've you been? (Attn: Guillaume,Kiyo)

Guillaume had left a few hours ago to fly some wealthy important person somewhere other than Nachton. He said he would be gone for a day or two and to please not burn down the bar while he was gone.

They weren't burning it down. Technically they weren't even in it at the moment. However, he and Kiyo had been rather involved in what they had been doing; if the bar happened to have gone up in flames in the last few hours they might not have noticed.

Feeling rather content and somewhat pleased with himself, his boyfriend and life in general, Evan headed out toward the common room, tugging a pair of jogging pants up around his hips. Kiyo was hungry and; though he wouldn't share a meal with his lover, he would at least keep him company.

Opening the door, he stopped short and stared out at his room mate and business party. The one who was very obviously not miles away on a business trip.

"We have company." He murmured softly to his partner before stepping out into the larger room.

"Guillaume! Fast trip?"

Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
Kiyo was pretty sure life couldn't get too much better. He and Evan weren't at work, Guillaume wasn't at home, and they were enjoying every second of their privacy. Not that having a roommate was a problem; Kiyo was used to being silent if he had to be, but Evan had spent the last couple of hours evoking every sort of noise possible from Kiyo's throat from soft sighs to guttural groans to moans of desperation and finally gasps and cries of bliss.

Kiyo hadn't had any idea, before meeting Evan, that he could be so... musical.

Of course such play had side effects and one of those was Kiyo's rumbling tummy. Evan got up and stepped into his jogging pants, which hung appealingly on his lean hips. Kiyo, in comfortable, loose yoga pants, crept up behind Evan to trace his finger gently around the line Evan's pants made, following tight behind his boyfriend, hoping to tempt him into another round of lovemaking very soon. After he ate four or five steaks.

Evan stopped short as they were heading out into the living room though, and Kiyo was so close he smacked into his boyfriend's broad back. He snaked his arm around Evan's waist to steady himself and then let it drop as Evan said... Guillaume? But... Guillaume was away.

He sniffed softly; it was nearly impossible to tell when Guillaume was present here just by smell since he did live here after all, but Kiyo's ears caught the ever so subtle sounds of another person in the living room.

And then Evan moved away and Kiyo was stuck, blushing furiously, in the doorway to their shared room. He panicked for a moment, waffling back and forth between running back into the bedroom or just straight out the front door. After a very fast second, though, he scampered up to Evan's side and tucked himself against his boyfriend, peering cautiously at Guillaume and trying to tie his long, disheveled hair back in some semblance of order.

"Hi Guillaume," he said very softly. He couldn't look at his Packmate. he stared at his own feet, aware that his was tilting his head to the side, flashing his neck. Kiyo knew that he had just been caught doing something that most would consider Very, Very Bad.

But even though his submissive nature made itself felt, he wasn't going to apologize. He pressed closer to Evan.
Guillaume 11 years ago
People could be terribly inconsiderate, this one hadn't called to cancel until the last possible second. He had been doing his preflight checks when the notification had come through. It was thoroughly irritating. He'd had to cancel the flight plan, put the aircraft away and negotiate airport traffic. At least he hadn't gotten on the wrong side of the TSA today and he did have some of his last midterms coming up, so the extra time wouldn't go to waste, and he didn't love spending time in hotels, and he had still gotten paid, so his irritation had quickly faded.

Returning home though he'd been slightly surprised. It hadn't been terribly overt and obvious at first what was happening. Things had been subtle enough that Navid had made tea and settled himself in the common room with several text books and set to work. Soon enough though he had become more aware of his surroundings and debated retreating to his own room. He had, however, enough spread out that it would have been something of a challenge.

Quite deliberately he'd never asked specifically what Kiyo and Evan's relationship was. It was simple enough pretend that it was strictly platonic and that seemed to make things easier for everyone. That option was apparently long gone. His memories and instincts said that this type of relationship between a Rassa and a mulo was completely un-natural and beyond wrong. Navid pushed those back and walled them off as best he could. He knew Evan and had come to know Kiyo, and this was an exception to the 'rules'. Of course, not everyone would see it that way; but he wouldn't be the one to cause them trouble and would keep their secret. After he gave Evan some bit of grief for it, but strictly between friends and not at all serious.

