Last Minute Details (Invite Only)

Alex looked at the array of boxes that littered the floor of his store and the staircase leading up to his apartment. True to his word, he'd started packing as soon as he and Eiryk had gotten home from their mini vacation. Eiryk had recruited Rowan and Christian to help them actually move his things to Liefde, where they would stay at Eiryk's place until they found a larger one. Alex found himself both nervous and excited. He'd never thought he would be moving in with someone like this, but it felt very right. He wanted to stay with Eiryk and he never should have left.

He was grateful for their friends, too. Rowan had a car to help move boxes in. Alex's furniture would be staying at his apartment, of course, so it was really just boxes of belongings and clothes and such. There wasn't a ton to move; maybe three or four trips would do it with four pairs of hands helping out. He wasn't always the most social person but he enjoyed Rowan's company and Cris was a friend now as well... it was good to know people.

A year ago Alex never would have imagined he would know one vampire, much less two. Or be dating one of them... guess you could never guess where life would take you.

He smiled at Eiryk and surveyed the boxes that were overflowing from the stairs into the propped-open shop door.
"I think this is everything I need," he said. Then he shook his head, crossed the space to Eiryk, and wrapped his arms around him. "I lied, this is everything I need."

He leaned down and kissed Eiryk softly on his lips to accentuate his point.

Eiryk 12 years ago
Eiryk just laughed at the idea that Rue would still be friends with the folks who'd set him up. That was just... well it was Rowan. In general he was a an understanding, good hearted sort and Eiryk hadn't ever seen him hold a grudge. It didn't mean he didn't, couldn't or wouldn't he just had never seen it.

"Came sailing up on a white horse did they? Decent of them to try."

Of course if Eiryk had been responsible for getting Rue, or any one really, in that kind of trouble he would have gone after him, tried to get him out of it. Eiryk, and he had no doubt, Christian, knew the rest of the saying about keeping friends close. But the question had been addressed to Rowan so he let him answer it.

Rolling his eyes Eiryk cheerfully scoffed at Viking recruitment plans.

"Damned history books never get it right. We just offered sharp objects, long voyages in uncovered long boats, the ability to burn anything they wanted and campfire songs."

Christian was closer to the truth.

"Still waiting for Valhalla. Some day..."

A very long time from now, not that he was in a hurry to get there. But it had been promised to him and some day, he'd collect.

And then the honed helmet jokes started. He was going to invent a time machine and go back and find the person who started that myth and he was going to kill them, burn, pillage, ax to the head, full on viking and no funeral barge either. They didn't deserve it. He sighed, a dramatic long suffering sigh but obliged with a mini tirade, of course he smiled through the whole thing.

"There were no horned helmets. Never have been. Never will be. It is a myth."

A sly grin slid across his face as Rowan became protective of Christian's time. Wow, the rest of his life already. This has gotten serious -fast- but it was good to see. He didn't even roll his eyes or make a caustic comment as the two of the flirted rather shamelessly.

With Alex a little closer Eiryk slid and arm around his boyfriend's waist and leaned in to him and lowered his voice a little.

"But if you wear that and nothing else... I might over look the historical inaccuracies."
Rowan Murphy 12 years ago
Rowan's hand stilled for a moment and then moved again, sliding smoothly along the valley of Cris's back, around to his far hip, and diving gently once more beneath the waist of his jeans. [It is getting rather late,] he sent back slyly to Cris's warning. [I have to work in just a few hours.] Well, 8 or 9. [Would it be so horrible? Granted, we'd have nothing to celebrate but we'd be too busy having fantastic sex to worry about it]

It was potentially bad of him... Cris wanted him to stop. Right? He didn't want to though. His lover was magnetic. Had to be. [Sorry,] he sent. He forced his hand to still where it was, warm on the skin of Cris's hip beneath his shirt, wrapped around his boyfriend comfortably.

He shrugged at Eiryk, smiled at Cris too.
"They didn't mean it to end up that way," he said, dismissing the idea that he had some magical kind qualities. "It was just a joke gone wrong. No one got hurt."

It was a little terrifying at first, that was true, but obviously he'd survived it. To Alex, Rowan said with raised eyebrows,
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Wise advice."

Rowan wasn't sure he had any enemies. He still thought it was sound consult.

The ribbing of Eiryk the Viking (but not that Erik the Viking) continued, with each of them having a say. Rowan was glad Alex brought up the horned helmet; he, of all of them, could get away with it. The resulting half-bored tirade was pretty funny although at the mention of Valhalla Rowan furrowed his brow at his friend.
"Not for a long time yet, dear."

