Emails..((Attn Scott))
She had paced the floor of her small, crowded apartment. Back and forth, back and forth. Over and over. She could have picked up her phone, called him, but what would she say? Email was impersonal. Not entirely impersonal, she guessed. But she didn't have to hear his voice when he said that she was crazy. She wasn't positive that she wasn't losing her mind.
She sat down on her bed, choosing her macbook, because her bed was safe. And she wanted to be safe for this. She knew his personal email address, had it saved. Why was it saved? She started to write, once, twice, then a third time. Erasing everything that she had written. She stood up and paced some more and then sat back down and decided simple was probably better.
You've been in my thoughts lately and I miss you. I hope that you are doing well. Things are going well here, I suppose. My career isn't as glamorous as I thought it would be, and well. I had a lot of experience being alone, before college but... I guess that until you know what loneliness actually is, it's hard to miss what you never had.
There are so many things that I want to say. Like I'm sorry. I should never have left you. I know we fought, at least I think we did. My memory is so fuzzy about you.
I know I love you. And I'm sorry it took me six months to realize this. Nachton isn't that far from DC and maybe, if you want me to, I could visit?

"I am sorry to hear about the museum owner passing away. The loss of a fellow student of history is very sad... but I'm sure she'd be happy knowing that she has become apart of history, herself, as she passes into it," he said, resting his hand on her shoulder for a moment.
"And it's great that you love your job, Miya. So many people don't like their jobs," he chuckles, "Many even hate theirs. It's simply a paycheck to some of them. To truly love what you do... that's happiness."
Hand-towel draped over one forearm, he broke the eggs and poured their contents into a small bowl, one by one. The smell of frying bacon filled the air as he began to whisk the eggs with a fork.
"From a Greek to a Frenchwoman. At least the museum is keeping a little culture," he said with a playful smirk as he poured the first part of the egg mix into the skillet. Then he drained the bacon and grated the cheese.
He listened as her eyes twinkled when she spoke about the exhibit that she really liked, the one that she visited over and over again. He smiled as he chopped up the ham and crumbled the bacon. Was that what he was doing? Was Miya his 'exhibit' that he was returning to? Was he 'stuck'... on her?
She had asked him about DC, to which he nodded and began shoveling her finished omelette onto her plate.
"DC has been... DC. Nothing's really changed to be honest. Students are still students, my tennis game hasn't improved... I still miss you," he said, before he even realized it. He quickly recovered, "Oh, and Fred misses you too, of course," he said, referring to his massively-fat goldfish, his only pet.
He turned quickly and moved back to the stove, his back to her, hiding his blush. He worked his omelette out of the pan and onto his plate. Then he wiped his hands with the hand-towel and set it down, turning and moving back to the empty bar-stool, sitting down beside her with a smile.
He handed her a paper napkin, and grabbed one for himself from the roll of paper-towels sitting nearby.
"Have you been... seeing anyone?" he asked, trying to sound as uninterested in the subject as he could.

She coughed a little bit as she shook her head, "No." She spoke quietly, the loneliness evident in her voice, "I have gone to several clubs, sometimes with my friend Delilah. She's a dancer because she likes to do it, not for the money. She's gorgeous and sometimes I feel like a sparrow next to her. Drab and dull. But no, no one has held my interest. I haven't.." She blushed brightly, "Haven't had sex with anyone since you." That came out as one long run on sentence with no pause for the individual words. "I would see things and have a flash of intense memory. Like I went to the arcade after work a few days ago and all I could see was you. I felt you against my back, when you came up behind me as I was playing pinball in the deserted student union building that night and told me to..." She tried to remember what had happened but there were so many gaps in her memory. "I remembered the warmth of you at my back and the feeling of the machine cutting into me. And it felt so, so right." Her breakfast growing cold as she reminisced.
"" She asked, looking up at him, open and vulnerable. "Any of your students lock you in your office this semester?"

Upon her explanation about the lack of intimacy since her time with him - he blushed. And - he felt relieved. The thought of her with someone else caused a pang of jealousy to rear its ugly head within his mind, a pang that he wasn't used to, nor prepared for.
He took another bite while she explained the flashes of memory, and again he cursed himself for even trying to hide his existence to her. Why had he bothered? They were far too close, far too intimate for it to have worked anyway. Were she a stranger he had met once or twice, she wouldn't have any memory of him. But they had been far more than that: friends, companions... lovers.
He swallowed as she partially described their meeting that night at the student union building. They both had gotten a thrill from teasing each other in public, but that night - she had pushed him over the edge. FAR over the edge. He could so vividly remember how her body felt as it received his, the quivering of their skin as they touched, the pounding of her heart, the sensation of an exquisite oil.... That night had been the closest he had ever come to feeding upon her.
~I should have~, the voice in his head scolded. ~I should have fed on her - then she never would have left...~
He smiled and chuckled. "Any of my students lock me in my office? No. Not even close. Yes, there is a blond who is always the first to arrive and the last to leave during my second Monday, Wednesday, Friday course, but... she's... she's not Miya," he said, turning to look at her for a second while he cut another piece of his omelette.
"And, there's a new Biology professor, Brittany, who is a bit older than me, but she's made mention several times of going out sometime. But... I just don't think I am really into 'older women'," he said, the irony of that phrase not lost on him in the least.