"I fly like a ninja breaking all the rules and the sound barrier."

He said quite seriously when Evan finally emerged. Fortunately wearing pants. There was understanding and there was understanding and even if you didn't have a hang up with nudity, sometimes pants were appropriate. This was one of them.

"That or they canceled on me."

It was hard to tell if Kiyo was trying too keep Evan from being taken away from him or trying to hide behind him. It was fairly obvious given Kiyoshi's submissive body language that Navid would have to wait for their friend and bartender to relax a bit -before- teasing him directly or very much.

"Hello Kiyo would you two like some tea?"

He was doing his best to act like nothing had happened, he was curious how they would handle his unexpected presence.
Evan Talkingwater 11 years ago
Oops, he felt Kiyoshi smack into his back as he stopped dead in his tracks. A hand wrapped around his waist and Evan gave it a gentle pat of apology before moving further into the room.

" A ninja, huh?” Evan smiled and scratched his head. "You'll have to teach me these skills, Wise One. The sound barrier can be a bitch.”

Kiyoshi joined him near the other sofa, holding onto him and hiding behind him at the same time. Evan wrapped a reassuring arm around his boyfriend and gave him a gentle squeeze. Everything would be okay. Guillaume was his friend and had been for a very long time; he seemed to have slowly become closer to Kiyo as well. Interesting that the relationship with his packmate had been almost as difficult to begin as the relationship with a vampire.

Of course, Guillaume was more of a rebel than he let on.

"Tea sounds great.” It smelled nice also. "I'll grab a mug.”

He ushered Kiyoshi ahead of him toward the kitchen. Evan reached into the cabinet and got a mug, setting it down on the counter.

Collecting Kiyoshi into his arms, he murmured softly.
"He was bound to know sometime, if he hasn't known already.” Evan smiled. "It will be okay. Promise.” Hopefully he wouldn't have to fulfill that promise by killing Guillaume and hiding the body somewhere but Evan didn't think his friend was going to be unreasonable. Evan gave his boyfriend a quick kiss and a comforting smile before picking up his mug.

Returning from the kitchen, he leaned down and poured some tea into his cup and then sat down on the other sofa across from Guillaume.
"Sorry about the noise.” Evan smiled, apologetic about the awkward disturbance but otherwise unashamed. "Didn't think we had an audience.”
Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
Kiyo let himself be propelled along by Evan until they reached the kitchen. Once there, he practically threw himself into Evan's arms, nodding against his boyfriend's chest and soaking up Evan's reassurances. Still, he was afraid. Not for himself but for Evan.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he murmured softly. "Or all the work you've done to be for nothing."

Evan had worked long and hard to build up a fragile trust among Kiyo's kind. He would feel horrible if their relationship ruined that. Squaring his shoulders he pulled away and reached up, cupping Evan's face in his hands. Standing on his toes he kissed Evan softly on the lips and then broke away. He didn't say anything else, but he felt his resolve harden. He would protect his partner if he had to.

As Evan grabbed a mug Kiyo opened the fridge, pulled out a tuna steak and a venison steak, and flopped them on a plate. Grabbing silverware he joined Evan and Guillaume in the living room, wrinkling his nose and shaking his head at the tea. Boiled grass, blech. The only vegetable that should be drunk was beer.

He sat down, watching Guillaume out of the corner of his eye.
"Sorry about that," he said, adding his apology to Evan's. "Welcome home."
Guillaume 11 years ago
"I'm not sure you'd be able to catch on... not having a natural aptitude for flying like I have.”

He responded to Evan's request for help with the sound barrier. He was, however, quite aware of the irony of his statement. He was playing and for Kiyoshi's sake starting with some more mundane banter as a way of showing him nothing had changed.

And apparently people needed time to regroup as both Evan and Kiyo disappeared into the kitchen. With a slight shrug Navid gave them that little temporary out and tried to pay attention to his books again. His mind, however, kept wandering. It wasn't like this was a huge surprise; he'd speculated about it occasionally, after all if it had been a platonic relationship they could have found a room of his own for Kiyo. The only question was, did it bother him. The answer was, no. There was a powerful memory somewhere that minded, but it wasn't who -he- was. Some day if he could figure out a tactful way to ask Thérèse or their grandfather he might find out why. Guillaume doubted that day would come, so he would just live with it. Although, he might mention it to Evan just so his friend would be aware. Inherited memories didn't rule a wolf but they could influence actions or condition you to respond in a certain way and Guillaume didn't want any misunderstandings if he said something out of character when he was half asleep or in general not thinking too clearly.

