Cooking Quest (Attn: Mara)
Jin had arranged to meet Mara at a Starbucks on the strip for their dinner date. They had planned to go on an exploration for good restaurants in town. Meeting here made it easy to find each other and it served as a good place to come back to afterward.
He had his iphone out and was working on adding some notes to his research into the attacks on the command vampires. The information was still disturbingly sparse. Another vampire was gone and all they knew was the killer had left through the sewer. So many came and went through that method that it hardly seemed useful. Still it was more than he had.
The two men in the cell provided some more information. He had them taken to an Anantya safe house. They were given food and medical attention and then questioned. It would seem Sofia had been occasionally torturing them. Others had been in the cell with them, Russians. They don't remember those leaving but people came and went all the time. The sick one had been there the longest and was near dead when they had been pulled out of the room. He remembered a man, a young blonde with a Russian accent. He said that the man was a vampire, like the woman. The blonde had fed from him; he had been more careful, taken less than the woman. The Russians then became the sole targets of her attention since he had seen the blonde the one time.
It was all very interesting. It reminded him of Sorcha's encounter during the Halloween party. Yvgeni, she said his name was. He had been controlled by a woman, a vampire. How many Russian vampires could there be that were being held by a woman that liked to torture people as a hobby. Jin would have to speak to Sorcha, soon!
Looking up, he saw Mara arrive. Jin sent Sorcha a text and then put away his phone and stood up.
"Good evening, Mara." Smiling, he greeted her with a quick hug and a kiss. Still holding on to her shoulders, he leaned back. "Would you like a cup of coffee before we go or are you hungry?"

Taking a deep, bracing breath, Mara entered the little coffee shop and wove her way through the moderate number of patrons toward Jin. He saw her coming and politely stood to greet her. She embraced him back, smiling at his kiss and glad the cold wind had put color into her cheeks already.
At least Jin made it easy for her to coordinate with him; he was dressed in neutral colors, mostly black, which looked very good on him. Mara reflected that she might have a bias, but what did it matter?
"I'm all right for now. Maybe a little later? Unless you want something."
She didn't mind sharing Jin's company regardless of where they were or what they did. If he wanted coffee, Mara didn't require any herself to have a good time with her Clanmate.
Jin's hands were still on her shoulders; Mara tilted her head to the right and rubbed her cheek briefly against his left hand. "And good evening to you too."

Once they were outside, he knelt next to a two seat bicycle and undid the chain. Standing back up, Jin stuffed the lock in his jacket and pointed to the bike.
"I found it in the back of the garage at the Manor. It looked like a fun way for us to go on our restaurant quest."
He thought it would be but maybe not in Mara's eyes; Jin hastened to add.
"We could walk if you would rather."
Or swap forms and prowl the tops of buildings; here they were close enough together for that to be a possibility.

"Dare I ask what you were doing rooting around in the back of the garage?" Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she teased gently.
But she shook her head at the offer to walk and brushed her hand over one of the bike seats. Definitely not Amir's motorcycle but it looked like a lot of fun. She was glad she'd worn leggings tonight rather than the longer skirts she often favored when dressing well. Her boots weren't necessarily meant for bike riding, but she hardly thought they were going off-roading. Footwear could be replaced; fun times were far more important.
"Did you have a plan for where to begin, or are we going to quest-by-smell?" Mara was already opening her senses to the air around them, checking for anything that caught her attention. She suspected Jin would prefer the more adventurous sniff-method they'd come up with back at Halloween, and that suited her as well.

"I was actually looking for several bicycles when I saw this one. I couldn't resist. It looked like a lot of fun."
They would be close enough to talk without banging into each other and they made a smaller profile on the busy streets. The strip had been built wide for the sake of pedestrian traffic so the threat of getting hit by a car was fairly small but two bicycles side by side was pushing the limit of road sharing.
"Driver or shotgun?"
He laughed, the image of a bicycle-by hit was so outlandish that it was amusing. Jin pictured the two of them pedaling as fast as their immortal legs could go, trying to evade cops in squad cars.
With one last little chuckle, Jin pushed the image aside and then answered her question with a wicked grin.
"By smell, of course. If there was a way for us to poke our heads into the kitchen of each one then I would say we could just go open doors."

