The Smell of Adventure
Evan smacked another orc in the head and then turned to look at Kiyo. There were two more orcs but they were beating up the paladin and leaving the little druid alone. He had to admit that Kiyoshi's avatar was just fun to watch. It was almost as cute as the real thing. Almost.
They were not playing their usual game. It was less high paced adventure but it was far more private and comfortable. They hadn't played with the guild in a couple of weeks but they still kept in touch with vent and the website.
Dev had gotten into their vent channel in the wee hours of the morning a couple of days ago and dropped in long enough to say hello. They hadn't seen much of him lately and Evan was vaguely worried about him. The guild had been the closest thing to family that Dev had. He was almost always around at least once or twice a week.
At first Evan thought that he and Kiyo had just been missing him. They had been spending an awful lot of time doing...other things. But he had spoken to their other guild mates and they had all said that Devian had been scarce lately. A lot of the girls were asking about him too, ready to send him cookies and kisses if he was having a difficult time at work.
Their friend had just dropped in to say hello and that he had been rather busy lately. He also said that he had started a new character in Everquest II. Evan and Kiyo had been playing the same game for several weeks now themselves. They hadn't given up on World of Warcraft completely but it was nice to wander around in a virtual world as a couple and not worry about it getting back to their very real friends.
After a brief discussion, without push-to-talk buttons pressed, they had decided to mention that they were also playing. They could always make different characters if they wanted privacy again. Dev seemed surprised that they were all playing the same game but suggested that they should hook up sometime and raid a dungeon. He didn't stay long and seemed a bit distracted.
At the moment, Evan was distracted by the stray strand of hair that had fallen out of Kiyo's braid and was currently lightly touching his lover's cheek. He wanted to reach out and gently tuck it behind Kiyo's ear so badly that it hurt. His fingers twitched against the desk; he could feel the soft touch of Kiyo's face against the back of them. It was so real in his mind, so easy to do...
But they were sitting in the computer gaming area of Terminus. He had less than an hour to play before his shift began. Kiyo's would start later in the evening. Evan would use the time after his shift to go hunting while his partner was still working that way they had the rest of their time for each other.
A loud thud and a strange bleating sound drew his attention away from the Kiyoshi sitting beside him. Evan looked back at his monitor in time to see a whole new group of orcs trying to kill them. His little fawn, Dotmatrix, was kicking and flailing at the one nearest him.
Ooops, respawn.
"That was definitely my bad.†He muttered. Evan began targeting orcs and mashing appropriate buttons. When the threat of death was over, he sent a typed message to his partner.
/Tell Kiiyoshi: You could be a little less irresistible though. It makes concentrating difficult.

They were killing a little time before Evan's shift started at Terminus, though, playing EQ2. Having experienced the tank thing in WoW Kiyo was a healer this time around. He had thought it might be easier. Why had he thought it would be easier? He frantically played 'hurry up and wait' as he blew all his heals and had to wait for the cooldowns. His mercenary was capable of taking the hits, though, and Evan, of course, was a Cuisinart.
He blew a stray piece of hair away from his face, annoyed by it. How had he missed it? Now he'd have to redo his braid. For now he tucked it back, using his finger to thread it loosely into the tail down his back. Maybe it would stay like that.
He saw colored text on his screen and looked at it, reading Evan's message before giving a little chuckle, his cheeks coloring a little.
/tell Howahkan Not my fault... but we can do something about that distraction later tonight.
It had taken him a while to get used to being suggestive with Evan. It didn't come naturally to Kiyo, but by now he was so comfortable with Evan he almost felt like a different person when they were together. A stronger person, anyway. He liked it. He liked that when they were together by themselves he could be who he was without fear of criticism. It was changing him slowly, outside of their relationship. He wasn't quite as fearful as he used to be. He didn't think he'd ever get away from being the submissive little Omega wolf but he was learning to minimize it, particularly amongst their friends.
Because he had friends now. And a home to stay in. And a Pack he was slowly learning to fit into. He'd actually gone to several more fires in the past few months. Granted, he generally only attended when he could stick close to Tavi or Gris or even Guillaume, but he went and that was something. He spun poi when asked, or engaged in a variety of other tricks and entertainments since that was what people seemed to enjoy most about his presence. The last time he'd been there he'd shown a group of kids of to use devil sticks, which had been a lot of fun. He had spun his with the ends in flames, because pretty much everything was more fun when you set it on fire.
He and Evan finished cleaning up after the orcs and Kiyo gave a little sigh of relief.
/tell Howahkan Want to finish this up later? We could pop into your office quickly. I could, um, fix my hair.
He raised his eyebrows innocently at Evan over the computer screen. Kiyo was pretty sure he had no shame left, but the only way to steal a kiss from his partner was to do so in private. To do otherwise could land them in a world of trouble. Two worlds of trouble, really. Possibly three.