When the others returned, he wrinkled his nose at Kiyo's food. He had a strong dislike for anything raw. If he was shifted, he could choke down some and might even enjoy it during the full moon, but only for those three nights. On two legs he could only barley stand to look at it. Instead of thinking about all the raw meat over there he snorted at the apology.

"Would you have put more effort in if you had known you had an audience or just giving me score cards?”

Refreshing his own tea, Guillaume made himself more comfortable and temporarily gave up on his studying. He needed the break any way.

"Either way you realize you now cannot complain if I have someone over.”

It was said with a grin, his eyes teasing. No he didn't want details, but there might be payback at some point.
Evan Talkingwater 11 years ago
Evan had smiled at Kiyoshi. "I will be fine. Don't worry. Guillaume is a good guy and level headed...most of the time." That had been his parting comfort to his boyfriend before he went back into the other room.

"Hmm," He regarded his friend thoughtfully. "And here I thought it was pigs that had the natural flying aptitude." His friend did a really good job of flying; far better than you would expect for a wolf.

Smoothing a hand over Kiyo's back, Evan considered Guillaume's question.
"A comment card would be more helpful. Let you really express your appreciation of our talent in your own words." He grinned at Kiyo, wondering if his partner was going to turn a shade of crimson that was warm and truly becoming on him. At least Evan thought so but then every expression looked wonderful on Kiyo.

Feigning hurt indignation, he added.
"We might have offered to let you join." Evan was fairly certain that in their long association he had never seen Guillaume express an interest in a man. He felt pretty safe that such an offer would be quickly refused.

"Complain?" Evan looked from Guillaume down to his pile of books and then back up. "We might cheer. Perhaps play the Hallelujah Chorus and break out a bottle of champaign but we wouldn't complain."
Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
Kiyo tucked into his food. It was a relatively small amount but he was a little rattled about being discovered and outed by Guillaume. His Packmate, though, was smiling at them and teasing, and between that and the warm hand on Kiyo's back he relaxed marginally.

Until Evan offered Guillaume the possibility of a comment card. Kiyo's face began to burn as he recalled that he had not, toward the end, been particularly quiet. In fact, Guillaume had probably heard him begging for it. Again and again. Damn. If any more blood rushed to his head he might pass out.

He tore into his steak, intentionally trying to ignore his own acute embarrassment, but instead of wolfing it down he sucked it into his windpipe when Evan suggested Guillaume join him. Coughing and choking and finally managing not to kill himself on his steak he stood up quickly, went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of beer, opened it, and chugged half of it before returning with it to the living room.

He heard the current line of conversation and decided that he couldn't continue to be silent on the matter. Kiyo wanted Gullaume to know that he was a willing partner, and that he had every intention of staying with Evan. And for that he needed to open up his mouth and speak.

Cutting his meal into more manageable bites he chewed, swallowed, looked at Evan, and said,
"I can think of a few ways to celebrate, but they don't involve Guillaume. Sorry Guillaume. We wouldn't want to interrupt your hypothetical date, anyway."

There. Not only did he kind of banter, but he'd also worked in the word 'hypothetical' and he was pretty sure he'd done so correctly. His English was getting a lot better. Kiyo went back to his steak.
Guillaume 11 years ago
"You hear pigs all the time, but have you ever seen it?"

Navid answered almost blandly. It was, after all, the expected response.

He gave a derisive snort at the idea of comment cards and tried to pretended to go back to his books as if the topic had ended and everyone had moved on. But, it was hard to do that convincingly given the color of Kiyoshi's face. Guillaume would have put good money on the fact that the shade of red Kiyo was currently didn't exist in nature. He would have lost, but it was fascinating.

"I'm not much for writing fiction."

Was his return volley. Evan won though when his comment nearly killed Kiyoshi. The slight bar tendered excused himself quickly enough and didn't seem in mortal danger but the offer had apparently surprised him.

