Wiimatch:Part 3
The sound of Rowan in his head just about undid him. It was very hard not show any outward signs of what that mental plea had done to him. His companion wasn't the only one having trouble keeping his hands to himself. Rowan's choking fit was a somewhat unexpected result and he looked over at the redhead in concern.
The text though. Smart and so very sexy. He couldn't refuse to answer that text, even with guests. Hell, Cris wasn't sure World War III could have convinced him to ignore it. Timely too because he wasn't sure that he would have continued their game for much longer, not after that soft moan. His own repressed desires were equally tormenting and they could all talk just fine with him sitting in Rowan's lap on the floor; though to be honest, being there would not allow him to concentrate very well on anything that was being said.
It seemed that everyone was coming close to winding down for the evening anyway. Alex and Eiryk were curled up companionably on the sofa and he was sure they would be glad for the privacy of their own place.
After thanking them for coming and assuring them that he was capable of performing with the needed mental faculties, he waved goodbye to them both.
Closing the door, he leaned against it and arched an eyebrow at his partner in crime.
"So... about these issues... Care to tell me about them? Perhaps I can be of some assistance."

Even as Cris shut the door and turned Rowan was abandoning the pretense of packing up the wii. He rose more or less smoothly to his feet, the alcohol in his system receding to leave him with a pleasant looseness, and crossed the short distance to where Cris leaned against the door.
Bracing one hand on the door either side of his lover Rowan leaned down, close enough to very nearly touch his lips but maintaining a slight distance. He nodded.
He gave Cris access to the full force of what he was feeling; raging hot desire, pure and unadorned lust, colored throughout with warmth and affection and no small measure of need. After a moment he stopped the glamour, pulling the emotions back inside of himself where they continued to storm. He would have loved to share them further but not without being asked to.
"Think you can help me with that?"
He barely retrained himself. He wanted Christian back in his arms, an hour ago. He had waited this long however; he could spare a few minutes to make sure the feeling was returned. Given the sending that had precipitated this entire ruse, however, Rowan did not think the chances were very high that Cris didn't.
After one long, tension-charged moment he lowered his head slightly and without touching any other part of Cris, brushed his lips against his. His touch was light, delicate, and completely counter to the swell of urgent repressed desire he had just shown Christian.

His eyes fluttered open again as the glamour receded and he searched the green-grey ones that were so close. How had this happened? That he could want someone so intensely, so quickly? Rowan had slipped past his defenses and Christian felt naked beneath those watching eyes, vulnerable.
The kiss was tender and gentle despite his lover's raging emotions; Cris smiled against the lips pressed softly against his own. He might be shocked at how Rowan managed to get straight through his armor but he knew why it was so.
Reaching out, Christian grasped his lover's hips and pulled him tight against him. His kiss more forceful, need driven and demanding. [What have you done to me?] He punctuated his sending with another kiss, fingers digging into the fabric of Rowan's pants in a desperate attempt to pull the redhead closer.

As Cris returned his kiss Rowan felt those strong slender fingers at his hips. He moved closer. Pushing away from the door he wrapped his arms around Cris, one at his waist and the other at his shoulders, his hand cradling his lover's head.
[I don't know. What have I done to you?] Rowan thought there was nothing wrong with Cris. He seemed perfectly fine. More than. [What haven't I done? Because whatever I've missed, I should get to doing.]
He could almost, almost have stood there all night. He could explore forever, tasting Christian's lips and tongue, playing little games with mouths and fangs. Like before he delicately flicked his tongue against Cris's sharp canine and let a few drops of his own blood mingle into his kiss.
Whatever he had or hadn't done he would have gotten to Nachton much sooner, he realized, if he had known this man existed. It was a shocking revelation but Rowan was comfortable with it. He knew what he felt.

He let his hands slip under the grey sweater to the smooth tight fitting black tee shirt underneath. Running his hands around the front, and up Rowan's chest, Christian leaned back and arched his eyebrows up in question.
"I never got an answer to my suggestion."
Cris moved away and starting picking up glasses until he had an armful. Carrying them to the sink, he emptied them before returning for what was left of the trays of food.
"How do you feel about chocolate?" A wry smile touched his expression as he glanced over at the pots and then turned back to sweep his gaze slowly over his lover's long muscular body.