/Tell Kiiyoshi That just made it worse. Thanks.
His eyes slid sideways over to his partner while he considered 'later'. The little piece of hair had been dealt with without his help. Evan sighed softly and then turned his attention back to the screen once more.
/Tell Kiiyoshi We will have to do at least several 'somethings' later tonight.
If he was going to be distracted then he wasn't going to be the only one. Evan smiled at his screen as the last of the orcs died a noisy death. It probably wasn't good for business to distract the bartender who threw your bottles of alcohol around in the air.
After the battle was finished Kiyo sent him another tell. Evan didn't really need very long to consider that request.
/Tell Kiiyoshi Sure
He logged off his computer and then stood to make sure no one else was watching. They didn't want to have too many times where they both ducked into his office together but it was currently early evening in Terminus so they were the only two in the computer room other than the one member of staff that was sitting behind the counter. In a very soft whisper, he said.
"Distract her and I will hitch a ride.â€
Evan said goodbye to Carrie with a friendly wave and then went toward the door. He didn't make it to the exit before Kiyoshi caught her attention. Turning around, he made sure she was looking at his partner instead of him and then shrank into a more compact form. He flew barely a few inches off the ground, mostly doing so in short little flights and quick hops.
Once he had reached Kiyoshi, Evan jumped and flapped, landing lightly against his partner's back. He slowly climbed the rest of the way and then tucked himself neatly under Kiyo's clothing and hair. A little black feathered head leaned against the back of Kiyo's neck. He was tempted to poke his head out just enough to see but that really wasn't necessary; he knew where they were going. Kiyoshi was nice and warm and his perch was comfortable. Evan closed his eyes in contentment. He could get used to being carried around everywhere so long as Kiyo was doing the carrying.

He smiled and nodded at Evan. "Okay," he said in a normal voice. "See you in a bit."
As Evan made his way to the door Kiyo logged his computer off and went to say hi to Carrie quickly. They passed each other at work frequently and had a good relationship, not very intimate but they got along well enough. Kiyo asked her how she was and listened to her response as he felt the light weight of a magpie against his back, moving slowly upward. It was all he could do not to wriggle around and the feeling. Soon enough Evan was settled in, tucked beneath the hood of his sweater and his heavy braid.
"I'll see you later," he said with a smile to Carrie. She waved him off and he left by the door.
Heading to Evan's office Kiyo glanced at his watch and then went inside. Evan kept the schedule posted here as well as in the break room, so while most people normally checked the break room schedule, it wasn't unheard of for them to pop into Evan's office and check that one if it was more convenient.
Once inside he turned and gently closed the door. He felt Evan leave his back as he locked it. Everyone there would knock before entering but why take the chance? He was pretty sure no one had seen him enter, however, seeing as how they weren't actually open yet.
Turning back around he smiled at the Evan-shaped man in front of him and went straight into his arms, wrapping his around Evan's waist and tilting his head up to kiss Evan with a little whimper of pleasure. It didn't seem to matter how often they did this, or how long they'd been together. Kiyo was still convinced he was a slut as far as Evan was concerned. It took absolutely no effort to get him in the mood, and he liked it that way. Even though they didn't have much time before Evan had to be out at the bar Kiyo was determined to make the most of it.

