Hidden Away (attn: Jin)
((ooc: Directly follows Cooking Quest))
Mara was still conscious when they reached the safety of Shades' although it might have been more of a blessing if she'd not been. She knew she was in Jin's arms and she understood something of the pain it must be causing him to carry her, for he'd been injured too. Yet the idea of anyone else touching her was, at that moment, unbearable, and she kept her face turned in toward his coat as he walked with her.
They went in through the back door of the club and Shades led them upstairs where Mara's small apartment was. It wasn't widely known that she had a room here and she wasn't always in it but the smells in here were comforting to her. Someone had come ahead of them; the blankets covering the bed were not hers.
"Let me see," Shades said once Mara had been gently deposited upon them. She tried to crawl away from even her great-grandfather's soft touch, panic welling up as Jin disappeared from view momentarily. But Shades patiently waited until she fought it down and then carefully turned her face with a gentle hand.
His gold-flecked eyes were snapping with barely-repressed anger, as if he understood that that emotion would frighten Mara more were it expressed. She was still shaking, unsure whether it was because she was terrified or because she was freezing or both.
Shades turned away. "Kaeva," he said, and gestured to Jin. Kaeva, the tall slender woman who had accompanied Shades to the alleyway to retrieve Mara, smiled and moved toward their guest.
"You would honor me by allowing me to help you heal yourself," she said in her gentle voice, offering her wrist to Jin.
Mara could smell blood that wasn't hers and when Shades turned back to her he offered her his own wrist, cut with his pocket knife, the blade still in the wound at the edge of it, holding it open. "Drink, little one."
Mara couldn't have refused if she'd wanted to at that point. The scent of fresh blood was overwhelming and she strained toward it even as the offered wrist was held to her battered lips. Shades' blood, ancient and potent, filled her mouth and she let it slide down her throat as a sense of relief briefly sparkled through her panicked mind. She wasn't actually going to die. Neither was Jin. They were safe at Shades', the safest place she could think of outside of Heolfor.
Her eyes searched for Jin, somewhere beyond her sight over Shades' massive shoulders. Shivering, she lifted her mouth from Shades' wrist and looked for him. She needed to make sure he was all right; she hadn't actually seen him since he'd laid her here. Shades frowned at her and removed his wrist, pulling his knife from it, apparently satisfied that she wasn't going to collapse into a pile of dust that moment.
Probably sensing her fear and discomfort, Shades moved away. Mara could feel her blankets beneath her damp with blood but her various wounds were beginning to mend slowly with her great grandfathers' contribution. It hadn't been enough by any means, but Mara couldn't face the prospect of feeding again just then. Instead she curled into a shivering ball and hid her face. She understood why there were people there... but at the moment there were simply too many for her.

Carefully he set her on the bed. She needed blood and Jin was prepared to give him his own. He had wounds to heal but they would sort themselves out on their own in time. Blood could be replenished later. Jin began to roll back the sleeve of the loose shirt he wore, noting absently that the outer black fabric hid all the blood and dirt but the white inner lining had not fared so well.
Shades' voice broke through his fuzzy thoughts. Jin looked up to see the large man shake his head minutely and then gently shoulder past him to Mara. He watched over the man's shoulder not liking her reaction in the least. He was tempted to move forward again but the Huntsman was patient and Mara stilled.
The name of the other woman was spoken and she turned to him. Jin looked away from Mara briefly as the woman spoke to him. She offered her wrist to him; Jin turned back to look at the bed. Shades was offering his blood to Mara. He waited until she drank before returning his attention to the woman beside him.
"I" He wanted to protest that he was fine; he had drank from one of the attackers. There were more injuries to heal but he would live. He was more concerned for his companion. Jin looked up into almond eyes. Blood was not offered lightly amongst their kind. Certainly not among ancients. He did not know her age but he did know that Shades was old and it was he that had first spoken.
Jin looked for any sign that Kaeva was reluctant to provide her wrist to him. Her beautiful brown features seemed serene as she held her arm towards him once more. Nodding, he knelt, one knee on the floor. He could hear the beads in her hair clinking together lightly as she tilted her head towards him.
Lightly holding the backside of her hand and arm with his fingers, Jin gently slid his fangs into the soft skin. Her blood was potent and sweet, familiar and strange. The taste of it was shocking, like a cool drink of water to a man who had wandered the desert. It coursed through his veins like fire and he could feel the magic of its touch. The prickling, throbbing pain of healing began, making him aware of his injuries: back, shoulder, and throat as his body worked to restore itself. Jin did not need much, no more would be of help; only time would finish the job. He bowed over the wrist he still held and then stood. Turning his eyes upward to the meet those of the tall slender vampire, he quietly spoke.
"You honor me with your gift. Thank you."
He turned to find Shades stepping back from Mara. Jin moved to fill the spot the man had vacated after glancing at Shades and receiving a nod. Sitting lightly on the edge of the bed, Jin reached down and gently pushed blood matted hair away from Mara's beautiful pale eyes.
((OOC: NPC Vampires with permission. ))

