out myself."
Looking at the little group he was with Pak concluded he was more or less with one of the women. She wasn't bad either. If she'd been on the streets Pak would have approached her. Following Ran's line of sight she wondered if he too was interested.
"Did you want to try to divide and conquer?"

"Maybe you should," he agreed, deliberately nebulous. He could be heavy-handed with his flirtations sometimes, but Pak deserved more finesse. "You might be surprised what might turn up."
He raised glittery blue brows at her once more, eyes sparking with cheerfulness. If she wanted him, she could have him. Ran liked her company, and had made no secret that he considered her attractive. Who wouldn't, when she looked like that? That she belonged to Bao didn't bother him a bit, but it did mean he would rather spend a little more time getting to know her than jumping into bed with her or taking her up against the wall of the HoP hallway. He wanted to get to know her better for herself, though, honestly.
He laughed when she speculated about his job. "He might be," Ran said, "but either way he didn't come here without knowing what he was getting into."
This wasn't a safe place for humans. They didn't come here because they wanted a safe drink and a safe night of dancing. The HoP was exclusive, expensive, and edgier than 'trendy.' The humans here were often familiars, or wanted to be used the way a vampire uses a human. They wanted the ecstasy of a bite, or an evening of wanton abandonment. These people were rarely innocents.
Ran held a hand up to stall Pak. "I said I would choose, but I'll provide too," he said. "No need to divide when more is always merrier."
Ran had faith in his own ability to convince both the man and his female friend to come with him. "Why don't you find someplace a little more comfortable? I'll meet you there."
Wherever she went, he'd follow with their meal in tow. There were private rooms of course, but the booths here were private enough and it wouldn't be the first time a vampire had taken a meal while sitting at one. It wouldn't even be a first for Ran, who had done so in far more obvious locations throughout his life.
He slid his drink over to Pak and then hopped lightly down from his bar stool. Metal accessories jingling as he walked, he made his way easily through the crowded dance floor to the couple he'd noted. The man had seen him coming and alerted his female partner. They both turned toward Ran when he approached, grinning his toothy grin, and he integrated himself into their movements seamlessly. This would hardly be a challenge, really. But then, one didn't really come to the HoP for a challenge.

She laughed at not knowing what might turn up.
"-Everything- shows up here sooner or later.â€
And that was more or less true, just about anything a person could dream up or desire seemed to show up at the HoP eventually.
Ran's cheerfulness was refreshing and reassuring. Pak wasn't sure how he did that sometimes such a chipper attitude could grate at her or feel oppressive, but not so with him.
"CPAs are allowed to have a wild side.â€
She agreed. After all she was an IT geek. Not exactly the profession one would associate with a place like this.
"Delivery? Really? I didn't expect that, but I will take you up on it.â€
Pak didn't often hunt with someone, now and then she did and there had been a rough spot after Bao first 'reintroduced' himself to her that she -wouldn't- go out on her own but having recovered from that she had gone back to her more solitary habits. That was part of the reason she turned up her on a nearly regular basis. It was just easier.
Keeping his drink in easy reach Pak took a second to watch Ran as he made his way over to the couple. He did so easily and inserted himself into the dance with a grace and confidence she usually had to fake, at least in a setting like this.
Pak watched the trio dance for a minute, and rather enjoying watching them together at that, before collecting both drinks before weaving and winding her way through the crowed. It probably would have made life easier if she were taller or dressed in brighter colors but she had faith in Ran's ability to find her. Not wanting to set any huge expectations she decided against a room and found a booth well off the dance floor, in a low traffic area well away from any clan section.
She settled in and waited. It was unusual for her to be so passive in the hunting process and she wasn't sure how she felt about it, but she decided not to dwell on it. As she waited there were one or two looks clearly indicating they'd be willing to join her, but Pak had waived them off. Four was company, five was a crowd. Or something like that.