The dim lighting and muffled sounds told him that they had reached his office and that Kiyoshi had shut the door. Evan ventured a quick peek to be sure and then scrambled off the back of his partner's sweater. He heard the click of the door as his feet landed on the floor.
Holding his arms out, he waited for Kiyo to come to him. His lover wasted no time, which was good because they had very little of it. He wrapped strong arms around Kiyoshi and hugged him tight, leaning down to kiss him tenderly.
That soft kiss led to a more passionate one; Evan moaned against his partner's lips and reached down to slide his hands beneath Kiyo's ass and pull him upward. He wanted all of Kiyoshi that he could get in the time they had, arms, legs, mouth.... His hands squeezed more firmly as he bent down for another kiss, pressing Kiyo close with his arms.
After a long moment of savoring his lover's lips, Evan leaned back. "Later is going to be difficult to wait for, you know.†He was tempted, sorely tempted, to be a little late and go about dealing with his distracting companion immediately. Except that he was the boss and if anyone should be setting a good example then it was him.
Of course there might not be time for them both to enjoy themselves fully but he could please Kiyo and that made him happy. He could wait, sometimes it was better that way. His mind would be full of Kiyo's sighs and moans and by the time his lover was back home he would have one very intent vampire on his hands.
Evan turned around and sat Kiyoshi down on his desk and then pushed his hand against his lover's pants. Letting the heat of his hand sink through the fabric, he rubbed his thumb back and forth over Kiyo's erection. Evan leaned close and murmured softly. "You are going to have to remember how to be quiet.†Evan smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Kiyoshi's cheek in silent apology. Most of the time that was the very last thing that he wanted from Kiyo. He still remembered the restrained little whimpers of pleasure that once had been the only sign that Kiyoshi had been overwhelmed by sensation. Thankfully it hadn't taken long for his wolf to find his voice.
These were special circumstances.
Kneeling down on the floor in front of Kiyoshi, he pushed open his lover's pants. Evan wrapped an arm around behind Kiyo, holding him close, even as he bent his head down and gently took his lover into his mouth.

Evan told him later would be difficult to wait for and Kiyo sighed softly with desire. "Take me now then," he said, his voice so low it was barely a whisper, hardly a murmur. "Right now."
Evan turned and sat Kiyo down on his desk, his hand wandering downward. Kiyo whimpered softly and arched his back, thrusting his hips toward Evan's touch. His arms twined around Evan's neck and he felt that feeling of warmth slide through him, the familiar feeling that came from being touched by his lover. He felt like he was melting; he was becoming soft and pliant, at odds with a body that seemed like all angles. He loved this feeling, and he craved it all the more for being associated with Evan.
Evan gently told him he'd need to be quiet, seeming apologetic for it. Kiyo knew why. He didn't have secrets from Evan. There may be some things that had never been said between them because they'd simply never come up, but Evan knew about Kiyo's adopted brother. And he knew he'd forced Kiyo to be quiet. Kiyo pushed the memory away though - this was so very different he couldn't possibly compare them.
"I can be quiet," he said to Evan. He spread his legs wider, waiting for Evan, and was surprised when his partner lowered himself to his knees and wrapped his mouth around him.
Kiyo gasped in surprise. "Evan," he murmured. "What about you? I don't want you to have to wait!"
This wasn't what he'd intended when they'd come in here at all; not that he was complaining. He loved every touch, every look, from Evan. But it hardly seemed fair for him to get this treatment when Evan would be left wanting all night until Kiyo got home from his shift.
It was hard to argue, or concentrate, when he was in this position though. He bit his lip, uttering another tiny whimper at the feel of Evan's mouth. "Wanna wait... if you have to..." he gasped out.
It wasn't a very strong argument; Kiyo was not the argumentative sort. His preference was a very pale last-place to Evan's desires. It wasn't that Evan didn't consider Kiyoshi's whishes - on the contrary, Evan was incredibly solicitous and Kiyo felt like he was spoiled rotten most days. It was just that Kiyo wasn't good at being argumentative. Moreover, he was certainly not feeling inspired to continue doing so if Evan was set on this incredibly pleasant course of action. So while his mouth said the words, Kiyo's body still wrapped itself around Evan; arms, legs, his lips parted as he sighed with pleasure.
"Oh my God," he moaned softly in surrender. If this sort of thing was sinful, Kiyo was perfectly happy to be a sinner. His biggest regret in life was that it would be too short to give back to Evan everything he had given to Kiyo. He'd just have to work harder at it... after this.

Kiyo's quiet protests were endearing. His partner was always so thoughtful that it made Evan want to spoil him all the more. He took his time tasting his lover, with long slow strokes of his tongue as his lips slid further and further down.
After a few satisfying minutes indulging his love of teasing, touching and tasting, Evan leaned back and smiled at Kiyoshi. "You can make it worth the wait.†Kiyo was always worth the wait. He smiled and gently ran his thumb along his lover's erection as he spoke. "Hopefully, you can manage to be ready for me again later tonight.†He looked up at his partner with innocent eyes and then grinned mischievously. "I will certainly try my best to help you along.†Working side by side and being unable to touch Kiyo was always enough to make him want his partner with a fierce urgency by the time they were both home and alone. For him it didn't take much foreplay at all by that point; the entire night served as foreplay.
He sighed happily and went back to his previous actions, quite pleased when Kiyo wrapped his legs around him and truly begun to enjoy himself. Evan smiled softly at the quiet words that his partner murmured and then bent his head back down to his current very enjoyable task. He began it again, this time in earnest. They didn't have very long in here and he had no time to draw the experience out, or as was more typical in their lovemaking, to repeat it.
Evan reached up and added one hand to accompany his mouth. The other rested high up on one of Kiyo's thighs, his thumb sneaking into the loose opening of his lover's pants to gently tease the soft sac beneath. That was the only movement that was gentle. He sucked, rubbed, tasted and twirled with tongue and lips at a rapidly increasing pace. Evan moaned happily very intent on making their brief trip to the office as enjoyable as possible.

