If I'd Wanted Schooling... (Attn: Belle)

You just didn't ignore instinct, that's all there was too it. Ambrose had learned that years ago. And right now, what his instincts were telling him was that what he'd witnessed in the preserve the other night was -big- trouble.

Know your enemy was something else he believed in. But from where he stood, what he'd seen only existed in bad horror movies. It wasn't anything he'd ever taken seriously.

He'd tried tracking them, that hadn't gone well. For starters, he didn't think it was 100% safe to go back into the preserve without back up. Maybe he'd try after the full moon had past. But that seemed like relying on superstition to him.

So, Ambrose was trying something new, something totally out of character for him. He was trying to read up on a subject.

Finding the library was easy enough, he'd been there before. But holy shit that was a -lot- of books. Where did you even start? Ambrose just stood there, leaning on his cane, scratching his head and wishing Belle was here. He'd told her he was headed to the manor for something, just not what. She'd be better at this though, he knew that.

Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel had been busy getting Marie ready for bed; not that her familiar was a child needing to be tucked in or anything, but they'd gotten into the habit of chatting with each other at the end of the night. Marie told Ysabel about her day at school, her classes, her friends (and she was making friends), and in return Ysabel told Marie what she planned to do that night, or what they would do on the weekend. it occurred to her, as they chatted, that Marie was no longer the tiny little waif they'd scraped off the street but a young woman now of seventeen, slightly younger than Ysabel and Dayle had been when they had been turned. Caught up in that reflection, she only half-noticed Ambrose stick his head in and tell her he was heading to the manor, and something about research.

It took her a little while to finish everything up, lock their house up tightly, and get over to Heolfor herself, but finally she was there. She didn't have to wonder where he'd gone, at least. If he was researching anything the library would surely be the first place he went. She only hoped he was still there.

Entering the library, she also didn't have to look far to find Ambrose. He was right there, at a table, a stack of books in front of him, looking irritable. That was his usual expression though; for all she knew he could have found what he was looking for already. She approached him, leaned over his shoulder, and greeted him with a long kiss that she'd never have done if anyone else were there. But they were alone for the moment... so she smoothed her hands over his shoulders and smiled as she distracted him.
Ambrose 13 years ago
He'd been pretty damned intent on these books, not that he'd been finding anything, but he'd been focused. Still the familiar swish of Belle's skirts and the sound of her step could penetrate his concentration.

Ambrose growled appreciatively as she greeted him. Letting himself forget that he was researching, that he was trying to learn something, he got a better grip on her waist and pulled Belle into his lap. Honestly he wouldn't have cared how many people were in the room, but Belle did so he usually respected that. Still she'd started this.

He went from her lips down the side of her neck and his hands started searching from some bit of her that wasn't covered in fabric. He'd gotten better at that over the years, but it could still be something of a challenge.

His voice rumbled into the side of her neck as Ambrose continued to push the boundaries of socially acceptable PDAs.

"Come to help me study?"Â?
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel gave a laugh as Ambrose easily lifted her onto his lap. Abandoning all pretense of decency she wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her back, tipping her head away and letting him have his way. It was difficult, since she was still laughing.

"That depends. What's the topic?"

She ran her fingers through his dark hair before sitting upright once more and twisting to look at the books Ambrose had on the table.

"What are you looking for in these?"

Just from reading the names on the spines, she couldn't possibly figure out what it was he was trying to learn.
"Are you going to vet school?"

Studying porcupines maybe? Ysabel had no idea.
Ambrose 13 years ago
'Holy Mary Mother of God, yes... just please yes keep arching your back like that.' Ambrose thought. How could anyone resist such an invitation, such a treat. Belle's laughter only encouraged him. One hand slid up along her back, buried itself in her hair and pulled her closer to him.

"Folklore, zoology and defiantly biology."Â?

He sulked slightly as she finally escaped him and slipped back into 'proper' mode, well more proper. Proper young ladies didn't sit on his lap in the middle of the library.

Ambrose was torn, he was certain Belle would be able to help somehow. But, those things had been big and -mean- and there had been quite a few of them. Odds were there were more. Belle, however, was older than he was and wiser besides. He really didn't think she'd take any stupid risks.

"Wolves. Those tracks we were following were wolf tracks and I happened to see a pack of them the other night when I went out."Â?

He'd work his way up to the werewolf thing in a second.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel didn't mind cutting the flirtation short. Both she and Ambrose still had rooms here at Heolfor, after all, and the night was young. Plenty of time for research and... well, games. She didn't work until tomorrow evening. Her job at the historical society kept her amused but she only did it two or three nights a week for a few hours. There was no need to work all night for a living.