Cris's voice in his head was always welcome and usually arousing. Rowan's hand tightened on Cris's hip. [I've had lovers. I never wanted any of them the way I want you, Cris. I never loved any of them. The position was just waiting for you, in particular, to fill it, and I am the lucky one. To have your love... you blow my mind.] He could not adequately express to Cris how faithfully he felt that truth, that not just anyone could be to him what Cris was.

Rowan was a little surprised Cris would ask this next question out loud.
"Benefits?" he said slowly, drawing out the word. "You mean aside from the constant companionship of the hottest redhead in Nachton, amazing sex whenever you want it, the best oral I can possibly give, your own personal calligrapher," he paused and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively there. "The list goes on. You name it, it's yours."

He looked at Alex and Eiryk.
"Excuse me."

Raising his free hand he gently wrapped it around Cris, drew his boyfriend close, and kissed him softly, thoroughly, on his lips before letting him go once more.
Christian Bern 12 years ago
[True...] Cris said to Rowan's reasoning for his continued teasing. He set down his sandwich and picked up his glass of beer. The other hand slid back around his partner and found its way beneath the loose fitting scrubs once more. [Of course, if you are not going to be good then I do not see any reason why I should be.] His fingers traced lightly over his partner's skin while he listened to both conversations.

Cris smiled at Eiryk and nodded. "I am sure that it will be there waiting when you're done here."

Rowan explained that being abducted by pirates was part of an elaborate joke by some friends. He had seen many a poorly thought out prank in his time in both the military and with Security. In high stress situations some people resorted to elaborate tricks and humor as part of their stress relief. Cris understood that. He nodded at the explanation though he privately still held the opinion that the joke should not have gotten out of hand and was an example of bad judgment. He might be just a bit protective as well.

Alex said he wanted to be a Viking as well thanks to all the good press the occupation was receiving. Of course he mentioned the much maligned pointed hat; Cris sat back drinking his beer while waiting for the rant/lecture to begin in some form. He had yet to see this fallacy go uncorrected when a Norseman was around.

Smirking at Eiryk, he shook his head. "You cannot say there never will be pointed hats since they now exist. They may not be historically accurate but, for better or worse, they are now linked to popular vision of a Viking. Just as Jesus is a European Caucasian with a far away expression and Santa Claus has gone from a tall thin robed saint to a robust coca cola drinking overly jolly grandpa with an unhealthy addiction to cookies."

His partner explained further about his past lovers and Cris listened carefully, surprised to hear that Rowan had never found love before. He hugged his companion tighter, giving him a private pleased smile for his words. [We are mutually fortunate then.]

He was not sure what his partner would list out loud for benefits to the position they had been discussing but the answer made him set his drink down and turn to Rowan thoughtfully. He had been prepared for an explicit or at least detailed answer should Rowan so choose but he did raise his eyebrows a little when his partner further specified his willingness to do his very best orally. Of course only Alex had never experienced Rowan's talents there so it was not a secret to most of the table. "Those are -very- compelling offers..." Cris had just enough tine to add "Is there a personalized parking space?" before Rowan pulled him into his arms and distracted him thoroughly with an intimate kiss.

Staying close, his lips brushed Rowan's cheek and he spoke in barely a whisper. "I accept." [I hope I may start immediately because I'm eager to prove that I am the best man for the job.]
Alex Aristos 12 years ago
Alex gave a soft "ah" of understanding as Rowan completed the phrase about friends and enemies for him. "I think I have heard that before," he said, thinking it was familiar at least. He pondered it for a second. The closest thing he had to an enemy was his family, though, and he was sure they were better off apart.

"In my case, I'm pretty sure my enemies want me as far away as possible and I'm just fine with that," he pointed out. "There are exceptions to every rule though huh."

Cris pointed out to Eiryk that Viking hats might not have been pointy horned helmets in the past but they were now, and it made Alex think about what it must be like to watch your own culture and history change around you. There had to be a lot of inclination to stay stuck in the past. He wouldn't have thought it of Eiryk except for this one pet peeve of his. He wondered if Rowan and Cris also had similar issues, but it might be rude to ask so he didn't.

Instead he stared wide-eyed at Cris, affecting an air pf shock and panic.
"Wait, you mean Santa Claus doesn't live on Coke and cookies?" He looked at everyone around the table, trying to seem as traumatized as possible by this news. "But they're always gone in the morning when I wake up. And I lived alone!"

Eiryk's voice in his ear and the arm around his waist were comfortable. He laughed at the idea of wearing the horned helmet to bed and nudged Eiryk in the ribs, but leaned against his boyfriend and nibbled on his sweet potato fries as the flirting across the table got better and better.

Rowan's list of benefits was far more appealing than the Vikings', in Alex's opinion. Alex grinned at Eiryk and said,
"You guys might have had more interest if you'd offered amazing sex and fantastic oral."