Kiyo stared at Evan with an uncomprehending expression when his partner pulled away and spoke. Eventually what he said made sense and Kiyo felt a little spike of spoiled, guilty pleasure at being the only one of them to receive this attention right now. "I will," he whispered breathlessly to Evan. "I'm always ready for you. I always... want you..."
The last bit was chocked out in a hushed murmur as Evan lowered his head again and continued with enthusiasm. Kiyo leaned back on one arm, the rest of his limbs busy clinging to Evan as best he could. He tried to keep himself still but he rocked gently with Evan's motions. When Evan's hand joined his mouth Kiyo bit down on his lip again, unable to stifle a little whimper of delight. Then his thumb slipped inside Kiyo's pants and that was pretty much it.
Panting with the effort of keeping quiet Kiyo arched into Evan's embrace and succumbed to the intense sensations Evan was creating. His lover knew him so well there was no question of Kiyo climaxing or not, and it was only a matter of a minute or so before Kiyo saw sparks in front of his eyes, dancing as he shuddered and came in the blissful warmth of Evan's mouth.
How was he supposed to move again? Kiyo tried to figure out the answer as he slumped back, winded and more than a little shell-shocked by what they'd just done. Eventually the sparkles faded and Kiyo sat up, leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around Evan's neck, cuddling close for a moment.
"I love you," he murmured. He nuzzled into Evan's neck, kissing him softly and breathing in the familiar, perfect scent of him. He didn't want to let go; he just wanted to stay here in Evan's arms.
But work called to them both, and Kiyo knew Evan had to go. He felt just as strongly about Terminus. It might not be his, but it was still his home in more ways than one and he would do anything to see it successful.
Still, he clung to Evan until the absolute last moment he had to pull away and right his clothing. He was so lucky to be here, to have Evan, a job, and a Pack he was very slowly starting to feel more comfortable in.

However, doing this, touching Kiyo so intimately and feeling him respond with desire was enough to make him regret the decision to wait, somewhat. Still, wanting Kiyo now would mean that he would want him all the more later. He would just remember that soft whimper of pleasure and envision his lover tilted back and enjoying a blow job on his desk while he worked.
Evan was very glad that he did not juggle things as part of his nightly bar tending duties.
He moaned and held Kiyo tighter as his partner's climax stormed through his body. Evan gladly took it all in, sucking gently until the last shiver of pleasure subsided. With a final parting flick of his tongue over the head of his partner's erection, he pulled away and gathered Kiyoshi in his arms.
"I love you too, Little Wolf.†Evan smiled and returned Kiyo's affectionate cuddles with a few of his own. It was a shame that he could not find a way to serve drinks with his arms full of Kiyoshi. The logistics were a bit daunting, not to mention the trouble with clans, packs and work personnel.
All too soon it was time for him to go. Evan gently pulled away with one last parting kiss. "I will see you later.†He waggled his eyebrows suggestively to indicate which later he meant. Then he eased the door open just a crack. Transforming into a bird again, Evan peeked out the door. When he was sure no one was looking, he hopped/flew beneath a nearby table and then upward so that he could fly more smoothly across the high ceilings to somewhere convenient near the bar.
He was himself again just in time to see the doors open for their first customer of the night, a very familiar blond.
((OOC: Evan out doing his working thing. So you know, out but there being stunningly handsome and incredibly charming in the background.