"No, I don't think it's bad at all... to be glad that I hadn't... moved on. Just as I don't think there's anything wrong with me feeling the same way about you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He cleared his throat, taking a quick drink of milk to wash down his last bite of omelette.
She suddenly raised his other hand and kissed it gently. Her lips on his skin... she might as well have struck a match and sat it there, instead. The intense and familiar, not forgotten heat of her touch made his skin tingle all over again, the hint of her tongue wicked as much as it was loving.
He nodded, confirming to her that he would indeed share whatever she wanted from him, whatever she wanted to know. He neither confirmed or denied her comments about 'hypnotism', as she had been making statements - not asking questions.
But his mind raced as she suggested that he 'claim' her. If she only knew how he would do it, if she only knew the method he would have to employ, he was sure she wouldn't be looking at him with gentle eyes and speaking to him in a soft voice.
She'd flee from him in terror.

"Scott, my Sir..." She began, looking into his eyes, "Was your only secret that you are a hypnotist? Was that the big secret from your past? I thought maybe it was a child, but I nudged around and couldn't find anything like an exwife or a child. I figured if you did have one, you'd have pictures somewhere. I asked a friend to run your credit and it was perfect, almost too perfect.'d been in a witness program my friend said. She warned me against you, that everyone has a secret."
She dropped to her knees, confessing her sins to him. The things she had done in college, trying to protect herself as best she could. "Please, Sir. I wasn't joking when I said I wanted to marry you if the thought wasn't completely ridiculous." As always, her heart and emotions were open to him. There was guilt and regret as she confessed, a bit of relief when she knelt, and the keening vulnerability as she admitted her desire to spend her life with him. She fully expected him to reject her as she knelt there, her head bowed slightly.

"I have many secrets from my past, Miya. Most people do - even if they claim they don't. I... was married. A long time ago," he said as he watched her lean against the door. "She was... murdered. The killer was never caught. I don't have... pictures on my walls, as you say, because... it hurts, too much. I keep memories of her, here," he said, raising a fist over his heart. "And that is enough for me."
He paused, taking another breath.
"Your friend is wise. Everyone has secrets. Everyone."
His eyes followed her as she knelt in front of him - as she had done so many times before. Her words - did she really *know* what she was saying? So young, still somewhat naive... was she repeating words from a book, or was she sharing her true inner-most desires with him?
"It is not a ridiculous thought in the slightest. I have often... dreamed of the same thing, Miya. I confess it."
He lowered his hands to the sides of her head, letting his fingers slowly glide into her soft hair. He fancied that he could see her eyes - glowing softly, so bright, even as darkness enveloped them. His senses told him she was being honest, that she felt everything she said - he was just concerned that she didn't quite fully comprehend what she was offering...

"Please tell me, dear Miya. Please tell me of your childhood - all of it," he asked, hoping she would tell him about her entire youth - the longer it took - the better.
"I promise not to judge, and when you are done, I will simply feel stronger for you," he promised, surprised at how genuine he felt about those words.

"So you know that I was abandoned as a baby at a fire station. The laws said that Mothers who couldn't handle their babies could do so. I was only a few days old at most, and many babies who are left that young find permanent homes with families. I did not. No one wanted me. I tested positive for a drug addiction and I was taken to a hospital until I was healthy enough to be adopted. Part of it was because of the addiction, part of it was because I was mixed. Parents who have a skin color of white often don't want babies who are not as lily white as they are. So, I went to an orphanage at first, then to a series of foster families, none of which wanted me. I was different than they were. I wanted to succeed in spite of how I was born. I was a dreamer. I had a hard time focusing and they tried me on medication to help with that, but I hated it and as soon as I was old enough to say no I did. I had to attend counselling, and my social worker and counsellor tended to believe the families I was with over me. One of the families hit me, and it wasn't until a teacher reported the bruises I was taken away. Thankfully no one engaged in sex with me, by the time I knew what the touching meant that was happening I was able to escape it." She didn't realize that she was crying now.
"And then, I burned down the kitchen of one of my foster families. They said I had spaced out, and they didn't want me anymore. I had spaced out because one of the boys had me cornered trying to get his hand up my skirt. He was older than me, bigger and he used to say that my mother was a drug addict and a whore and as the daughter of a whore I should learn her trade. I was never so happy as to leave that place. And then again, no one wanted me after the fire and I stayed at the shelter until I was 18, then I had to go to the adult shelter until I finished high school. That was why I lived on campus, and was so adamant about staying with you during breaks. I didn't want to go back to the shelter, which is the only place I had to go."
"And then I was stupid. I wanted to get out of DC so badly, everywhere I looked I only saw how unhappy I was. I didn't talk to you about it, I didn't want to talk to anyone about it. I just wanted to run away. And by running away, I made the worst decision I could have made." She hastily wiped the tears away with one hand. "Which is why I've always been so against drug and alcohol. I know, I was told, that because I was addicted as a baby that I could very easily become addicted now. And that is true to some extent, I am obsessive and I do become rather focused on things." She wanted to howl and sob, but couldn't find the energy for it. "You were my salvation and my life. And I need that back." She looked up at him and waited for him to say anything, condemn her.

