He had invited Rowan, Alex and Eiryk over to his place this time. Christian had seen, and removed, the footage from the mainframe, the stumbling walk through the hallways to his apartment. The fall in the elevator, crawling to the door...a part of him was mortified. Another part noticed that Rowan held him up the whole way and that Alfarinn and his birds intervened so that his people missed seeing their leader wasted and crawling to his apartment. He had people who cared about him whether he was at his best or not.
Cris would also admit that it felt good to wake up with someone next to him; to make coffee for two instead of one. He had not seen Rowan in a week, not even a glance in the hall. Christian left a message on his voice mail, after a day of considering what he would say, and asked if he would like to come visit along with Eiryk and Alex. He didn't want to assume that Rowan hadn't changed his mind. It would be best if they could have another friendly night and if more happened afterward, well then he'd know.
Christian looked around his apartment for perhaps the twentieth time. It looked spotless as far as he could tell. It had been ages since he had people here. Normally his only visitor was Alfarinn and the Norseman had long since decided whatever he was going to decide about Christian.
He would like to make a good impression though.
For that reason he called in expert help, Aishe. She'd let him know if he had forgotten something or was worrying too much over small things.
Cris had decided on making homemade pretzels and some beer bread. He also brought out a couple of fondue pots, one with cheese and the other chocolate. They were busy cleaning and cutting up fruit and bread in manageable squares.
"Do you think this is enough?" Cris frowned at the two pots. "Should I make something else? I can make a cake...or pie. Maybe I should have asked if Alex is allergic to anything."
He turned to his daughter. "Are you sure I haven't forgotten something?"

She had never been to Cris' apartment before. Her Creator was notoriously private. But he had been a little different since his return to Nachton, at least to Aishe, who remembered the joy of hearing him laugh when she'd first found him in his office the night of his return.
Now he was entertaining company and, among them, someone in whom he had taken a greater interest. That made Aishe happy. She didn't know this Rowan but Cris had softly professed to like him a great deal, and that he had some hope in that direction. She couldn't wait to meet him.
When Cris spoke she turned, smoothing the apron over her almost-never-worn skirt, and smiled. Walking the few feet to him she tilted her head up and kissed him softly on the cheek.
"Your apartment looks beautiful and everything here smells delicious," she said. "Alex is not allergic to anything that he's aware of and he loves fresh foods and organics. And you are worrying for nothing."
She lifted her shoulders. "Your friends aren't going to judge," she reminded him. He seemed nervous to her and she could only imagine the number of reasons why.
Picking up a strawberry she dipped it into the melted chocolate and popped it into her mouth before she could be reprimanded. She almost regretted that she and Kiamhaat would be seeing a concert tonight downtown but in a way it was for the best. She didn't want to interfere with a blossoming relationship in progress, even if they did have mutual friends. She suspected Cris was anxious enough as it was, without his only child there.
"You have forgotten to relax and have fun," she chastised gently, "but I imagine that will come."

He had moved the marble topped coffee table to one side of the sofa in the great room so that it was out of the way for this very active video game experience. Christian then began bringing the fondue pots over to set on it, figuring people could snag a bit or two between turns.
She said his friends wouldn't judge and he retorted. "They might. Eiryk could decide to redecorate my whole house...in pink toile." Cris returned for a tray of fruits. "I suppose that might depend on who wins tonight... though we might be able to distract him with an earpiece from security."
Christian gave her a sour look and crossed his arms over his chest when Aishe accused of him of forgetting how to relax and have fun. "I know how to relax, thank you." It just didn't happen often.
Unfolding his arms, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for helping."
"Remember I said I had something for you." Christian went to his office closet and pulled out a little cedar and brass box. He brought it back and opened it, setting the little object down on a table. It was a little bronze and copper toy raccoon standing on his hind legs. The little toy was about four inches high and its little arms were held out in front of its body the hands turned inward toward each other. Christian reached over and picked up a small cube of cheese and placed it in the little toy's hands. It came to life, the little hands wiggling up and down turning the cheese around and around, all the while the raccoon made little chittering sounds before making a final happy sort of chirp.
"I guess he liked that one." Cris shrugged and looked up at her. "try some other things, he might have a different opinion."
He had spent several nights making, much to Alfarinn's amusement, the various sounds necessary for the little toy's sound box. There just weren't very many raccoons in Spain, which was where they happened to be at the time .
There was a knock at the door, Christian gave her a brief anxious expression, giving her a one armed hug as he went past to answer the door.

