You're not you.
"Where did you see him?"
Simon listened as one of his Mercs reported seeing Kyle while on detail with the District Attorney. In a nondescript Motel 6 down by the bus station, Sullivan recounted the events leading up to Miss Yuukuka requesting a few minutes alone with the reporter.
"What did they talk about?"
"Mostly asking about you. Also what happened to him, where he had been...those types of questions? The tone changed toward the end."
"How so?"
Sullivan shrugged uncomfortably. "Became more intimate. Not like before at the courthouse."
Simon knew what Sullivan was referring to; they had both been there when Yuu punched Kyle in the face after Simon had bailed him out of jail for his arrest. Intimate was not the word he'd use for any type of conversation between Yuu and Kyle, but then misery made strange bed fellows.
"You have a man on him?"
"He was in the wind by the time I got someone to the motel. I had to escort Miss Yuukuka home, but by the smell of it, I didn't think Evans could manage walking. Packed up and was gone."
Rolling his eyes, Simon nodded and dismissed Sullivan. Evans was staying one step of them, how though was the question. The reporter did not seem clever enough to elude men trained for these types of searches. Either he was getting help or Kyle wasn't as stupid as Simon thought.

With a gray hoodie over his head and dark sunglasses, Kyle relied on pure talent in not getting caught by the cameras surrounding DI. They had to be looking harder for him now, especially with Yuu's Merc more than likely reporting that they had come across Kyle. If it weren't necessary, he would not be risking going into DI and pushing his luck. Reaching into his zip up hoodie's pocket, he fingered the near empty bottle of Starburst. He needed a refill, but he wasn't altogether sure how he was going to manage it now. He just needed to get to the elevators.
Kyle was now up to biweekly injections of Eternity and considering the potency of the drug, he knew he was skirting the edge of death by abusing it the way he had been. Still, the massive amounts of Eternity he was taking offered more than just temporary euphoria and super human strength like he experienced after the Hillman raid. So much more.
Opening the front doors of the North Tower, he walked immediately to the bathroom past the coffee cart and unzipped his jacket. Pushing into the bathroom, he checked the stalls, finding them all empty. Quickly he unzipped his jacket and tucked his sunglasses into his pocket. Underneath the hoodie was his best suit and tie. He had to look the part to get away with what he was about to do. Adjusting the tie, he smoothed out the wrinkles and looked at his reflection quickly in the mirror before turning away and tucking his jacket underneath the counters, wedging it up by the pipes. Quickly he walked out and did something he liked to call 'pushing'.
Walking by the front desk, Kyle concentrated on the security guard who was looking up in his direction, about to call out to him for not signing in. Kyle concentrated on the spot in between the guard's eyes and smiled.
The security guard lifted his hand and then stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Go right ahead."
Nodding, Kyle exhaled slowly and continued walking toward the elevators. Standing with a group of people, he slipped his sunglasses back on and waited patiently for an elevator going down. It took about five minutes, but a short woman was heading down and he slipped in with her.
"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Go right ahead," the guard said to the man.
Viv glanced up over her coffee and caught a glimpse of the man as he passed. Shoulder length black hair, scruffy beard, but a nicely tailored suit. She had never seen him before, but then at least five thousand people worked at the three Duibne Towers. Patiently she waited for the guard to finish writing her pass out, but he was pinching the bridge of his nose, shaking his head with a grimace.
"Headache?" Viv asked politely.
"Yes ma'am, a whopper all of the sudden." He finished writing down her information and handed her her security badge. "Just take the elevators to my right. The card will let you down to the lower levels."
"Aye, Captain," Viv said with a smile and took her card. Rounding the corner, she walked the long hallway to the elevators and stood with a large group. Most of the cars were packed or going up, but finally one freed up and she stepped into it, pressing the button for sub-level four where Charlie was recovering. A man slipped in just before the doors closed; the same one from before with the black hair. Taking off his sunglasses, he held them in his hand as he turned and looked at Viv.
"Hi," he said quietly, nodding.
Viv only smiled at him, leaning back against the right side of the elevator. As she waited for the car to descend, Viv looked down at the floor and inhaled deeply.
Wow, she thought to herself. The dark haired man smelled of hard liquor, not just on his breath but it was coming out of his pores. He was freshly showered with what smelled like hotel soap and his suit was dry cleaned, but the alcohol was overwhelming. She took a breath through her mouth and tried tasting beyond that stink. There were faint traces, the desert - dry arid dirt like Simon almost, and the ocean? That was weird, she thought. Salt water.