He did do double take at Christian when he mentioned personalized parking.
"You're chief of security and you don't have your own parking spot?" But Cris was too busy to answer, having been gently pulled into a pretty hot kiss by Rowan.

"Oh my God," Alex stage-whispered to Eiryk. "I want to take a picture and facebook it or something. They're too damn cute."

He was teasing but he wasn't lying. Obviously Alex hadn't known either Rowan or Cris very long but Eiryk and Rowan were long time friends and Eiryk seemed thrilled that Rowan and Cris were together. He knew his boyfriend was dying for the story, was probably frustrated that Rowan hadn't been up front about it, and would in all likelihood attempt to hammer it out of the redhead at a later date. He was actually kind of looking forward to seeing it happen. Eiryk and Rowan were a source of constant amusement.
Eiryk 12 years ago
Alex's family was still on Eiryk's list. He had an overwhelming desire to take an ax to them, he didn't even want to feed on them, they'd probably make him ill. At least that is who Eiryk suspected his boyfriend was talking about. He rubbed the small of Alex's back in subtle sympathy.

He half chucked at Christian but didn't argue the point. OK there did exist horned helmet you could buy them online, at ren fairs and costume shops. But there were very few real vikings left and none of them would wear the. Not even under protest. At least Eiryk didn't think they would.

"Don't ask don't tell... it has worked well for centuries."

He waggled his eyebrows playfully.

It was the bit about Santa Clause that got him going.

"Gods now you've done it. I'll thank you not to shatter Alex's beliefs."

Damned, Rue and Christian were -not- being subtle. Eiryk almost felt like they were intruding on them. They were almost the opposite of he and Alex, they had moved so slow. Not that he regretted that at all. No going slow had been for the best. Alex had been comfortable and had known for certain he wasn't looking for just a quick roll in the hay.

"Hey! Whoa now. You are committed there will be no headhunting here. I'll get you a pointy hat and you just worry about the benefits you have."

The 'whisper' made Eiryk snort, unfortunately it was into his beer. Fortunately though it was mostly empty and he didn't make a mess this time. He 'whispered' right back.

"If only I hadn't left my phone in the car... we could have it on film and post it in no time."
Rowan Murphy 12 years ago
[I can't say I didn't ask for that,] Rowan replied as Cris abandoned his good behavior and slid his hand back beneath Rowan's scrubs. He let out a nearly inaudible sigh of pleasure.

Rowan knew Alex hadn't had a happy home life, so he smiled sympathetically and nodded his head in acquiescence.
"There are exceptions," he said. "Just don't let those enemies sneak up on you." Then he considered. "Of course, if they do, I happen to know three people who would definitely burn and pillage their way to help you out."

He liked Alex. Not only was the human a genuinely decent guy but he made Eiryk happy. Rowan would have liked him for that alone even without all the rest.

He did laugh as Cris 'disillusioned' an appropriately traumatized Alex. Shaking his head at Eiryk he said,
"he didn't have too horribly far to go."

He laughed again as Alex was denied the same benefits as Cris and was forced to be content with his horned helmet. Rowan, for his part, though, was caught up in his impromptu kiss, clutching Cris tightly to him for a few moments at that whisper against his cheek. [I love you,] he sent spontaneously, ignoring the ribbing they were getting from across the table. [So much.]

Pulling away he kissed Cris once more, quickly, upon the lips and then shrugged at Eiryk and Alex with a shameless grin.
"Sorry. You know how it is."

[No proof needed, my own,]
he finished his reply simultaneously to Cris. [I have no doubts, you're the only man for the job.]

He did sit up a little, though, and dropped one hand to drain the last of his beer from his glass. The other reached up to rest lightly against the nape of Cris's neck, stroking gently, massaging very softly. It was getting late and he couldn't stay much longer, but he did want to give Cris time to finish what he'd ordered. So for the most part he tried to be good.
Christian Bern 12 years ago
[You most certainly did.] Cris let his hand slide lower, his fingers running along the waistband of Rowan's pants, teasing more by innuendo than actual example.

He looked between his partner and Alex and frowned slightly, not knowing what exactly they were talking about. It seemed the man had enemies and those wanted him far away. Cris nodded his agreement with Rowan's volunteer rescue effort, knowing he would definitely help if it were ever needed; after all, Alex was family now.

Chuckling at Eiryk, he raised his hands in surrender before turning to Alex. "Santa obviously ate your cookies which is why he needs to construct a gym at the North Pole." Looking at Eiryk, he raised his eyebrows. "Happy now?"

Cris replaced his hand on Rowan, running it in long soothing strokes down his lover's back. He could eat his last half of sandwich with one hand and briefly congratulated himself on getting uncomplicated food.