"Shotgun please... at least to start," she said, immediately claiming the back seat. Mara wasn't that audacious. She'd happily follow where Jin lead for now, and apply herself to providing momentum if he provided direction. Nothing like obeying the laws of physics together! If he tired of being in the driver's seat she could take over.
As they climbed onto the bike Mara continued their conversation. It was no surprise to her, obviously, that they were going by smell. It was what she'd expected and looked forward to.
"Well what are you in the mood for? Or maybe I should ask, is there anything you don't like?" Mara herself would try almost anything once and couldn't necessarily think of anything offhand that she despised. She wondered if Jin's preferences were influenced by his alternate form as hers sometimes seemed to be. If that were the case, perhaps they might stop by the zoo later... surely no one would notice a gazelle or two gone missing?

"No, I can't really remember what it was like to eat for nourishment. I seem to remember it tasting more satisfying in a way, but at the same time, less flavorful. Since then I've tried all kinds of things for the sake of novelty or politeness."
You couldn't afford to be picky over the meal when government, or worse Clan, relations were dependent on you making a good impression.
"I like spices..and meat...and dessert. Pretty much everything, I think." Jin smiled and tilted around to look over his shoulder at her briefly. "Have you tried jelly belly beans?"
There was a corner bistro up ahead; he steered them closer and smelled the cold air. Not much coming from the place. There was a faint hint of clam chowder if he wasn't mistaken but it didn't smell fresh any longer. It had probably been made in the morning.
"I think we can pass this one. What do you think, thumbs up or down?"
He slowed his pedaling and then stopped the bike. Using one leg as a kick stand, he turned a bit and waited to see her decision.
"So what about you? Any dislikes or favorites? In February should I get you chocolate or fish?"

She and her aunt had never been on the priority end of any food that had come through the house when she'd been married. Mara remembered spending most of those years pregnant and hungry. She shrugged her shoulders at herself. Since then she'd tried many foods as well, often for the same reasons Jin had claimed.
"Jelly belly beans?" What an odd name. "No, I don't think I have. Should I?"
When Jin stopped the bike and turned to her she also inhaled, and immediately wrinkled her nose. She shook her head. "I think, something fresher."
Since they were in agreement on that decision, they continued on their way. Mara considered the returned question, smiling a little at the reference to Valentine's Day. A day for sweethearts. Was that what they were? The idea was surprisingly pleasing.
Just answer the question Mara, she told herself. Foolishness can come later. "I don't like fast food," she said decisively. Mara would try nearly anything once but she'd bitten into a McDonald's hamburger once and had immediately spat it back out. "I think it makes me sick."
Insofar as vampires could be ill; Mara had no inclination to ever set foot inside a fast food restaurant ever again. Even feeding on a man who'd exited a McDonald's recently had been unpleasant. "I, ah, don't like cat food either. Although given a choice between the two, I might take it over fast food." She smiled slyly when she said that and left Jin to guess at whether or not she'd actually tried it.
"Fresh things are best," she said. "I'm not sure why I love sushi so much, but maybe that's my favorite thing." She didn't need it cut and displayed prettily on a plate although she did like the beauty of it. All things considered, Mara was happy enough to gnaw on a raw fish. She thought maybe she'd leave that bit out though.
A tantalizing aroma hit her nose and she pointed it out to Jin. "That smells... complex. Want to go find it?"
It didn't seem too far away. Whatever it was smelled of herbs and vegetables, and she caught a whiff of something else she didn't quite recognize.