For better or worse, it was the best offer Navid had had since... well since before coming to Nachton. He'd looked a man now and then and even wondered about it once or twice, not to the point of fantasy, only curiosity but he'd never experimented. It just never felt right. If it turned you on, go for it it had, however, never worked for him. Before he could decline the offer Kiyoshi, who had returned rather quickly, spoke up.

Navid sat back and blinked for a second. While they hadn't gotten off on exactly the right foot Kiyoshi had become more comfortable with him and Guillaume had felt less that he needed to walk on egg shells. This was fine proof that they had a their own little pseudo pack here. It was an odd grouping, but it was home.

Summoning his best hurt soulful puppy dog eyes he looked to Evan.

"I've been snubbed. For years I wait for you to say something and when you -finally- do I get cut off at the knees. How am I supposed to go on now? Shall I move out? I wouldn't want there to be any misunderstandings."

Kiyo had surprised him, but Navid was more than happy to play along. He didn't immediately drop the act either looking from one to the other waiting for someone to say something. Finally he relaxed back into the sofa laughing.

"You might want to hope this hypothetical date becomes more tangible or even you two are going to start to look good. Midterms will only keep a man warm for so long you know."

Between school and flying Navid hadn't had much time to look for a date. Even if he had, given how his mother had reacted to the Pack, Guillaume was more than a little selective, even when it came to a fling.
Evan Talkingwater 11 years ago
"Now that you mention” He had never met a pig shifting vampire so he couldn't say that he had ever seen a pig fly. Evan supposed people had shipped pigs by plane more than once but he had never personally witnessed such a memorable scene.

Evan snorted and gave his roommate a look that said he didn't know what he was missing when Guillaume said he didn't write fiction.

His offer to include his business partner in the recent, more personal, activities met with the blush he was expecting from Kiyo but Evan hadn't expected his boyfriend to nearly choke on his meal. He offered a few less tender pats on the back and watched slightly worried when Kiyoshi jumped up and disappeared into the kitchen again.

He was about to follow and make sure he hadn't broken his companion when Kiyo returned with a half empty bottle of beer. Evan raised his eyebrows but otherwise made no comment.

Kiyoshi was carefully cutting his dinner into smaller pieces but he stopped to turn and look at him. It was a very serious wolf that told him that they had things to celebrate but that it wouldn't be involving Guillaume and then he joked about Guillaume's wishful date.

Evan got the message, all joking aside. Leaning over, he gave Kiyo a soft kiss on the temple, resolving to tell his lover, or better yet show him, what he thought of this new possessive side. It was quite sexy coming from his normally shy partner.

"Well, there you go, Navid.” He said with a sigh. "I have been over-ruled. Sorry, buddy.” Guillaume of course pretended to be heartbroken. Evan feigned thoughtfulness for half a second and said. "You could hope I had a twin, equally ancient brother?...or sister.” Sadly, not so much. At least he didn't think any of his siblings became vampires. If they had then it was by a different Creator. Evan was pretty sure that he would notice a native American vampire, especially another one that would be several thousand years old.

Sliding closer to Kiyo, Evan wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and then looked at Guillaume.
"Midterms keep you warm at night? You need some serious psychological help...I know this guy who's wait, that's you.” He smiled at Guillaume and gave Kiyo a reassuring squeeze. See, everything was fine. He wasn't going to have to bury his friend in a hole out back after all.
Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
As it became clearer that Guillaume wasn't about to run screaming to the Sarkis at the earliest opportunity Kiyo relaxed a little more, which meant his food disappeared even more quickly. He polished it off, letting Evan and Guillaume carry most of the conversation. He was comfortable that way. Chatting came quite naturally to him when he was working at Terminus. He was still fairly quiet but he was a lot easier with strangers than with people he knew and was generally able to laugh and smile with them.

Evan slid closer, wrapping his arm around Kiyo, and Kiyo set his plate on the table. Drawing his legs up under him he curled up beneath Evan's arm and wrapped his arms around Evan's waist. He was tempted to let his fingertips stray but he behaved himself for now. He would wait until he and Evan were back in the privacy of their bedroom. And he would be quiet.

He smiled and laughed softly at Evan's quip about psychology.
"So... we have to try to find Guillaume a date too, to keep him from thinking we're appealing?"

