Mid-day Pajama Party
Mara opened the door to her room, looked both ways although this wing of the manor was largely unoccupied and she didn't expect to see anyone, and then closed her door. She shifted and moved down the hallway, trotting softly past Amir's suite and making her way down the stairs toward the first floor and the opposite side of the Manor.
She had returned here with Jin two nights ago and hidden herself away in her usually vacant suite, but she had to admit that even here in the safety of the Manor she was jumping at shadows. She hadn't fed and she hadn't slept and she was growing desperate.
She couldn't go to Amir without giving away the fact that something was wrong, and then he would wring the whole story out of her. She had no other friends at Heolfor, save the one she had been struggling to avoid bothering. Poor Jin. He was going to regret having anything to do with her, most likely. She was trying very hard not to be needy, whiny, and clingy.
And yet, as she padded silently past the suite belonging to Elder Mai and arrived at the one next to it that was Jin's, she very much needed to relax for just a few minutes. She would leave soon if Jin seemed put out... but a break from being a nervous wreck was required.
Shifting back, Mara tapped lightly at Jin's door. When it opened quickly she immediately felt slightly worse, for it was clear she'd woken him judging by the open and hastily thrown on robe he wore over a simple pair of boxers. His hair was tied back behind him somewhere and Mara briefly wondered where it had gone before realizing that.
Glancing down she shuffled her feet a little. "I can't sleep," she mumbled, her cheeks growing red.
((ooc: description supplied by tiger-man :) ))

Swinging the door open, he found Mara standing there in her pajamas, these with little cartoon owls in nightcaps and a small thin strapped top. He smiled at her immediately but realized that something might be terribly wrong. He was about to ask when she confessed the problem. Favoring her with a soft sympathetic smile, Jin reached out and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her gently and then leaned back.
"I see."
Considering the situation for a moment, Jin pulled back enough to tie his robe. Pulling the door shut, he stepped out in the hall with her. Jin took her hand, and gave her a mischievous grin.
"I have just the thing."
Escorting them both to the kitchen, he went to a cabinet and found the jar where he stored his jelly belly beans. Jin sat the beans on the counter in front of them with the proud expression of a treasure hunter displaying a valued prize. They were at least very pretty in the glass jar.
"We can see what is on television or perhaps find some movies. Would you like to make some popcorn?" Something salty to cut the very sugary jelly beans might be a good idea. With a few tall drinks they would be prepared for a night of sitting on the couch.

'Just the thing,' spoken with that adorably impish smile, was apparently a jar full of brightly colored jelly beans in the kitchen, which made Mara smile. As Jin's idea dawned on her, the smile grew a bit more. If you couldn't sleep, well, it was easy to pass the time with a friend and some entertainment. Mara didn't have a TV in her room at the Manor. She wasn't there enough to really care.
"Hmm. Yes," she said, considering the idea of popcorn. For a moment her own grin resurfaced from here it had been buried and she flashed newly-regenerated fangs at Jin before her face fell back into its recently acquired haunted expression. "Where do we find it?"
She had never really spent a lot of time in the kitchen at the Manor, and had no idea where things were located. But Jin seemed to. Mara was happy to throw herself into this task with some direction. Before the day was over, she was sure she'd feel worse about depriving Jin of sleep but for now she regarded him gratefully.

The pantry did reveal popcorn, several varieties in tightly sealed glass jars. He brought these out and set them on the counter.
"I suppose there is a popper of some kind around here somewhere."
Standing in the kitchen with his hands on his hips, Jin pondered the likely location for that item. He had not seen it in the pantry when he had found the popcorn. They tended to be fairly large. That really only left the bigger doors under the island. Kneeling down, he rummaged about the various kitchen appliances until he found what he was looking for.
Jin set the popcorn maker on the counter and they set about mixing kernels,butter and salt. Soon they had a large bowl of popcorn and a jar of jelly beans and were on their way to a theater room.
"Have any preference for what you would like to see? Or should we just flip through the channels until we find something interesting?"
Jin bypassed the room with the theater style seats in favor of the one with a large overstuffed u-shaped sofa in a comfy red corduroy. The television was a large flat screen that took up most of one wall. The rest of them, painted in a dark blue, held triangular wall sconces that could be brightened and dimmed with the remote or the wall switch. In front of the sofa were three large squares that served as a coffee table. The two outer pieces were ottomans in the same red corduroy with storage inside. In the middle was a burled wood cube with sleek drawers for storing remotes, coasters and other such small item necessities.
Plopping down in the center of the couch, Jin set the food on the wooden cube. He fished out the remote and held it out for Mara.
"As a sign of how much I respect you. I will let you hold the remote."