It didn't take long to determine that both the man and the woman, who claimed to just be friends, were looking for more company than just themselves. Introductions were brief; before too long Ran had one hand in each of his and was drawing them along toward the dimly-lit booth Pak had chosen. His bright blue eyes found hers and he smiled at her appreciatively. In the light, she looked beautiful and almost ghostly.
Ran released the young man's hand and directed him into the booth toward Pak. "This is Jacob," he said easily. "I told him I thought you would both get along, since I prefer Mina here."
Jacob did not seem inclined to disagree, turning to smile at Pak. Ran had just enough time to slip into the booth himself before Mina, the bolder of the two humans, was straddling his lap, her hips grinding against his, her arms twining around his neck. Ran chuckled softly and hung his arms loosely around her waist, tilting his head up as she kissed him rather aggressively, her tongue darting in past his lips. He didn't mind; nor did he mind the setting they were in. This was how it went sometimes. The HoP drew a particular crowd and they weren't always subtle or shy. If he'd wanted a more difficult time he'd never have come here.
Mina pulled away, raising her eyebrows and looking down at Ran with a quirky expression. He could taste alcohol on her lips, but her eyes were clear and she didn't seem to be on any other sort of drug. "Are you wearing blueberry flavored lip gloss?" She asked him.
"As it happens, I am," Ran admitted. "Do you like it?"
Mina nodded and then glanced over her should. "You should try it, Jake."
Jacob, who was slightly more inebriated than Mina, leaned toward Ran, who shrugged and nodded. He'd kissed men before. He'd slept with them too, but only very rarely. He preferred women. Nonetheless he tilted his head down to meet Jacob's as the young man, clearly not used to it, shut his eyes tightly and pressed his lips to Ran's. Ran kissed him gently, wondering if that was his very first time kissing a man himself. It was good to be open-minded. With their very brief lives, not enough humans reached that point. He was happy enough to help.
Mina, the adventurous one, glanced back at Pak. "Has she tried it?"
Ran laughed softly. "No, she hasn't."
Mina leaned back, pushing her hips against Ran's but leaving room for Pak between them. "Your turn," she said.
Ran grinned at Pak, completely unashamed. "I'm not sure how much is left, so you'd better make it a good one," he said with a slightly wicked smile.

Old habits died hard and Pak looked up at Jacob from under her lashes in what was apparently a very shy manner that contrasted with the small flirtatious smile she gave him.
"Nice to meet you Jacob.â€
It was apparently the right combination of forward and modest as it didn't take much more than that to temp him to come sit next to her. Jacob was a bit more hesitant than Mina and didn't immediately dive in. He asked her name first, and Pak went a little slowly with him. Although she doubted that Jacob was sweet and innocent this might be his first, or one of his first times to the HoP and he was pretty enough she didn't want to scare him off. It might be nice to run into him again. Delicately fingering his nipple rings Pak commented,
"These are interesting.â€
"They're kind of new, Mina talked me into them.â€
"Does she talk you into everything?â€
Pak grinned, her own fangs hadn't extended just yet, not completely, but her canines were starting to look sharper and pointier.
"Not everything."
Jacob answered with some confidence despite his apparently tipsy state and leaned in to kiss her. Oddly enough starting with her neck rather than her lips. Before he got any further though There was an odd little conversation from Ran and his new acquaintance. One that Pak couldn't help but laugh at. She wasn't at all surprised to see Mina easily, with no effort at all, talk Jacob into trying the blueberry lip gloss. It was rather sweet that the boy was so open minded, even if he was apparently hesitant and not willing to fully commit to the experience.
She was slightly surprised to be included in this bit of sharing. If she'd been human or had fed recently she might have blushed slightly, but as neither of those was the case she was able to keep her countenance without much effort.
"A good one? I think that could be arranged.â€
Pak wasn't much into groups or exhibitionism, but, she reasoned, this was just a kiss. Nothing more than that and people did that on the street out in the open all the time, it was damned tame for the HoP. She leaned in to kiss Ran and although she started out hesitantly it didn't take Pak long to warm to the idea. Before she got carried away she leaned back and absently rubbed Jacob's thigh.
"I do like blueberries.â€
She said with a sly one sided smile.