The elevator reached sub-level four and slowed its descent, opening the doors slowly. The man took a step and then stopped, looking at her. He held a hand out silently and politely.
"Thanks," she said moving out of the car first and turning right. Viv didn't bother to look back, but then she didn't have to with the reflective steel walls. She watched as the man stepped out of the car and looked at her as she walk away for a few moments, and then he turned left, heading toward the labs.
"Weird," she mumbled as she walked the long hallway toward Charlie's room.

Nova had been gone for months now, since right after Ellis attacked him. Over a year now he thought to himself. Obviously she was no longer his 'girlfriend' if that's what she even was to him. They shared something after the Hillman raid and the Mayor's ball, but as time wore on, they drifted till one day she was gone. Just...gone. The first couple trips for refills on his Starburst, he asked about her, but no one in her lab had seen her either. They just shoved his brown bottle toward him and went about their business; he figured continuing with her research. Kyle let her go the best he could, which really wasn't very well at all.
Walking into Nova's lab, he was relieved to see the front end almost empty, save for the person nearest the door. She had her back to him. Kyle took a deep breath and concentrated on the back of her head. He was never sure what muscle to even flex, but when she turned around and looked at him, he smiled at her curiously blank face.
"I'm here for a refill for our friend." Kyle held up the empty bottle and shook it silently. The lab tech looked at the bottle and her face creased in confusion.
Swallowing, Kyle concentrated on the face in his mind harder, paying particular attention to the details. Finally the tech's face smoothed over and smiled.
"Of course, sir. Would you like me to get it?"
"No, I got it. Carry on," Kyle said and moved past her, zig-zagging around the high tables in the lab, to the door at the back.

Opening the glass doors, he walked directly to the counter. A rather rotund gentleman stepped out from the apartment in the back and looked at Simon as he slipped off his sunglasses with a small smile. Simon was about to open his mouth when the man came to the counter and began moving things around.
"Excuse me," Simon said politely.
The man took a few moments more and then pushed a registration card on the counter with a key. "Same as before?"
Simon looked at the man not understanding. "Before?"
"Room 216. Did you want that room again?"
Simon's mouth opened and a confused noise eeking out of his mouth. "When...was I here last?"
"You were just here, checked out yesterday. Listen, do you want the room or not?"
"Me?" He stood back and straightened his posture, pointing to his face. "Me, exactly?"
The large man gave Simon a strange look, pulling the registration card and key back under the table. His eyes narrowed. "Little shorter actually. You on something, mister? Your friend was here looking for you. You need help or something?"
"Right," Simon said, feigning an understanding that he most definitely did not feel. "Could you describe him? So I know who it was?"
The large man shrugged. "Big. Black. Had a knife." He pointed to his face. "He had bad acne scars."
"Right, thanks." Simon turned to leave when his eyes went up to the corner of the room. "Those work?" he asked, pointing to the item on the wall.
"Yeah, security purposes."
Simon kept his eye on the wall cameras and smiled. "Thanks."
She hadn't spoken to him since the Mall and their rather abrupt discussion about Vivienne's past jobs for her father. It wasn't that she was angry with Simon. The subject of their talk moved to a territory that she did not speak about with anyone but her father and the old man had ingrained in her the need for their secrecy and she wasn't about to break that vow.
The new Piper JT Paulson was standing outside Charlie's door. Leaning casually against the door frame, his eyes immediately connected with hers as she turned the corner. JT was the picture of casualness as he looked over at Viv. He was very good at his job. She heard the soft click of a gun's hammer being released and JT's arm that was hidden from Viv's line of sight tucked his gun back into the waistband of his jeans. Pulling the back of his shirt back down, he turned and faced her with a smile.
"Ma'am," he said gently as she approached.
JT lit up in her mind's eye as a formidable opponent, already higher than the core of Pipers. Considering how young of a werewolf he actually was, that said quite a bit for his physical prowess. Former military experience gave him an edge against the rest of the Pipers that was for sure. Plus he survived Glenveagh and that had been a massacre. Black hair, brown eyes, and a smile that was relaxing as well as captivating, Viv looked forward to sparring with JT once the baby was born.