He did not want to be appealing to Guillaume, even though he understood his Packmate was simply joking. Still... Guillaume intimidated Kiyo. He didn't mean to. Kiyo got that now. Sometimes he came off a lot more brusque than Kiyo was comfortable with, though, and Kiyo took such things to heart. So while they had known each other since Kiyo got into town, he was not as close to Guillaume as he could have been. He was trying, though.

His hazel eyes fell on Guillaume.
"Anyone in particular you like?" It was innocent curiosity on Kiyoshi's part. He didn't know what kind of woman Guillaume would like to meet.
Guillaume 11 years ago
"Brother... sister... it wouldn't matter they wouldn't be you."

Guillaume answered sadly. Although, that was probably for the best the world really was only ready for one Evan. He was a good guy, doubly or triply so for being a vampire, but it was possible to have too much of a good thing.

He wasn't overly comfortable with the minor PDA's but they weren't over the top and certainly Evan and Kiyoshi had kept things under wraps long enough that Navid wasn't going to make an issue of it. No doubt he would get more accustom to it now that he was in the know.

"Ha, ha, ha." Navid answered with a sarcastic laugh. "OK they don't keep you warm, in fact they are down right hard to curl up under."

It never ceased to amaze Guillaume how much and how fast Kiyoshi could eat. It was impressive and rather scary all at the same time. He was surprised that things like that choking incident earlier didn't happen more often.

As he sipped at his tea, his books temporarily forgotten, Navid was slightly taken aback that Kiyo would ask that question. While they were getting on and understanding each other much better than they had when Kiyo was first hired, Navid was aware that Kiyo was a little bit more cautious around him, more formal. You didn't see Kiyoshi cuddled up next to him on the couch after all, so a question like that was a touch unexpected. But not terribly out of character, the man was rather sensitive.

"I haven't spent enough time outside of a classroom or a cockpit to find anyone to be interested in."

That was only half true. He spent time working at Terminus either out with the customers or more often than not doing administrative work. He'd spent some time with the Pack. Now that his cousin was safely settled Navid wasn't avoiding his own kind, he wasn't being overly friendly but he was at least about.

He might also be interested in Tavi, but that Navid kept to himself. She was witty and charming, he quite liked her but it was, to his mind, a bit complicated. She was the Sarkis' daughter, his cousin was involved with the man, it might be odd if he were to date her. If she were interested he wouldn't say no, but for now it was just as simple not to say anything.
Evan Talkingwater 11 years ago
Evan gladly collected Kiyoshi to him, wrapping his other arm around his partner as well. He was rather thrilled to not have to sneak about in his own home and was happy that could now be done away with. There was still respect to be had for a roommate, even one who knew about your relationship status, and that meant not being overly vocal when Guillaume was around or having sex on the sofa or something but at least they could be themselves at home.

It was a weight off his shoulders that Evan hadn't even realized he was carrying until now.

"Yes, we have to hook Guillaume up with dates like good meddling friends...or you know roommates who might want him to go out occasionally." None of his friends meddled in such a way, but then perhaps that was because he never had trouble finding a date. He had also never been inclined to poke his nose into someone else's love life; that was generally pretty private. That might be a cultural thing for him but it had been so long that Evan wasn't sure, perhaps it was a Hunt thing. They didn't ask a lot of questions that was the Night's job.

"Hmm, I suspect a vampire is right out." Evan regarded Guillaume with some amusement. "I could just imagine bringing one of us home for the family dinner. You're cousin would eat you alive." With good reason, he had to admit. The whole situation was weird and embarrassing and Evan was sorry that it had been one of his clan to be involved in the whole sordid affair. Things like that happened; his clan was always preparing for the potential threat of war with werwolves, humans, other vampires...everyone. He was more upset that they involved Guillaume's cousin and that it seemed so pointless. "That limits my imput somewhat."

Guillaume wasn't much help either; his response suggested that anyone would do. Evan was pretty sure that his friend's standards were a little higher than that. "So, someone who likes bookworms and doesn't mind cramped it."

