Kismet (attn: Pak, Eiryk)
Kem tucked Aishe's hand in his as they walked through the halls to Pak's apartment. Why she'd bothered to email them, he didn't know. Pak was Pak however. They didn't try to explain her.
Apparently she was thinking of moving, which was a very big decision for her. Kem found it humorous, not because she was making a big move. But because it was, evidently, such a big deal. Pak was going to look at another apartment. Still at Liefde, just several stories up more.
But she required moral support so that was where her friends came in. Aishe took the role very seriously, poking Kem for chuckling over it. Regardless, they were both here now. And laugh as he may, Kem would never hesitate to help Pak out when she needed it.
He reached out and knocked on the door to Pak's place, sending to her at the same time. [We're here. Is it unlocked?]

Mongkut helped with that actually. He was growing but still a kitten and when she didn't pay what he felt was enough attention he made his presence known. Tonight though he was being good and just lurking at the top of his tower, but very intently staring at the door. When she heard Kem Pak briefly wondered if the cat was psychic. It could happen. Brown cats were supposed to be to one extent or another.
Looking from computer screen to cat she saved and started to shut down as she answered.
[Yeah, it's open. Mind the cat.]
It was possible he would pounce.
She let her friends get in and settled with a vague wave that sort of said 'you know where everything is help yourselves'.
"Eiryk is coming too... he's probably still asleep or something."
Or doing very dirty things with his boyfriend, but Pak had enough manners not to say that. Besides, Aishe and Kem were bright they'd guess.
"So you can mock me for being wishy washy about this while we wait for him."
That was directly mostly at Kem. They did seem to take delight in teasing each other mercilessly. And truth be told she took a great deal of comfort in that little routine of theirs.

"Hi Pak," she greeted their friend, her sister. "It's too bad Alex is teaching a class tonight. He'd have woken Eiryk up in time." She grinned at Pak, never missing an opportunity to tease Eiryk even if he wasn't present.
"Why would he mock you?" Aishe said half-seriously. "He has an interest in this too. I can't get him to take a little apartment here instead of sleeping in the break room when he gets stuck here. But if you have an extra bedroom, then I know he's someplace cozy and safe."
She glanced at Kiamhaat. "Not that the break room isn't safe. It's lovely. You've done wonders with it."
Aishe didn't mind inviting her fiance into Pak's guest room to-be at all. She did it shamelessly. Aftr all, Pak was a frequent visitor to their place and they were in the process of converting their study into a guest room for her; it was a given. Nothing they had gone out of the way for. They both loved having Pak over, and Aishe didn't think for a moment that Pak would fail to offer a bed to one of them if it was needed.

She mentally pulled Mongkut's current favorite toy, a length of red ribbon, off the kitchen counter and over to Aishe.
"I ought to go do a few more of his classes..."
Pak was very sporadic in her attendance. But she did enjoy them especially now that she was actually getting a feel for what she was doing.
Surprised she looked at Kem.
"He knows he can come up here any time, the couch is comfy enough."
Actually it was probably one of the things she would replace. It wasn't the best. The only time she'd spent an extended period on it was after 'meeting' Bao again in California, when she freaked out and really she could have curled up on a cinder block wall and stayed their for a week.
But, what Aishe said had merit. Why she hadn't thought about it before Pak wasn't sure. So the second bed room was going to have to have room for her desk and a decent bed for Kem. Really it should be big enough for Kem and Aishe. She'd mention that to Eiryk.
"Well then you two are going to have to help me pick out a bed and have a little bit of a say in the decor."
A little... it was going to be her office after all but a few touches to make them feel at home would certainly be called for.
Still it was hard not to call Alex and check on her. Not, of course, that Alex would be able to answer the phone. So he just made a quick stop at his place in the towers and then wandered up to Pak's. He knocked and tried the door. It was open. He stuck his head in.
"Hi honey I'm home. Are you decent? Can I come in?"
He got and affirmative (although he did make a semi off color comment about Pak being decent) and popped in. Eiryk got two steps before he felt his shoes sticking to the floor and caught a disapproving stoney blue glare. He made a show of huffing in frustration and setting his shoes next to what had to be Kem and Aishe's and joining the little group. Without hesitation he gave Aishe a hug by way of greeting.
"I didn't know you two were here. Tagging along with us?"

He looked at Pak and shrugged helplessly. "It never really occurred to me," he said. "There's a couch in the break room that's perfectly serviceable."
Now he felt guilty. "You don't have to buy a bed just for me," he said. "It's not like I get stuck here every day."
Still, maybe it would be nice to come hang out with Pak when it did happen. Eiryk saved him by showing up with some fanfare. Kem turned toward him, smiling.
"Yeah apparently," he said in response to the blond. "I think we just got suckered into being amateur critics. I thought we were just moral support."

