"I'm up for a drive. Or a ride if you'd rather."Â?
He thought that Belle would probably be willing to lend Jin a horse, especially if the man knew what he was doing. Well they might have to find that out first.
Ambrose stiffly pulled himself stiffly to his feet, stupid manner. But he just chuffed at the apology.
"When ever you want. I'm not worried about it."Â?
Truthfully other than a couple of studio sessions and a gig or two at Shades with The Moochers he didn't have a lot coming up.
"I've had a lot of free time lately. Part of the reason I was able to track the one down."Â?
Ambrose just shrugged. If it were for the clan he'd make the time even if he was booked solid.
Murdering Metallica(Open)
Jin brought the ruan and the guzheng for good measure. It made for some interesting carrying arrangements and he was glad when one of the staff found him shortly after he had left his room with them.
Once in the music room, Jin set up the large stringed instrument off to the side and then sat down with the ruan. He played a more traditional song to start with while he waited for Ambrose to arrive.
((OOC: He's playing something like this ))

14 years ago

14 years ago
"Either works for me. It seems like only yesterday that cars were invented. They are still quite novel actually."
He remembered a time when he thought they were clunky, stinky and loud. It really wasn't all that long ago. In the beginning horses were far more efficient; though he did remember a few of vampire kind finding the metal contraptions to be all the rage. Sorin had one that he rode around the Manor. Jin had always wondered if the man was truly enamored with it or if he just assumed the smoke and sound would annoy Morrigan.
She never said anything if it did.
"Well then I will get back to you soon. I have some moving in to do and some initial research but hopefully that won't take long."
Jin reached out to shake the Huntsman's hand.
"It was good to meet you, Ambrose."
((OOC: Out pending response ))
He remembered a time when he thought they were clunky, stinky and loud. It really wasn't all that long ago. In the beginning horses were far more efficient; though he did remember a few of vampire kind finding the metal contraptions to be all the rage. Sorin had one that he rode around the Manor. Jin had always wondered if the man was truly enamored with it or if he just assumed the smoke and sound would annoy Morrigan.
She never said anything if it did.
"Well then I will get back to you soon. I have some moving in to do and some initial research but hopefully that won't take long."
Jin reached out to shake the Huntsman's hand.
"It was good to meet you, Ambrose."
((OOC: Out pending response ))

14 years ago
"Novel or not, it's hard to be friends with one."Â?
That was Ambrose's only real gripe with cars, well that and standard transmissions. That, however, was another story.
He simply nodded his agreement with Jin's rough time line before accepting the offered hand.
"I'm not hard to find for either wolf tracking or firearms."Â?
It was said with a small grin. He still wasn't quite looking forward to teaching the elder, but a challenge could be good.
"Good to meet you too."Â?
((OOC... Ambrose out as well. All done.))
That was Ambrose's only real gripe with cars, well that and standard transmissions. That, however, was another story.
He simply nodded his agreement with Jin's rough time line before accepting the offered hand.
"I'm not hard to find for either wolf tracking or firearms."Â?
It was said with a small grin. He still wasn't quite looking forward to teaching the elder, but a challenge could be good.
"Good to meet you too."Â?
((OOC... Ambrose out as well. All done.))