April Showers... (private)
Aishe walked into Liefde with a small gym bag slung over her shoulder. It wasn't very big and she drew no attention with it. Once inside the building she headed down the hallway to Cris and Rowan's home.
She couldn't believe she was doing this; Aishe didn't have a mischievous bone in her body. Someone else she knew did, however, and she was sort of weak, she supposed.
She knocked softly on the door and was rewarded when it opened almost immediately. Rowan stood there, grinning at her, dressed in black. He actually bounced up and down on his toes a little, making the hoops in his ears dance around a little.
"I brought everything," Aishe said softly, as if afraid someone would overhear. As if on cue, the zipper on the top of her duffel bag parted a tiny bit to reveal a wet, questing black nose.

"Happy Birthday, by the way," he said to Aishe, who had the unfortunate luck to be born on April first. Rowan would have loved it, but he suspected Aishe felt otherwise.
He handed her a little box. "Open it later," he said with a smile. "That way you might look more favorably on me after this."
He was sure Cris wouldn't fire her... him, now, he might be in deep trouble after this. He reached down and touched his finger to the little nose poking out of Aishe's bag.
"Okay, let me get my stuff," he said. He grabbed his own small shoulder bag from next to the door and went out into the hall with Aishe.
They stopped before they passed Cris's office again, tucked around the corner out of the way of the glass windows. Thus moderately concealed they went to work.

They made their way to their designated launch point not far from Cris's office. Aishe knelt on the floor and carefully removed several things from her bag while Rowan did the same.
It took about three minutes to prepare, and the whole time Aishe couldn't believe she'd let herself be talked into this. Rowan had been very convincing though, and his argument that this was good practice for her was a decent one.
She went over the plan once more, making sure all four of them had it down. It seemed they did. When they were ready, they made their move. Aishe sent to Kem, who was waiting not far away. He strolled casually by, opening the door to Cris's office to say something to the Security Chief. Aishe couldn't hear what it was.
She wasn't sure she wanted to.

He tried to tell himself he was only humoring Rowan, but the truth was that Rowan might be one of the few people who could pull this off and not get slaughtered for it. So it gave them all some courage.
On cue, he walked past Cris's office, doing his best to keep a straight face when he saw who was approaching from the opposite direction. He opened the door and poked his head in.
"So, Cris, just out of curiosity, have you heard anything recently about an invasion at the Towers? Something about masks. Grenades. I don't know. It might be just a rumor."
Right then, 30 pounds of fluffy raccoon waddled through the conveniently open door. Brazen as you please, Shaweh, one of Aishe's favorite raccoons, ambled around Cris's desk and sat back on his haunches. He was wearing a little fabric bandolier (at least, one might assume that was what it was - artistry wasn't one of Aishe's fortes). He chirped something softly at Christian and then extended his paws, in which he had carefully clasped a grenade-shaped water balloon.
[I can't believe you went along with this,] he sent to Aishe. [I can't believe I went along with it.]
Kem raised his eyebrows and looked from Shaweh to Cris and back again. "Okay, maybe there's some truth to it."

Kem also did not seem very alarmed. The elder of Nachton might have a handle on his feelings but he couldn't hide everything from an empath as skilled as he was without trying very very hard at it and that effort would be telling also.
"An invasion is it?†He stood up and pushed back from his chair. "I will have MARI begin preliminary emergency procedures.â€
About that time a little furry body waddled through the door wearing a homemade bandolier and something round in its paws. The ringed tail gave it away immediately and Cris watched with narrowed eyes, knowing that Aishe and Rowan had to be around somewhere. Apparently he should also have requested that his lover keep his 'dream' from Aishe.
The furry little invader came around to the side of his desk and presented its army green squishy weapon to him.
Cris stood looking down at the adorable little critter with his hands behind his back. He arched one eyebrow coolly. "So you've come to turn yourself in.†Kneeling down next to the raccoon, Cris took the balloon from him. "Wise decision. If you reveal your accomplices then I can promise some leniency.â€

What a difficult time not laughing out loud.
He gave Aishe a blow-by-blow as Cris took the water grenade (which conveniently had the word 'GRENADE' written on it in big magic-marker block letters) and then attempted to negotiate with Shaweh.
The raccoon looked up at Christian in utter confusion, not understanding any of the words of course. Kem relayed that to Aishe too, and waited for a moment. Shaweh spent a lot of time with them and Aishe had an easier time communicating to him than with most of her other furry friends.
Sure enough, the raccoon made an odd little chittering chirping noise and then raised his paws up over his head in 'surrender.' Then he turned and trotted toward the door quickly. Kem opened it and watched the raccoon pass through, then held it for Cris, assuming he was going to follow since that had been the request.
He, of course, planned to tag along. This was too good to miss, although Aishe knew they were coming. Kem estimated they had about thirty seconds to hide any evidence of mischief making.