She wouldn't tell Cris, but she found his nervousness adorable. It was easy to think from a chance meeting at Meridian or Liefde that he didn't have any opinions. The truth of it was just the opposite though. It intrigued her to see her Creator come out a little bit.
She laughed at Cris' opinion about Eiryk. "Try to throw some," she advised humorously, her natural inclination being to assume that Cris would simply win everything. It didn't matter the she'd never seen him play a video game. Aishe figured he was just talented at everything. "Otherwise, yes, there could be pink toile-inspired revenge."
Watching his expression turn, Aishe bit back another smile and rolled her eyes at him a little. She leaned forward and poked him in the chest. "Not how to have fun," she corrected. "Just to have fun. Right now. Stop worrying. This is fun, having friends over to unwind."
She wrapped her arms around him with an impulsive hug when he leaned toward her. Sometimes it was still hard to believe he was back here after having missed him for so long. Aishe squeezed hard before letting go. "Any time," she said, watching him head deeper into his house for something.
When Cris placed a beautifully decorated box on the table and pulled out what appeared to be a tiny little toy, Aishe furrowed her brow for a moment. Then she realized what it was and a smile lit her face. She laughed as Cris placed the cheese in the little raccoon's hands and it made a variety of excited noises. Carefully removing it s snack Aishe picked the little raccoon up and examined it. It was an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, every little raccoon detail perfect.
"He's beautiful," she exclaimed. "And his noises are perfect!"
She lowered the raccoon toy slightly as she heard the knock on the door but didn't put it down. Aishe smiled at Cris reassuringly when he cast a tense glance at her and went to answer the door.

As tonight had drawn closer he'd grown increasingly nervous. He feared that in spite of his words at their parting, Christian might have second guessed things anyway. What if he'd decided he'd made a mistake with Rowan in the heat of a night of drinking? Rowan didn't think that would be the case, but there was also the possibility that Christian would decide he didn't need the difficulty of a relationship right now, or that he didn't want to open himself to someone else, or... a million different scenarios. Was that why he had invited Alex and Eiryk tonight, as well? Rowan wasn't sure. And he hated the uncertainty.
So he was headed over a little early after pacing around his untidy, unpacked apartment watching the clock tick. He had to set the wii up anyhow, so Christian wouldn't mind, maybe, if he showed up a little early. Just to see... how things were.
He knocked at Christian's door and waited, bouncing slightly on his toes, unable to stand completely still. The whole way through Liefde he'd kept his subterfuge up as hard as he could. He had seen the writing on the front of Christian's office. He knew Christian held a position of responsibility, and, given his private nature, Rowan assumed he wouldn't want any reason for rumor. Rowan knew he wasn't the only empath at Liefde and it wouldn't do, in his mind, to be heading to the private apartment of the Chief of Security broadcasting the mingled array of emotions he felt right now for just anyone to see or feel.
As the door opened though, Rowan saw Christian within and he dropped his defenses completely as he stepped across the threshold of Christian's apartment. Whatever the night's outcome, subterfuge did not belong here. Not between lovers or, if that wasn't to be the case, not between friends. Rowan hesitated momentarily before reaching forward, placing his hands upon Christian's shoulders, and leaning down to kiss him full upon the mouth as the door swung shut behind him. The aching want he'd been feeling all week burned hotly in his chest and he figured that if Christian pushed him away, well, at least he had been honest.

At the moment though, his thoughts were centered on who had knocked on the door. He hoped that it was Rowan so that they could sort out any awkwardness that might come from not knowing how things stood between them before the others arrived. And it had been a long week; Cris was looking forward to seeing him.
Running a hand through his hair, Christian looked down to make sure he didn't have flour, cheese or chocolate on him anywhere. The olive coloured sueded jersey tee shirt appeared fine and so did the faded blue jeans. Cris would confess to enjoying comfort and colour on his days off. The shirt was soft and the pants well worn. It was tempting to dress up a bit more but he decided that it would appear out of place.
He opened the door and let the redhead inside, taking the handled case from him. Christian promptly set it down after Rowan's kiss. Pulling his companion toward him, he wrapped an arm around Rowan's waist and another behind his neck, pulling him down for another one.
That answered that question.
Holding his companion tightly for a moment more. He sent [I've missed you.] Cris drank in the sight of Rowan and the feel of him, reassuring himself that the man was indeed back in his house and back in his arms. [My daughter is here helping me get things ready. I'll introduce you.]
Taking Rowan by the hand, Christian led him to the kitchen. Smiling slightly at Aishe, knowing she was going to look at his aura -and- Rowan's, he made sure to keep the subterfuge down.
"Rowan this is Aishe. Aishe, Rowan."