"Getting used to the view up there, JT?" The young Piper had grown a good six inches since his gifting. Hammerthynns and Jameson males were tall by nature, but JT had grown taller than most. His wolf form was as large as the Beta's.
Like the other Nachton Pipers, JT was polite and very sweet. He rubbed the back of his head and gave her a sheepish grin. "Yes, ma'am. It's still a little odd being so high up."
"I can't imagine," she said smiling, touching his arm as she knocked once on the door and let herself in.
LT sat in the chair next to Charlie's bed reading a book. The door swung closed and LT looked up and smiled.
"What are you reading?" He flashed the cover and grinned. '13 Crimes of Science Fiction'. "Darn your uncle for jacking my books."
"He said it was good."
Viv made a face. "I said it was good!" LT grinned at her, holding the book against his chest. "God you Jamesons." She rolled her eyes at him. "And not even going to stand and give the pregnant lady your seat? Manners, LT. Manners."
He twisted around and put the book down on the bed stand next to him. Patting his thigh, he shrugged. "Plenty of room. Hop on."
"See, that's shameful." Viv felt herself blushing as she seriously considered it but then realized that the LT was almost her nephew. The 'ick' factor kicked in and immediately erased her blush. "I'm telling your uncle, young man."
LT reached out and pulled her toward the chair as he got up from it. Touching her protruding stomach softly, he sat her down in his seat. "How is she?"
"Constantly hungry." Viv reached out and tenderly touched LT's cheek as she sat down. Looking down at the Sergeant, she sighed wistfully. "He just looks like he's sleeping."
"Actually, he is just sleeping. The doc was just in and pulled the sodium thiopental at the start of my shift."
"Really? Where is the good Doctor Mallari?" A soft knock at the door and JT leaned in, letting said doctor into the room. Viv smiled politely at the doctor and held her hands up. "So what's up, doc?"

"Who are you?"
Kyle turned at the voice and immediately flexed that invisible muscle at the person. An older man with a clipboard stood and looked at him strangely.
"Sir? You're not authorized to be back here."
Oh shit, Kyle thought. Concentrating harder, he smiled at the man. "Just here for a refill."
"Who are you?"
Taking a deep breath, Kyle switched gears and tried another tactic. "My name is...I'm here for Simon Huntington at his request. He asked me to get a refill for his friend."
The man blinked at him.
"You're ok with that and you're going to give me as much as you can dispense without alerting anyone."
Please god, oh please, Kyle screamed in his head as he concentrated on the man's face. Taking a step back from the dispensing machine, he stared at the man.
"I'm ok with that," the man said, "I can give you a three month supply without it being an issue."
Instead of exhaling with great relief, Kyle held onto the thought. Beads of sweat began to form on his lip as the man ever so slowly put his clip board down and went to the machine. Three bottles were filled, one by one, and when the man was finished, turned and handed Kyle the bottles.
"There's nothing else you can help me with," Kyle said. "Move along." He almost rolled his eyes, his words sounding suspiciously Star War-ish.
"There's nothing else I can help you with. Good day." The man turned and moved along.
Kyle waited for him to disappear into another door before he finally exhaled, almost throwing up from the combination of stress and relief. He fell back against the machine and held his chest. Tucking the bottles into his jacket pockets, he turned back toward the front of the lab with a quick pace.
"There is a possibility, yes, but the healing, although much quicker than we anticipated, hasn't quite made it to his brain. The grey and white matter was almost obliterated by that blast doing considerable damage to his frontal lobe. His brain is still shut down."
Viv paused for a moment and looked up at the 3D scans of his brain. The lesions looked like cracks in cement, and from the looks of his previous medical records sent from home base in Canberra, the older ones had been exacerbated.
"Will Charlie...still be Charlie?"
Viv and the LT looked at the doctor who looked up at the 3D scans and sighed. "This goes beyond the science we're capable of right now. The Eternity is completely repairing him. New skin, 75% of his organs have regenerated. We've never used this much Eternity on someone so physically damaged."
"You have no idea, do you," LT said quietly.
"Mr. Hammond is a test case. The first of his kind. A human could not have aided in his own regeneration as Mr. Hammond has and vampires have their own super regenerative abilities. This is unknown territory. No, I have no idea."
LT tensed next to her. "We shouldn't have done this. It was wrong."
"He'd be dead otherwise," Viv said angrily.