He looked down at Kiyo "Know anyone like that?"
Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
Kiyo's heart beat quickly with nerves, still unused to being like this with Evan as Evan and not Evalyn in front of someone else. But that someone was Guillaume and they were at home... surely they could snuggle. They weren't being lewd, just affectionate, and Kiyoshi very much wanted and craved Evan's affection.

They continued to gently dissect Guillaume's social life - or lack thereof, and Kiyo couldn't say he'd done any better really. He had no social life before Evan. Just a series of pointless destructive hook-ups as he searched for love and never found it. He remained quiet on the topic of vampire partners. Obviously, he had found that exact arrangement to be perfect for him, but it wasn't because Evan was a vampire. It was just because Evan was Evan.

His fingers tightened around Evan's waist when he thought about family dinners.
"Family dinners are overrated," he murmured softly. "Just find someone who suits you."

He looked up with big hazel eyes at Evan when he asked if Kiyo knew any non-claustrophobic bookworms. Kiyo shook his head solemnly.
"No one comes to mind."

If he thought hard enough he was sure one or two would, but he was aware that he had already poked his nose enough into Guillaume's private life.
"You'll find someone," he said, trying to be reassuring. "I wasn't even looking but..."

He stopped and smiled up at Evan and left it there, because Guillaume might want or need that story. But he hadn't been looking for a lover when he'd walked into Terminus. He was just really damn lucky.
Guillaume 11 years ago
Navid gave a derisive snort but it was far -far- too easy to imagine Evan and Kiyoshi as gossiping grandmother, huddled in a corner plotting to set him up with any number of 'eligable' women and growing concerned that he'd reached his forties without settling down or having any children. He wasn't so desperate though that he was going to resort to this very particular match making service.

"You could just make me a nice hotel reservation for spring break instead."

He answered back. It was that or sing a versus of that Fiddler on the Roof Matchmaker song. And while his voice wasn't bad, he didn't need there to be any more concern about why he wasn't attached and singing show tunes might raise a few eyebrows.

The suggestion of a vampire made him visibly cringe. No... Thérèse wouldn't handle that well at all. They still didn't understand why she'd been abused in such a manner and that both hurt and worried him. They needed some answers at some point. She also hadn't -quite- forgiven him for being involved with Evan in a business or a friendship he couldn't imagine how she'd react if they were dating. And it wouldn't be the gay thing she'd have a problem with.

"Very probably and she wouldn't be the only one, I'd be a buffet."

That wasn't a joke at all. Navid regarded Kiyoshi quite seriously, this was a big deal and he didn't know how well any one in the Pack would handle it. There was no doubt at all in Navid's mind how serious this was. Hell he might catch fall out for helping them keep things under wraps, but Guillaume had to concede they looked quite happy together and Kiyoshi had been more confident and relaxed of late. He didn't know anything about the man's past but Navid had decided during the course of this conversation that it would be worth the risk.

His intense expression dissolved into a grin at Kiyo.

"Personally, I like my family dinners. Ask nice and I'll even cook for you two at some point."

Evan didn't eat and Kiyo didn't do cooked, so it was something of an empty promise. But it was their loss he was a good cook. He couldn't bake, but he could cook.

Evan's description made him laugh. That was something of a relief. He had initially thought this would be awkward. It should be, some part of him -knew- it was awkward and even wrong but the longer they sat her the easier it was to suppress that little part of him. It wasn't him anyway, it was older than he was, older than even his grandfather who had Gifted him.

"Mon Dieu Evan! You make it sound so dirty. I'm a gentleman."

He paused, thought about it and amended.

"Sort of."

With a mock heavy sigh Navid rolled his eyes at Kiyoshi.

"Why is it those in love always want others to be in love. How about you just collect numbers from likely one night stands while you're tending bar?"

Granted that might gt them shut down for something to do with the sex trade. They wouldn't close the bar, they'd probably just arrest him. Still he had more faith in Evan and Kiyo's skills at setting him up than any one in the Pack.
Evan Talkingwater 11 years ago
Guillaume decided that they should just send him on vacation instead. That seemed like a workable alternative instead. Evan was pretty sure getting a flight shouldn't be any trouble at all; there was this pilot who apparently had ninja flying skills that he knew.

Family dinners were discussed and he squeezed Kiyoshi a little tighter when his boyfriend mentioned his own. Guillaume didn't know his packmate's story; at least not to the extent that Evan did, if he did then he'd have known why Kiyo wasn't in a hurry to be visiting for dinner.