Cris' voice in his head was delightfully honest, unrestricted. It was pleasing to know he had the same effect on Cris as Cris had on him. It gave fuel to the previous daydream. [As long as you want it, I'm damned sure going to try,] he sent back. It was no empty promise. Rowan didn't go back on his word, and in this case he was excited to give it.
Cris' hands beneath his shirt felt warm and inviting. Rowan closed his eyes and smiled at the sensation before looking down at Cris once more. "Your suggestion has met with a receptive audience. More than receptive... captivated."
He gave a little sigh when Cris moved away but went along with him; of course cleaning up would have to happen. Cris was clearly a neat bug. Rowan suffered a brief bout of worry that their habits might clash in this regard. Not that Rowan was a slob but for him... well, the cleaning might have happened much later. Either way he helped bring things into the kitchen and then stopped when Cris did, before they could move either of the fondue pots.
Rowan grinned at Cris, unashamed to feel those gorgeous blue eyes taking him in. He slowly moved closer, his own eyes once more locked onto Christian's. "I think it depends on who's on the other end of the chocolate," he said.
Leaning down he kissed Cris softly once more. "Someone just like you, for example... well, I would be inclined to have a pretty good opinion of it."
Provided it was not scalding hot, Rowan added quietly to himself. Which he doubted it would be. He didn't think Cris had a huge hidden sadistic streak. The idea made him nervous, but if Cris was going to trust him with his emotions, Rowan could do no less than return the sentiment.

He smiled at Rowan when he said it depended on who was on the other end of the chocolate. "Getting picky already?" It was a curious question and he wasn't expecting his companion to be exclusive to him after only being with him once. More so, they were vampires and needed humans to live. Christian knew his own hunting habits and he couldn't be jealous if Rowan's were similar.
The kiss and the reassurance that it was a good idea, only if he were involved where both wonderful. Not everyone would have found it pleasing. Wondering whether it truly interested his partner, Christian looked at his aura. Frowning slightly, he held Rowan a little tighter. Something made his lover a bit nervous and he would like to know what it was before they did something that Rowan might not enjoy.
"Everything okay? We can do something else if you like."
He smoothed his arms down his lover's sides and then placed them firmly on the redhead's wonderfully sexy ass, squeezing gently.
"I find you plenty entertaining without needing any props and aids."
Perhaps that was all the was bothering Rowan? He was worried that Cris was bored already and wanted to try something different? Christian would admit that he enjoyed playing when it struck him to do so. He supposed his clan mates might be quite surprised by that revelation; however it wasn't necessary and he would rather not do something that his partner was not fully interested in for whatever reason.

He drew Christian as close as he could and kissed him gently. "You are not a casual fling. I don't want you to stop."
The spoken question was met with an equally brilliant smile. "Yes, actually. That's exactly it. My tastes have grown exponentially narrower since meeting you. I am giving serious consideration to becoming spoiled."
It was true. Rowan wasn't exaggerating. He'd gone out, he'd hunted, he'd fed, but he knew why he hadn't played. Because of Cris. He didn't want games. He just wanted the blond in his arms.
The empathic blond, he remembered as Christian tightened his grip around him. Rowan smiled down at Cris reassuringly.
"It's not that," he said. Rowan might have a tendency to lie, color the truth, or make up fantastic stories, but he could distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate times to do so. He thought for a moment.
"It's a little warm," he finally said, smoothing his hands over Cris's back. "I don't like things that burn. They make me nervous."
He didn't want that fear to ruin the mood however; he bent down and ran his lips along Cris's neck. "It doesn't look very hot though," he said. "Not as hot as what I've got now, at any rate."
Rowan took Cris by the hand and brought him over to the pot in question. The contents of it looked melted but not hot. Thick. Tasty, really, even though he hadn't tried it while they'd been gaming.
Rowan experimentally dipped his fingertip into the chocolate. Realizing it was, indeed, just warm, he relaxed. "Ah, see. Worried for nothing."
Smiling again Rowan held his forefinger up, just holding the tip of it against Christian's lower lip. "Totally doable."
His free hand came around to pull Christian to him once more. "I like this idea of yours."