Carefully finishing a bite, he answered Alex. "Yes, I do, but this new job sounds like it could command all of my attention so I thought I would check, just in case."

He went back to finishing his food while listening to the merits of Rowan's job offer versus the Viking Benefit Plan. His eyes crinkled in silent laughter when Alex protested that sex and fantastic oral would be great additions to the plan and Eiryk told him to be happy with his pointy hat.

"Looks like I'll just keep my job as Rowan's Keeper then. I don't think I would look good in a pointy hat anyway. Its all yours, Viking Recruit Alex."

Apparently the resulting PDA from Rowan's job offer was facebook worthy. Cris shrugged slightly and resolved to hurry up and finish his meal so that they could get to the things that weren't allowed on facebook. [I think I would like to keep proving it anyway. If its all the same to you.]

His partner sat up and finished his beer. Cris turned his watch over and inspected it for the time. It was later than he thought and Rowan would need to head to work soon. He wanted to get his companion home with enough time to send him off to work properly. Setting the last few bites of his sandwich down, Cris pushed the plate back and finished the last of his beer.

"This was quite the find, Eiryk." He turned to Rowan. "Are you ready to go, Love?"
Alex Aristos 12 years ago
Alex laughed at Eiryk's immediate defense. "Easy boy," he said with a soothing gesture. "I wasn't taking any counter offers. I just figured there might have been more interest a few centuries ago of the Vikings had included those benefits. I'm well aware that here in modern times I get those automatically."

He grinned at Eiryk.
"I'm not complaining about my benefits package. But I could do without the pointy hat." He arched his brows at Cris. "I think you'd look excellent in it. We just have to downsize it a little or else you'll look like little Cris who decided to try on Uncle Bjorg's favorite hat."

He held his hands up, indicating two different sizes, presumably of Vikings, one Cris's size, and one much higher.

He couldn't add much regarding his beliefs. They had been tossed out the window long ago, as Rowan suggested, when he'd realized he was not going to be mom and dad's prize football star. Or whatever it was they wanted him to be.

Cris asked Rowan if he was ready to go and Alex looked down at his watch. It wasn't horribly late but he knew Rowan had been kind enough to come help after his shift, and had to be back at the hospital for another one.

"Hey, don't lose sleep on my account," he said. "I'm really grateful to you both for coming out to help us tonight. It's good to have friends."

Alex smiled and raised his glass at Cris and Rowan before knocking back the very last of his beer. He owed them one, even if tonight's task hadn't been particularly arduous or difficult. Good friends were too few and far between not to let them know they were appreciated.
Eiryk 12 years ago
Eiryk just snorted as Christian tried to set things right. It was the thought that counted so he was happy enough. He was pleased with Rue's answer. He didn't expcet anyone would have to keep Alex safe per say but you could never have too many friends and Eiryk knew he could trust Rue to the ends of the earth and if Rowan had given his stamp of apporval to Christian (who Eiryk thought was a good guy anyway) then he knew that the security chief could be trusted the same way.

Letting Alex smooth his ruffled feathers Eiryk grined happily.

"Thanks for the help we owe you won for sure. Now, don't take this the wrong way... but get a room."

It wasn't terribly late but it also wasn't terribly hard to see that their friends were rather wrapped up in each other. It was sweet but there was nothing to be gained by prolonging their agony. Eiryk could only assume that their schedules were both a bit hectic so no point taking up more of their time thn they had to.

Besides, then he could do dirty things to Alex and they could christen their new home.
Rowan Murphy 12 years ago
Rowan laughed as the Viking hat was passed around, but really he was focused on Cris whose hand was killing him... pleasantly. [It isn't all the same to me,] he pointed out practically to Cris. [That's why I love you.]

He shifted slightly, wanting more contact with his lover. Maybe in a few months they'd have gotten enough of each other to be separated for a bit but not now. And, if he were to be honest with himself, he didn't ever want to get 'enough' of Cris. He loved the feeling of wanting more, always more, even when they'd just finished making love, even when they were just sitting here casually.

As Cris turned to him Rowan smiled.
"I am," he said simply. Turning back to Eiryk and Alex he shrugged. "I'm sorry I can't stay. I have a double shift at the clinic to get to just before dawn."

Alex's thanks, he waved off with a smile.
"Any time," he said, knowing he was speaking for both himself and Cris. To Eiryk, Rowan just grinned. "Got one, and heading to it now."

That was immediately followed by sliding out of the booth behind Cris and slipping his hand into his partner's. They made their good-byes to their friends and headed out to Rowan's car, where he decided he was glad it was a reasonably short ride. By the time they got back to Christian's Rowan was sure he wouldn't be sleeping in the next half hour... probably longer.

((ooc: Everyone out... unless someone feels they have to add something pointy-helmeted or what not!))