Still a little dazed at what had just transpired Kiyo checked the schedule to make sure he would be in at the right time if not earlier; he was workaholic as it was but having Evan here already usually meant he'd be in early. Or earlier. Kiyo wasn't sure he'd ever been late, except for that one time when he'd met Therese after being completely lost. He didn't often get lost in Nachton these days; there was a brief adjustment period in every city when he sorted out the myriad confusing scents and then he got around just fine. Better than fine, really, owing to his nose.
He left Evan's office and headed toward the main terminal. He would go home for a little while, maybe, and watch TV or read his Kindle while he waited to start his shift. Leaving by the main door meant he got another glimpse of his lover as he worked. Evan's style wasn't as flashy as Kiyo's; that was what they'd hired Kiyo for, after all, but he still liked the smooth efficient way in which Evan moved. He was always graceful and Kiyo knew that while his flashy antics drew the most stares, many of their patrons, a large number of them women, often watched Evan work.
He was still wool-gathering as he headed out toward the terminal. He was so preoccupied he only nodded to the blond he passed as he made his way out. Then the combination of features arranged themselves in his brain and he quickly turned, comprehension dawning on his face.
"Oh Gris! Hi!"
Shell-shocked as he was he still found his smile for Gris, who he hadn't seen a whole lot of lately. "Where have you been? How have you been?"
Over time his intimidation of Gris had faded almost completely. Kiyo loved his friend and Packmate, and Gris was always kind to him as well as playful. It had been hard to remain afraid of someone who never gave you a reason to be so. While Kiyo was still working on kicking that habit with the rest of his Pack, that trait had definitely faded in front of certain members.

He had come to Terminus early in the hopes of talking to his pack mate at some point in the evening. If he had to wait around and play some video games then that wasn't the end of the world. He wished he could have brought Josh or asked Josh to meet him here but that would require an explanation of what he was and he wasn't ready to have that discussion yet. So he was here alone and had told Josh that he was meeting a friend for dinner after work.
Maybe Kiyo would be off long enough to talk to now and then he could go home and spend the rest of his evening with Josh. Gris smiled to himself; he had become so happily domestic.
Evan was the first person he saw when he entered Terminus. Gris smiled and waved. He was about to walk over and ask if his friend knew where Kiyoshi was but then Kiyo walked out a side door. His pack mate glanced at Evan and then wandered through the crowd without really seeing them. Gris raised his eyebrows when he was given a cursory nod and then his friend moved on.
Maybe Kiyo wasn't a detection werewolf after all...
Gris laughed when his friend finally realized he was there and turned around to tell him hello. He pouted slightly and muttered. "I wasn't aware I was so forgettable.†Then he grinned and gathered Kiyo into a hug. "Cheers, Mate. Do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you.â€

"Of course I have a minute for you," Kiyo said. "We were kind of worried about you, we haven't seen you in a while."
He looked around; the bar wasn't very crowded yet since they'd just opened. The first half hour to an hour was always a little slow.
"Did you want to talk here, or go someplace else? I don't have to be in to work for a few hours yet."
They weren't so far from Shady Pines that they couldn't go back there and spend some time if that was what Gris wanted. Kiyo couldn't imagine what Gris wanted to talk about but surely it couldn't be anything serious; he didn't seem troubled. Kiyo's senses were usually pretty quick to detect minor differences in people's attitudes but Gris always seemed pretty cheerful.
As he focused his senses in on Gris, however, he furrowed his brow slightly. He was used to smelling very particular scents on Gris. Just like the ones on Evan; light, herbal fragrances. He knew Gris made them himself and to Kiyo they were obvious. He smelled them still but there was something very different on his friend now. Commercial soap. And... aftershave? Or cologne? Or... what was that? Kiyo bit his lip so as not to ask potentially unwanted personal questions. Maybe Gris had just wanted a change.
But Gris' scent was still there too, although when you stuck with a product for a long time it was bound to linger even after a change. It didn't raise flags or any such thing, really, but Kiyo grew used to the way his friends 'tasted,' as it were. He could find them in dark rooms, around corners, through doors. He might have to re-categorize Gris in his head. It was a little confusing, really.
Or... well, if Gris made his own things maybe he couldn't find the herbs he needed at this time of year. Kiyo brightened at the thought, feeling a little bit smarter with that revelation. Everything couldn't be in season all the time.
Oh... except, greenhouses. The smart feeling went away with the 'thbbbpt' of a deflating balloon.
Kiyo would just have to ponder it later. For now he looked at Gris expectantly, waiting to find out where his friend wanted to go and what it was he had wanted to see Kiyo for. Kiyo wasn't exactly often sought-out.