He chuckled softly when his companion mentioned becoming spoiled. "Hmm, becoming spoiled leads to tantrums which leads to spanking...and that's a whole different kink."
Turning his attention to Rowan's explanation, Christian became more serious, holding his partner close and leaning his head on his shoulder. He kissed his lover's neck tenderly before speaking. "I'd never burn you." Christian did not like seeing anyone he cared about hurt, much less do the hurting himself. He might have been a mercenary once but these days he was a protector. Any harm he did was for the sake of those in his care. "Speaking of kinks, I can safely say that causing pain is not one of mine." Cris reached up and brushed his fingers across Rowan's jaw before tucking the long red strands behind his partner's ear.
He hummed softly at the touch of Rowan's lips on his neck. "Well I just said I wouldn't cause you pain. If I'm so hot perhaps I should stop touching you." Christian refused to let go, despite his suggestion.
When his lover went over to the pot and investigated the chocolate, he watched and waited. Rowan pronounced it perfectly fine and held up his chocolate covered finger. Christian took the digit into his mouth, running his tongue along it slowly and sucking gently.
[I'm glad. I'd hate to waste good chocolate.]

Being in Christian's arms, however, Rowan knew there was very little his lover couldn't demand from him and receive. Every light touch was electrifying. His nearness was more intoxicating than the shots they'd done. Rowan was in awe at the speed at which this had hit him; them both really. But Rowan welcomed it. His lack of a long term relationship had nothing to do with not wanting one and everything to do with just not having found someone compatible to share a life with. So when he asked Cris not to stop, he was entirely serious. There was enough chemistry here to fuel several space shuttles.
"I know." He said it softly, with a smile. Clearly Cris was not the sort to cause harm. It was evident to Rowan, and, he could only imagine, to everyone who knew Cris. "I trust you."
There was plenty of truth there too. Rowan didn't have walls up here. He would never have them up around Cris if he could help it. Knowing his lover was an empath as well meant he could experience Rowan's feelings when he wanted to, and Rowan wouldn't hold them back from him.
He grinned at Christian's tease, noting the blond didn't pull away a bit. Rowan shook his head. "Some things are worth a burn or two." Or five. Or a hundred.
He sighed and closed his eyes as Cris's mouth opened and took Rowan's finger inside. After a few moments Rowan leaned down and replaced it with his own mouth, gently exploring with his tongue, tasting chocolate, giving a soft "mm" of approval.
[By all means... let's not waste any, then,] he sent back, deepening his kiss. He slid his hands up inside Christian's shirt to feel warm skin pitted here and there with various scars but smooth between. He pulled Cris close, not drawing his mouth away until well after all traces of chocolate were gone. By then he was feeling the effects of having kept his hands off of Christian all night in full force. He drew away slightly and rested his eyes upon his lover once more.
"I want you," he murmured softly. His lips were tilted up in a peaceful smile that belied the nearly overwhelming desire inside as he said it. "More than I've wanted anyone in a very long time."

He nodded when Rowan said that he was trusted, taking that trust very seriously. That kind of faith and eventually love was why he shied away from intimate connections, especially with clan members. Still, Cris found himself not willing to let Rowan go. He would try being in a relationship one more time; perhaps against better mental judgment but most of him was scared more of never seeing the man again than the potential consequences.
Rowan's kiss and the hands on his skin were enough to halt any more serious thinking. His only concern at this moment was quickly he could get his lover upstairs and unclothed so that he could better return the favor. When Rowan told him that he was wanted in that sexy baritone Christian's own hands stopped moving, he watched his partner for a long moment, Rowan's words resounding in his head, making his heart beat faster.
Taking the redhead by the hand, he pulled him up the stairs, leaving the pots behind. When they reached the bedroom, Cris turned and gathered Rowan into his arms, pulling gently but insistently on the sweater and shirt.
"The chocolate can wait. I want you now."