How was he going to explain the odd little candies that he found fascinating.
"Yes, they are like jelly beans, which means they have entirely too much sugar to be good for anyone but they have interesting flavors. Ones you wouldn't expect to find in a chewy candy. " He blushed slightly and smiled at her. "I like mixing them all up and picking them randomly. Mai gave me some for Christmas, actually." Jin was still bemused at the thought of his Creator going out and shopping for presents. "We could try them some time."
They had both voted to pass up the bistro in favor of moving on. Jin laughed as she told him about her aversion to fast food and the probable preference to cat food over the likes of a Big Mac.
"Hmmm, so no coupons to Taco Bell and no Meow Mix. Good things to know." With a mischievous glint in his eye, Jin pushed his luck. "What about those like gourmet canned cat foods, the ones that say they are for finicky cats?"
Sushi? He could definitely do sushi. Jin actually enjoyed it very much. He wondered if you could get the little gourmet pieces put in a heart shaped box. With some creativity he was certain he could manage it; though it might be better to just take her out to dinner. The latter idea was certainly more entertaining.
Jin had been paying attention to his plans and the road and not to the aromas when Mara mentioned one. He slowed down and smelled. Yes, something up ahead had a pleasant fresh smell of real ingredients and freshly made food.
Nodding his head, Jin replied.
"Let's see what it is."

Noting the look on Jin's face Mara arched her eyebrows and responded to his question about gourmet cat food with a minor threat of her own, reaching forward and poking him gently in the ribs. "Try it and I'll make sure you have a lifetime gift card to Panda Express."
As they neared the source of the smell they had to turn down a short alleyway, definitely off the beaten path of the strip. As it happened the building they came to wasn't a restaurant in the traditional sense but a butcher shop advertising italian specialties, with a few casual tables and chairs set up in the front. Mara looked at Jin and shrugged her shoulders.
They left the bike chained up safely outside once again and headed into the shop. It seemed busy for an out of the way, run down store in the middle of the night, but that only reinforced the idea that this was a good place to find something tasty. There was no doubt the delicious smells were coming from here. Mara watched someone turn away from the counter with a plate of colorful food and stared for a second.
She leaned over to Jin. "That looks yummy," she said. "Want to try it?"
If it didn't looking appealing to her date as well, there were plenty of items to choose from on the menu from sandwiches to little appetizers to pasta bowls. Not to mention the deli-style counter with a huge array of meats and cheeses. It was funny, she mused, how the places with the best food always seemed to be like this one - tucked back in out-of-the way locations inside a store you might not normally choose to go into.

His mentioned of cat food, even gourmet cat food got the reaction he expected to get. Jin laughed and grabbed his ribs at her retort.
"Mmmm, sugary American Chinese food. My favorite."
Wrinkling his nose at her, he turned back around still laughing at the threat.
"Okay, no cat food for you then."
When they found their way to the little back alley shop, Jin found a nearby awning pole to chain the bicycle to. The place was busy and he considered that a good omen for things to come. These were the stores that locals went to because the word quickly spread in the neighborhood. Good food here.
Jin watched the people ordering and eating. He tried to pick out the different scents on the dishes without being obvious about it. The one Mara pointed out did smell good. He nodded his agreement. With the what to get settled, they went to the counter to order, pointing out what they wanted and then waited by the display case, moving out of the way for the next people to order.
With their plate ready, Jin and Mara took their appetizer to the last open table in the small space and sat down on yellow chairs that looked like they were kept around from the fifties.
"Smells good. I say you made an excellent choice."