His roommate also suggested that bringing a vampire home would get him in trouble with more than just Therese. The pointed look he gave Kiyo wasn't lost on Evan and earned his partner another protective, possessive squeeze.

Evan smiled down at Kiyoshi when his partner suggested that perhaps the right person would just happen to come along.
"Indeed, sometimes even the best hunters just occasionally get very lucky.” Like he had when a little wolf walked through his front door.

His summation of Guillaume's needs was dismissed as dirty. Evan laughed and shrugged. However the 'gentleman' then suggested that they collect numbers for him for potential one night stands.

"No thanks, friend, there you are on your own.” He might be willing to consider helping Guillaume find someone to be a mate but he wasn't going to suggest anyone for cheap sex. Evan figured that sounded better in Guillaume's head than it did when he actually said it out loud. Either that or he had been reading those books for too long and really did need that vacation.
Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
Kiyo wasn't sure how he and Evan went from being pimps to vacation planners, but he stopped considering either option when Guillaume reminded him how dangerous his situation was. Did Guillaume think Kiyo didn't realize that? Was he trying to rub it in? Inform Kiyo that his fate hung partially on Guillaume's good will?

Kiyo refused to be meek on this topic. He lifted his chin, bolstered by Evan's arms around him, and favored Guillaume with a defiant expression. There was no need for speech, and Guillaume's serious look soon turned into a grin. Kiyo relaxed against his lover.

"I'll pass," he said, wincing at the offer of Guillaume cooking for them. Kiyo had no interest in being cooked for, and less in the consumption of said cooked food.

At Guillaume's rolled eyes Kiyo frowned.
"I didn't say you had to be in love. Just that things like that happen when you least expect them," he pointed out, defending himself. He did not like being eye-rolled at. It made him feel small and insignificant, two things he normally felt on a regular basis anyway and was trying to get away from.

He glanced at Evan and insisted to Guillaume,
"They do. Really."

He didn't say any more, just let Evan and Guillaume talk and sipped at his beer, considering more food. Another few steaks wouldn't be unwelcome, and the butcher in Nachton had also supplied him with elk, ostrich, and alligator. He was comfortable where he was though, nestled against Evan. He didn't want to let go. Food could wait a bit.
Guillaume 11 years ago
"The best of us don't -need- luck.”

Guillaume said with distain and arrogance as he could muster, which was a considerable amount. But it was also so over the top and dropped so quickly that it was clear he was acting.

He noted the little bit of defiance from Kiyoshi but didn't say anything. If they were found out Kiyo would need that. It was oddly good to see as well; even the most submissive of them had some fire. He did sigh a bit at himself though, it seemed that no matter what he always seemed to say or do something wrong with Kiyo. This, however, seemed to be a minor misunderstanding and one not likely to grow out of proportion. The bartender didn't know him as well as he knew Evan and had no reason to know, and Guillaume hoped he never had reason to find out, that he would be a staunch ally if this came out.

"It is your loss, I am a fair cook. I could just arrange raw steak artistically on a plate for you if you'd rather.”

That was something he'd done for members of his family when he'd taken the time to cook a big meal. He rather wished he could invite his cousin over for dinner. He did miss a large family get together, but she wouldn't come or deal with Evan and he hadn't met enough people to justify a party. Ah well.

Navid gave a philosophical shrug when it became obvious that they wouldn't help him in his rather ungentlemanly plan of seducing bar patrons. He hadn't really meant it and if all he wanted was sex, Navid knew he could manage that on his own.

"How about you just let me know if you meet a nice girl I could take to dinner?”

He wasn't looking to fall head over heels or settle down but it wouldn't hurt his feelings. It would be nice to have children someday, even if someday wasn't tomorrow.
Evan Talkingwater 11 years ago
He rolled his eyes skyward at his friend's declaration of confidence. "Is that so? Weren't you the guy asking us to get you numbers just a second ago? No...that must have been some other lonely student up to his neck in midterms..." He knew that Guillaume was kidding about all of it but that meant teasing him was perfectly acceptable.