Whatever it was it must have passed. Cris took Rowan by the hand and headed up the stairs to the bedroom with some determination. Rowan went willingly up the stairs and into the strong arms of his lover, peaceful smile still in place, shrugging out of his sweater and shirt as encouraged.
Cris's words made Rowan smile more, the expression taking on a decidedly more wicked cast as his eyes crinkled at the corners. "I'm yours for the taking," he said agreeably.
He was more than agreeable... he was eager, bordering on desperate. Rowan had not felt this sort of urgent, insistent desire in centuries. It was not tuned to the physical, not entirely. It was something about Christian. His manner, his dry humor, the serious, pensive exterior masking this beautiful, passionate, fiercely gentle interior. It was thrilling to Rowan. Cris fascinated him. He wanted to spend more time with him, learn about him, know what they had in common and what they didn't.
As his arms slid free of his clothing Rowan leaned down and took Christian's mouth again in a slow, deep, sweet kiss. Framing Cris's face with his hands he brushed his thumbs over the high, fine cheek bones before letting his hands slide down to his lover's strong shoulders. It felt like a year since he'd first freed Christian from this same shirt. Smiling once more as he broke away Rowan softly slid his hands beneath it once again, pushed it up, and rid Cris of it with a mischievous, "Deja vu."
He could get used to this. He could definitely get used to this.

The kiss was breathtaking, Cris held on tightly to Rowan, enjoying every moment of the slow intimate embrace. He noticed that his thoughts had stopped in their tracks once again. This lack of cognitive ability could be dangerous; it was probably a good thing his companion was not a member of Security. Though seeing him every day would be nice. It would be torture not to touch him though, as they had already found out earlier in the evening and he'd worry about putting Rowan into danger; doing so with Aishe troubled him more than she knew.
He helped Rowan by raising his arms when the shirt was pulled off him, smiling at his companion.
"So if I did go to jail for stealing you will you come visit me in my cell?"
Rowan pronounced his partial nudity as déjà vu. Christian smiled and replied. "Ce qui importe est que tu est satisfait avec la vue."
He kicked off his shoes before moving closer again, his lips once more finding Rowan's collarbone, the hollow of his throat, his shoulder... meanwhile his hands were busy with the button on his lover's pants, wanting to be able to touch every part of Rowan.
((OOC: What is important is that you are satisfied with the view. ))

It was hard to formulate complete sentences when Cris was in his arms. Rowan wasn't about to analyze it. He knew what it was, or what it could grow to be. At least he thought, hoped, desired. And for now he left it alone, more than content to have Christian holding him, holding him in return.
He laughed at Cris. "I thought I was the prisoner? Yes. If you go to jail, I will come visit you. Hopefully they allow conjugal visits, because I apparently can't keep my hands off of you."
As his performance that evening indicated. He was clearly incapable of going without for more then an hour or two, and even that long had been torturous. Cris's voice floated back to him in its soft tenor and Rowan responded immediately to the change in language. "Plus que satisfait," he murmured, "avec l'homme entier."
He gasped softly at Christian's caresses, finding the sensations dizzying. When his lover's hand found the button of his jeans he reached down to help, suddenly unable to stand having anything between them at all. He shoved his jeans and boxers down, temporarily forgetting his shoes. Heaving a sigh at the inconvenience of his own clothing he kicked his shoes off, threw himself off balance, and manged to step out of one leg of his jeans while he backpedaled toward the bed.
Reaching out he snaked his arm around Cris's waist and pulled him close as he fell, so that they tumbled onto the bed together. "I saw that going differently in my head," he said as he slid his hands down Christian's muscular back, toward the jeans he'd already pulled off earlier and was looking forward to doing so again. In the meantime his lips found Cris's ear, tracing the outside of it before moving down to nibble lightly at his neck.

"Hmm, planning on breaking the law also? I could handle your case personally, you obviously look dangerous." Cris kissed the hardened criminal again to completely ruin the point he was making. He answered Rowan's question about conjugal visits. "I certainly hope so or I would not be on my best behavior."
He was happy to hear that he was more the satisfactory and not just for the view. Christian continued his distracted work on the opening of Rowan's pants when his partner chose to help. Removing his fingers, Cris smiled when his lover pushed both articles of clothing down. He had to admit the view was excellent and he was occupied by it while Rowan kicked off his shoes. The hand snatching at his waist as the redhead toppled toward the bed made him shake with surprised laughter.
Christian buried his head against his lover's shoulder, still chuckling when Rowan announced that he saw that going differently in his head. Personally, he was pleased with the results.
"How did you see that going?"
The lips on his ear sobered him up quickly and he moaned his approval while reaching for the button of his jeans. He reluctantly pulled away long enough to divest himself of the last bit of his clothing and then return to his lover's arms.