Shades had stepped back; Mara loved him dearly but it was plain that she couldn't, wouldn't truly be able to rest with so many people in the room. As one of the extras and a man at that, he would be the first to leave. His sharp eyes took in Jin's state of health and Mara's. Mara needed more blood and badly, but he wouldn't force her. The only remedy for this pain was time, and at the moment she was no longer in danger of dying.
What was intriguing was Mara's reaction to her companion. She wasn't known to cultivate many deep emotional bonds, especially with men. Her bond with her own creator was about as tight as they got. But this pale-haired man was clearly important to her; she was already turning into the hand that gently touched her face.
He bent to Mara once more. "Does he stay, kitten? It's up to you. Kaeva will be outside and I won't be far."
Shades offered an apologetic glance to Jin, but his granddaughter's feelings were the most important here. If she required solitude or Kaeva's company alone, Shades would make certain it happened.
Mara heard the voices in the room around her and realized that Kaeva, Shades' lover, was providing for Jin. It spoke for Shades' opinion of Jin that he would request it of her; Kaeva was older than Mara and there were plenty of familiars here. Shades wouldn't have trusted his consort into anyone's hands but someone he respected greatly, and Kaeva wouldn't have given willingly unless she felt the same.
And they should, she thought to herself. Jin was deserving of great respect. He could have been killed trying to protect her tonight, and for what? For a woman who would have shamelessly given herself to her attackers so that she wouldn't have to watch him harmed in her stead. Jin certainly deserved better than she. Why he was still here she didn't understand but she was grateful.
Mara felt him sit beside her. She didn't know what to expect; she flinched at his touch and then relaxed as his hand came gently down. Jin wouldn't hurt her. He had never hurt her. Slowly she turned her head and looked up at him from her one open eye. Wrenching herself around, ignorant of the pain it caused, she buried her face against him and lay quietly, trying to stop the quaking that wouldn't go away.
"Jin," she said, her voice muffled as she responded to Shades. "Please don't go."
She didn't want everyone there, but neither did she want to be left horribly alone to relive her own fears. Jin would understand. He seemed to understand her so well. She opened her eye and looked up again. He was disheveled and looked worn, tired, worried. She had no right to ask him to stay.
"It's all right," she said, drawing in a shuddering breath. "If you have to."
Her mind was a litany of pleas, begging him not to walk out, which she did not give voice to after that first one. She was horrible for him in spite of the words she recalled from earlier, coming back to her as if from miles and miles away. Had that been earlier tonight? Before... Cahyo's face reared up in front of her and she buried her face back against Jin, her chest tight, gasping for air that she didn't need but suddenly seemed to be unable to get fast enough. She tried to push the fear away. She didn't want to pile it on poor Jin. That wasn't fair.

"I won't leave you."
He'd have sat outside the door had she requested he that he go but he wouldn't leave. Jin was relieved that she wanted him to stay, could stand his touch. He felt selfish to be comforted by her acceptance; Mara's pain was certainly greater than his and she deserved to feel safe.
Shaking his head slightly, Jin said.
"No, I use a dry cleaner."
Jin looked back at the others, Kaeva gestured towards the bathroom and then said that she would be just outside in the living room should she be needed. Jin waited until everyone left and he heard the faint click of the door as it latched closed. Sliding slowly away, Jin knelt on the floor next to the bed.
Brushing Mara's cheek, gently, he spoke softly.
"I will get us a wash cloth but I will be right back."
He went into the small bathroom and started the hot water. Then Jin went to the little closet and found a towel. In order not to open the door and potentially disturb a sense of nest-like safety, Jin passed through the wall into the area where he had seen the kitchen. Quickly finding a bowl, he returned and filled it with the warm water.
Kneeling once more on the floor, Jin dabbed a corner of the towel into the bowl and then gently dabbed at the dried blood on Mara's face.
"You are far too pretty for all this makeup."
He gave her a small smile. Moving slowly so that he didn't startle her, Jin patiently cleaned delicate lids and lashes. He waited for her to look at him once more.
"Especially those moon coloured eyes."