Mina leaned back in, pressing her lips against Ran's once more. The tiny bit of blood that was left wouldn't hurt her and it wasn't enough to create an addiction so he let her have it, flicking his tongue against hers, feeling her whole body tense as the slight amount hit her system. She shivered in his arms, the sensation pleasant, and gave a little gasp.
"How did you do that?" She looked down at him with big brown eyes and Ran smiled up at her. "Years of experience," he said.
She kissed him again, her mouth working gently against his, but he didn't give her any more blood. Ran had some standards, after all. He wasn't in the habit of causing innocent humans more trouble than they needed. Not that Mina was innocent; her actions were anything but. The way she was riding him, through their clothing, suggested she knew exactly what she was doing. He trailed his fingertips up over her hips, up the line of her back, and spanned her rib cage, his thumbs brushing gently over her breasts through her cut off shirt.
Raising her head, Mina glanced at the hallway that led to the back rooms. Ran sensed her question before she even asked it.
"Not yet, love, we've got all night," he said softly. He had no intention of going back there with her. Another night he might have, but unless Pak expressed a desire for such a thing, she was his companion tonight. It might leave him aching for release by morning, but he could handle it.
He gently bit a line over Mina's collar bone, not breaking the skin. She was ready for him, though, aroused and euphoric with the tiny bit of vampire blood she'd had. He could bite her now but, in his mind, it would be rude to do so before Pak had her own little snack. So he simply continued to tease her lips, her jaw, her throat. She didn't seem to require small talk; she'd made it plain on the dance floor that she wanted something new for herself and for her best friend, who was too shy.
Ran peeked over at Pak and Jacob. Well, it looked like shy wasn't going to be too horrible a problem with alcohol and a beautiful, red-corseted companion.

"Mmmmm we can keep it, but we could experiment too. I don't like cherry though."
Pak said quite seriously, but still teasing. She had no idea what to make of Ran, he was sexy, he was fun, charming and very appealing. For now, she was quite content to just deal with the moment and not worry about anything more.
She didn't know if it was the sharing or the competition or Mina's more intense focus on Ran but Jacob got a little more aggressive. There was a slightly hairy moment when he went to push Pak into the booth, not wanting to be pinned by a stranger Pak pushed back. It wasn't enough to kill the mood and she quite obligingly climbed into his lap instead. Even though Pak didn't straddle him it would have been very hard not to notice she was having an effect on Jacob.
The corset apparently was a touch frustrating for Jacob. There was limited access. Pak chuckled and tugged lightly on one nipple ring and slowly drug a fang along his collar bone.
Still keeping half an eye and half an ear on Ran and Mina Pak had picked up on a bit of anticipation. Not wanting to distract either human though she chose to send.
[You can go play if you want. We'll be here when you get back.]
There was no point in denying that feeding could lead to other things and for some vampires that was fun. As she'd just run into Ran this evening she didn't see any reason to curtail his evening's entertainment. But he had taken care of her, she certainly wouldn't leave him.
"Maybe we should just cut to the chase... are you sure?"
Jacob drew a ragged breath and nodded. Pak softly kissed his jaw and twisted around so she was behind him, straddling his back almost like a piggy back ride (there were obvious reasons she didn't want to be on his lap at this point) and gently sank her fangs into his neck and drank. The boy shivered and tensed as she bit and drank, Pak was fairly certain he stopped breathing for a second. There was no need to be greedy, as she finished he gave a muffled cry that dissolved into a moan. Pak laughed and slid back down beside him.
"A screamer? I wouldn't have guessed."
Already flush from their play it was hard to see but Jacob did blush slightly. Yes, Pak wouldn't mind running into him again.