Once they made it out the front entrance, he smiled and leaned down to his friend. "Speaking of being scarce. How is it going with Evan?†Gris gave Kiyo's shoulders a little companionable squeeze. He would have been happy for his friends anyway but, considering his own good relationship fortune, he was even more happy to see other people happy.
"I understand its hard keeping it a secret.†Gris smiled, blithely making assumptions and jumping to conclusions based on past guesses and random tidbits of conversation. "He's your boss and that's awkward...†He turned and looked at Kiyo and became more serious in a heartbeat. "And a vampire as I hear tell it from my flat mates, especially Tavi who thinks he's the coolest thing since...uh, raw steak or something.†Gris shook his head and tried to get the mental image of uncooked meat out of his head.
"You know, I think he is a great guy. I've known him for years so if Evelyn is treating you well then I am happy for you both.â€
Walking around the side of the large front building, Gris was planning on finding somewhere outside away from the main traffic of people to talk to Kiyoshi about their pack and the potential to do something as a team.
First though, he couldn't contain it anymore. Gris stopped and turned, grabbing Kiyo around both arms and smiling at him with a big happy grin. "Remember the camping store, and the blond who came up and started talking to us and the story about me trying to find someone by waiting for them to fall from the sky?†He chuckled at the end of that breathless delivery. "Well, have I got a story to tell you!â€
((OOC: He could go on...obviously, but I figure there was a lot in the post that Kiyo was going to have reactions to already. We figured he might like a chance to blink or something. ))

Anyone who wanted to find him could always find him at Terminus. He didn't own it or hold stock or anything like that but Evan and Guillaume had made it a home for him and he would do anything to ensure its success, personal relationships aside.
He didn't have a chance to say anything else, really, before Gris happily asked him about all the things he shouldn't know, things Kiyo had tried very hard to keep quiet about. He knew he'd slipped up once or twice around Gris so he wasn't terribly surprised to learn Gris had added up the facts but the manner in which he seemed so accepting of it was a shock. Kiyo had always thought his preferences would cause criticism, not to mention his choice of partner.
Kiyo blinked at Gris and then tripped over his own feet as they continued around the side of the building. "I, uhm... it's going great," he mumbled, feeling his cheeks turn redder than red. There seemed to be no point in trying to deny anything and not so deep down, he really didn't want to. "I hate keeping it a secret from my friends."
He would confess to feeling a great deal of relief that Gris knew and was okay with it. He was pretty sure that relief would soon turn to happiness when he got used to the idea; he wanted to share his happiness with his friends, not lie to them constantly.
Kiyo bit his lip and nodded at Gris. "I love being with him," he said. He pulled his long braid over his shoulder and played with the end of it, glancing shyly up at Gris. "I love him." It wasn't as hard to say to a Packmate as he thought it might be, maybe because next to Tavi Gris was the one he'd most wanted to share his joy with. There had been so many times he just wanted to blurt it out and then duck and cover until the dust cleared and see what happened.
He was further surprised by Gris's sudden excitement as his friend grabbed him by the arms and asked him if he remembered the day in the camping store. How could he forget it? He nodded, his eyes growing wide.
"What did... did someone actually fall out of the sky for you?" That sort of thing really worked? Kiyo considered; honestly, before meeting Evan he'd have fallen out of the sky for someone like Gris too, probably. He would now, if their friendship somehow required it.
He waited, still wide-eyed and maybe a tiny bit wary, for Gris to explain. He was still processing the amazing fact that Gris seemed to know everything about his relationship with Evan and didn't appear to mind at all that he was sleeping with another man who happened to be a vampire. Still vastly relieved to meet with some kind of approval too; Kiyo had never seen Gris angry or really even upset and he didn't want to. Smiles suited Gris far better, and Kiyo would have been devastated if the knowledge of his partner had created a rift in their friendship.