Removing the apron she'd been wearing to stay clean she folded it and set it carefully aside, smoothing the black and green silk skirt beneath. It wasn't often she dressed up but the venue for this concert was a very fancy one. She had been promised imported chocolate too.
Cris returned to the kitchen with his hand in someone else's, presumably Rowan since by now Aishe was sure she could hardly mistake Eiryk or Alex. After all, she saw Alex at yoga class several times a week and he and Eiryk were frequent guests at their home.
The man trailing slightly behind Cris was tall, Kiamhaat tall, and built along lean but muscular lines. Aishe was surprised at his appearance; she wasn't sure she'd have immediately thought 'Cris' when she looked at Rowan. He definitely didn't mind standing out, she thought, between his punk-ish clothing and his dramatically cut red hair. She had to admit she liked the piercings; she could see several hoops in his ear and more on the other side when he turned the corner. One in his nose as well. She was immediately curious to know if they were done before or after he was turned. His face was handsome, fair skinned, lightly freckled. She couldn't tell what color his eyes were. He was smiling though and he immediately looked at her when they were introduced, stepping forward and offering his hand.
Aishe smiled back and shook. And then, of course, she peeked at Rowan's colors. She always did.
She was pleasantly surprised. Now, looking at Rowan with an empath's eyes, she saw why Cris would be drawn to him. He was a veritable rainbow of colors. Aishe didn't know exactly what they all meant and immediately had even more questions that she suspected only Cris could answer for her. The shapes that clung to Rowan were delightful in their variety; vibrant red mingled with pink that faded a little as he turned away from Cris toward her; bright orange coupled with cheerful pale yellow; bright green, turquoise, and blue warred with each other, all colors Aishe associated with caring and loving; then there was a shiny metallic silver that she didn't understand at all, but it was pretty.
On top of that, there was no overlay whatsoever. No fuzzy veil that indicated to her when someone was guarding, or hiding, or insecure. Was he like Eiryk, then? Aishe loved looking at Eiryk, one of the most open people she knew. If Rowan was the same she thought she might instantly have bumped him right up next to Eiryk on the list of people whose auras were always fun.
Best of all though was the way Cris looked. She looked past Rowan to him and smiled wider at the array of colors she saw there too; not the same as Rowan's. Cris' aura had many of the same colors - the red, the pinkish hue, some yellow, but also the things she had come to associate with Cris himself: orange-yellow, blue and indigo, indicators of his precise, scientific mind and also his deeply caring nature. Like Rowan he seemed open, hopeful, happy, and, as she let the auras fade from her sight, she found a smile on Cris' face and saw there none of his previous anxiety.
"I think I like you," Aishe said happily, reclaiming her hand from Rowan and standing on her toes to hug him instead.
When she let him go, still smiling, she picked up her pretty box and looked at Cris again, brows raised as if to say, 'All right now?'
Reassured by what she'd seen Aishe thought maybe it would be best to head out. Eiryk and Alex were obviously not here yet, and she thought perhaps Cris and Rowan wouldn't mind a few minutes to themselves before they were joined.
"I have to go. Kem is waiting for me." She looked back at Rowan. "I'm glad I got to meet you. Hopefully I'll have more time next time but," she indicated her dressed up attire, "it's date night."
She crossed to Cris, hugged him tightly and whispered into his ear, "I can show myself out. You. Have. Fun."
Kissing his cheek Aishe headed out of the kitchen with a smile, turning the corner, letting Kiamhaat know she was on her way, and letting herself out the door, closing it softly behind her.
((ooc: Aishe out))

