A Case of Butterflies (attn: Evan)
This was not the way Kiyoshi would normally start a date. He was very private. He would have preferred to meet Evan... Evalyn, Evalyn, he reminded himself... somewhere away from Terminus, out of the public eye of their co-workers. But he understood the reason to meet here. In this case, they should be seen by as many people as possible, so they all knew Kiyoshi was seeing someone.
His stomach was turning over and over with nerves. He had so many questions. Did it bother Evan to be cast as a girl? It had been Kiyo's idea to make Evan as unlike his usual self as possible, but Kiyo wouldn't have liked having to be a chick for this play. Evan hadn't seemed bothered by the notion. How good was his illusion? Would someone be able to see through it? What would it feel like to be with someone who was Evan but looked different?
Kiyo couldn't help worrying. It was in his nature. He didn't fidget or pace though; he just waited quietly at the entrance to Terminus with his hands tucked into his pockets. All of his co-workers had seen him there as they passed by or came in for their shifts, and a few had stopped to ask him what he was waiting for. He did his best to answer in a friendly manner even though he really thought it wasn't anyone else's business.
Even his clothing seemed out of place for him, although it was sort of a casual setting they'd be going into. He was wearing jeans, which he didn't normally do, with a tee tucked into them and an unbuttoned cotton shirt over that. He figured for a date in the city he should probably move away from his typical 'fresh off the island' sort of dress. His one concession was that he still wore sandals. They were probably not trendy but he was okay with that.
He had left his hair loose for now, to dry in the cool air as he waited, but there was a black band around his left wrist in case he changed his mind about that. He really hoped he looked acceptable. He wanted to be acceptable.

It had gone well. He had changed his appearance to one that suited his current role and then he had breezed in and picked up a few magazines. Evan sashayed to the front and found the most put together cashier to talk to while she rang up his purchase.
He pointed to the cover of one. "Oh my god, why on earth would she wear those!"
The cashier looked at the shoes he mentioned and argued. "Those are totally hot! I'd kill for a pair of them."
Hmm, he was further behind than he thought. "Oh honey, they'd look adorable on you but..." He tsked sadly. "They are SO not helping her at all." The girl smiled at his compliment, looked back at the celebrity on the cover and nodded. "She should have worn higher heels." Evan grinned at her and nodded. "Definitely. This dress is a good colour on her though."
After a few more minutes of talking fashion, he was out the door with his bundle of research. He also had some style opinions from his little fashionista friend at the counter.
Once he was home, he flipped through various magazines to decide on the style that he liked. He then hopped online and went through the some websites for actresses looking for work to get an idea of what kind of features he wanted to have. He mixed and matched and tried to get a good mental image of the girl he was building in his head. More websites gave him a hairstyle and make up ideas.
In the end, he chose to not go the high fashion route at all. He wanted to be as close to his own personality as possible, plus he didn't want Kiyo to be intimidated by some overly glam unapproachable looking girl. Lastly, if this person he was pretending to be had met the werewolf at Terminus then it made sense that she was a gamer. Luckily that was a part he could play well.
He flew away from the bar in bird form, landed a block or so away and then came back down the street looking entirely different.
Stopping at a storefront window, 'Evalyn' checked her reflection in the mirror. She was 5'3" with short blond hair that flipped outward at the sides and in the back. The hair that fell across her face was nearly as long as the rest with a few bold streaks of a pale pink running through it; she reached up to sweep the fringe out of her sky blue eyes.
Evalyn wore a Merlotte's Bar and Grill waitress tee shirt and filled it out quite well. She had on a pair of green jeans instead of a pair of shorts and on her feet were a pair of white keds. Overall, Evalyn was short, curvy, and pale with a smattering of freckles on her short little nose. She definitely looked very different from Evan. Except perhaps for the geeky tee shirt collection.
She ran up and wrapped her arms around Kiyo, knowing he had no idea who to be expecting.
"Hi." Evalyn smiled. "You ready for some sushi?"
Tucking a hand through Kiyoshi's arm, she steered them both toward the subway entrance. "So." Evalyn asked quietly. "How do I look?"

Kiyo probably should have gone out on more dates in the past few years. Maybe then he wouldn't be so damn nervous.
The girl he'd noted ran up to him and hugged him. He bit back a little yelp of surprise and wrapped his arms around her, really hoping this was Evan and not someone else's girlfriend who had just mistaken him for the wrong guy. However, her words quickly made it apparent that this was who he'd been waiting for, and he tightened his arms.
Wolfish senses were confused as he tried to tell himself that this person was Evan even though the sight, the feel, and the smell did not match. Kiyo breathed in deeply, employing keener than average senses in a desperate attempt to wrap his head around the whole idea that this was Evan, and found what he was looking for in the vaguest hints of herbal undertones. He didn't need the reassurance but it would help him make the association.
"Yeah," he said to Evan... Evalyn... pulling away and nodding. "I'm starving."
He was always starving, so it shouldn't come as much of a shocker to his date. Evalyn tucked her hand into his arm and tugged him toward the subway and he went along with her. At the question of looks Kiyo took in the girl Evan had decided to be from head to toe and grinned.
"You're cute," he said, blushing a little at the confession. "And exactly what I asked for."
He wished Evan didn't need to hide though. And that they didn't need to hide what they were doing from everyone. But it was sensible to do so, and he thought that if they couldn't go out as they really were, at least they could still go out, thanks to Evan's very useful gift. He slid his hand down to take Evalyn's in his, squeezing her smaller hand.
"Anything you wanted to do after dinner?" They had all night, really. Neither of them had to work. Kiyo had slept with Evan almost every night since that first one, and he knew Evan liked to socialize. It was wrong of him to keep Evan from enjoying the city, and there were plenty of places in it Kiyo had yet to see himself.