Replacing the jars of kernels back to their original location while the popper did its job, Mara then filled the glasses with ice and water. Between the jelly beans and the popcorn she figured they had enough flavors to work with; water would probably be best.
As they walked down the hallway Mara considered, quirking an eyebrow at Jin. "It depends on whether or not daytime TV has gotten any more exciting in the last decade or so, I suppose. Maybe channel surfing would be best."
Jin brought them to a room Mara had never spent any significant amount of time in. She spent very little time at the Manor for recreation, but she had, of course, managed to peek into as many doors as she could find long ago to discover where things were.
Her companion settled himself in the middle of the couch. After finding two coasters for their glasses and setting them down next to the snacks, Mara sat nearby so that she could reach everything, but not so close as to invade Jin's personal space. Some things were not to be assumed, after all. Accepting the remote from him with a little laugh she turned the TV on and accessed the menu.
"How long can it possibly take to surf through nine million channels?"
All right, it might have been slight exaggeration but there did appear to be a lot of them. Mara picked a random number that didn't seem to be in the middle of all the daytime soaps and began to scroll through shows. She skipped over a few random music video channels, past several nature documentaries, and eventually landed on some kind of cooking competition. Pausing for a few seconds, she raised her eyebrows at Jin questioningly.

Jin was happy enough with the channel surfing plan; after all it was what one normally did when they came to watch tv after not being able to sleep. He looked at Mara when she sat down -all- the way over there. There being at least a few inches away.
He was pondering scooting over when she stopped on a channel long enough to hear what was going on. Jin looked up and listened to the sound of malicious words,crazed shuffling and food being prepared.
"Ah, Top Chef." Smiling at her, he shrugged. "Its not bad, if you like watching them gossip and argue in between the making of a nice meal."
Gesturing for another spin of the channel wheel, he leaned forward for some popcorn. He munched those pieces while they went through various court television and crime show channels.
"Rachel Ray, more food but with guests and latest things of interest and stuff like that."
Leaning forward again, he opened the lid on one of the ottomans and pulled out a fuzzy blanket. There were more in the storage space but one was plenty as far as he was concerned. Unfolding it, he laid a part of it over Mara's legs and then scooted closer under the other half.
Smiling at her, he said. "I thought we could share, but if you want another I can get it out." Leaning his head on her shoulder, Jin turned back to the television. "What was that?"

"Gossip and arguing seems like it would ruin the whole meal to me," she said doubtfully, and continued flipping through for Jin.
She heard Jin's popcorn-munching and reached forward to grab a few kernels herself, enjoying the buttery saltiness as she ate each of them one at a time, neatly and meticulously, licking the little bit of salt left over on her fingertips. Eyes on the TV she gave an indifferent 'hmm' at the next show and continued her surfing.
The addition of a blanket made everything much cozier, and the further addition of a snuggling tiger-vampire sent this entire idea up off the charts of 'great things to do when you can't sleep,' in Mara's book. She hoped she was able to rest during subsequent daytimes, for Jin's sake, because she was having a hard time seeing herself demanding such treatment successfully every day.
Tacit permission granted, she wriggled close to him beneath the blanket and pulled her legs up under her, cross-legged. Jin rested his head against her shoulder and she tilted her head down to lay it gently on his.
When he expressed interest in one of the shows Mara back-clicked a few channels to find it again, shaking her head at the screen. "I don't know," she said.
They watched for a few moments as two small teams of people ran through what looked like a dump, collecting bits and pieces of this and that to bring back to some sort of workspace.
"I think they're trying to build something," she said. She glanced down at Jin. If he wanted to watch this, it was fine with her. Mara didn't really have a preference. She had wanted a distraction and between the show and Jin she had plenty to occupy her mind.