The voice in his head made him flicker his attention away from Mina for a moment, before he closed his eyes slightly with a smile. [No way, Brighteyes,] he sent back. [You're a lot more fun.]
He watched through slitted eyes as Pak and Jacob played for a short while, admiring the way Pak moved. His attention was drawn back to Mina after only a short time, though, for he wasn't going to ignore her. Ran wasn't in the habit of treating his meals as nothing more than food. And the young woman was actually a lot of fun. Aggressive - she definitely knew what she wanted. Her hands wandered all over Ran's clothing, if it could be called that, eagerly seeking entry. Sadly for her, he had worn something fairly complicated and she wouldn't have much luck there. Which was fine with him. He let her play, though; her hands were gentle and felt good even in her excitement. Her hips shifting against his were hard to ignore, too. Ran wasn't made of stone. Having a pretty woman in his lap would get results every time.
Before Mina could get too insistent, and before she could get distracted by Jacob and Pak, Ran bit his way gently to her neck and sank his fangs down. Mina went still, a shiver of ecstasy coursing through her. Ran held her steady with one hand and left the other drift down to caress her through the thin material of her pleated miniskirt. He drank lightly, enjoying her taste. She was fresh, young, a little drunk but not hammered. He could feel her heart pounding with every sip. he drew a little harder, stroking her gently to her release, which she experienced with the tiniest of sighs, her hands clutching around his neck.
Ran thought it was a beautiful thing. This, he enjoyed very much. He was never a violent drinker, nor did he particularly enjoy an unwilling snack. Mina was perfect. He pulled away from her neck, swallowing the last little bit of her blood and softly caressing her skin. She shivered again and collapsed against him, panting softly.
"Good?" he murmured to her. She nodded, still breathless, and lifted her head to look at him.
"I think I love you," she said with a wry laugh. "If this was the first ten minutes, what happens the rest of the night?"
Ran chuckled. She was pretty cute. "That depends on them some," he said, nodding his chin toward Pak and Jacob. "I think your best friend might need a few minutes to recover."
Over Mina's shoulder, he raised sparkly blue eyebrows at Pak. Whatever she wanted, really, was fine with him at this point.

There was a little bit of a buzz a slightly drunken fuzziness that came with Jacob's blood, but not enough to scramble her brains. Just enough to relax her. He was absently playing with her hair and the skin of her neck. Pak wasn't so rude as to stare and Ran and Mina enjoyed themselves she murmured quietly with Jacob .
Pak couldn't help laugh as well as Mina rather bluntly asked about the rest of the night.
"I didn't break him I swear, I just might have worn him out some.â€
"I think... I think I might need to run to the restroom.â€
Jacob stammered. To her credit Pak didn't laugh but with a little bit of gymnastics let Jacob slide by and he could take care of what needed to be taken care of.
"We'll wait for you.â€
She turned a bright smile on Ran and Mina and shook her head slightly. Honestly she'd only planned to be out long enough to grab a bite. She might not even have had a drink if she hadn't run into Ran. At this point thought she didn't want to find another companion and was rather reluctant to part company with her blue haired 'uncle'.
"How about a nice game of chess?â€
She said mischievously. Although a game wasn't a bad idea.