"But he'd be Charlie," LT said, his voice rising. "He could wake up and not know who the fuck he even is. What he is. Where he is. He could be a completely different person."
"But at least he wakes up, Lothias."
Viv stood as LT paced behind her, stopping only when she mentions that one fact. His anger is palatable, but she knew it was just because he was afraid for Charlie. They all were.
"So what now, Doc? What's he even on now?"
"Combination of Eternity and Starburst, which is medication to counteract the side effects of such a prolonged use of Eternity."
"What about its own side effects?"
"Starburst has none. It controls the tremors, addiction...there's a wide range but so far it alleviates all of it. We'll need to keep him on it for at least a year after he's released. Well, a year for a human, but we'll see with Mr. Hammond."
"This will all be in your daily report, correct?" LT asked in a weathered voice.
"Of course."
Viv gave the doctor a smile. "Thanks, doc."
Doctor Mallari turned to go when he stopped and spoke to Viv. "Miss Sena?"
Viv turned around and looked at him.
"If I could?" He held up his right hand and wiggled his fingers.
"Oh, sure," she said, approaching him. Holding her hand out, she showed him her silver burns.
"When did that happen?" LT asked, taking her hand and looking at the scars. "These are old, but I don't remember seeing them."
Viv pulled her hand back without answering him. Taking the doctor by the arm, she led him out of the room, leaving LT to look after her with an angry expression.
"Why don't we go down to the labs so I can scan the healing?"
"Sure thing, doc," Viv said with a nod to JT as they passed him. "Sure thing."

"Shit, shit." Turning a corner, he pressed his back up against the wall and felt the sweat dripping down his face.
"Come on back, I want to get a magnified scan of the healing if that's ok."
"Won't hurt the baby, right? I'm just a little bit pregnant."
"Oh, no. Well, you know what, wait right here. I'll get a lead apron."
"That sounds safe, yeah."
The scientist entered the room and walked right past Kyle, further in the back. Suddenly the woman's heartbeat behind him started to beat loudly in his head. Covering his ears, the double thump of her baby's heartbeat beat twice as fast, drowning out every other sound.
"Fucking....fuck," Kyle said loudly, unable to hear himself. Lowering his hands, he took a deep breath and walked back around the corner, directly into the woman.
"Hi!" he squealed loudly. The woman looked at him and stepped out of his way with a chuckle. "Thanks! Congratulations!" Kyle pointed to her belly with a forced smile.
Kyle passed her and tried to nonchalantly stroll to the front of the lab, out the door, out of the North Tower, preferably running full speed down the street when the female scientist walked in front the outside corridor.
"Get everything you need, Mr. Huntington?"
"What?" the brunette said behind him. "That's not...."
"YesIdidthankyouverymuchI'llbeonmyway." Kyle mumbled as he broke out into a run out the front doors.
"Wait a minute, hey!" Viv pointed at the man and said to the scientist, "Who was that?"
The woman pointed over her shoulder, confused. "That was Simon Huntington."
"Aw god damn it," Viv said, moving quickly through the lab, after the man. /Simon? SIMON!/
/What, what?! Viv what's wrong?/ His voice was startled, but she still could not feel him nearby. /Listen, I wanted to apologize about earlier..../
/Shut up a second. Where are you?/
/I'm on my way back to DI./
/You need to get here fast./
/Why, are you ok?/
/I'm fine, but there's some guy that just ran out of the experimental labs here who is saying he's you./
/What do you mean 'again'?/
Viv ran after the dark haired man, turning a corner as quickly as she could without losing her balance. There he was, standing in front of the elevators, jamming his finger on the button when he saw Viv down the hallway. Turning, he ran further down, toward the emergency stairs.
"Christ, not the stairs! I'm pregnant here!"
/Simon he's coming up the stairs from sub level 4. Where are you?/
/Are you near him?/
/About ten seconds behind him./
/Almost there./
"JT! PIPER!" she yelled out and JT came running, meeting her at the T junction that led to the stairs. "Come on, come on!" she yelled as she pushed open the door to the stairs and looked up. The man was at least three floors up already. What the hell?
"Stop him!" she yelled to JT who took off running up the stairs, triple timing the steps.
"The dark haired guy, JT!"