"Is that a tricycle?" He laughed "and are they really going to put a motor on it?"
Watching the teams create things out of junk might be interesting enough to watch but there could be a real gem that they were missing.
"Perhaps if we don't find anything else then we can come back to it."
Leaning up, Jin picked up the bowl of popcorn and then sat it in his lap. He put propped his feet up on the ottoman and crossed his ankles. Sliding one arm around Mara, he smiled, quite content.
"Oooh, that's mindless entertainment!" Jin pointed to the tv as a show came up. "Perhaps not for the people involved but watching it is a bit silly. Go back two." The program itself was fairly easy to comprehend even in the middle of it. "Ninja Warrior. Its a timed obstacle course. Looks kind of fun actually."

She obligingly continued to surf channels, frowning as Jin sat up again but feeling mollified as he slid his arm around her. Uncrossing her legs she curled them beneath her and leaned in toward him while continuing through the channels. She squirmed a bit closer, put her head on Jin's chest where it fell comfortably, and then clicked back two channels when he perked up at something.
Mara chuckled at his classification of the show but had to agree it looked like the perfect no-thought-required show. Putting the remote down on the sofa on the other side of Jin she rested her arm over his waist, occasionally taking a piece of popcorn from the bowl.
"That water looks cold," she said, watching the contestants dive one after the other into the chilly murk as they failed on the obstacles. "And why are some of them wearing costumes?"
She wasn't paying much attention to what the announcers were saying, either in English or the Japanese beneath it.
"It does look like fun."

Jin sighed happily as Mara leaned against him. He didn't wish her to continue having problems with sleeping but he was certainly enjoying the company.
"You know, I've never figured the costume thing out. Some people dress like their occupation. That made sense. Personally..." Jin poked his head up and looked around. Returning his attention back at Mara, he whispered. "I think the Japanese are crazy."
Watching the next contestant, he pointed "That log roll thing looks amusing. The wall seems fairly easy but maybe I haven't been human in ages. It seems....short."
They would have to seriously up the challenge rating for vampires. He wondered how they would manage that. Could people then use their talents or not? How would you stop some of the people who were simply more agile than others? Jin decided that it should be all is fair in Immortal Ninja Warrior.

She briefly forgot about the popcorn at Jin's contented sigh. She wondered if it had been silly of her to think he'd not want to be bothered, or that his affection would only last a night or two. She turned her head briefly and nuzzled her nose into his chest where his robe split open just a bit, letting her fingers play lightly with the texture of the fabric.
Jin's mild criticism drew another soft chuckle from her and she said, "They might be, but I love them for making me sushi."
It probably did take a special kind of crazy to turn raw fish into an international fad but Mara wasn't complaining. Following Jin's pointing finger she nodded against him and pondered the log roll.
"What if we greased it?"
That would certainly give even the strongest immortal something to contend with. An entire obstacle course slick with Crisco or something.
"Leeches in the water for more incentive?"
She watched the contestants use trampolines to get onto some of the higher obstacles. "And those would have to go completely," she added.

Mara was completely adorable; he watched her play, kitten-like with the fabric of his bathrobe. The cool touch of her nose was a pleasant little shock that he still felt even after she turned away.
"Hmmmph" Was his response, and he countered with "I would be willing to make you all the sushi you want for the same deal."
Mara's thoughts were running along the same line as his own as far as the vampiric version of the competition went. He grinned and nodded.
"That would make it more difficult." Jin looked down at her and laughed "Leeches in the water... ouch, you're evil." Jin gave her neck a little nuzzle as he chuckled and murmured "I kind of like that."
He mused some more as he watched. "Tight ropes instead of those wobbling things, more sheer walls in the climbing parts, less places to grip. Should we grease the log you've got to stand on as well?"