[It's so good to be here.] It had been a week of double and triple shifts, no napping and very little actual sleeping. All told he had clocked ninety six hours. Now that he was off for the next forty eight, he was determined to do something relaxing and he couldn't think of anyone better to do at least some of that with.
[Your daughter? I can't wait to meet her.]
He straightened his gray sweater and tucked his hand into Christian's as they went to the kitchen. He wasn't sure what he'd expected in this new vampire, but what he found was a tiny woman with thick black hair and green eyes looking at him with intelligent interest from a pretty, bronze-skinned face.
Before he could say anything more than "Nice to meet you" and returned Aishe's handshake, she was proclaiming she liked him and giving him an enthusiastic hug which he returned easily. And then just like that she was gone, leaving Christian and Rowan standing in the kitchen together.
"Is she always like that?" Rowan asked. "She's very... direct."
He was grinning; as first impressions went he had to say he sort of liked Aishe too. It was a shame she wasn't staying. But Rowan couldn't complain about having Christian to himself for a little bit. He turned back to Christian, moving closer to him again.
"Anything I can help with?"
He could think of a few things he wouldn't mind taking care of. But Christian could have asked him to do anything at all; Rowan was just thrilled to have time off and be here with Christian.

She turned to him and raised her eyebrows, he raised his in return but his smile widened in answer to her unspoken question.
When Aishe hugged him and commanded that he have fun, Christian dropped his eyes meekly and answered quietly. "Yes, Ma'am." He squeezed her a little tighter and added "Thank you again. Tell Kem you deserve extra chocolate. Enjoy the concert."
Turning to Rowan, Cris laughed at his assessment of Aishe. "Yes, pretty much. I'm afraid she gets her empathy from me." He probably should have warned Rowan in case he cared to be more guarded. "The curiosity... she had that before, and the directness. Sometime you'll have to get her to tell you the story of how she came to Nachton."
He reached out and wrapped his arms around Rowan's waist, laying his head against his companion's shoulder, Cris sighed contentedly. "Hmm, you could stand still for a few minutes. It would be a big help." The last of his stress seemed to melt away with Rowan in his arms. More time and sobriety had not changed how he felt. It seemed that was true for his partner as well.
Chrisitan leaned back, running a hand through redhair as he looked up at Rowan. "How was your week?"

As Christian pressed close Rowan put his arms around him and rubbed his back. "Okay. I won't move. Much."
Christian's hand felt good in his hair and his question was met with a shrug and a smile. "It was busy," Rowan said. "Almost a hundred hours clocked. They really need to hire more help."
He bent, gently kissed Christian's lips, and then nibbled his way down the curve of his neck, very slowly, enjoying the taste and the feel of him, nearly overwhelmed with repressed desire.
"Yours?" He asked between kisses as he suckled his way gently back up to Christian's ear and paid rapt attention to it for a minute or two. "I can't imagine how busy you must have been."
Christian had to be a very hard worker to do the job he did. Rowan didn't envy him the care and protection of their entire Clan. But Christian must be capable or the job wouldn't have been his.
Breaking away from Christian's well-kissed ear Rowan caressed his lips once more and then softly kissed his way down to the hollow of his throat, lightly grazing with his fangs.
"Dare I hope you have some time off soon? Having been a good worker bee myself, I've been ordered away from the clinic for the next forty eight hours. I would really hate to waste it doing boring things like unpacking my stuff."
It was very rare for him to have two full nights off. He suspected the clinic feared they might lose their newest (and only) pediatrician due to workload stress. Rowan wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth; he'd turned off his cell phone before coming to Christian's tonight.
In the meantime his hands slid down Christian's back, wandering over the exquisite softness of the green shirt he wore and toying mischievously with the waistband of his jeans. He didn't want Christian to think he was only motivated by one thing but admittedly, after a week of incredibly fevered daydreams Rowan was feeling more than a little narrow-minded.

Never mind that he had spent almost as many hours doing his own job. Cris lived here, he worked unless he didn't have something else he wanted or needed to do. It was just how he was, or how he had become. Shrugging slightly, "Quite busy but I am happy to report that Charlene's twin familiars are now getting along again and no longer threatening... I'm not sure if it was double suicide or homicide to be honest, from the top of the Towers." He gave Rowan a small smile. There was always some sort of domestic drama and then there was keeping up with the spy network that he had in place and speaking with all his fellow security in other cities, ever on the look out for new threats to the clan.
He fell silent enjoying Rowan's attentions too much to be distracted by words. The lips on his throat had him pressing forward, his head tilted back and his fingers kneading against his partner's hips. [I have the next two days off. That's why I called today.] And hoped that Rowan would at least be able to spend some of that time with him.
Christian smiled slightly and sent. [You don't even have to look at a box for the next few days.] Let his companion sort out why that was so; Rowan was quick. He'd pick up on what Cris was suggesting and asking.
He growled softly and pulled Rowan tighter against him once those teasing hands reached his jeans. [Did I mention I asked you to come an hour earlier?] Christian leaned back and looked at his partner meaningfully. "In case we had things that needed sorting out."