Pak said, you could hear her roll her eyes. It was not really restful. People coming and going and it didn't matter how comfy the couch was.
"Bed smed my place has a shower wise guy."
And that was something Kem couldn't get in the break room. Besides she'd like the company. Even if she didn't take this new place Pak would be hurt if Kem didn't come up and spend the day with her, at least sacked out on her couch.
Pak glowered at Eiryk, but didn't really mean anything by it. It just rather amused her that he was one of the few people who still actually thought about her glower. It was getting less effective but you could see him think about it for a second or two.
"I think you qualified as a profession critic a long time ago."
She quipped at Kem before turning on Eiryk.
"They are here to tell me when your idea of 'potential' is just a pipe dream and has no basis in reality."
Eiryk had a very optimistic and ambitious outlook on things. Especially when it came to decorating, she'd seen his portfolio and some of the before and after shots Pak swore he'd just bull dozed the house and started over.

Aishe returned his hug happily. "How is Thora? Is she with Alex tonight?"
She had met the fox kit when she'd arrived a little early for yoga class earlier that week and had immediately fallen in love with the little animal. She thought it adorable that she seemed attached to both Alex and Eiryk even though obviously Eiryk was the one who spoke to her.
She nodded at him. "Yes, if it's okay we thought we'd come along."
And then she laughed and squeezed Kiamhaat's hand when Pak mentioned the shower. "She has a point. A shower would be good."
He looked around suspiciously for the brown kitten. Maybe in a few weeks when Thora was a bit sturdier they could think about introducing the two animals.
"I don't see any of your little friends."
Eiryk had been rather pleased to find out he and Aishe shared a gift. He never would have thought about talking to raccoons. But it could be damnable useful, he had to admit that. Racoons went -every where-. Aishe could have dirt on half of Nachton if she worked at it.
"Good! I'd love to have an extra set of eyes."
He frowned a little bit trying to decide how honest to be here.
"And... well... this place is a bit of a fixer upper. The gentleman who moved out had some peculiar and dated taste."
He'd already seen the place. In fact, he'd considered taking it himself. But since he and Alex spent a majority of their time at Alex's it didn't make sense. He did know it was going to take a little courage and vision to get Pak to say yes. Eiryk wasn't sure he could get her to commit and he very much wanted her too.
"I know we all just got our shoes off." He couldn't resist needling Pak a bit. "But shall we?"

If Pak was going to all the trouble of getting a new place, a bigger one, with himself and Aishe in mind at all, it would be rude of him never to take her up on her offer. He honestly didn't mind the break room. The couch and television were separate from the main room by a door so if someone was in there sleeping they had some relative peace and quiet but it was true, it wasn't quite like a bed and a real room and a shower.
He wasn't about to let Pak win every one though. He turned his nose up a little at her title. "I prefer professional heckler," he pointed out. "I'm much better at that."
Laughing at the idea that they might have brought a raccoon with them he shook his head at Eiryk as Aishe chuckled, too. "No, the little masked people stay in the backyard. Aishe has yet to bring one into the house. They might all move in and then we'd have problems."
Not only that but they had a very picky cat whose territory really should stay hers. Kem didn't want to witness the territory battle between Zoe and any raccoon.
When Eiryk entioned the state of the apartment Kem grinned. "Now I definitely can't wait."
He retrieved his shoes, handed Aishe's to her, and proceeded to put his own back on. "Let's check it out."

She shot at Kem before disappearing into her bedroom momentarily to retrieve a pair of shoes. She came back just in time to hear Eiryk invite Aishe's raccoons over.
"I am not running a menagerie here.� She told them both. "What's a Thora?�
Fixer upper and Eiryk's description of the previous tenants taste level did not inspire confidence. But how bad could it be? Bad if Kem's enthusiasm was any indication.
She herded everyone out of her apartment and down the hall to the elevator where they waited for MARI to open the doors.