He and Mina made identical moues at Pak's suggestion, even though it was in fun. "Chess," Ran said dismally. "I hate chess."
Not much more boring than siting there staring at the same annoying little pieces on the same annoying little board. He knew, Amir had made him play enough times. Oh, Ran understood the strategy of the game but he doubted his playing would be decent. He didn't care to excel at it. He'd tried to introduce Amir to computer strategy games instead, with limited success. Risk had proven entertaining, because several of them could play at once. Civ, however, had met with abject boredom as Amir couldn't see the fun in cultivating cities full of humans. Ran had tried to liken it to a farming game but it hadn't worked.
Ran leaned back with Mina still sprawled in his lap, her hands tracing lazy patterns across his shoulders. He didn't mind; he had drunk lightly so he knew she was just enjoying the lassitude brought on by his bite and his blood. It wasn't like he and Pak had been on a date or anything so he felt free to hang out (and honestly, probably would have even if they had been out together).
"So this was your first night here, wasn't it," Ran stated while Jacob was still away. Mina nodded, her big brown eyes glancing up at Ran. "How did you find the place?"
"A classmate of ours," she said. "She told us about it, said it would blow our minds. I don't think she was wrong."
Ran briefly wondered if this classmate was a familiar or a vampire, for Mina and Jacob seemed thoroughly uninitiated. "What do you go to school for?"
"Law," Mina said, wriggling a little in Ran's lap. "Jacob went for accounting."
Ran grinned and looked over at Pak at that information. Mina continued, not noticing. "We graduate in a couple of months. I thought Jake could use some lightening up. He's always so straight-laced. His family is strict with him."
Typical Asian kid, Ran thought to himself, nodding at Mina. "And you? You're not straight-laced? The law school wild child?"
Mina laughed softly. "I learned a while ago that if I didn't cut loose somehow, I'd never get through law school. What about you? What do you do?"
She glanced at Pak, meaning to include her, but her eyes were clearly mostly for Ran. He grinned, unashamed. That happened sometimes. "Pak here is a computer programmer. I'm a translator."
"A translator? There are jobs for that?" When Ran nodded, Mina said, "Say something in a different language. Which ones do you speak?"
Ran laughed at her, and then said in Siamese, "I might need a crowbar to pry her off my lap later. Do you happen to have one in your purse?" He said it straight-faced, without looking at Pak although the words were obviously meant for her. They were spoken cheerfully though. Ran didn't mind Mina's attention. He liked the girl and her friend, and it had been a while since he'd had a familiar. If he were going to be here in Nachton, he could do a lot worse than a hot law school graduate snack. He might see if Amir were interested in Jacob, too. It would keep the two of them from running into any trouble here.
Mina, oblivious to Ran's words, smiled at him and toyed with a lock of indigo-dyed hair that wasn't shellacked into spikes. "That was pretty. How many languages do you speak?"
"Most of them," Ran answered.
About then Jacob returned, looking a lot less embarrassed and a lot more relaxed. He slid back into the booth, not right on top of Pak but not too far away either, as if uncertain what he was supposed to do now. Ran felt sorry for him. Awkward was a horrible position to be in when you were sitting next to the hottest chick in the bar. He waited to see what Pak would do.

She pouted at both of them as the shot down her idea.
"Spoil sports."
To Pak's surprise she didn't mind watching Ran and Mina. She'd had people who liked to watch, who paid to watch, but she'd never been the one to watch. She wasn't jealous, in fact it rather spurred some minor day dreams of her own, and as nice as Jacob was, they didn't involve him.
She didn't really approve of letting such young humans in the HoP but she didn't set the rules. All Pak could really do was take care of the ones she ran into. At least for the night. Listening though it seemed like Mina had her head on straight and she suspected that Jacob did too. Pak did, however, raised a significant eyebrow at Ran when Mina mentioned her friend's major. She wanted points for that.
The girl was polite enough to at least acknowledge Pak's continued presence and she appreciated that but didn't intrude on the conversation, not until Ran spoke. That made Pak chuckle and she couldn't resist replying.
"You don't look like you really mind all that much. Besides, a crowbar? With these shoes? I thought you had fashion sense."
When Jacob returned Pak adjusted her sprawl so it was up against him and placed a reassuring hand on his knee. She wasn't continuing to come on to him or imply that there would be anything further tonight, if she was going to jump anyone it would be Ran and Pak wasn't sure she was a first date kind of girl. For the -broadest- possible definition of date, because by most standards this didn't qualify. Pak just wanted to include him and hopefully minimize the awkwardness of watching his friend play with Ran.
"What about you pretty one. Do you speak any other languages? How formal was mom?"
Pak's best guess was Jacob had a 'Tiger Mom'. Paid off in the long run from what she'd read, but could be hell while you were dealing with it.

