Poor Ellis...

Winter has arrived. May the gods have mercy on your soul.. or at least your patience.

Jan 18 years ago
She seems to have a lot of trouble makers lately. Though I personally would know nothing about that.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
But you see.. that's what all of you Orphans are I assumed.. trouble makers, oui? =p It just so happens Winter can drive a saint insane.. seen him do it!
Jan 18 years ago
Jan snorted in amusement and replied. " I've been told I could piss of a saint so why not an angel?

Seems to be a clan trait.
Winter 18 years ago
just wait until I get the motorcycle inside the domicile.. then the real fun begins..
Jan 18 years ago
Rock on! Sounds like good times!
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
This one time, Winter spent weeks trying to drive his motercycle around a large arched doorway and would always fall down in the middle.. wait no, that was him trying to run around it really fast.. or both, I forget. I hope Ellis is insured!
Winter 18 years ago
it started with him trying to run it, then it was a skateboard, then a motorcycle.. he got close a few times but the blunt dowside of the archway got him everytime.. 8)
Alfarinn 18 years ago
Looks like Tacharan will do Tacharan in... all the rest of us have to do is wait.