An Audience (open)
Jin found that the butler had helpfully already put his bags in a room. He decided that he would unpack them later. Reaching into the top of one bag, Jin pulled out a long skinny case. He tucked it under his arm and then made his way to the Japanese Garden.
The place was beautiful with its carefully structured form sculpted with gentle curves of greenery and night flowering plants. He found a small clearing with a little red bridge over a meandering stream. Stopping here, Jin opened the case and took out the flute that was inside.
Placing this to his lips, he began to play softly. It would only be a matter of time.
((OOC: Feel free to join him if you like.))
He is playing something likethisin order to give people atmosphere aid.

Ambrose asked as he walked along with Jin. After all the last time he'd played in the manor that's where they'd ended up. He wondered how a flute would sound with that, or if you could even hear it.
He did hope they'd flush out some more musicians. One in particular, but...
"That's why I started playing it actually."Â?
Modesty was not Ambrose's strong suit, but he did try.
"Guitar and drums, I'm trying to learn the piano, getting a little better there. But piano's don't fit in your pocket."Â?
And since he had gotten reasonably proficient at the piano more and more often when Belle would try and teach him the lessons degenerated into something all together different.

"They are not bad actually. I have certainly heard worse things become popular over the years."
Reaching the entrance to the Manor, Jin turned and gave Ambrose a nod.
"It does have compact size and stealth advantages. I wonder if they make plastic ones that could make it through airport security. You would then be able to entertain a captive audience. Not that I am saying you need a -captive- audience by any means but it would be amusing to see the surprised expressions."
He grinned with mischief and looked down at his flute.
"I could get this on board but it isn't very good for playing in a cramped seating arrangement. The poor victim next to me would have most of it in his face."
Given the variety of instruments Ambrose played, Jin figured they could definitely come up with something complimentary.
"I could go get the ruan. It would definitely be better suited to Metallica. Though that might still be a musical first."

"I'll give you a nickle if you can explain disco and soft rock."Â?
He snorted.
Thank god. Back inside he immediately grabbed his can. He didn't lean on it as much as he used to, but it just felt a lot better to have it in his had again.
Apparently Jin was as full of surprises as his maker. Ambrose just didn't know what to make of it. He finally gave up and just barked a short laugh.
"You ever want to try that let me know. I'd pay good money to see it. But wait for a flight where you're over water or they'll wind up locking you up in Wichita or what ever god forsaken city they divert the flight to."Â?
Great, the ruan... yeah... sure... that would rock. This was like the bo. He knew -something- about Asian music but not a lot.
"I'm going to trust your judgment on that. But I'm pretty flexible style wise so pick what makes you happy."Â?

"You have a deal. Perhaps if they put it on youtube and we will both famous."
Jin considered the two styles of music that Ambrose mentioned and shook his head.
"I am afraid that will be one less nickle that I earn. Disco is... "
He threw up his hands in surrender.
"And I do not understand why there would be a need for soft rock. If the situation calls for a more subdued music then why would you not choose among the many wonderful and interesting choices that already exist? It seems to me to be a disservice to rock music it to make it less than what it is."
Jin thought a moment.
"Perhaps they have grown old and the loud music of their youth is too much? Now they want a softer version of what they once enjoyed?"
He grinned wickedly at Ambrose.
"Explain muzak."
Nodding his head, Jin was fairly certain the ruan would be the best choice and perhaps the most flexible as well.
"I will just go retrieve it. Shall I meet you in the music room?"
((OOC: Jin out pending Ambrose's sage wisdom on muzak. Shall we start a new thread for people to bring their musical talent to?))

He hadn't been arrested in years and was pretty sure he didn't care to be these days. How the hell did you break out any more.
Jin had unexpected depths. He approved.
"I can't explain that shit nor do I intend to. Best I can do is say there are a couple of 'artists' that I might like to meet."Â?
And if he did meet them, no one else would. He'd consider it a public service or maybe survival of the fittest. What ever he called it, he wouldn't feel guilty about the out come.
He nodded, intent on getting one of his guitars from his rooms as well.
"Sounds like a plan to me."Â?
((OOC... and Ambrose out too... and sure we can do that