And it was true; he was rested and fed and now the long week seemed ages behind him. This was what he had been thinking about the whole time. His kisses took on a more feverish, urgent quality just remembering...
He was completely distracted from deeper thoughts by Christian's voice in his head again, after the domestic almost-violence story. He sighed softly; smiling into his partner's neck, forgetting what it was he'd been about to say regarding the familiars.
Rowan's heart stopped its sluggish rhythm when Christian said he had the next two days off. How convenient. And then came a subtle offer that Rowan considered for maybe a millisecond before smiling at, while his heart attempted to make up for lost time by doubling its pace.
It was when Christian pulled him closer, though, and told him about the time frame that Rowan nearly lost it. That soft growl, the press of his lithe, strong body, and his voice, intimately in Rowan's mind, had Rowan considering simply ripping through the layers of clothing Christian wore.
"Devious," he said softly, a smoky smile spreading across his lips. "Devious and genius."
He wrapped his arms around Christian's waist and lifted him, encouraging his partner to wrap his legs about him and kissing him deeply as he left the kitchen, thrusting his tongue gently against Christian's lips, clutching him close as he made his way to the stairs that led to the master bedroom and carefully up them.
Once there he gently deposited Christian on the big, comfortable bed on his back and wasted no time joining him, lying on his side next to him, leaning down to kiss him again and again while his hand slipped beneath the soft green shirt to caress warm skin.
"Do you have any idea how difficult you've made my life this week?" Rowan asked, his tone firm but his eyes sparkling with good humor.

Rowan lifted him off his feet and Cris obligingly wrapped his legs around his companion, finding it odd but enjoyable to be carried up his own stairs. He surrendered access to his mouth to his lover's tongue and focused all his attention on returning that exploration with hungry passion.
He found himself tossed on his own bed and Christian thought he could get used to this so very easily. There was a moment of panic while he thought of how much he had looked forward to have Rowan here again and how depressed he would have been if his companion couldn't have made it. What if after a few months Rowan was no longer interested?
Christian gasped softly as hands reached under his shirt. He would just have to make sure Rowan had plenty of reason to remain interested, that was all. He raised innocent eyes to his companion and shook his head. With a sly smile, he said. "No, perhaps you should tell me. In detail."
His own hands found their way up under the sweater and shirt that Rowan was wearing and then they moved down to his pants, fingers slipping beneath boxers to gently caress one hip. Leaning forward Cris bent his mouth to Rowan's neck, running his lips lightly along sensitive skin. [I would be interested to know.]

[You might regret that.]
He grinned at Christian, sorry he couldn't continue to send to him. He loved it, the intimacy of it.
Rowan began at Christian's shoes, pulling them off and then following up with his socks. He pressed a warm, soft kiss to the instep of Christian's right foot, moving up the inside to his ankle.
"Think about it," he said softly, a mischievous grin across his lips. "A room full of kids with chicken pox."
He repeated the process with Christian's left foot, gently experimenting at tickling the sole with the tip of his tongue. "Do you know how difficult it is to hide a raging boner in a pair of green scrubs and boxers?"
He lifted his head and raised his eyebrows at Christian. "You weren't even there and I couldn't think of anything but this."
Rowan slid up again, pushing the hem of Christian's green shirt up, stretching out over Christian and pulling the shirt over his head. "I'm going to get the hospital sued with my inappropriate responses to children with little red bumps."
As he pulled Christian's shirt down one arm Rowan followed it with a line of soft wet kisses, pausing at the inside of his elbow and wrist to press his fangs gently against the skin, flicking with his tongue as he did. The infectious smile faded as he considered his next words.
"All the time, all I could think of was you. Your eyes. Your face. Your smile."
He tugged Christian's shirt off the end of his hand and took his wrist gently, raising it to his lips and pressing them to the palm. Watching Christian's face Rowan ducked his head and sucked the tip of Christian's index finger in between his lips, drawing on it gently for a few seconds.
Freeing Christian's other hand from the shirt Rowan moved to another finger, treating it to the same gentle suction, flicking his tongue against it. "All I wanted to do was feel you again."
He pulled away from Christian's hand and straddled his partner, his gray-green eyes still locked on Christian's face. "All I wanted to do was taste you."
Rowan bent, lowering himself to Christian's bared chest, and softly bit his way downward without breaking the skin. He slid his hands carefully over the obvious arousal beneath Christian's jeans, cupping him gently between them as he lowered his mouth to the corner of the waistband, grabbed it in his teeth, and pulled it free from the button.
He sat up a little and carefully pulled the zipper down, then spanned Christian's hips with his hands and slid his jeans down over them, smiling softly as he found no further clothing beneath. He crawled down, bringing the last remaining item of Christian's clothing with him, pressing his lips to the inside of Christian's knee and sucking a moist trail back up his partner's leg.
Rowan raised slightly tormented eyes back to Christian's. "I've had dreams about you. And I can't even wake from them for any relief."
He wasn't ashamed to admit he would have touched himself, thinking of the one day they had spent together that had etched itself into his memory. The person who had etched himself into Rowan's memory. He could hardly believe he found himself here now.
"Tell me you want this too," he begged softly. It was obvious that physically Christian found him desirable but Rowan wanted more. "Tell me I had some small place in your thoughts."
He slid his hands up Christian's thighs, leaned down, and slowly swiped his tongue up the length of the hard shaft before him. Closing his eyes briefly he sighed, breathing warmly against the moistened skin.
Pulling away, standing, he slowly began to remove his clothing, a soft smile upon his lips, wanting the feel of warm skin against warm skin. Once he was naked he climbed back onto the bed, slid himself between Christian's legs, and lowered his head to him once more.
"Let me share with you," Rowan asked softly, poised, fevered, wanting, but hesitating as he waited for Christian's response.