And if that didn't fuel every authority figure daydream he'd ever had, Rowan didn't know what would.
Cris's laughter as they toppled onto the bed was infectious; Rowan joined him, holding him tightly as he pressed his head against Rowan's shoulder while he briefly considered the question. "Well in my head I was suave, sophisticated, and swept you off your feet with my rapier wit and irresistible charm."
He grinned shamelessly at Cris and shrugged. "But hey, at least you're off your feet, so the end justifies the means."
He watched as Cris rid himself of his jeans and wrapped his arms around his lithe figure as he returned to Rowan. Closing his eyes Rowan let out a long, low half-sigh, half-moan of pleasure. This was wonderful, lying here with Christian, feeling his entire body humming with desire.
Tilting his head to the side slightly he kissed Cris again, loving the feel and the taste of his mouth, invading gently with his tongue, nipping softly at his lower lip. He skimmed his hands over his back once more, one trailing down past his hips to his ass, pulling him close to press against him. Rowan was glad he didn't need to breathe often, for he was having a difficult time pulling away from Cris's lips.
He did manage, however, for long enough to tip his head back and look at Christian's handsome face with his wonderful blue eyes. "You amaze me."
He ran the tip of his tongue lightly along the track of the vein in Christian's neck, sucking lightly where it joined the jaw. "Everything about you. I want to know all of you."
He grazed his fangs lightly over the same spot he'd just been paying such careful attention to. He was tempted to bite but not yet. Not for a little while yet; he wanted Cris to feel it more intensely. So he contented himself with nibbling, licking, and sucking suggestively.

Cris chuckled all the more with Rowan's version of how things were supposed to go. "You're very charming. I assure you and completely irresistible." He rested where he was for a moment, relaxed from the alcohol and reveling in the warmth of his lover's skin against his own. It was a relief too that they had two days to enjoy each others company and Rowan seemed every bit as intent as he was to spend it all together.
His lover's kiss was breathtaking; Christian didn't want it to end. He made a sound of protest when Rowan pulled away. However, his lips turned up in a smile at his companion's words and his eyes fell closed at the teasingly light attention to the vein near his jaw. It brought back vivid memories of Rowan's bite and Christian moaned softly, arching under the seductive caress. "I'm willing to tell you whatever you want to know and hopefully you will still be interested afterward." He traced his fingertips in long light strokes down Rowan's chest and hips and then back up his side while he pondered all the things his lover would eventually want to know about him. Cris had been a solitary person for so long that he was sure to have developed strange habits and anti-social behavior. What if Rowan found him difficult to be get along with once he knew him better? There were personality traits that might not look very good to a partner.
He remembered Rowan's fervent agreement that he was dangerous and needed to be restrained and put in his place. Christian paused the roaming of his hands and gave some thought to his companion's words. [So you're telling me you occasionally like a little roleplay?]