Had it been incorrect then Kiyo would have set him straight and Gris would have apologized. He doubted any hard feelings would have come of it.
As he listened to his friend, it seemed to him that this secret had been weighing on Kiyo. That was a shame; love should be something you shared with everyone. Openly and proud. Of course he knew better than anyone that it wasn't always that easy.
He hugged Kiyoshi close and smiled down at his friend. Of course he loved Evan, what wasn't to love? And undoubtedly Evan felt the same way. "And how can that be bad if he feels the same way? So long as he treats you right then that's all that matters to me.†They did look after their own, even when one of their own was dating a vampire.
When they moved on to his own story and Kiyo questioned whether someone had fallen from the sky, Gris grinned rather smugly. "Yes, he did actually.†Scratching his chin, he frowned. "He didn't have my name on his forehead but I think we can let that detail slide.†Josh might have had some of his blood on his forehead. They had smacked each other and then the ground pretty hard, well Josh did most of the smacking, truth be told.
"He was eating lunch at this little cafe, taking a break from his shopping. Actually we ran into each other twice in a couple of stores...†Gris just remembered that. The dramatic entrance on the bridge overshadowed everything else. "The lady at a nearby table got up and left, leaving her phone. Josh picked it up and ran after her. Well, she thought he was chasing her for less savory reasons and pulled out a can of pepper spray.†No doubt Kiyo could see where this story was going, at least part of it. "She hit him in the eyes with it and he backed away from her and hit the ledge of the bridge. Unfortunate timing on catching up with her. He fell over the side and landed on.†Gris pointed both thumbs in his own direction. "Of course I came out of the ordeal much better than Josh did even with being sandwiched between a not small man and the ground.â€
Gris shrugged. "The next time we met he was standing out in the pouring rain with his work partner and a broken down cab.†Poor Josh, if fate was trying to get them both together then it was giving his partner the tougher role to play.
"We've been seeing each other pretty much every night since.†Gris smiled. "I bought an apartment in the center of town. I couldn't exactly bring him to Shady Pines. You are welcome to come visit and stay some time. Evan also, both at the same time even. I'd like you to meet him.â€
He smiled and looked at Kiyoshi. "I am glad you are happy and if you ever need my help then you have it.†There might be a time when Kiyo needed an alibi or something else or maybe he would simply need to talk to someone who knew his situation or maybe a place to stay or someone to stand with him if the pack ever found out. Big or small, Gris would be there for his friend.
"So, while this talk of fit men and lovey dovey stuff is great and all, it isn't actually why I came.â€

Enthusiasm caused him to say more than he meant. "He doesn't hit me, and he's always gentle with me. And he doesn't yell. I hate yelling."
He had tightened his fingers in Gris's shirt as he tensed up, remembering his brother. Then he shook his head and released the fabric before he ruined it. "I'm sorry," he said. "Everything is so good now. I love it. I mean it's more than that, I'm making it sound bad! He's wonderful. I've never felt this from anyone."
When Gris told him he had actually met someone in the manner they'd joked about Kiyo squeezed him around the waist. "Oh, that makes me happy! When can we meet him? Is he... like us?" He was a little surprised when Gris said 'he,' but when he thought about it it almost made sense... Gris was so accepting of himself and Evan, apparently it was more than just understanding. it made him even happier to know that he wasn't alone in his Pack. He felt very close to Gris in that moment.
His questions were answered for him as Gris spoke. The more of the tale Kiyo heard, the wider his hazel eyes got. He gradually brought his hands up and cupped them over his mouth, staring at Gris as each aspect of his meeting with this man was revealed. When Gris reached the part about how they had been spending every night together Kiyo had a little light bulb moment. So Gris hadn't changed his products. He just smelled like his new boyfriend.
He smiled up at Gris when he was finished and said, "I'm happy too. And happy for you. The same goes for you you know. And... just so you know, he smells good. Your new guy. It threw me off at first but now it makes sense."
Gris said that wasn't why he came though, and Kiyo raised his eyebrows. It seemed like the news Gris had was certainly earthshaking enough to warrant a visit and a special night out. "It's not? There's nothing wrong is there?"
Things seemed to be going so well, surely Gris didn't have any trouble. He would have said so first. Wouldn't he?

When Kiyoshi apologized and let go of his shirt, Gris smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his friend's forehead. "Its okay. I knew what you meant.†He smiled "And I know what you mean.†Life was good at the moment and that was rather rare for him also. At least there had been no hitting or yelling. Boys had tried when he was younger but they soon learned two very important things. First, the scrawny little Brit was actually quite strong and second, he had a lot of friends.
"I will bring him by Terminus some time or you guys could come visit at the apartment.†Gris looked thoughtful for a moment. "He is pretty busy also but we might be able to get online and play some. You guys could at least meet that way and you can both tell me what you think.†They were all playing EQ2 at the moment. Gris wondered if Evan hadn't wandered back to the game for the same reason he had, to monopolize his boyfriend's online attention and enjoy running around together in private.
Kiyo seemed to smell Josh on him, which would be unsurprising for a werewolf, especially a detection werewolf. Even he could smell hints of Josh on his clothes and furniture, faint but there. Gris was tempted to ask exactly what Kiyo picked up, how many different scents were not his own.
It brought him back to why he had come tonight. "Nothing is wrong, exactly.†Gris looked thoughtful. "Have you met Therese, Guillaume's cousin?†Waving that aside for the moment, he said. "I have the ability to mark people so that the pack can see that mark. I have worked, in the past, for the pack as a part of a tracking team with one of our kind with detection. Often they have to track our target down and then I mark them so that we can keep tabs on them.†Once marked he could always keep tabs on them. He got an idea of where they were and could even remind them that they had been marked by the R'asa.
Growing more serious, he said. "When I moved I left my detection partner behind. I was wondering if you would be willing to be the other half of a tracking team with me.†Assuming he was right about Kiyoshi having detection of course. Hopefully he could go two for two on his jumping to conclusions attempts tonight. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I promise I won't be upset.†Gris smiled and did his best to look friendly and harmless.