She pulled one arm out from around her body and wrapped it around Jin's waist, feeling shameful tears well up in her eyes. She didn't have anything close to a comeback or witty response, but she hugged her arm around him and gave a watery little laugh.
Shades and Kaeva left; Mara knew Kaeva would be just outside the room and Shades, not much further off. She knew she was safe here and she didn't have the right to keep Jin when he should be tending to his own needs, not hers, but the thought of his leaving terrified her. He did go out, just for a moment, so quietly that she didn't hear her door open or close. But he returned quickly, as promised.
As Jin gently held the corner of the warm cloth to her face, Mara finally found her voice. "The lady at Ulta told me to stick to natural tones. I took her literally."
It wasn't easy to get the words out although hearing Jin's voice was helping her root herself back to where they were. She had thought she would be afraid but it wasn't there; Jin wasn't intimidating to her. His presence brought her a sense of safety, peace, and comfort. It didn't matter that he was a man. She had cause to trust him and so she did, and that was what made all the difference.
Her tears ran without her wishing them to but the washcloth in Jin's careful hands bathed them away. She didn't want him to see them but as she opened both of her eyes once again to see him watching her they continued to slip free.
"I'm sorry Jin," she said sadly. "I'm so sorry."
She raised her shaking hand and rested her fingertips against Jin's temple, running them down over his cheek and trailing them across a strand of his tangled white hair. "You shouldn't have been involved in that. I'm sorry you were. It should have been just me."
She paused for a moment. If it had been just her, she'd never have had a chance at all. She'd certainly have been broken but Jin had taken many of the shots meant for her. "I don't deserve your... friendship."
She wasn't sure of the word. Mara wasn't particularly sure of anything and she knew she wasn't thinking clearly, so she conveyed her thoughts as best as she could.

Her tears threatened to cause the return of his own. But for Mara's sake, Jin tried to hold them at bay. Focusing on his task, he blinked through watery vision, wiping away as much evidence of the fight as he could safely manage.
With Mara's apology for something completely out of her control, the dam burst and the tears slid free. Jin smiled sadly at her, watching her as the hand made its way feather light across his face.
"You should not have suffered that at all, Mara. No one should. Nor are you to blame."
Touching a finger gently to her lips, he frowned slightly and shook his head. "You deserve much better but I am honored to have your...friendship, Mara." Jin smiled slightly and added "In whatever form you are comfortable with giving me."

"Please don't feel pain for me," she pleaded with him. "You shouldn't have known it if not for me. I'm sorry."
She raised herself up carefully, Shades' blood having already begun its work although the task seemed like a daunting one. Each movement was painful but that would eventually go away. Sitting on the edge of her bed she wrapped her arms around Jin and pulled him close, softly and carefully; they both hurt. His head rested against her chest and her hands gently cradled him as she dropped her own head to the top of his.
"I'm comfortable with you," she said softly. "You make me feel..." she shook her head slightly. She couldn't describe it. "Thank you for being with me."
She was still struggling to control the tears that fell from her cheeks but she released Jin reluctantly and looked at him again. Wiping the back of her hand across her eyes she tried to smile but it was half-hearted at best.

Whoever was behind this, he'd see they received justice for it. No doubt Amir would be more than willing to do that same. Jin wondered briefly if Mara's Creator had been told. Surely Shades would tell him in short order if he hadn't contacted him already. No doubt they would know soon enough because he doubted Amir would lose any time getting here once he found out.
Jin sighed softly when she pulled him close. Wrapping his arms gently around her, he listened intently to the slow steady beating of her heart; grateful she was alive, knowing he came close to losing her. Mara was so giving; she was aching and in pain and yet she was comforting him. Jin felt himself tumble irrevocably off that cliff that he had pondered earlier. Falling in love with her seemed so natural; he couldn't imagine not caring for her. He held the emotion to himself, looking at it inwardly with wondering curiosity and fragile hope. She could break his heart. Somehow in their short time together, Mara had become that powerfully important to him.
Her words were quiet but they echoed again and again within his mind. She was comfortable with him. Despite everything. Jin was not sure how she could stand to be with anyone and yet she was holding him close.
Jin leaned back but did not pull completely away when she released him. He gave her a small smile, tracing a finger gently over the tracks of her tears. "Mara, you make me feel." Jin paused, blushing, he continued. "a great many things, all of them wonderful."
Looking down after expressing that sentiment in such an awkward fashion, he noticed the, now bloody, towel between them. Jin's gaze then took in Mara's blood covered clothing and his own. It was dry now, caked and itchy. No doubt she would feel better once she was clean and rested.
"Would you like to." He halted and gave her a shy smile. "would you like a chance to get clean? I will help, if you like. It seems I have some of this natural makeup on me as well." Jin quickly added. "Or if you would be more comfortable with Kaeva. I could go ask her to join you."
Taking her hand, he said. "Its your choice."