Well don't be stupid, Mara, do you really think Jin's the kind of person to play with someone's emotions? He does have his arm around you after all. But he's being nice! You came to him all upset and he's comforting you. Because he's very sweet, and caring, and one of the funniest, kindest people you've met. The list of adjectives went on. And on.
She remembered to blink at him after what felt like forever, and then schooled her features into a smile. "I didn't know you could make sushi," she said innocently, evading the topic completely. What elephant? I don't see any elephant.
Watching Jin's face as he grinned and then nodded, Mara quickly turned away and dug her hand into the popcorn bowl as he looked back down at her, hoping she covered up somewhat. But then he touched her neck, which should have felt horrible after what had happened a few nights ago, and... it didn't. At all. And she realized she would very likely give him anything he wanted if he would keep doing that, whether or not there was sushi involved.
Watching the next contestant on the show make a run for it across a wobbling balance beam and fail miserably, ending up in the chilly water, Mara winced. "Hmm. Maybe just for those of us with the unfair advantages you and I seem to have. I know I would try it."
As an added distraction Mara leaned forward a little and wrapped her hands around the jelly bean jar. Jin said he liked them, after all, so she wanted to try them too. She held it out to him, lid still in place.
"Would you like to do the honors?"

"Of course I can make sushi." He feigned offense. "Doesn't everyone?"
Turning the discussion back to the course, Jin nodded. "You're right. The others might hate us less if our course was more difficult. Hmm, maybe we will let them compete first and then make the changes. The winner of the normal course can then join ours and try to make us look bad." Jin gave her a wink and that; he doubted it would happen.
When she brought over the jar of jelly beans, he sat up straighter. Undoing the metal and rubber latch, Jin collected a handful of the candy.
"Okay, Close your eyes." He waited until she complied and then held a jelly bean lightly to her lips. "Now what does this taste like to you?"

"I don't," she said. "If I could, though..." She had a brief happy daydream about eating sushi all the time, and sighed at the notion. Of course, maybe she should have taken Jin's offer even if he'd just been joking around. Sushi made from such hands must naturally taste better.
She considered the obstacle course idea and nodded. "Well that might be a good idea too, but if we can think of a good mix of obstacles that don't give us an unfair advantage we could just have one. Others have their strengths too; we can come up with something that caters to those."
Agility was all well and good but it wouldn't help in every situation; some of these obstacles required a different set of skills. Like that wall... agility wouldn't help them jump any higher. Nor would it be a particular asset in clinging to that curtain and moving across.
When Jin gathered up a handful of jelly bellies and asked her to close her eyes Mara smiled and did so. She felt one against her lips and took it gently in her teeth, keeping her eyes closed as she enjoyed the chewy texture. Her brow furrowed as she tasted something completely unexpected.
"Is that popcorn?" It wasn't exact but it was close enough. She opened her eyes and laughed. "I didn't know they made popcorn flavored jelly beans. What else is there?"

He nodded in response to her theory on the course. It would be just as hard for them in some places. "Maybe we should go by age groups then."
Jin smiled when she easily guessed correcly. It did taste oddly like a chewy piece of popcorn with a good amount of butter. "Try this one." He handed her another. "We can go through the individual ones and then make groups for things."
Rummaging through the jar, he found the ones he was looking for. A cinnamon toast, a chocolate pudding and a toasted marshmallow bean. "These are good. Eat these all together. " He grinned and shrugged "Like a S'Mores."
Jin popped a few beans in his mouth and then pulled out some more. "These should come as no surprise but they are some of my favorites." He handed her a tangerine, juicy pear, raspberry and a peach. "Together or separate. You can't go wrong with fruit jelly beans."