"Quick, look innocent," she said to Rowan. "Cris is coming. Did you bring that deck of cards?"
That had been the plan; their bags were out of the way around the corner, and they were simply going to play war or go fish in the middle of the hallway. Rowan, however, apparently had other ideas. Instead of producing the promised deck of cards, he stood up and closed the distance between them.
Aishe yelped in surprise as Rowan wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.
"I found her," he proclaimed loudly. "She's right here!"
Aishe laughed while she struggled indignantly. "Traitor! Turncoat! That's so unfair!"
Rowan simply stood there holding her, laughing, but she did heard him murmur, "Pirate."

"Come on, love," he said cordially, "I'm dating a Darth. How could you possibly think he hadn't corrupted me by now?"
It only made Aishe struggle harder, protesting her innocence. Rowan stood there, rocking back and forth on his toes, whistling a little tune. Sure enough Shaweh soon appeared around the corner.
Hopefully Aishe would remember her birthday present when all was said and done... in all fairness, he had given her a hint of things to come with his words when he'd presented it to her. Wasn't his fault she hadn't quite caught on!

Rushing past, he followed the invader out into the hallway just in time to see Rowan grab up Aishe and claim to have caught the accomplice. He watched his daughter kick and squirm in his partner's grasp but to no avail. He suspected she would do better if she were willing to seriously injure him. That was the problem with being smaller and weaker; it was necessary to fight dirty.
"You've done your part.†Cris reached down and picked up the raccoon, holding him in his arms like he would a small child. His furry new friend soon became fascinated with his earpiece and the cord dangling down the side of neck. "I will keep my end of the bargain.â€
He stepped closer to Rowan and Aishe. Looking at his partner, he raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to make the same deal?†Cris tsked "Very unsporting since the mastermind behind this mini invasion could be one person only.â€
Speaking into the microphone of his earpiece, he said. "Rogers, bring a few men. I need you to take some people into custody.â€
Cris turned back to Kem and smiled pleasantly. "Thank you for bringing this trouble to my attention, Elder. Your vigilance is an inspiration.â€

"I think he wants you to let me go," Aishe said hopefully. "I swear, I'm innocent."
She wasn't really sure that would fly, but it was worth a shot. In all honesty Rowan had only told her that this particular joke would have meaning... not what the inside story was.
In he meantime she dangled her arms down Rowan's back, looking for any part of him she might tug on, pinch, or otherwise annoy to get him to set her down so she might escape.

"Wait a tick," he said. "Let me get this straight. Not only do I get to be called a mastermind but I get to be roughed up by security?"
He tossed Aishe up and settled her gently on the floor, then stepped in front of her, holding his hands out, wrists together, as if waiting to be cuffed. "I did it, sir, it was all me. Aishe had nothing to do with it. I am truly an unrepentant, evil mastermind."
He didn't bother trying to look repentant. He just grinned at his partner, who had his arms full of adorable, cuddly raccoon. Several people had passed the hallway at this point, and each of them had done a double take and then moved along. It made Rowan laugh.

When Cris thanked him, Kem grinned and lifted one shoulder modestly. "I live to serve," he said. "That, and I really wanted to know if that water grenade would pop."
Shaweh's claws were sharp; Aishe and Rowan had practiced with the balloons yesterday and Kem wondered if Cris had any idea how lucky he was to still be dry - Shaweh's success rate had not been very high.
Rowan let Aishe down and turned himself in with alacrity. It left Kem laughing into his hand. "Kinky, Rowan."
Rowan just grinned wider and waggled his eyebrows comically. It was good to see him in high spirits after his ordeal the past week. Kem waited to see if Rowan's admission of guilt would be accepted and his fiance released with her raccoon pet. He wouldn't blame Cris for incarcerating Aishe too, but Kem might have to stage a breakout.