He nodded throughout the story, and at the parts that were harder for her, his warm lips brushed her temple and forehead, reassuring her that she was valued - and no longer alone.
The last part of her story struck home for him, of course. Miya had fled DC in order to flee memories she was tired of living through, day in and day out. He nodded slowly in the dark, completely understanding her reasoning for doing this.
As she finished, and remained quiet for some time, he raised a hand and gently stroked her cheek, lightly dabbing away her tears, then did the same on the other side. His touch was as light as a feather, and he admitted to himself that seeing her cry... hurt.
He gently pulled her closer again, kissing her forehead lightly.
"You are not at fault for what you've been through, Miya. You're smart enough to see that, but you blame yourself for much of it - and you aren't being fair to yourself," he whispered, kissing her forehead again.
"You're a wonderful person, but very much a victim, as much as anything. You wanted a change of scenery - and hey, so would I, in your situation. You did what anyone could, and have endured... so much. You definitely deserve a break."

She waited. He was avoiding this topic, and she didn't really like that. But, did it matter, really? It wouldn't change how she felt about him, not really. She took a deep breath, refused to sniffle and looked up at him, "You know what, it's ok. Whatever it is, you don't have to tell me." She took a deep breath and realized that she could be accused of emotional manipulation which totally wasn't her intention. Having no real idea that he could sense her emotions she tok a deep breath and looked up at him, "No that wasn't a guilt trip. That was how I really felt about it. You don't have to tell me."

"My turn? Well... where do I start," he chuckled lightly. How does one reveal such a thing to someone they care so deeply about? He wasn't trying to tell her that he had bounced a check, wrecked the car, forgot their anniversary or had an affair. No, he was confessing that he wasn't really even *human*.
He looked into her eyes and quickly realized that he wanted - no, needed - her to trust him. Completely. And, he needed to be able to do the same in return.
He sighed. He knew this was going to sound crazy to her, but, he had to at least try to be open, to show her the same respect she had shown him.
"You know all those... books you read, the fiction ones, about Vampires and Werewolves and Ghosts and stuff....?"

"Well... there's a reason I... know 'how' to bite you," he said, slowly moving the fingers of one hand down beneath her chin, and gently lifting her head so that she looked into his eyes. "Though, I haven't *really* bitten you. Ever. Not the way I should, if I truly wanted - or needed to."
He waited a quiet moment, hoping that the subtle hint would sink in, that she would grasp it. He knew she was very intelligent, but her whole life had been in a world with the belief that such supernatural creatures were only the subject of myth and legend. Surely she would think that he was joking...
Or insane.

His body responded in kind, and the immediate temptation was to renew his 'acquaintance' with the softer parts of her body then and there. But, she had opened up the box, she had opened the door, and it would be rude of him to ignore the trust she had placed in him.
He took a deep breath, and slowly stretched, reaching up to her bedside. He fumbled for a moment, and finally found the light-switch of a tiny bed-side lamp. He hit the switch, and a bit of light spread across the room, as if trying in vain to fight back the shadows.
Scott looked down into her eyes, focusing on them. Her eyes would never look at him the same way again, he knew. Not after tonight.
She raised her hand to block the sudden light for a moment, but lowered it when her eyes adjusted. Quietly, she looked at him quizzically.
He took a breath, and opened his mouth - and slowly, his canines began to lengthen. His eyes never left hers, watching for her reaction - no matter how bad it might be.
"Still want me to bite you?"

"Yes, I knew you were interested in STORIES, and FICTION about them, but... Miya, this is *real*," he said. But she was not to be deterred.
He sat there and took the pillow-beating without moving, his hair becoming even more messed-up with each swat. Surely, she didn't fully understand what he was telling her. He began to tell her more, sure that at any moment she would finally 'get it' and run screaming in terror for the nearest wooden stake.
"I eat real food still because I like the taste. No, I don't have to, but... nothing stops me from doing so, if I choose to."
"I truly feed... a few times a month. I always did it when you weren't around. It can be a... traumatic experience for those watching who aren't used to seeing it."
Scott took a breath. "I rarely feed on... humans. There are some like me who avoid feeding on humans, when possible."
"And yes... I do have some... abilities that I acquired after I was turned. I can indeed fog your mind - which you now understand."