Pumping his thighs, he ran up the steps, pulling on the railing to spin around the corner when he took a moment to lean over the railing and look up. The guy was already almost up to the ground floor, making JT frown with confusion. Whoever it was, they were not human. Checking his watch, he noted the time - late afternoon. If it was a vampire, JT wasn't sure he'd be able to survive being outside in the fading light. Either way, he pushed his strength, his wolf scratching just beneath the surface of his skin, catching up to the man.
Touching his wireless ear piece, he called out to LT and any Pipers nearby. "Piper Paulson to home base. In pursuit. Unknown male with black hair and a dark blue suit. Coming up to ground level in the North Tower sub level stairwell."
"Blue eyes, JT. Six foot, maybe a buck and a half wet," Vivienne called out to him from two floors below him.
"Blue eyes, six feet, 150lbs approximately."
JT heard a door slam and he pushed the rest of the way, maybe four seconds behind the guy. Rushing the door, he pulled it open and ran out into the lobby.

He spotted the Piper called Paulson and ran to him.
Paulson shook his head as he pulled out his gun and popped the clip. They split up, circling the large lobby area as Vivienne finally came out of the emergency stairs. Walking directly to her, he felt her wave of fear, excitement, and intense curiosity.
"What did he look like?"
"Black hair, blue eyes, fucking thin. Couple inches shorter than you?"
Simon put his hands on her shoulders and listened to her heartbeat. It was racing, but then so was the baby's. "Go sit down, you're stressing the baby out."
Viv instinctively put her hands on her small baby bump and nodded. JT rushed back, spitting a bullet out into his hand.
"What are you doing?" Simon asked, watching him put the bullet back in the clip.
"You can mark?" Viv asked, raising her eyebrows.
Simon didn't know what that meant, other than the obvious definition of the word. "We don't want him dead."
Paulson smiled, "I'll just wing him then."
Then the fire alarm began to blare, bells going off in the Lobby and throughout the entire building on every single floor.
"Smart," Viv said, shaking her head with a smile. "Eyes on the door, he's just going to walk out."
"He has to come out this way. You check the bathroom?"
JT shook his head and spun around, looking toward it as a crowd of people began to flood the Lobby, coming out of the stairwell. Both he and Paulson stood at least six foot four, the Piper a hair taller, so they spun around, scanning the crowd.
"There!" Viv pointed toward the front doors and Simon turned, just in time to see Kyle Evans run out.
Holding his gun in his hand, JT scaled the bushes lining the front walk as Simon blurred out in front of him.
LT chirped into his ear, "Charlie is secured. JT you all right?"
"Roger that," he said as he leaped over a car in front of the street leading up to the Towers. He had caught a whiff of the man in the stairwell - sweat, something like ink, and salt water rekindled the memory in his head. Simon had disappeared, hopefully catching up to the man. JT took the time to stop on the sidewalk across the street and inhale deeply.
Closing his eyes, he let the smells inundate him. Gum, motor oil, dirt...the smells floated into his mind's eye...twisting in the other direction, JT inhaled again, tasting the air. There! Ink and saltwater on his tongue and he moved west toward the horizon.
"I got him, he's heading due West," he said into his earpiece.
"All you, JT. Pipers in route," Lewis said in reply. "Quick question though. Who, exactly, are we chasing?"
JT had no clue, but Vivienne had been adamant they stop the guy. She was in his chain of command, so he acted accordingly until he was told to stand down.
The faint traces of the man's scent faded, making him double back and head into a parking garage. Running up the ramps, he tried searching for the trail, catching glimpses of it mixed in with sweat. There was a blur as Huntington met up with him, coming down the ramps.
"He's not up there."
JT's instincts told him the door and that's where the faint scent was telling him, so he pointed toward the level door, pushing it open and readying his weapon. Huntington went to turn right, but JT grabbed his sleeve, pointing silently in the opposite direction. Together they ran down the hallway and onto a floor overlooking a huge arboretum. They leaned over the side and saw the man running across it.
Simon threw his legs over the side and dropped to the floor silently as JT closed one eye and trained his gun on the man. Clenching his jaw, JT pulled the hammer back on his sig sauer and aimed for the man's left arm. Squeezing off one shot, he grazed the guy, drawing blood but not hurting him.
Reaching up, he touched his earpiece. "Marked." Dropping his gun, he tucked it back into his waistband and calmly walked back toward the parking garage.