She shifted on the couch so she sat cross-legged once more, facing him, the jar of jelly beans between them as they simultaneously listened to the TV and sampled candy. Once she'd tasted most of them, Mara grinned at Jin and followed his suggestion, making different combinations for him to try.
"Close your eyes, open your mouth," she said with a smile, placing two on his tongue when he did. They would be easy to guess, she figured, but it was fun anyhow.

He watched her pick through the brightly coloured beans, trying each one with careful thoughtfulness. It made him happy to be able to share them with her and Jin thought he should hug his Creator the next time he saw her.
Obediently he closed his eyes when she requested it. Chewing thoughtfully he said "Mmm, its a bit like the apple cider we had the other day...only more chewy."
"Perhaps we can convince the company to make a sushi one for you."
The Ninja Warrior competition ended and something else came on. Jin watched it for a few moments before deciding that it was too silly. He flipped the channel and found some with Survivor on it.
"Here's a show some members of the Hunt might like." Jin gestured to the tv with the remote. "You've got a group of people on a deserted island. Their job is to survive. They are a community so they get to vote someone off each week unless that person wins a challenge for immunity. "
A couple of women were talking to each other while walking along the beach. They were discussing who they could count on to vote with them in the upcoming Tribal Council session.
He shrugged "Maybe with all the social aspects very little of the Hunt would actually like the show... and I doubt the people on Survivor could kill each other in order to win." Jin chuckled. "No doubt, that would be considered unrealistic."

Plucking several more beans out she combined pineapple, tangerine, and banana and popped them into her mouth. And then made a face at Jin. "Tekka jelly belly? I don't know about that. Only if they made soy sauce, wasabi, and ginger to go with it."
When he flipped the channel once more Mara shifted again on the couch. She was semi-full of jelly beans and popcorn. Lifting the jar of jelly beans she turned around so that she had her back to Jin and then slid back against him, stretching her bare feet out along the sofa and arranging the fuzzy blanket so it covered them both properly. She held the jar of jelly beans balanced on her stomach, offering them to Jin if he wanted more.
With her eyes on the TV and the ability to look up to see Jin when he spoke, she was very satisfied. She turned her thoughts to the show as he described it, wriggling back against him to snuggle up closely.
"I can see it being good in theory, but I think the obstacle course might be better. If the show is Survivor, I know several Hunt members who might take it literally."
Not the least of which was her own beloved Creator, who would probably assume that Survivor meant exactly what it sounded like. She could almost hear him now... in fact, she did her best Amir impression for Jin, trying to sound suitably irritable. "Vote? What do you mean, vote? Sun Tzu didn't fucking vote!"

Looking down at her, he smiled. "Yes, I think a few of them might get carried away, my own Creator included."
He laughed at Mara's impersonation of Amir. It sounded just like the Huntsman, in expression if not in actual voice. "Hmm, perhaps we should stick to the timed event then. Deaths might be hard to explain to the Elders."
Pulling over one of the cushions on the couch, Jin settled it behind him and set the remote on table off to the front. They were comfortable enough now that if they fell asleep while watching television it wouldn't mean horribly sore muscles when they woke. Stroking Mara's hair back from her forehead, he asked.
"Shall we see what's on pay per view, instead?"

Mara couldn't quite do a good Amir voice, but she knew the words were as exact as they could be. She adored her creator, obviously, but he did have a tiny little smidgen of a competitive streak. She nodded her head against Jin's chest. "That would be safest," she agreed. "Even then, there could be fatalities. We'll have to be very clear on the rules."
She was joking, obviously. Mostly.
Feeling Jin shift things around she tipped her head back and looked up at him. "Comfortable? I'm sorry I woke you up earlier."
Not terribly sorry though. Mara supposed she was showing her selfish side. She was relaxed and growing sleepy again but not exactly tired enough, not yet. So she nodded and reached out once more to snag the remote, flipping to the movie channels.
"Anything appealing?" she asked, browsing through them. "Despicable Me? The previews looked cute."
Mara didn't know if animations suited Jin, but she liked them. And a funny, cute movie sounded like a good idea.