Taking his partner by one arm, Cris turned him around and pulled a zip tie out of his pocket and cinched it around both of Rowan's wrists. "Thank you for your cooperation.†He leaned forward and murmured softly. "I cannot promise that it will make things go easier for you later however.â€
Rogers showed up with three other men in suits, rushing toward his office and stopping when they saw the group in the hall. The team came to stand behind Cris and Rogers moved up next to him.
"I'm sorry, Sir....†His voice adequately conveyed his confusion even if his question was never fully expressed in words. Cris was standing in the hall with his lover, his daughter, an Elder of the clan and a raccoon. No doubt he was wondering just who he was taking into custody.
Nodding toward Rowan, he said. "Take this man to a holding cell...and Aishe as well.â€
He came up and stood in front of his daughter. "You should know better than to trust a pirate.â€
Cris turned back to his team and gave Rogers an expectant look. To the man's credit, it only took a second before Cris received a "yes, sir†and Rogers moved gestured to two of the men and pointed to Aishe. He and the other man took Rowan.
"The raccoon is free to go.†Rogers frowned in confusion but nodded. "Right.†He was obviously trying to reconcile this whole event into something that made sense. Cris wondered which theory was winning in the man's head. That this was somehow a legitimate situation or that somewhere deep down the Head of Security might have a sense of humor.
With a mental sigh, he sent to Rowan. [You are ruining my reputation.] Cris laughed mentally and then added. [Thank you for this.]
He turned and handed the raccoon back to Kem. "I am releasing him into your custody.†Cris said somberly. "Please keep an eye on him.†He pointed a finger at the furry critter, which only encouraged it to reach out both paws and take hold of it. "No, fleeing the country.â€

She felt her cheeks burning as she turned to follow Rowan. She was embarrassed, that was all. That was why her heart rate was suddenly up around where it was as a human, right?
Shaweh made a fuss behind her and she turned briefly to see Kiamhaat picking the raccoon up. It was like walking away from her baby! She bit her lip and swallowed a little sniffle. She couldn't even look at Cris.
Blech, she thought to herself. Why was she being such a delicate little flower over this? On some level she wondered if she had disappointed Cris... she loved him, and didn't want to embarrass him or upset him. She'd thought the joke would be cute.
[Easy Shaweh. Go with Kiamhaat.]
She went along quietly, trying to hide her embarrassment, not really upset, just surprised by the quick comeback from her creator. As she moved along the embarrassment faded to be replaced by amusement and she wondered how long she was going to have in solitary to reflect on the wisdom of trusting pirates.
"Silly pirate," she muttered under her breath, quite sure Rowan could hear her.

Aishe turned back and hushed the raccoon. Kem felt her embarrassment over the bond they shared and sent to her as she turned away again.
[It's all right, love, he's just funning with you. Have fun in jail. I'll be waiting to post bail for you. Think Cris will let me pay him in chocolate? If I explain that's the currency we use in our world?]
The joke helped set Aishe at ease and her feelings changed to humor. [Think it will work? Give it a shot. Otherwise I'll just practice my puppy dog eyes.]
Kem laughed softly and watched her go, kind of happy that he and Shaweh had gotten off. Shaweh settled down again, allowing Kem to gather up the bags stashed around the corner and return to where Cris stood.
"So, exactly what are you going to do with them, and when can I expect to have my fiance back? And, can I pay you off in chocolate?"

It wasn't his fault... Cris was the one who'd confessed a sinful jail cell fantasy. Did Cris have private holding cells? Rowan was literally giddy with anticipation. This was not how he'd expected to end this little prank but he was perfectly willing.
He was damn near skipping as he headed to jail. Cris's voice in his head only made him laugh more. [I love ruining your reputation, Lord Bern,] he said. [I'll be waiting in my cell. Feel free to come interrogate me.]
He looked at Aishe, his accomplice, and noted her face; slightly distracted, cheeks red. He opened up his empathy quickly, and felt her embarrassment, even overshadowed by humor as flames licked at his hands. He sucked in a quick breath and shut it down.
"Oh yes," he agreed as she muttered under her breath at him, "but admit it. You had fun."
She finally smiled and they continued on their way.