He dutifully imagined a room full of children with chicken pox thinking this was an odd way to start a bedroom related discussion. Rowan's question made it all clear. Cris laughed and shook his head, giving his companion a sympathetic smile. "That sounds dreadful." the smile widened the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. "I wish I could have seen it."
Cris marshaled his expression back to calm neutrality and looked up at Rowan who was currently divesting him of his shirt. "That is a serious problem. I would hate for you to get fired on my account."
His concentration was completely lost for a moment as his lover sucked gently on his fingers. As Rowan's tongue swept softly over them it was not hard to imagine those lips wrapped elsewhere. Christian simply stared speechless for a few moments.
That he had, in his absence, had an equal effect on Rowan as the man had on him was thrilling. With effort, Christian found his train of thought. "Next time you have this problem send me text."
He moaned softly at Rowan's hands rubbing him through the fabric of his jeans. [Find a bathroom] Cris paused again as his partner lowered his mouth to his jeans. [I will send to you and we'll see what we can't do to alleviate these inappropriate responses.] He knew that he too would have to quickly find a private place to be as well. Christian admitted as much. [Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to look stern and businesslike, while talking to you about bending you over an exam table and having my way with you? Especially knowing that you are stroking yourself while we speak?] It was impossible, one mental moan from Rowan and he'd be undone for certain.
Christian gave him companion a sympathetic smile concerning his dreams. [I can say with a certainty that I have no such difficulties.] He had lain in his bed and pleasured himself while thinking of Rowan. Cris was surprised he was admitting such a thing but it was difficult not to with his companion being so open and honest.
He regarded Rowan solemnly. "You have had a very large place in my thoughts. I promise you." With a faint smile, Cris added. "Lucky for me I have a desk I can retreat behind if necessary. "
His breath caught and he wasn't thinking of much else but the feel of Rowan's tongue. Christian made a soft sound of protest as his lover moved away. Seeing that Rowan was relieving himself of clothing mollified him and Cris watched with lustful interest.
Rowan's request was interesting and this time Christian knew what he was most likely asking. Glamour was, one of his least favorite skills, and he personally hated the problems that it caused. Trying to use it on him was a good way to earn an instant enemy...in any other case. This was different, Rowan had asked. He was using his ability to share and bring pleasure not manipulate. Cris nodded his assent.