Evan listened at Kiyo tried to explain what he was saying to Guillaume. He wasn't sure how the two of them always seemed to get crossways of each other. It did seem to be happening less often than it did in the beginning. He suspected that neither of them communicated well with people they didn't really know and that was the problem. Different reasons involved, Kiyo was shy and reserved and Guillaume was reserved and occasionally formal.

In this case though, he thought Kiyoshi had made himself understood. Evan smiled and kissed his partner on the temple.
"If Guillaume doesn't want to be in love then that's his loss. He is welcome to all the one night stands he can handle. I am content with being in love and all the mushy bits that go with it.” He hugged Kiyo and resisted calling him some sugary sweet nickname that would make their companion wince with pain now and probably land Kiyo with the unfortunate moniker whenever Navid was feeling witty. "You are still getting those numbers yourself.” He waved a dismissive hand at Guillaume. "It shouldn't be hard. Go out, pretend to be lost and lay the French on thick. Almost guaranteed to work.” So long as Guillaume could continue to be charming for the remainder of the evening.

"We'll see about the nice girl.” Evan moved out from underneath Kiyoshi and stood up. Reaching a hand down to his companion, he grinned at Kiyo. "Come on, lets go engage in some mushy bits.”
Kiyoshi Salinas 11 years ago
Kiyo considered Guillaume's offer and then nodded at him. It was a decent compromise, if he were ever to be made dinner by their roommate. Generally Kiyo preferred his raw meat arranged in whatever manner made it easiest to get into his stomach fastest but Guillaume was trying.

In the meantime Evan was hugging him close and Kiyo was cuddling into his partner's side, hunger abated for the moment, other desires rising. He was truly an animal sometimes, he thought to himself. Food. Sex. He couldn't think of a better day off.

He nodded again and said,
"Okay" at the same time as Evan told Guillaume he could get phone numbers himself. Kiyo agreed there, but if a nice girl did come along he'd help his friend out. He did laugh softly at Evan's suggestion to lay the accent on. "Borrow a puppy," he suggested with an air of mischief. Then he hastily added, "Not me."

He was aware that he did have a certain forlorn quality to him. Kiyo wouldn't quite admit to cultivating it, but it wasn't entirely an unconscious effort. Evan moved away from him, reaching his hand out to Kiyo, and Kiyo stood as well to slip his smaller one into Evan's, blushing at his boyfriend's words. He glanced back at Guillaume, giving him a brief, grateful smile, but there was determination behind it. If Guillaume changed his mind at any point, Kiyo was going to fight to keep Evan.

He'd worry about the future in the future though. For now Evan had made his intentions very clear and Kiyo wasn't about to deny himself, or his partner.
Guillaume 11 years ago
"A deer and a date are two different things."

Navid clarified.

He was just as happy that the misunderstanding was let go. It was undoubtedly for the best. Although, if Evan kept going the way he was Guillaume was going to go back and laboriously hammer out every detail of that little aside with Kiyoshi. Because that was all he needed in his life was a million year old hopeless romantic making goo goo eyes at his lover. They all had their crosses to bare but that was one that Navid had never planed on or prepared for.

"But I'm not French."

He countered quickly. It was a point of contention and pride that they had been over before. He was only half French and tended to think of himself as Moroccan rather than French. It was a deliberate choice that made him a bit of an outsider in his family, one more thing that set him apart from every one. Of course, he also worked hard to be part of his family. It was possible that Guillaume was a little conflicted.

Kiyoshi made him laugh. That was a bit of a jab that Navid hadn't expected.

"No girl, no puppy; this is turning into a bit of a disaster I'm going to have to go back to my books... alone... unloved... I might cry."

The two of them seemed to be getting ready to go back to bed. Navid considered that for a minute, again probing his feelings rather like poking at a sore tooth to see if it still hurts. Ultimately he was satisfied that he really was fine with this, no more uncomfortable than he would be with any roommates screwing like bunnies where he could hear. It was more the volume than the who or the cavorting that was apt to bother him. Spirits help the two of them if any one else found out though.

"Why don't you two try getting some sleep... or at least keeping it down?"

It was possible he was a touch jealous. Not because he was into either man, just because he was missing that part of his life right now. He'd manage though and maybe try one of those casual encounters in the mean time. Probably not, but it was an option.