Shared laughter, shared embraces, shared touches were things Rowan had not done with the same person in some time. He enjoyed the sound of Christian's laughter, the timbre of his voice whether in his head or out loud. As Cris responded to Rowan's touches Rowan felt as if he were floating somehow. He wanted to keep doing this. Maybe being tied to Cris's bed was the way to go. if it kept him interested. Rowan generally had confidence in himself, but it had been a very, very long time since he'd attended to one single lover for any duration.
Christian seemed to suffer a similar worry, if his next words were any indicator. When he stopped speaking he looked thoughtful and Rowan didn't want to ruin the moment or the mood. So he tilted Cris's chin up once more and repeated his soft slow kiss, opening himself up and bathing his companion in a sensation of warm affection and desire.
"There's no need to worry," he said softly. "I am interested. I will be interested in anything that makes you you. And whatever it is you want to know in return is yours."
That worry was enough for him to stave off any of his own questions for the time being. Rowan understood some of Cris's hesitations. He wanted to handle this gently, patiently. Christian was worth time and effort. If he was shy for any reason Rowan's job was to perceive it, be sensitive to it, and work it out. Every one of their kind had skeletons in their closets. You couldn't live as long as they did and not have a few oddities, complexities, quirks. Rowan had plenty of his own.
He arched into Christian's exploring fingers, sighing gladly and smoothing his hands over Cris's shoulders and back once more. When Cris's caress stopped and Rowan heard that voice in his head, he smiled. Here was an opportunity, then, to tell Cris some of his own oddities. Maybe his openness would give Christian some reassurance.
Rowan considered how to phrase his answer while he let his mouth continue questing gently along Cris's neck to his shoulder. [Who doesn't?] he finally sent back. [There are lots of things I like occasionally.]
He paused again to think, and, unable to continue sending, just spoke the next words softly out loud. "I enjoy it, yes. In general. And in particular sometimes, being restrained. That... I don't know. Sometimes I need it."
Anxiety blossomed in his chest, just a bit. But Rowan ignored it. Being a fan of falsehoods, wild stories, and outright tall tales, he thought he had an even greater appreciation for when truth was required. This was one of those times.
"I don't handle stress well sometimes," he admitted. "When it gets to be too much it helps to be... told what to do." He searched for a proper description. "It's as if, by having all decisions taken away for a time I can reboot, reload, let go of it all, and start to cope again after."
He smiled wryly down at Cris, lifting his shoulders a little. "It's something I've rarely done. There's a lot of trust involved. But sometimes it helps."
He ran his hand through Cris's short blond hair and wrapped one leg around him. he let his other hand drift down, caressing his lover's side and hip, brushing lightly against his thigh. He lingered there, unable to reach further because of their positions but wanted more contact, waiting for Cris to turn toward him or not, as he liked.

[Hmm, I have met some people who don't.] He had been with humans over the years with very interesting ideas on what was and was not acceptable during sex. If it was enjoyable to both then it shouldn't be wrong. Why did there need to be rules? This position was okay but this other was not? With this partner but not with that one? [But I am glad you do.]
Christian gently smoothed his hands in a soothing motion down Rowan's chest while he spoke, listening carefully to what his lover said and encouraging him silently. It would be okay; he would still be interested. He knew how hard it was to talk about something so private when you weren't sure that it would be appreciated or even accepted by a new partner. There was very little that Cris could think of that Rowan could say that he wouldn't accept. Most of it centered around causing others pain and they had already touched on that briefly so he was fairly certain they felt the same way about that.
"I understand, Rue. Its okay." He smiled gently, his hand running down his lover's shoulder and arm. "And if you trust me then I have no problem helping you relax like that." The corners of his mouth turned up a little more into a lustful smirk as he glanced over his lover's body before meeting his green-grey eyes. "Truth be told, I'd enjoy it immensely."
Christian moved closer, pulling himself more fully on top of his partner. Bending his head down, he kissed Rowan, tenderly, slow and sweet. [When I am out.] And he imagined his lover could fill in,'when I am hunting', [I tend to be more aggressive. In the past it was assumed that I would be more...feminine, I suppose because of my appearance. I grew to really hate that assumption.] Cris leaned back and flashed him a smile.
"I don't offer myself often."
He sat up, straddling his partner. Christian gave him a mischievous grin before reaching down and taking his lover's erection in his hand, stroking it slowly he said.
"So, now tell me one of these daydreams you had over this past week." His hand stopped momentarily as he added. "Remember, details are important."