Now that her head had cleared somewhat she could read properly into the feelings behind his words. It was a sentiment expressed but not forced. Mara knew somehow that Jin would never do that. His finger was gentle on her cheek and she didn't pull away. She made herself stay right where she was. It was all right. While his touch evoked an unwelcome reaction from her, it wasn't Jin's touch that did that. It was the memory leftover from Cahyo's hands, his mouth; that did make her shudder again at the thought.
Jin's slight, gentle caress lessened it. Didn't erase it completely, but calmed the fear as long as she kept in mind whose touch it was.
She wanted to say something to Jin. It wasn't fair for him to be so honest with her and get nothing in return. Mara didn't have the proper words. She took Jin's hand, slid her fingers between his, and pulled them close, over her heart. She shook her head apologetically, feeling terrible that she couldn't voice what she wanted to.
"I'm glad," she finally managed. "If someone like me can make someone like you feel that way... then at least I can repay in some small measure what you've given to me."
She squeezed his hand; This closeness was a gift Mara had never expected from anyone but Amir. Nor desired, until now. She would do her best to return it in kind. In time. If he would be patient with her.
She looked down at herself, releasing Jin's hand when he pointed out their state of mutual messiness. Yes... she would dearly love to get clean again. Sitting on the edge of the bed was about as much as she could handle for now though, and it was obvious that, yes, if clean were to happen she'd need help getting there.
Mara considered her options. She knew Kaeva would be happy to help her but there was a stillness and a peacefulness in the room that she was sure Jin had brought with him and she didn't want to break it. It was like a protective bubble for her. She didn't want to open the bedroom door.
And if she lacked proper words for Jin, she could suit actions to her feelings at least. Hadn't her creator spent centuries with her teaching her the value of trust? Jin had not betrayed hers once. He was here in her shelter with her; she wouldn't push him out of it. Her hand was back in his and it felt good there. That meant something.
Mara looked down and tried to stop shaking, but she couldn't really. It was a combination of factors, not the least of which was fatigue. "Don't go," she said. "It's just us in here and that's all right. Just don't open the door."

He gave the hand in his a tiny squeeze in return, noting that in their human forms they fit together quite well. Jin smiled at the memory of her, slight and sleek, jumping through his tracks in the snow. Normally Mara had a infectious sense of fun that made every moment with her a pleasure; Jin wanted to see her whole and happy like that once more. He would do whatever it took to see that happen.
Nodding his understanding of her request for privacy, Jin gently slid his arms beneath her. Even worn out, carrying her was no burden. Jin walked them over to the little closet.
"A couple of towels, if you please, Ma'am."
Sitting down on the edge of the tub with her in his lap, Jin leaned over and started the water. Rubbing her shoulder with his cheek, he then smiled and asked.
"Bath or shower? And how do you like your water? Lobster red skin hot or something warm but not scalding? If you say you want a cold shower, then you'll have to pardon me while I help you from out here." He shivered slightly and shook his head. Personally he was looking forward to the soothing comfort of warm water on sore muscles. " I am good with either of the first options though, despite my delicate appearance." Doing his best pageant winner impression, he batted his eyelashes and shook his, no doubt horribly tangled, long white hair.
Jin hoped his humor and questions would keep her company, focused and interested in the present. The longer he could stave off her thinking about the attack the better. Hopefully it would help it be less horribly real and overwhelming when she did find herself thinking about it. Time, like snow, softens the edges of things for both good and ill.