Pak came out of her room just then, commenting about a menagerie. "See? it wouldn't go well for us."
She let Eiryk explain about Thora as she put her shoes back on and waited by the door. She was actually looking forward to seeing this apartment. Not only did Eiryk's description make it sound interesting, but it was something new and fun and Aishe sort of liked being nosy and exploratory.
As they headed down the hall she slipped her hand into Kiamhaat's and trailed along with him behind Pak and Eiryk.
"So what about this place makes it so unique?" she asked, curious and slightly impatient. "Is it a designer thing, like clashing colors? Or is there, say, hot pink shag carpet all throughout?"
As they walked he grinned at Pak.
"You'll have to meet her. Alex and I adopted a little fox kit. She's just a baby though still quite a bit of work."
The door chose just then to open and They all piled in. Eiryk selected the appropriate floor and caught Pak being rather amused by it. To the point that she poked Kem and silently pointed it out to him. He was missing something there.
Comfortably lounging against the back of the elevator he tried to find an answer for Aishe that wouldn't scare Pak.
Honestly the place was a nightmare. Some of their clan could get a bit stuck in time and this unfortunate had done just that. The previous occupant had moved to South America with his creator which was great for Pak. But, apparently he'd been born in the 1950s and turned in the 1970s and the apartment, while a lovely spacious two bedroom was... well it looked like those three decades threw up in it. There was avocado green and harvest gold appliances, shag carpeting, vinyl flooring tacky linoleum, atrocious wallpaper, and -all- of the furniture was still in there.
He was pretty sure some of Aishe's hot pink was in there too, after a few minutes his mind had totally gone numb. If he had concentrated any more his sense of style would have totally abandon him.
The doors opened and Eiryk started them down the hall, key in hand. This was either going to go really well or Pak would never forgive him. But if nothing else, they should get a good laugh out of it.

As they made their way to the apartment of interest Kem smled at Eiryk's intentionally vague answer to Aishe. He didn't have much interest in design or style or anything like that but he knew Pak did, so seeing her reaction to this place would be amusing.
What Aishe's interest was, he wasn't sure... although he suspected she was simply curious. It was a trait she shared with several tens of raccoons. As far as consulting, Kem hoped Pak was all right with the occasional nod, grunt, and shrug from him. He wasn't sure he could be much more eloquent.

"Yeah there is a bundle to be made in those endorsements."
She was excited about the floor number and hoped it was something of an omen. How could anything on that floor be bad. There was a little worry when Aishe asked her question and Eiryk was evasive. But she managed to mostly dismiss that. Of course Eiryk would give her hell about this. It was in his nature.
He opened the door but let them get inside before turning on the light. There was only a tiny bit of light in the apartment, she could only see the vague outline of furniture. It was strange to notice but even though she was nervous about this place and Eiryk messing with her head she was relaxed. She wasn't hiding behind her subterfuge. Pak had total trust in all three people with her.
That trust, however, went totally out the window (at least in Eiryk's case) when he did turn on the light. It was total sensory over load. Pak couldn't decide where to look first, it was all color and texture and -none- of it was tasteful. Coming from a home that was very clean, minimalist, almost sterile Pak was horrified.
She muttered in Siamese in shock and disbelief, turned and started out the door. It couldn't be fixed, the floor plan didn't matter this was horrible, she was going to kill him.

They all stepped in and Eiryk turned on the lights. Aishe rocked back on her heels and let her eyes widen. "Wow this is... spectacular."
Pak turned without saying a word and would have left except that Kiamhaat snaked an arm around her waist and lifted her easily off the ground; Pak wouldn't be going anywhere like that no matter how fast she moved her feet. Aishe bit back a laugh, certain it wouldn't help matters any.
"It's unique," she said, turning to Eiryk and searching for the right words. "Eclectic. And, I guess, completely redo-able."
She was standing on what did indeed appear to be shag carpet of not one but many colors. There was a lamp across the room with fringe and fuzzy balls hanging from it. It stood next to an enormous avocado green armchair. There was wall paper all around them; Aishe was hard-pressed to determine a pattern.
She looked at the struggling Pak. "It's not so bad Pak. It's like standing inside a kaleidoscope. I'm sure you can have everything redone before you even move in."
Really the floor plan seemed nice. They had entered what appeared to be a very open dining room/living room/kitchen area, wth a little hallway leading last the kitchen into what was presumably two bedrooms. It was airy, for a small apartment. Definitely bigger than Pak's current living area. Aishe wandered further in, wondering what other horrors might be in store.
"Some people would call it kitsch or retro."
He said hopefully but Pak was already taking flight. Which, he quickly decided, was better than trying to gouge his eyes out. When she took flight he started to make a lunge for her, missed and ran into the wall, which Eiryk would swear wasn't there a second ago. His nose took the worst of it, causing his eyes to water a bit. As Eiryk rubbed his nose he was pleased to see Kem had caught Pak and wasn't letting her escape.
Encouraged by Aishe's optimism Eiryk latched on to that and plunged on undaunted and enthusiastically.
"Exactly! You have to see past all of... well... you have to see past it. This is about space and flow. You know I would -never- let you move into a place like this."
Eiryk literally shuddered at that thought. No. he'd never ask anyone to do a thing like that. They'd take away his interior designer card. That and he'd never hear the end of it. Still he thought it best not to mention the day glow colors and black light posters in the second bedroom. Although, it was possible, that they would amuse Kem.
"This is all just potential. First thing is first we rip up all of ... this." He gestured at the carpet with undisguised distaste. "I'm thinking hardwood through out, except the bathrooms where we'll use some nice big tiles. And that will be easy to do as we have to gut them any way."
He just slid that little tidbit of information in there. The Towers might be new and sleek and all things modern, but this poor deluded young vampire had backdated everything. There were even fuzzy covers on the toilet seats. It really was a tragedy, Eiryk felt sorry for the guy. He'd take falling on his face every thirty seconds over bad taste any day of the week.
Getting behind Kem, who was still holding Pak hostage, and feeling brave he physically pushed him (and as a consequence Pak) further into the space.
"There is a great flow, we'll get you a dining room, and don't tell me you don't eat, and look at the size of the living room."
As he was directing his lanky Egyptian friend he some how tripped over him and took a nose dive into the shag carpet (where -was- Alex when you needed him?). It was a bit like drowning.