"Try me, love." Then, as if to prove his point he switched to Mandarin, hoping Pak spoke that too. "I thought you might have needed the crowbar to get into that thing. It was too much to hope you'd brought it along with you."
"I like that one too," Mina said. "You'll have to keep going."
Ran adjusted Mina's slight weight on his leg and kept his arms around her; she was comfortable and she was just teasing, enjoying the feeling of being able to touch and explore. He certainly didn't mind.
At Jacob's return Pak leaned back against him. The young man looked surprised to be referred to as pretty, but then apparently decided that it wasn't a slur coming from a woman as hot as Pak, cuddling up against him.
"Mom was strict," he said, "but she only made me learn English and Japanese."
He didn't seem to know exactly what to do with himself, and his eyes lingered on Mina for a little bit longer than necessary. Ran wondered if the 'best friend' status was his idea or Mina's. Was poor Jake pining away for the girl who didn't notice him? He was easily distracted by Pak's gentle caresses so Ran didn't think so - or maybe he didn't realize it himself.
He would have to see how things shaped up for them in the future. As soon as he thought it, he realized he was thinking a lot more long-term. Yeah, he liked the two. There was no denying that.
As the waitress came by again Ran ordered another round of drinks. Then he slid from the booth, simply taking Mina along for the ride, lifting her off his lap when he stood to settle her gently on the floor. "Back out to the dance floor," he explained. Raising his eyebrows at Pak, he added, "Do you two want to come along, or are you happy where you are?"
It was up to her again... Ran would dance with any and all of them, even Jacob if he was still curious after his brief blueberry-flavored kiss. Jacob looked from Ran and Mina to Pak and then back again. He seemed to want to come along, but he obviously wasn't going to leave Pak there by herself.

"Unless it is a computer language I'm a bit limited. Care to tutor me?"
It was a gentle flirt. Pak might not have any claim on Ran at all, she might not even be jealous of Mina, but she did have a little bit of vanity and didn't want to be totally over shadowed by the pretty young thing.
She laughed when Ran just stood taking Mina with him as if it was something he did every day. He probably did something similar considerably more often than she would. Ran wouldn't have trouble making a friend for the night, or the day.
"We'll be along in a second, don't have too much fun without us."
Although she couldn't see Jacob's face as she reclined against him, Pak did know when a man was into her and when he wasn't. The young man in question was on the edge. If she encouraged him he would probably be as affectionate as Mina, maybe a bit less. But Jacob wasn't taking much initiative, Pak assumed he was hung up on someone else or maybe he had a girlfriend but didn't want to bring her to the HoP without checking it out first. But that was a terribly old fashioned attitude. Her money was on him being hung up on some one.
Having given Ran and Mina a small head start Pak slid seductively out of the booth and leaned to whisper in Jacob's ear.
"Come on... let's see if we can make them jealous."
Jealous might not be the right term for Ran, but she was more than happy to temp him, encourage. Jacob might get a different result.
It didn't take long to make their way out to the dance floor and little to no effort to find the bright blue glittery hair. Pak very softly ran her finger tips along the back of Ran's neck just to let him know they were there and started to dance with... well with all three of them. Although she might have fitted herself very closely to Jacob here and there just to make good on the idea of making people jealous.
When the opportunity presented itself Pak placed a quick kiss on Ran's neck.
[We are going to have to do this again sometime.]

Out on the dance floor, Mina was every bit as forward and demonstrative as she'd been in their little booth. Ran liked that about her; she had definitely had more than enough to drink but he didn't think her lack of inhibition was brought on by that fact. She wasn't that drunk. Once Jacob and Pak joined them they continued to move with each other, with the other couple, but not really too much with anyone else, which was an indicator to Ran that a more permanent arrangement might be suitable.
Pak's fingers along his neck and the quick brush of her lips were all the encouragement he needed; he made sure he spent plenty of time ancing with her, too. When she sent to him again he looked at her, away from Mina, his artificially bright blue eyes twinkling. [Absolutely. I'm glad you're having fun.]
When they decided to leave they brought the two humans with them and Ran saw them into a cab that would bring them safely home. Mina's parents apparently had some wealth, and the two were roommates with some other students in an apartment her folks owned. Ran exchanged numbers with both of them before they parted ways, and he fully intended to call them at some point in the near future. Of course, the way Mina was looking at him he suspected she might call him first, but he was just fine with that.
Holding his arm out to Pak he said, "Want some company home?"
He was delighted when she took it, and when he left her off at the entrance to Liefde he leaned down, brushed his thumb along her jaw, and gently pressed his lips to hers. "Night, Brighteyes," he said, before straightening up and walking away without looking back behind him. He nodded cheerfully to the tall man with the pale hair (grey, or blonde, it was hard to tell in the street light), not noticing the incredulous stare he gave him as he headed down the street.
((ooc: All out, with permission.))