They were in a small convention center with an event happening - some sort of sales convention with scantily clad women walking around the hallways. Simon could not help but stare as the women looked back at Evans pushing through them. He was heading into the larger convention hall, probably hoping to lose Simon in the midst of people. The Piper was no longer behind him, but Simon heard and saw the bullet that grazed Kyle's arm. It did not, however, slow the man down.
Simon pushed his speed, blurring down the hallway. Kyle's heartbeat was loud in his ears, making it easy for him to follow him. He had a lot of questions for the man, if it even was Kyle. This was all beyond the reporters abilities which could mean it was someone else impersonating Kyle Evans, throwing Simon completely off the track. He'd ask when he caught up to him. And if he didn't get the answers he wanted, Simon would beat it out of him.
The double doors to the convention were wide open and Simon was easily a good twenty feet behind Kyle now. Reaching out, Simon and Kyle turned into the convention area and....
Kyle Evans was gone. Just...gone.

Without even waiting to see who had yelled it, Kyle made a break for the door and ran. A Jaguar was parked in front of the doors and he looked at it as he passed. Grimacing, he prayed it didn't belong to Simon because if he was coming after him, too, he was pretty screwed.
Crossing the street, Kyle never bothered to look back, but ran partway down the street and then ducked into a parking garage. Running up the first ramp, he almost went up to the second, but decided to exit into the building, hoping for somewhere to hide. Coming out into a hallway, Kyle broke left and ran to the end of the hallway to another door. Opening it, he realized he was in the Convention Center located on the edge of downtown where the Industrial district connected. Leaning over the railing, he immediately decided against jumping over and dropping the one story to more than likely broken ankles. Running down to his left, he took the stairs down to the arboretum and crossed it, just as the door above him pushed open and clanked against the wall. Again, still not looking back, Kyle sprinted across the courtyard just as a single gunshot rang out, blowing past him, forcing him to the right.
"Fuck they're shooting at me!" he shrieked as he ran down the long hallway.
Women in lingerie blocked his way, screaming as he pushed through them. He tried to concentrate when he heard more screaming behind him. Whoever it was following him had caught up pretty damn fast.
"Oh god," Kyle mumbled. It had to be Simon.
He had one trick left up his sleeve; one painfully inconsistent trick prone to more fizzles than he'd like to admit. Concentrating , Kyle grit his teeth as his hearing suddenly picked up the soft breath of the man behind him - so even and soft that after running for almost a good mile, this man was still not breathing hard and had to be more than human. Kyle flexed that inexplicable muscle and cut to his right, through the double doors.
A porn convention. He was in...a porn convention. Beautiful, he thought as he pushed into the crowd and disappeared.
"Status?" The Co asked quietly. The LT was already hovering nearby, keeping an eye out, moving constantly.
"Marked. I grazed him with a bullet. I should be able to pick up on him. Who is he?" JT and the CO looked at Vivienne.
By this time Huntington had approached them. Vivienne made eye contact with Huntington and nodded. "I was down in the Lab on Charlie's floor with the doc. He was in there, completely out of place, nervous as hell. On his way out, someone called him Huntington, and then pulled a runner. I asked the person just who that was. She said 'Simon Huntington'. That's when I gave chase and hollered for JT. I got a hold of Simon," she nodded toward him, "and he met us up on ground level."
"I was already on my way back," Huntington said.
"Still doesn't tell us who he is," the CO said tersely. "This is your business, not ours."
"Charlie is our only priority here. I'll not have my men pulled for any reason but yours or Charlie's safety."
Viv said nothing, but looked up at him with her brown eyes. If she was angry, she wasn't showing it. She wasn't showing anything. He knew that was Vigo's training on her - never betraying what she's feeling, never letting your opponent know what you're thinking. But he wasn't her opponent; he was her mate and the Pipers Commander.
"That clear?" he said, maintaining his eye contact with Viv.
"Aye, sir," Paulson said from his left.
Viv, however, remained silent until she flicked her eyes to Huntington and then to JT. Brig raised his eyebrows, waiting for her response.
"I just said no, Vivienne," Brig said tersely.
"Brig he's already marked him. I can't go after him."
"Why would you want to?"
Simon turned away, looking at the crowd as she fought with Brig. /He's not going to let you, Viv./
/Shut up and be grateful./ She heard him laugh in her head.