Even without having eaten anything yet Mara was already having fun. She didn't feel nervous in Jin's company, perhaps because she had seen him at less than his best right off the bat at Halloween and she knew him to be genuine. She didn't think he was putting on an act for her or trying to be something he was not. And he wasn't threatening. Not to her.
When they seated themselves with their food Mara smiled at Jin. "We'll see," she said.
What was on their plate was bruschetta, a little appetizer consisting of toasted pieces of italian bread garnished with olive oil and garlic and topped with a slice of tomato, prosciutto, mozzarella cheese and a basil leaf. It was colorful and smelled delicious. Picking one up and waiting for Jin to do the same, Mara lifted her appetizer as if making a toast.
"Here goes nothing."
She bit into the bruschetta, immediately smiling at the burst of flavors. The tomato tasted as if it might have been garden-grown. The cheese was mild and soft. The basil had a tiny bite to it that stood out immediately and then gave way to the soft saltiness of the prosciutto beneath it. Crunching through the thin crust of the bread, Mara watched Jin to see how he liked it. She had had these ingredients before in a different form, it seemed, years and years ago.
There was a bit of spiciness at the end of the bite that was the fresh garlic on the toast and Mara enjoyed that as well, chuckling at the irony of two vampires sitting there enjoying garlicky bruschetta. She explained the source of her amusement to Jin before taking another bite, this time closing her eyes in pleasure.
"It's nice to have the leisure to eat for the sake of eating," she said thoughtfully. Their previous conversation had stuck in her head and she still dwelled on it a bit. "I feel a little spoiled."
Eating had been a task for them for the years before she was turned. Mara remembered that well enough even if the details were fuzzy. She and her aunt had scrounged up whatever scraps they could find without regard as to the taste or quality. After her turning, Mara hadn't felt the need to feed herself for the sake of enjoyment; it was a relief, in fact, not to have to worry about it. And it was very low priority for Amir.
"You learn so much about a culture from their food," she mused, reflecting on the fact that it was just that which had prompted her to start eating again. With her creator, she'd been introduced to so many places and sights she'd been eager to take everything in. Trying the cuisine was a natural step in the process.

"I'll explain....after we try this."
They both took a piece at the same time. He watched Mara, giving her a pair of raised eyebrows as they took their first bite. It was everything that the scent had advertised, fresh, rich, aromatic. Each piece was just right and together they blended to make something amazing.
He chewed and pointed to the plate, then gave her a silent thumbs up. Once that piece was done, Jin smiled.
"That's excellent. You're good at this food questing thing."
Looking solemn, Jin nodded his head. "Yes, its good to be able to choose what you wish to eat and how much. I was not poor like Mai. I confess, I always had enough. Though sometimes in the military it was not what I wanted. It was still good food."
Before taking another piece of bruschetta, Jin folded his hands in his lap and looked out past the glass store front. With a faint smile, somewhat embarrassed he explained.
"My favorite food is oranges." His eyes darted back to her for a moment and the smile widened. Returning his gaze back outside, Jin saw a orchard full of ripe fruit and dazzling sunlight.
"When I was the very grown up age of six. My father took me with him to an orange grove. Just me, no brothers, no sisters. I felt very important." Jin smiled and continued. "We walked through the rows of trees, spoke to the growers. I stayed right next to my father. I remember trying to look very businesslike and interested in the weather, how much rain they had, how much sunshine, what kind of pests there had been. But honestly, it bored me, and my mind would wander. I really wanted to be climbing the trees, not talking about them but grown men had work to do." He showed her his very somber grown up face, which admittedly looked much more adult than he had at six. Jin later realized that the smiles the men and his father had worn were for him and his very determined behavior.
"As we were leaving with a cart load of oranges, my father pointed to one -way- up at the top of a tree. He looked at me very gravely and asked if I would do something for him. Jing, he said, would you climb up that tree and get me that orange." Jin smiled at Mara and shrugged his shoulders. "To be honest, I had no idea which of them he was talking about but I nodded my head and began climbing. My father sat down, leaning against the trunk directly across from mine and every time I would point to an orange he would shake his head no and point to one higher. Finally, he said I had found the right one. I brought it down carefully, like I was carrying something sacred. Once I presented it to my father, he patted the ground next to him and began to peel it. All the while explaining why this orange was the best one."
Jin smiled and looked at her. "I don't know whether it was the perfect orange but it was the best orange I ever remember tasting. And even now when I peel one, those little beads of juice remind me of sunshine."
Finished with his story, Jin gave her another embarrassed smile and a half shrug. He took another piece of bruschetta and bit into it. The people around them that might have overheard wouldn't understand the importance of such a memory but Mara would.
Going back to the thought she had expressed, Jin said. "Hmm, I wonder what moogoogaipan says about us."