Cris watched the two being hauled off in front of him and considered what he was going to do with the both of them. This was their prank but surely they both realized there would be consequences, not dire ones but consequences just the same. He had such an intimidating reputation that no one, save Alfarinn and Grisha, dared to play practical jokes on him. Back in his early years the reason had been different. People did not play pranks on him because he was creative, inventive, patient and thorough. They did not know when revenge would happen but they knew that it would happen. Cris doubted that Rowan was very worried about that.
His daughter seemed quiet, meekly accepting her 'arrest'; he had expected her to accuse Rowan of framing her or say she was willing to plea bargain for information on Rowan's part in the crime. Cris checked her aura and found that she was upset, worried and embarrassed. Cris felt guilty for making her upset. Surely she knew his sense of humor by now and his poker face? Empathy would have told her very little unfortunately but he had faith that she knew him fairly well. He decided to send to her anyway.
[You know you are not in trouble for playing a joke. I understand I have a reputation for having no sense of humor but I do not believe I could actually arrest you for bringing a raccoon commando into the Towers.] Cris considered that a moment. [Unless you had planned a serious attack. I do not believe a water balloon, even one labeled grenade, could be counted as serious.] Cris watched them round the corner and head toward the elevators. [I need you to go along with the incarceration for now so that we may conveniently plot revenge.] Having Aishe appear to be held accountable for playing a part in Rowan's prank might be helpful for acting a part in whatever retaliation he might cook up for his partner. It might not be necessary but he liked to keep his options open. Beside that very handy reason, he could imagine what kind of reputation he would have around The Towers after arresting his own daughter for her part in a practical joke. Cris thought he might even be able to play a prank on his entire security staff out of this. He just had to think of something really good. Perhaps Aishe would have some ideas.
To his partner, he sent. [That much you can count on.]
Turning back to Kem, he said. "I do not know yet. I will sort it out before I go down there.†At least that was his plan. "I will have her back to you some time within the week and no.†He then smiled pleasantly at the Elder. Clasping his hands behind his back, he said "It is a good thing you had nothing at all do with this. Don't you think?â€

Cris sent to her and she realized he must have peeked at her aura. Now she felt bad for making him feel bad. Of course she knew he could take a joke. She just hadn't expected his retaliation in the form of public humiliation. But, she reasoned, he couldn't have known this would be embarrassing to her. She hadn't even known it, never having been in this position before. So she sent back to him cheerfully, feeling reassured.
[Who are we getting revenge on? Rowan, or the entire population of the Towers?]
She wouldn't put either beyond Cris... it might be too good to resist, pulling one over on everyone. As usual Aishe decided to learn from her Creator. This week she was learning about retaliation.
In the meantime, Rowan was completely all right with things as they were; she wondered when he'd gotten to know Cris better than she. But, she reasoned, Rowan lived with Cris now. Aishe never had. She knew Cris, but as her father and teacher and friend. Not the intimate details Rowan was privy to. That was all right with her but she envied Rowan his faith in his partner. She should have felt the same way and not doubted even for a moment.
Well, she would do better. Someday she really would disappoint Cris, and when it happened she would have to move on. Nobody was perfect. It had to happen sooner or later.

As Cris spoke, Kem raised his eyebrows. "Why, Cris," he said, his own smile wide and guileless. "I opened a door and informed you of a rumor. Surely that didn't become incriminating behavior in the last few nights."
He glanced down at Shaweh, who was staring equally innocently at Cris with his paws full of Kem's hair, clinging tightly. Kem patted the raccoon gently and snuggled him closer.
"I'll be here to pick her up in the morning," he said serenely. "I have plans for her birthday later."
And he didn't think there was any way in hell Cris would actually keep Aishe from celebrating her birthday. Hell, Cris and Rowan were invited. They could bring her with them to dinner if they wanted but she would be there. He smiled apologetically at Cris, turning to go.
"Give her hell, though," he laughed softly as he went down the hallway toward the stairwell. He had a few things to finish up and then he needed to make a few stops. It was nothing big, but he still planned to celebrate Aishe's birthday every year. Maybe he'd prank her next time... who knew.
((ooc: all out))