Christian's suggestion caught him by surprise and he found a pleased relieved smile upon his face at the idea. [We have showers. And I do have an office. I'm just never in it. I should find it.] That was an excellent idea; he almost never took breaks. If he decided to slip into the shower to wake himself up, no one would question him. It would be remarkably convenient. The thought of it only served to harden him further and he moaned a soft sigh against Christian's skin.
[No.. but I suddenly have the urge to go find an exam table.] Rowan was having a hard time being truly sympathetic when Christian painted such an erotic picture for him.
Knowing that he had the same effect of his partner was gratifying. Rowan smiled softly at the idea that Christian did think of him that way, at the thought of him touching himself as Rowan would have done if he'd been able. "I'm glad you have an outlet," he said sincerely. It was an unpleasant feeling that he was glad Christian had not experienced. Rowan rarely remembered what happened when he slept unless it was very strong. His dreams of Christian had been just that.
When Christian finally nodded his acceptance of Rowan's request Rowan sighed happily. He found Christian's sending amazingly intimate even though he'd done so with others before and never experienced it that way. He wanted to return that intimacy. This was the best way he knew how.
He angled himself so that Christian had a clear view of what he was doing and then, wrapping his hand around Christian's erect member, Rowan slowly lowered his head and licked again, as he had before, slowly moistening Christian's tip, tasting him in long slow strokes.
As he did he opened himself up and focused, not on covering Christian's emotions, but adding to them. He loved his partner's taste, the feel of him, the scent. His stomach tightened with the tension of desire; his own erection raged hotly between his legs, but he took his time and gently licked, and licked, and licked, stroking slowly with his hand. His free hand gently explored Christian's thighs, his ass, everywhere he could reach. It was incredibly erotic to Rowan and he, in turn, projected that to Christian, that he might feel the exact effect he had on Rowan.
"You taste so good," he murmured, hot breath warming wet skin. Finally, he slowly closed his mouth over Christian's tip, sucking him in, moving his hand down a bit while he stroked, and gently caressing with his tongue. He raised his eyes to Christian's and let him feel the full force of desire, lust, erotic tension that coursed through him. The sheer pleasure, the delicious joy of performing this service for him, to him.

[Perhaps I will have to pay a visit.]
He had thought he knew what to expect from when Rowan had used his glamour the last time. However, it had not been coupled with a hand on his erection and slow teasing licks that served to heighten his need to be touched not lessen it. Christian gasped and watched wide eyed, feeling his lover's enjoyment of giving on top of his own pleasure from receiving. He clutched at the bed cover, heart pounding, his breath coming in short pants as Rowan's tongue continued its teasing touch while he felt the combined heat of both their desires.
"You're going to drive me insane."
When his companion finally closed his mouth around his erection, Cris felt his breathing hitch in a shuddering exhale of relief. And then he felt all of Rowan's desire. Christian moaned loudly, repeatedly with each stroke.
"Never mind... you...have."
He laid back, his eyes closing as he tried to master the urge not to pull Rowan to him and repeat their first experience together. Cris could let his partner have control, he trusted him. It amazed him how quickly that had happened. Being a soldier since he was but twelve with a small form and more delicate features had made him the focus of many a man's attention. While not all of it was unwanted, most of his partners expected him to be their replacement woman. Over the years Christian had come to resent that assumption and refused to be taken by anyone he didn't completely trust. He pondered his decision half a second more before leaning up on one elbow.
"Do what you want with me." Christian dropped his head back on the bed. "But please do something."

He received the response he hoped for when Christian gasped and panted, and yet more when his efforts evoked a series of loud moans from him. It only served to stoke the fire of Rowan's own lust, which he sent back in turn to Christian. It was a cycle meant to build upon itself, the simplest way Rowan could share this part of himself with his lover.
He broke away from his ministrations long enough to shake his head at the beautiful man beneath him. "Not yet. You're not there yet," he said softly.
When Christian voiced his request Rowan smiled at him and smoothed his hands over the blond's hips. "I want you," he responded simply. "If it feels good, I want to do this for you."
He let his unadorned desire wash over Christian again as he lowered his head and slid his mouth along Christian's shaft, grazing ever so lightly with his teeth. Then, without warning, he angled himself upward and took Christian fully into his mouth, pulling his hips gently to encourage him, no longer worried about breathing as he enclosed Christian's erection in its entirety in the warm wetness of his mouth.
The sensation sent a thrill through him. He loved it. Craved it. Wanted to feel Christian's restraint fall away, wanted the pleasant friction and pressure. He continued to softly encourage Christian to thrust toward him, taking him in with a moan that vibrated against the tip of the member he was paying such loving attention to.
Without being able to send to Christian Rowan wanted him to understand. He sent another strong wave of emotion to his partner; this time it went beyond the purely physical. Rowan held nothing back. He let Christian feel everything else on top of what he'd already sent compounding physical pleasure with the deep, growing affection he felt for his partner, and on top of that, still, the actions he was taking with his mouth as he drew Christian toward him, into him.
It bordered on euphoric for Rowan; he wanted it to be so for Christian as well.