Jin was an excellent story teller. Her attention was focused completely upon his words as she forgot about their food and listened intently. She noted the details he gave her; that he'd had brothers and sisters, he'd been in the military, the name he was called as a child.
Mara had nothing similar to share with him and that made his memory all the more special to her; perhaps when she looked for a happy human memory Jin would not mind if she borrowed his. Hers were very few and very early on. She couldn't express how touched she was that he'd shared this little story with her.
"That's beautiful, Jin," she murmured with appreciation, lacking more appropriate words. She wasn't sure how appropriate it would be to tell him she thought he'd have been the most adorable little boy. Maybe she'd keep that to herself.
Biting into one more bruschetta Mara shook her head at him. "I don't know what that says about you, but I think oranges must at least apply to you in particular." She explained herself further. "Vibrant on the outside. Sweet on the inside, refreshing, and complimentary to any number of other foods."
If he had been embarrassed to tell her his story, she flushed to be so forward. But the truth was she believed Jin was all of those things and then some. Smiling a little wider she realized Jin must not mind her borrowing his memory for having shared it with her like this, it was now hers too. Perhaps not a childhood memory but all the same she didn't think she would forget sitting in a tiny little italian butcher shop listening to his orange story any time in the next century.
"Thank you," she said suddenly. "For sharing that with me."

"I think that was the only time I spent alone with my father. It sticks in my memory. He was a busy man."
A noble with a lot of children. Jin had seen more of his mother, of course. Still he suspected that his father had not forgotten the orange grove either. Later he would recommend Jin to military and had followed his progress with great, albeit quiet interest.
Her very kind words touched him, Jin reached out and took her hand across the table.
"A very kind comparison. Thank you." Bending down, he placed a light kiss on the inside of her wrist. It was tempting to continue holding her hand but she would probably like it back to eat. He let go and leaned back.
"Sharing is a joy with you, Mara." She listened and truly seemed interested in, everything really, not just his stories. He loved her curiosity and willingness to try different things. Jin had yet to see her be judgmental or closed minded about anything.
Taking another bite of his bruschetta, he paused and then said.
"Of course, you forgot round" He puffed out his cheeks. "Dimpled" Jin pressed his index fingers into the sides of his smile. "And prone to messes." Okay that last one might be more accurate than he cared for. He normally got himself out of them at the very least.
"You know sushi might not be the best thing to make a comparison with. Are you sure don't want to change that favorite food? No,hmm..." Jin laughed softly, and looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "You're delightfully pretty, very rare, multi layered and entirely too tempting." Jin smiled but regarded her with a more serious expression. "Though definitely worth the risks. I suspect you are also very good for both my health and heart."
((OOC: So, while writing this the song Jackal Head by Cruxshadows came on, it has a long speaking part at the end which was so totally distracting that I had to wait until it finished in order to continue writing, Thanks a lot, Amir. ))

Jin's gentle caress on her wrist derailed that train of thought and yanked her abruptly, pleasantly, back to the current setting. She knew her cheeks were warm and she knew her words were likely clumsy and inadequate, but Jin really was sweet and wouldn't have said that to her. "Well. We'll have to share plenty more then," she said shyly, "because it pleases me to see you joyful."
She laughed into her hand at Jin's further analysis of her orange comparison, shaking her head in disagreement until he got to the part about messes. There she couldn't much argue, seeing as how she'd witnessed that trait firsthand on several occasions so far, but she liked it in Jin.
When he moved along to make the same comparisons between her and her sushi she was flustered once again. Did he really think that about her, or was he just playing a game? She shook her head, flattered into embarrassment, and murmured a thank you to her date.
"I did tell you once I wasn't dangerous to you," she said with a little smile. Then she stopped, for she had been about to say they could experiment with the long term benefits and that seemed to be putting the cart before the horse. She wasn't about to guess at Jin's long term plans. He might just be looking for some distraction while in Nachton. It wasn't Mara's place to say, although she felt a curious little wrenching in her stomach at that notion.
Covering for her own awkwardness she nibbled at her appetizer, finishing it off. Their plate was empty now. And as delightful as this had been, their quest had been to find multiple good places to eat, not just one. So by mutual assent they stood and cleared their table and got ready to go.
"That was a delicious start to the night," she said. "Any cravings we should look into filling next?"