When he lifted her ever so gently she couldn't stifle a whimper of pain even though she knew he couldn't have done it any more carefully. She was a little afraid to see her back, and glad her coat was still on.
Obediently, Mara reached out for two of her bath towels. She clutched them to her while she was conveyed to the edge of the bathtub and settled on Jin's lap. His kind understanding was enough to bring tears to her eyes, for she felt nothing but shame at what had nearly happened, what she would have offered and what Cahyo would have taken. She swallowed convulsively, determined not to cry again.
His voice helped and she suspected he was doing his best to keep her distracted. Maybe it made her a coward but she took it; anything to keep from reliving what had just happened, at least for a little while. She wasn't about to tell him she didn't like the water; she needed to get clean and that was all right with her. She didn't normally relax in it. Jin had seen enough of her bad side tonight, hadn't he?
"Warm to hot," she said softly. Then she looked down at her front; her sweater was drenched in blood from her face and from various cuts. Her back was likely worse. "A shower might be best."
She didn't relish the though of sitting in bloody bath water, although that was an option after the blood had been rinsed away. However, Jin would have to support her in the shower because just the brief trip into the bathroom had made her dizzy and faint as it was, and she wasn't sure how steady on his own feet he felt.
"At least until we're cleaner," she amended. If they could get through the uncomfortable process of bathing together under the shower then, if it were needed, a hot soak would be a little more appealing. Such as it ever got for Mara.
She wrapped her arms around Jin's neck, a little afraid of the inevitable disrobing. It wasn't that she feared anything physical - not with Jin, she realized. She did trust him. Deeply. And she knew without a doubt he was safe for her to be with. No, she mostly didn't want to see her own body. The stiffness of her clothing told her just how much blood she'd lost and the remaining pain was a sharp reminder that many of her wounds had not yet mended.
She laid her head against Jin's shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to muster up the strength to shrug out of her torn and ruined coat. Tears welled up again, this time of helpless frustration and minor panic at being so unable to do for herself.

"Shower, set somewhat shy of boiling." He leaned over and adjusted the tap. Holding her as gently as possible, he slid slowly to his knees on the floor. There was not a lot of room here to work with but with a little awkward shuffling he managed to turn around so that he could set Mara down where she would have the support of the tub.
He debated the order of things, which would make her least uncomfortable. In the end, Jin decided that practicality suggested it would be easier on Mara to only have to jostle her once more. Turning away, more for the sake not wanting to appear forward, Jin removed his clothes as quickly as his aches and pains would allow. He set them off to the side and then knelt once more in front of his companion.
Helping Mara lean forward, Jin removed the now ruined coat. Laying it to the side, he gently helped her out of the shirt. Jin kept his eyes focused on his task, or slightly away where he could, but glancing up once he found that Mara's eyes were averted as well.
As he placed this latest article of clothing onto the pile, Jin asked.
"So tell me, who, of all our kind do you see secretly singing in the shower?"
He paused briefly as he leaned over her to reach the hooks to her bra. There small bits of metal still stuck in her back. Blinking away renewed tears for her suffering, Jin made his hands move and his conversation continue.
"My bet is on Morrigan. Those Rose members like to appear to be all business but I bet they have a closet rock star they let out when no one is looking. "
Moving backwards, he removed her boots and then scuttled forward again. He helped her to stand.
"Hold onto me, please. I might fall." Jin gave her a slight smile before kneeling and offering his shoulder as support while he helped her out of leggings and underwear. His position put him next to her abdomen and though he tried to keep his gaze from lingering were it might not be wanted, Jin couldn't help but notice the faint stretch lines on her skin. She was young when she was turned and the muscle beneath the skin was firm but it was obvious Mara had been a mother. He found the idea pleasantly fascinating. She would have made a wonderful parent and somehow the idea that there were humans walking around with even the tiniest bit of Mara in them made him happy. He, himself, had spent his time in court and it had not yet been useful to his family to find him a wife.
"Who would secretly adore having a fluffy little kitten around but would refuse to admit it?"