Smiling, he held Christian close, enjoying the hand that trailed along his arm. He rested his eyes upon Cris's similarly smiling face, amused with the change in expression. He responded in kind, thrilled to have found a mutual liking.
"I do trust you," he said softly. It was tentative yet; Rowan didn't trust many people with the information he had just shared with Cris. But he wanted to push himself. He wanted to give Christian every opportunity to verify what Rowan said, to place his faith in him as Rowan was doing. "Then we can both share in it. And enjoy it."
Christian's kiss was delicious and Rowan was again enthralled by the passion it conveyed. Cris was, indeed, a very feeling person. Rowan enjoyed having uncovered one of his layers. He gently returned the kiss, enjoying Cris's weight upon him, sighing against his lips when he sent again, stroking the valley between the muscles of his back.
He listened to Cris send and nodded. He understood; Cris was built upon a very slender, delicate-looking frame. It would be a logical assumption for many men, that he could fill in, as it were, if they were lacking. Rowan took sex seriously. It was supposed to be mutually pleasing. He wasn't sure there had ever been a time in his life when he didn't attend to his lover's needs thoroughly and carefully. There was no room in good sex for pure selfishness.
"I'm flattered that you did for me, then," Rowan said, pausing to brush his lips against Cris's. "It was a surprise. And you were incredible." Just the remembrance of it was enough for his body to tense and his heart to beat a bit more rapidly. He clung to Cris for a moment.
"I would like to know this aggression of yours," he admitted. "I get the opposite. People see the hair, the piercings... and they assume I have an aggressive personality to match. I don't mind that on occasion... as you noticed. But if you were to ask me, well... it's not entirely natural."
Rowan accentuated his point by closing his eyes as Cris straddled him and letting out a long sigh which turned into a louder moan as Christian's hand found him and began to stroke.
Opening his eyes briefly he raised one eyebrow at Cris. "How do you expect me to be detailed when you're robbing me of most of my cognitive ability? I'm rapidly degenerating to two word phrases like 'oh god' and 'more please.'"
Nonetheless he tried to dig up one of the multitude of little fantasies Cris had starred in in his head over the last week. "That first evening," he finally said, his words punctuated with short gasps at the feel of Cris's hand, "was all I really had to go on but it was so incredible it stuck in my head. Every time I dream about you I hear your voice. Telling me what you want. Talking to me as you did then, telling me what's in store." He took a deep shuddering breath.
"I would love to feel that again." His eyes darkened as he looked at his lover. "I want you inside of me. Your body, your voice, everything."
He arched his back a little, pressing himself into Christian's hand. "I replayed that in my head a lot," he admitted.
Maybe that wasn't the detail Cris was looking for but their first time together had featured prominently in Rowan's daydreams all week. He would readily submit to more of the same treatment, more of the same voice in his head, so erotic, so sexy, so desirable.

Christian looked at Rowan in puzzlement for a moment, trying to see him as aggressive. His partner was so light hearted and caring that he just couldn't imagine it. Like Rowan had said, Cris was sure that he could be and perhaps even had moments were he wanted to be aggressive but it was an interesting thing to assume. " Hmmph, amateur profiling is unreliable at best."
He tilted his head slightly to the side and smiled. "I like your piercings, they have a certain pirate flair."
Listening to his companion complain that he was robbing him of his ability to think, Christian stopped his stroking and but kept his hand wrapped around his lover. "I can be helpful."
He continued back up his slow steady caress almost immediately after that statement, not intending to torment Rowan more than he already was. Cris sighed softly, watching Rowan intently as he spoke. It was thrilling to know that what they had already shared was good enough to be thought of repeatedly since then. The admission was both encouraging and erotic; Christian felt his pulse race and his breathing quicken. Every fiber of his being wanted Rowan right this second.
[I thought of it often, myself. Hearing you ask me to come, telling me...you needed me.] Cris's breath caught just remembering that lust filled sending. He smiled tenderly at his lover. [You are very memorable. ]
Christian reached over into the drawer for the tube that he realized was far too small for frequent use. Unscrewing the cap, he went about answering Rowan's earlier question as he put some of the gel onto his fingers. "When I hunt I like to use other skills to keep them sharp." He reached down and teased his lover's opening as he spoke. "I choose to be different people. Different looks, different accents, different personas." Christian slowly pushed a finger inside his lover with one hand while the other went back to slowly stroking his erection. He shrugged softly trying to explain. [ I enjoy it. Its my own stress relief I suppose. I get to leave my work and demeanor behind and be someone else for a bit. It is liberating. ] He watched Rowan's expression while he explained his odd habit. Somehow his lover's confession had eased his worry enough for him to divulge this quirk of his personality. [Should I tell you a fantasy or make you drag it out of me later?] Christian added another finger to the first and began to thrust them gently in and out of his partner while he waited for a response.