Jin held his hand over his heart and gave her smile. "My heart and the rest of me thanks you for that."
Shaking his head, Jin stood and pushed in his chair. He offered his hand to Mara.
"No particular cravings tonight. Just the adventure."
In truth he'd eat anything she asked of him. Indian, Thai, Italian, that awful Chinese American food, cardboard...whatever, if she continued spending time with him. Wrapping his arm around Mara, he waved to the people behind the counter, giving them a slight bow of thanks for the excellent food. They then headed back out into the cold. Jin knelt to unchain the bike, looking up at her, he questioned.
"Are you ready for something more substantial?"

She crouched beside him and quickly, nervously, swept a lock of his snowy hair away from his face. Leaning forward she pressed a soft kiss to the point of his jaw just below his ear. Then she stood again and held onto the bike while Jin released it. "Yes. I'm ready for more," she said with a smile.
"I'll take a turn in front," she offered. It was only fair they share being the driver.
Once they'd both climbed aboard and were headed further down the strip Mara glanced back at Jin with an impish little smile. Knowing he'd have to match her pace she deliberately pushed the bike a little faster. And then a bit more. Nothing outside the realm of human strength, or even dangerously fast, but she was certainly setting an energetic pace. It was keeping her warm, for one thing, and for another it was helping her work out her nervous energy.
It was a good thing, though, that old-fashioned tandem bikes had not been built for breaking the sound barrier. Maybe it was Amir's influence, but Mara might have been sorely tempted to try.

There was a lot of things that he wanted to say, that she was special, that he felt lucky to be here and there was the cheerful humorous responses that sprang to mind automatically after so many years, things to fill awkward moments without speaking the truth or revealing too much. His answer, spoken softly, was somewhere in between.
"Thank you."
It was not all he wanted to say but it was the truth.
He grinned when Mara said she wanted the front seat. Climbing onto the back, Jin settled down to enjoy the scenery and the ride. Until she gave him that irresistible playful smile that forewarned of mischief ahead. When Mara started peddling faster, he chuckled and dutifully kept up. She increased the speed again and he laughed all the more, cheerfully leaning his head back into the crisp winter wind.
"I think we should play with this again once we're back at the Manor."
They had covered a decent amount of the strip with Mara's need for speed. Now there were new shops and restaurants. Something smelled unmistakably good. It made his mouth water from out here on the street. Grilling steak.
"Do you smell that?"

As they raced back down the Strip Jin's laughter behind her only egged Mara on, and she kept the pace up until he pointed out something that caught his interest. She sat up and as they both stopped pedaling so hard, the bike slowed. She nodded in agreement with Jin. "It's a good little bike."
Sniffing, Mara picked out the dominating flavor in the area. It was savory and impossible to miss and hit just the right note after their appetizer. She laughed; leave it to the large predatory cat to be enchanted by the smell of steak.
She nodded, fixing her eyes upon the hibachi restaurant nearby that the aroma seemed to come from. "Good call," she said to Jin. "Dinner and a show."
They left the bike chained outside again and Mara gave it an affectionate little pat before she slipped her hand back into her date's, where it fit snugly, and they headed into the new restaurant.

A girl at the end of the group looked over at Jin and asked how to say happy birthday in Japanese. Not bothering to explain that her assumption about him was incorrect, he answered.
"For your friend, you would say,Tanjoubi omedetou."
The waitress behind him giggled and said. "Your Japanese is very good." Looking between him and Mara, she asked "What would you like to drink?" Jin noted with some amusement that the girl who had asked him the question appeared confused at the praise he had received from the woman behind him. After they placed their drink order, the woman left to retrieve them.
Leaning over to Mara, he said quietly in her ear. "One day you'll have to tell me if my Egyptian is very good." His lips brushed her neck as he pulled back smiling. "I can show you what I learned from the Mummy."
The waitress came back with their drinks and began to take their order. Jin chose the steak and shrimp, not quite able to choose between the two.