His questions, silly and lighthearted, brought a faint smile to her lips. She didn't have an answer for the first one but Jin didn't seem to require one from her. Reaching out to take his shoulder as directed she could feel her whole body flushing as it was bared of any clothing whatsoever. Being nude had never bothered her so much.
"That one seems oddly self-serving," she murmured at Jin's next question. Not that she was the fluffy kitten in question, but it would be far too easy to draw a parallel. Certainly her creator must qualify? Although she didn't think he'd ever deny enjoying Mara's company or that it was a secret of any kind. So perhaps not.
With Jin's help she stood shakily and they maneuvered their way into the tub under the hot spray of the shower. Once inside Mara opened her eyes and looked down. The water running into the drain was, indeed, a dark watery pinkish-red as it flowed over them both. She felt herself trembling again and the shower spun, but Jin didn't let her fall.
"Is that all mine?"
She turned to Jin, bashfulness temporarily forgotten at the shock of seeing so much blood flowing down the drain. As she did her hand fell upon his shoulder, the one she hadn't been clinging to a few minutes prior, and she saw the massive bruise spreading over it. With wide eyes she took in the similar line of bruises on Jin's neck, hideous in color, terrifying in placement. A short cry of despair worked its way out of her throat and she pulled her hand away quickly.
"Jin. I didn't see... I'm sorry."
She hadn't realized the extent to which he'd been knocked around for her sake. His neck... what had they done to him? Tears fell fresh from her eyes but she narrowed her lips into a line and pulled away slightly, looking up into Jin's face, meeting his dark eyes.
Her hand stole up again and she rested it on his cheek briefly. There was no way to express thanks to him appropriately, for putting himself in harm's way for her sake. Definitely not in this state. Even now he was holding her up, otherwise she'd have been in a heap on the bottom of the tub.
Resolutely Mara reached up with a grimace of pain, grabbed the showerhead, detached it, and held it up with one hand. With the other she brushed Jin's hair away from his face, shielding his eyes so that she wouldn't get water in them. She let the water run through his tangled hair and down over his neck and shoulder, angling it so none of the drops hit those spectacular bruises directly.
She remained silent, unable to find the words to express everything on her mind. The uncomfortable sensation of panic was once again very close but she swallowed it down and worked her way through it once more.

Mara watched the bloody water swirl away beneath their feet. It had to be a sobering sight and her question was hardly surprising. Jin shook his head, no, in answer to her question but the truth was that a disturbing amount of it was her's.
The hand on his bruised shoulder caused him pain; he clamped his teeth together until the shock subsided. Her touch was light; it could have been worse. His response was spoken softly and though the words were joking his tone was less light hearted than he would like. He didn't want her to start blaming herself again. At some point they needed to talk about who was really responsible but not tonight.
"I am a bit of a klutz, what can I say? I wasn't watching where I was going."
He watched her take in his injuries knowing the thoughts he had been hoping to avoid were running through her mind. When their eyes met, Jin returned her gaze evenly.
"We both will heal. It will be okay."
Jin sighed and closed his eyes when Mara brought the shower head upward to rinse out his matted and bloody hair. He had to admit the warm water felt marvelously good. Her light touch brushing away the wet strands of his hair felt even better. Getting most of the blood out was a start, they could do a more thorough job later when the water ran clear.
He needed to get metal bits out of her back so that her body could heal properly. Holding onto her and helping her wash at the same time was going to be difficult. Knowing a change in their arrangement might make her uncomfortable, especially with a male presence behind her, he spoke to her, explaining his actions in advance.
"I am going to set us both down, okay?"
Jin supported Mara while he scooted around behind her. Wrapping an arm slowly around her waist, he helped ease her to the floor of the tub. Settling himself down behind her, he placed his legs on either side, bending his knees up to give her the added support of them.
There were three larger pieces of metal in her back along with the grit and grime that had stuck to the blood, even some of the torn fabric fibers from her clothes.
"This is going to hurt, Xiao mao. I will try to be gentle."
Jin eased a finger under the first one and slowly slid it out. He set it over the side of the tub but out of the way so that neither of them stood on it when they got out. The other two followed with the same careful patience. He reached for the shower head and held it somewhat higher than her shoulders so that the water fell lightly onto her back in order to rinse away the rest of blood and debris.

As Jin helped settle her to the floor of the tub and lowered himself behind her she brought to mind the far more pleasant memory of sitting with him on the top of the Piazza watching fireworks just a short while ago. It warmed her and kept her mind from lingering where she didn't need it to go again so soon. Checking Jin's leg for bruises or obvious injuries she carefully draped her arm over it and leaned against it. The little endearment, one she'd heard before but never in his language or, obviously, in his gentle voice, went directly to her heart and she figured whatever came next would be worth it.
Mara did her best not to cry out as Jin carefully pried several scraps of metal from the muscles of her back. There was no avoiding it and he was being sensitive to the pain she was in while he did so, but it did have to be done. It seemed to take forever but she had to admit, when it was finished she felt much relieved. She slumped forward and sideways over Jin's bent knee, panting a little as the hot water coursed over the various wounds in her back from scrap metal to hawk's claws.
"I don't know how you do it, Jin, but you're... hmm." She paused, searching for the right words, which didn't necessarily translate well into her native language. She used that instead, then, not sure if it would translate for Jin either. "Phtt n akh," she summarized, her voice echoing thinly against the surrounding tile.
She rested her cheek against his leg, exhausted, and hugged her arms around that part of him, closing her eyes for a few moments. She could feel her skin slowly closing now that the foreign bodies had been extracted. She should have accepted more of her great-grandfather's blood; she was starving now and healing would have gone faster. Yet the idea still repulsed her and she couldn't wrap her head around it.
As her back continued its sluggish healing she pushed herself up and turned a little toward Jin. Propped against the side of the tub, she would be able to help him as well if help was required. She understood the reason now for his stiff movements and didn't know if anything inside was broken. But all that blood had not been hers and she hadn't noticed any on what little of his front she had seen. It stood to reason, then, that his back might have been injured as well.
"Let me help you, please," she said. She was stable enough where she was that if he moved she could hold herself upright and he required attention too. Perhaps a little selfishly, Mara wanted to be able to provide for him as he had for her.