"The target is marked. It's just one Piper. Just one. Simon's done us favors, let me repay a little of my debt this way."
"You don't owe him anything," Brig snarled, looking at Simon.
/He's going to give himself a heart attack one of these days./
/Shut up./
"Just Paulson, Brig. Give me a couple days."
"Days?" Brig said incredulously.
"I need maybe twenty four hours, ma'am."
Brig shot his Piper a look, forcing JT to take several steps back and returned to scanning the crowd with the LT. He looked back at Viv and glared at her. Finally, after a painful twenty seconds, Brig yielded.
"Paulson can't go alone. He's too young for that. So that forces me to send another Piper, Vivienne. That's two Pipers pulled from detail...for you. You can have Paulson and Red. You will be watching from the Sit. Room and nowhere near them. Then when you get what your...whatever Huntington needs, I want the complete story. Understood?"
"Can I see the Sit. Room, too?" Simon asked with a smile.
Viv reached out and punched Simon in the arm, making him flinch and hold up his arms with hurt expression.
Brig pulled gently on Viv's arm after dismissing the Pipers with a silent gesture. They dispersed, some into DI, the others back to the property. Simon winked at her as he slipped his hands into his pockets and walked back to his car. Brig looked down at her as they stood on the sidewalk.
"I really hope this is worth it, Vivienne."
"I know you're angry with me when you use my full name."
"I am not fucking around," he snapped, surprising her. He stood straight and took a deep breath. Viv watched as Brig struggled with his position as Commander and her mate. Reaching out, he laid his large hand on their constantly growing daughter.
"This is all that should matter, babe," he said softly, looking down at her with his crisp blue eyes.
Viv smiled and put her hands over his. "You know me by now, Brig. Standing idly by isn't what I am and I love a good mystery. I'll keep the Pipers safe, I'll see to it with Simon. We track the mark down, bring him back, then we're done. I'll even cover any damages!"
"You're smiling."
"No, I'm not," he snorted as he pulled her closer. "Hammer's going to give me shit over this, you know."
Viv was pensive and murmured, "I know, babe. Twenty four hours, that's all JT says he needs."
Brig was curious about Piper Paulson now. He had controlled himself fairly well around Huntington, better than Marthinus seemed to be able to. "Paulson," he said quietly.
Viv looked up at him as they walked back into Duibne.
Viv pursed her lips and her eyes unfocused for a moment. "He's pretty bad ass."
Rolling his eyes, "That's helpful."
She laughed, hugging his arm. "He's ex-military. American citizen. Extremely smart and focused for his age. Seems to get along exceptionally well Red. Pairing them together will be the most effective, actually."
"What do you see?" Having Vivienne working close with the Pipers had been beneficial to their mental health - with her monitoring their behavior and checking on them often - but Brig saw the talents in her that no other Kadzait could provide. Her ability to gauge the strengths of others went beyond what he and Hammer could manage with experience. She called it her 'jungle sense', but whatever it was, it was pure Vyusher R'asa and he wasn't above using his mate's abilities to help his Pipers.
Viv's humor faded, her voice becoming even and unemotional. "I've only seen a little of Paulson's sparring, but his ability to diffuse his Blood Memory rage and focus is unique. I can't explain that, but within the Pipers, he ranks just under Red in physical ability. He's too young to be able to do that, but that's what I see."
Brig opened the doors to DI and let Viv enter first. They made their way to the elevators and rode down to Charlie's floor. Once they exited the elevator car, he stopped Viv and pulled her close.
"Charlie won't be able to take his position immediately, you know that."
"I know that. Not sure Red does."
"Red is handling the Sergeant position," Brig said quietly, his mate looking up at him with her warm brown eyes, "Paulson is medically trained...."
"Oh, babe," Viv started, "I understand, but you have to be careful how you delegate that to them. This is Charlie. It's safe to say that whatever he feels, the others will, too."
"Do I have a choice?"
Viv shook her head and gave him a sad smile, "Absolutely none."
"LT tell you about today's developments with Charlie?"
"His brain?"
So Lothias had told his uncle. He did not waste time. Nodding, Viv stepped closer, lowering her voice, "Charlie may not be Charlie and that might be your only recourse that the Pipers will accept if you demote him. As far as Paulson, I'd wait. If he continues to show leadership and physical ability, the men will see it and respond accordingly. We're wolves, the strongest lead and they'll recognize that; none of them exhibit extreme hubris in that regard, and of course, whatever you and the Beta decree will be law."