Gris moved on to the reason he'd come to find Kiyo. When he asked if Kiyoshi knew Therese Kiyo couldn't hide the wary expression on his face. "Yee-eees," he said slowly. "She isn't very fond of me, I don't think."
Well... he knew it for a fact but he didn't need to state it bluntly. Gris continued, however, and Kiyo listened with growing interest and disbelief. Gris had come here to ask him to be his partner? Him? He looked up at Gris with his mouth slightly open in shock.
"You want me to help?" He pointed at himself but he was well aware there was no one else around.
"I would love to," he said. "Is it okay with... with..." The Sarkis, the Savia, the Jiro... "...everyone?"
He was excited; he had never felt wanted by his own Pack before. Yes, it was Gris, who he knew was a friend and so must enjoy his company at least a little, but he was still eager to help somehow. Since coming to Nachton Kiyo had started to believe that being a werewolf didn't have to be the worst thing that had ever happened to him. He wasn't quite ready to embrace it fully and he might never be, but he was no longer trying to run away from it. Like a loner wolf he now felt like he was pacing around the outside of the Pack, trying to figure out where he might fit in and Gris had just offered him a way to be a helper.
He hugged Gris tightly. "Yes, prala," he said softly. "If you want me to help you I'll do my best."

When he asked about Therese he didn't expect the hesitation he received. Gris figured that he would have gotten a no or a yes we met at the campfire. He had to wonder what had given Kiyo the impression that Therese didn't like him very much. Moving on with his purpose for being there, he explained what he wanted ask. He would ask about Ms. DuBois later.
Gris smiled and hugged Kiyoshi again. "Yes, it is okay with long as you have detection. You did seem pretty confident in your tracking skills." And you could smell my conservative boyfriend. As far as humans went Josh was pretty easy on the nose; he didn't bath in cologne or cheap aftershave so smelling a hint of a trace from early that morning was quite an accomplishment. Josh was as light on the senses as some werewolves he knew.
"I would love to work with you, my brother." Gris grinned and used the English version of what Kiyo had said. He was touched by the sentiment and it made him all the happier that he had come to ask Kiyo in hopes that he would be willing instead of letting The Legion find someone for him.
He looked around and then back at Kiyo. "Got any questions or did you want to play some games before work? Get something to eat? Something else entirely."

Not that Evan wouldn't understand; Evan always understood. He would certainly make exceptions for Pack business, Kiyo knew. But Kiyo hated to miss work at all; bad enough that three nights out of every month he was gone.
That reminded him of something he had wanted to ask Gris. The mention of dinner made his stomach rumble hungrily. He was bottomless; he ate like a monster and never gained weight. And he hadn't had any dinner yet.
"Want to go get some food? I'm starving," he said somewhat plaintively. It wasn't true; Kiyo was a pig. But he really was hungry. And if he was going to work for the rest of the night... and, well, be prepared to satisfy Evan, too, he was going to need some calories.
"I want to hear about Josh," he said with a smile. "Tell me all about him! You said he's very busy, what does he do? I can't wait to meet him."
He looked down shyly and finally said, "I also wanted to ask you... maybe, a favor." Kiyo glanced up at Gris and waited.

"There is a vampire we might need to track. I have already marked him so it will be really very easy.†Usually the detection werewolf would be there to help find someone running from the pack and then ,once found, the werewolf able to mark would see to it they could never hide from the pack again. He had become a very good tracker over the years but a werewolf with detection was in a league all their own. "You know, we should help Tavi sometime. It could be fun to run with the detective.†She could sort out the clues and they could help track down the bad guys, missing kids, or cheating husbands.
"I can tell you about him while we eat.†Gris would be more than happy to wax poetic about Josh and his many virtues. "He is a diplomat from Lichtenstein.â€
His friend asked him for a favor. Becoming serious, Gris watched Kiyo intently, listening very carefully. "Of course. What do you need?†He had a hard time imagining his friend asking for something that he wouldn't be willing to give but, being a lawyer and a product of boarding schools, he had learned to never promise more than he could give or to accept a contract before knowing the details. Gris wanted to help Kiyo in any way that he could. It seemed that his friend's life had also been hard and lacking of true companionship.
It was time that changed.