He remembered the exotic land full sand and stone, with its mighty structures that would stand the test of time. It was too open though,very often there were clear views straight to the horizon as far as the eye could see. In his youth, such things had not bothered him so much. Now, Jin did not think he would visit Egypt any time soon.
"You honor me, Mara."
Jin let her rest, reaching out to slid the wet black hair over her shoulder when the water threatened to drag it down her back. He leaned back himself, resting his head against the cool tile behind him. The water had done its work and his aching muscles now felt soothed and heavy. Jin reflected ruefully that they might have to sit here in a cold tub for a bit before he could work up the coordination to get his tired legs back reliably underneath him.
His eyes opened when Mara sat up and turned around. Obligingly but not with great haste, Jin slid his leg out from behind her and then stretched both legs over her's. At her words he nodded, giving her a small smile in gratitude. Handing her the shower head, he leaned forward, folding himself at the waist. Jin pulled his hair away from his back and then used the crook of an elbow as a pillow for his head, closing his eyes once more.

"One moment, Jin. Give me your hand, please." Using it for support along with the side of the tub she stepped carefully around him and resumed her seat fully behind him, leaning against the tub again, her side pressed to the least bruised part of his back. Twisting, Mara reached behind her to the small cabinet next to the tub and pulled a forceps out from a basket within. Then, considering the appearance of Jin's back again, she tugged the whole basket out, emptied it, and placed it on the side of the tub.
Slowly and patiently she began working her way back and forth over Jin's back, reflecting with irony that it wasn't the first time she'd performed this task on someone. "I'm sorry," she said, knowing it had to hurt.
Mara's hands, though unsteady, were still quick and efficient as she pulled bits of rock and black and white scraps of Jin's shirt from his skin. Slowly she filled up the little basket, rinsing warm water over every place she'd been. Jin was quiet throughout the process although she could see him flinching and twitching, doing his best to stay still.
At least caring for him gave her something to focus on, and that soothed her although she didn't enjoy hurting him further. Regardless, she completed the task as quickly as possible knowing that like her, it was the only way to get him healed with any speed.
Still leaning back against the side of the tub she bent her knees up instead of folding them beneath her. Slipping her arm around Jin's waist she squeezed gently, her hand pressed against his chest. She found someplace without a bruise and rubbed her nose against it gently.
"Sit back a little," she requested softly, helping to settle him back against her and making sure he was propped as comfortably as he could be with his back mostly off of the bottom of the tub. Pulling his dirtied hair from beneath him she ran the water through it again, adjusting the spray so that warm water continued to fall on him from the main shower head above them and he wouldn't get cold while a low-pressure stream came from the detached one in her hand.
With Jin resting against her, his hair spread out across her lap, she began to wash it gently. Her shampoo was on the side of the tub and she applied it, careful to be sure it wasn't running down his back into the fresh scrapes there, massaging it into his scalp with catlike attentiveness. At the sound of a pleasant sigh escaping his lips, which she could hear even over the sound of the lightly drumming water, she kneaded in earnest. It was good to eke something pleasurable out of this ordeal, and Jin had certainly earned whatever she could do.
Holding the stream of water against Jin's hair once more to rinse it thoroughly, Mara bent over, sliding her arm around him again and resting her forehead against his.
"Good thing there's plenty of hot water," she said with a weak little smile.
In spite of what had happened earlier, holding Jin felt good... almost better than being held. Having some measure of control kept the panic at bay. She didn't necessarily want to move, nor did she think she had much left in the way of energy. She was still exhausted and she continued to tremble uncontrollably, which irritated her and frightened her somewhat. But they could hardly hide in the bathroom all night.