Brig made a face and looked down.
"Are you worried about your ability control the Pipers with Hammer?"
He shrugged.
"I don't see a problem. Might want to consider taking them out into the Reserve more to run maneuvers."
"Yeah, Hammer and I have that planned already."
"You two good now?"
Brig smiled down at her, making her toes curl. "Yeah, I think so."
Viv took his arm again and led Brig down the hall to Charlie's room. "Good, so the only thing on your plate is Charlie and that's plenty."
"Aside from our fathers?"
"Oh right, thanks for reminding me," she sighed.
Slowly, or maybe cautiously, Brig asked, "Have you spoken to your father?"
Viv pushed her lips out. Her father has been professional since he and Elder Jameson came out to Nachton. They spoke about everything but the baby and Brig, much to her dismay and pain, but she had decided to let her father broach the subject instead of forcing him in a corner. She wasn't sure how else to deal with the situation.
"No. It's not come up," she said simply.
Brig stopped her again, tugging on her hand. "You're six months pregnant, Viv. When are you going to talk to him about us?" Us being subjective - Brig and their daughter or her, Brig and their daughter...or hell, just her and Brig. "After she's born and we're married?"
"I don't know what to say to him. What about you and your father?"
Brig exhaled with a grunt.
"Uh huh, see. We're grown adults. This shit should not be that hard."
Viv wrapped her arms around Brig's waist, pressing her face up against his chest, inhaling deeply. His scent filled her senses and with the extreme arousal was a sense of calm she felt with no other. My god, she loved this man. The pressure of her belly pushed up against him, reminding her of the proof of their love was evident. He reached up and cupped her face, lifting her lips to his. Kissing him deeply, she stood on her tip toes and smiled into their kiss.

Seeing her with Jameson before had always been with other people, never quite feeling her entire focus on the other man, but as they slowly made their way down to the sub levels, their aura pulsed with such intense love for Jameson that it almost made Simon puke. If there was any doubt before about Vivienne's affections, there was none now. She was one hundred percent devoted to that idiot. Simon had never felt anything remotely close to that kind of love with Viv directing her focus toward him. Her feelings for Simon were so different, so...platonic. Rolling his eyes, he swiveled his chair with an annoyed sneer.
He knew he should not be jealous of Jameson. Simon did not want Vivienne to want him as a...mate, I guess she'd call it. Simon wasn't interested in being a father. Sure, he cared enough about Vivienne to make sure she and her descendants were taken care of, but a monogamous relationship? He had enough problems with Ellis.
This is what he told himself and he almost believed it.
With a deep sigh, he tried to ignore Viv and their aura and focus on what happened with Evans. The reporter had just disappeared into the crowd. No trace of him anywhere - not even the quick pace of his heartbeat.
The entire convention area was full of sweaty men looking at half naked porn stars. Their heartbeats were churning like butter and immediately hid Kyle's racing own. Simon stood dumbfounded, looking into the crowd of people. It was impossible for Kyle to just disappear. A human being able to out run him, or god forbid, outsmart him? He felt his ire rise as he pooled everything he had into his perception and searched for that distinct heartbeat, but with the flood of the others, it was a blur. There was only one other way for the reporter to just disappear and humans couldn't do it. Turning, he broke off his pursuit and had returned quickly to Duibne to speak to the incoming firefighters and Marshal.
So as Simon reflected on the past hour, he wondered if it really was Kyle in DI or at the motel room. Leaning forward, he summoned a Merc. Within two minutes a capable Merc entered his office silently.
"Get the video surveillance from the Motel 6 that Evans was spotted at. No loss of life. I don't want to hear about it on the news."
With the Merc dismissed, Simon pulled up the security footage from the sub levels. Nova's lab was audio only due to the sensitive nature of her work, but the elevators had both audio and visual feeds. Calling up that footage, Simon leaned back in his chair and rest chin in his left hand. He watched the time footage from fifteen minutes prior to Viv calling out to him.
"Fuck," he drawled.
The image Simon was looking at was Vivienne in the elevator car. Backing the digital feed, he looked at the lobby and watched as Viv signed into the front desk.
"Fuck," he said again.
Closing the windows, he sent a message to Carol with the marked stream of video, then shut his computer down completely.