"Oh god..." Christian gasped and tilted his head up to look at Rowan, feeling all the emotion that his partner was sending and still not sure he believed it, though Rowan was making it all very hard to deny.
[Are you sure?] His lover pushed himself down on him again, sending everything, his desire, affection and aspirations through his glamour. [Of course you're sure.]
Cris nodded, understanding what Rowan wanted, feeling it from Rowan's perspective, it was hard not to want it every bit as much. "Okay." He leaned up, reluctantly pulling his companion carefully away. Christian scooted back and stacked the pillows in front of the headboard and leaned against them so that he was not sitting up but not fully lying down either.
He explained to Rowan as he beckoned him forward. "If we're going to do this then I want to see you, be able to touch you and know for certain I am not hurting you."
It was not that he expected to harm his companion; Rowan had likely done this before. But for Cris's peace of mind he would like to see his lover and know that it had not become too much for him and that he needed Christian to stop.
Waiting until Rowan was comfortable and surrounding his entire length once more, Christian slowly began to move, moaning softly with each gentle thrust. The feel of Rowan's tongue along the underside of his erection, the tight suction of his mouth and the softness of his throat were beyond words but knowing that Rowan wanted to experience him this way and gained so much pleasure from it was mind blowing.
Christian reached out one hand, gently entwining it in the cool silken strands of red hair, pushing them gently away from Rowan's face. He watched his lover, enthralled with the sight of him taking all of him in with each thrust of his hips.

[Very sure,] he reassured Christian when he asked. As they broke apart momentarily so Christian could rearrange himself Rowan, with a brief glance at Christian to make sure it was all right, opened the night stand drawer he remembered from previously and slipped his hand in, locating the little tube of gel Christian had used then. Rowan regarded it with a slightly skeptical expression for a moment; it needed to be bigger.
Shoving that thought aside he went to Christian at his beckoning, understanding his desires. "You won't hurt me," he said with an affectionate smile for Christian's care, warmly kissing his hip as he bent low over his lover once more.
He readjusted his own angle once again so that Christian could see him as he said he wanted to. It was good to slide his mouth down upon his partner's straining erection once more, even better to feel each gentle, carefully measured thrust. He waited until Christian was fully inside and then flexed the muscles in his throat, swallowing, tightening around the tip of his member every few thrusts.
His hands free for the most part, Rowan carefully twisted the cap from the lubricating gel, squeezed a small amount onto his finger, and replaced it. As he worked his mouth and tongue against Christian he slid his hand down beneath him and gently skimmed the tight opening there. Glancing up at his companion to make sure the touch wasn't unwanted Rowan gently slid the tip of his finger inside, curling it down and pressing against the sensitive area within.
The hand in his hair felt good; he was shuddering with enjoyment as he pleasured his partner, providing stimulation from multiple angles. Once more he opened to Christian and reflected his feelings back to him with a growing sense of urgency and desire. He raised his eyes to meet beautiful blue as he worked, loving every moment, wanting to give more, equally wanting to take more.

That gentle finger inside him, the tongue and throat working around him and the sight of his lover's mouth filled with him was more than he could bare for long. A shaky hand caressed his companion's cheek and Christian's eyes slid closed in effort to take it all in.
"Rowan..." It was a moan, a lament, and possibly a plea for mercy.
Cris could feel the delirious edge of ecstasy rushing toward him. He opened his eyes, meeting his lover's. Silently he let Rowan know what was, quite obvious, but warning him none the less. [I'm... going to come.] A few more strokes pushed him over that threshold; Christian's body went rigid. He shuddered a ragged cry of release as the culmination of stimulation and desire overcame him.
His head fell back against the pillows with a long satisfied sigh. Cris lay there, staring up at the cedar rafters for a long moment before managing to find the will to move. Sitting back up, he regarded Rowan with a fuzzy sated smile.
"You are amazing."
Christian leaned forward and captured his lover's lips in his own, kissing him with all the passion and gratitude he could muster before lying back once more. He reached out with his arms, pulling Rowan closer, wrapping a leg around him. Smoothing his hands over his companion's back, and pressing him close. Cris lifted his head up and murmured softly.
"Now, its your turn."