Once she had finished, Mara pulled him backward to rest against her. Jin looked up from his reclining position. This was not how he had imagined the end of their date going; in his mind there was at least dessert. Ironically he had not expected to get naked with Mara on their first official date but the circumstances were far from romantic. That made him a little sad, on top of everything else.
"We are quite the pair. I just hope you don't run the other way, if I ask for another date."
Her careful maneuvering of his hair was enough to distract him. His eyes drifted closed while gentle fingers worked. The little tugs and pulls sent a pleasant shiver up his spine. Jin smiled when his enjoyment of her care was rewarded with more ministration by skillful hands.
"I agree. I'm not inclined to move."
He rested happily in her arms for a bit, before working up the motivation to move. Swapping positions once more, Jin made certain Mara's hair was also clean and blood free. He was beginning to feel better; he had not lost much blood and had fed twice tonight, both from vampires of no small age. While they were sitting here, where spilt blood could easily be cleaned...
Stroking and smoothing out the newly cleaned raven strands, Jin spoke quietly.
"Mara, would you drink from me?"

It was meant to be humorous but it ended up sounding a little bit bitter. She softened though, and looked down at him. "You don't have to ask," she said, almost a mumble.
When they were finally as clean as they were going to get and she was resting up against him once more, Jin asked her a question that made her stiffen up. Her hand flew to her mouth and she ducked her head. Thinking about it, she tried to envision it. She didn't want Jin to hurt himself further for her.
"You're still injured," she protested.
But the truth was there were plenty of people here who would gladly replenish what Jin gave to her. And she couldn't ask him to continue ferrying her about all night. Looking at the bruises he'd received helping her, already feeling terrible for leaning so heavily upon him, Mara pressed her face against Jin's chest and gave a short, fast nod.
She figured tonight couldn't get too much more humiliating; this was just the icing on the proverbial cake. She couldn't deny that she needed blood though, and if she had to be embarrassed she may as well be so with someone from whom she had very little left to hide.

He kissed the top of her head and then spoke solemnly. " I swear on my family's honor that I have not had a MacDonald's burger tonight." Or any other one.
Biting into his wrist, he held it down for her. Her mouth on his skin was shockingly erotic. It was soft and warm; he could feel her tongue moving against his wrist as she swallowed. It certainly hadn't been his intention when he offered his blood, but now Jin was finding their circumstance very awkward for entirely different reasons. He closed his eyes and stifled a moan of pleasure. What would Mara think? There was really no way for her not to notice, leaning against him like she was.
Giving in, he sighed and held her close. Supporting her and letting her drink her fill. Hoping she'd forgive him and not think him terribly insensitive. Once she was finished he tried to explain.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."Biting his lip, Jin tried again. "Its... I feel that way about you, Mara. I just didn't mean to right this moment." He became intently focused on the wet ends of a strand of his hair, the shower curtain, the drops of water on the edge of the tub. Eventually he returned his gaze to his companion, expecting to see anger, fear, disappointment, some emotion he never wanted to see directed at him.

Gradually, as the wounds in his wrist began to close, she became aware of the effect her drinking had had on Jin himself. It was impossible to miss; she was sprawled naked against him, leaning up on his chest, with her arms wound around his waist. She watched him quietly while he apologized and looked every which way but down at her.
She had meant what she'd said earlier; Jin's presence had helped restore her spirit. It still did. She wasn't afraid of him, not even in this state. Ready for it, no, obviously not, but also not afraid. Pushing herself up a little bit, supporting herself on one arm, she lifted her free hand and stroked it over Jin's hip, up his side, skipping over the painful bruises on his neck and shoulder to cup her fingers around his face as he finally did look at her.
Mara couldn't bring herself to tease him, not about something that was so painfully awkward. "It's all right," she said softly. "If tonight had been different..." She shook her head. If and maybe were very little help here. She didn't know how to explain to Jin how she felt. That there were barriers to that sort of thing for her that would have existed regardless of when or where the topic had... well.. arisen.
Instead she slid her hand around the back of Jin's head and tugged gently, pulling him toward her. She kissed him slowly but quite thoroughly, her lips gentle and soft, not demanding. The taste of his mouth was sweeter, if possible, than the taste of his blood, and it was far more difficult than she'd anticipated, pulling away.
"Let's just rest for now," she whispered, half pleading. "Will you stay? Can you?"
Mara didn't want to force Jin into something even more awkward. He needed to rest, the same as her. She would understand if he needed to distance himself. She wouldn't like it; she wanted him close to her, felt safe with him there. But he was important to her, and seeing him well again was far more urgent than indulging herself.