[Come on Pak, Eiryk's trying to help here. There's nothing here that can't be reworked. Is there? Are you in a hurry to move in?]
He knew Pak could be difficult sometimes, but she was rarely ever truly rude to a friend and Kem though if Eiryk weren't so incredibly enthusiastic about this apartment, Pak might have hurt his feelings by now. It wasn't that bad.
As long as you didn't really look too hard. Or understand how the color wheel worked. Maybe if Pak were blind it'd be better.
"It's nice and open," he said, trying to look for a good point. "I like how this is all one nice big space."

Pak sulked at Kem a bit. She knew he was right but, damned the place had packed a hell of a punch and you know what they say about first impression. But she did stop struggling and sort of just hung there as Kem held her in place.
All three of them were right and she knew Eiryk wouldn't force her to move in as is. He must see potential in this place or they wouldn't be here now.
"I'm not sure a dinning room is a good idea... maybe a computer area?"
Even though it was open to the living area maybe if they kept it small and subtle it could work. Eiryk would be able to keep it from being too prominent, or they could shove it in the second bed room. That had been her original hope. Maybe a dinning room table would be OK, she could do her puzzles there. That would be nice.
"It does feel big."
Her current apartment was very compact. Eiryk's place was a one bedroom too but it was bigger, more open. That might be nice. She was taking in the space and trying -very- hard not to look at the furniture when part of what Eiryk said caught up with her.
"What do you -mean- 'gutted'?"
That couldn't possibly be a good thing. Although, it would let her put in a killer bathroom, which would be nice.
"Can I live with you two while he does strange things to this place?"
She asked her friends hopefully. It wasn't unusual for Pak to spend a night there, it was almost as comfortable as her own home. OK it was just as comfortable.

"Of course you can stay with us, if you want," Aishe said. She didn't know what would be wrong with Pak's current apartment but she and Kiamhaat would never mind having Pak over. "We've got a daybed on order for the study so you can actually have your own room, instead of a couch."
She peeked into the two bedrooms and thought that maybe it was a good thing Kiamhaat was still holding onto Pak. She didn't want Eiryk getting injured over anything else. She didn't quite understand Pak's initial ire; this was all stuff that was a matter of redecoration, which Eiryk was clearly willing to do.
[Maybe if you point out to Pak how desperate Eiryk is to redo this place... I don't know what his rates are but if he wants it this badly I bet he'll negotiate. A lot.]
She didn't even know if Eiryk would charge Pak anything, but it never hurt to try and coax Pak along on this.
"It is big, just over a thousand square feet."
Now that made him smile. It would be stupid of Pak to move out of her place before this one was done, but that Aishe and Kem would take her in without batting an eyelash, it made him feel good. Sure she wasn't overly social but she did have some good friends, and he liked seeing that.
"Well...I can't imagine either pepto pink or burnt orange is quite your color pallet and let's just leave it at that. Yes it is a pain to have to do so much work but it isn't like you have to live here while we take care of it and everything will be done how you want. We just have to have a bit of a sit down about what you want."
It would be a bit of a challenge to coax Pak's style to the surface, but he knew she had some. Anyone who insisted in driving that old car of hers did.
"Kem could you take her to the master? It is the one on the right and then we'll pop in and take a look at your suite."
He had already adopted the idea that Kem and Aishe would occasionally be spending the day here. The master suite was a good size and had an excellent view. She should like it.