Well, not that kind of work. She pressed one last kiss to Amber's lips and slid from his lap before bending over the table and looking more closely at the books.

"Folklore?" she asked, looking over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow at him. "Why folklore for wolves?"

Then she furrowed her brow. "I thought you said there weren't any wolves in Nachton. Do you think a pack has moved in? That would explain the tracks and the remains in the Park."

Surely wolves migrated, or found new territory if the old was destroyed or barren. Wouldn't any animal do so to survive? She remembered their run in with Amir Rashid in the Park. He'd warned them of danger. But why didn't he just come out and tell them there were wolves there?
Ambrose 13 years ago
He wasn't going to keep his hands off her, that was for damned sure. Ambrose's hands were restless as she bent over the books. After all she was giving him such an attractive target...

He hadn't pulled any folklore books up yet. Actually he hadn't found them. Apparently the Manor staff didn't believe in the Dew Decimal System and card catalogs.

"That is what I started out checking. If there were native wolves and then I wondered if a pack would move in. And nothing doing on both cases. The city hasn't seen a wolf outside of a zoo in ages and there is nothing to suggest that a wolf would voluntarily make this kind of environment its home."Â?

They might have totally different skill sets, but Belle was damned smart. You had to admire that. She was asking the same questions he was and had a good memory besides.

Ambrose sighed before he answered though.

"How do you feel about werewolves?"Â?
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel also didn't mind if the flirtation continued. She had started it, after all. She did her best to stay focused on the task at hand, no pun intended, and favored Ambrose with a curious expression when he mentioned werewolves.

"How do I feel about them?" she asked. "I think they're a little overdone, really. And the makeup is never what it should be."

As far as Ysabel knew there was no such thing. Ambrose's expression, however, made her wonder if his question was actually serious. She turned to face him again, looked around quickly just to make sure they were still alone, and sat upon his lap once more, ducking her head to kiss the soft skin just under his ear.

"Wives' tales," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I've heard stories for centuries. Elsa and Richard used to tease us when Dayle and I were misbehaving, telling us if we weren't good they would feed us to the werewolves."
Ambrose 13 years ago
"Before yesterday, I'd have been inclined to agree with you."Â?

Ambrose frowned darkly and again considered the ramifications of telling Belle what he'd seen the night before. Finally deciding that it was more dangerous to have her ignorant Ambrose told her briefly about what he'd seen. About Amir and a pack of wolves and two other clan mates charging to his rescue. But most importantly about the wolves shifting back and forth to human form.

"Honest to God I can't think of anything else to call them but werewolves."Â?

If she had another idea he'd be happy to hear it. Hell he'd be thrilled, anything had to be a better explanation than werewolves.

"You don't think they were serious do you?"Â?

That was something he'd not thought about. Asking an older vampire. Maybe Damaris would have an idea as well.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel would have thought Ambrose was joking if he'd been at all inclined to falsehoods, but he wasn't. He looked completely serious, and more than a little worried.

"Perhaps you didn't see what you thought," she said. "You were quite a distance off, you said. And you know some of our own Clan can change their shapes. Why should there be werewolves?"

She smiled at Ambrose. "Of course they weren't serious," she said. "Everyone told stories to their children back then. Sometimes they used ghosts, sometimes goblins. Our parents just used werewolves."

She rolled her eyes upward thoughtfully. "Of course, there are a number of stories about them that I've never heard come from anywhere but vampiric sources, but they're legends. Myths. Whatever you want to call them."

Ysabel shook her head. She didn't doubt Ambrose had seen what he claimed to have seen, but she wondered about the explanation.

"If you say Amir was there, maybe we should ask him. Obviously he knows something."

Ysabel didn't like that idea a bit. She didn't want Ambrose and Amir interacting any more than was necessary. "I could look him up."
Ambrose 13 years ago
"I was a way off but I'm not blind."Â?

Ambrose shook his head.

The idea of the attackers being other vampires was both comforting and disturbing at the same time.

"So clan mates were attacking each other? And how many clans men do we have that shift into wolves?"Â?

It wasn't a bad idea, but it was far too easy to poke holes in it. Ambrose wanted to believe Belle, wanted this not to be werewolves.

He couldn't help but grin at what Belle was saying. Yeah, childhood stories... Hell his parents had told some doozies back in the day. But when she started thinking about it and came up with fact that others had told these stories, spread these rumors was not reassuring at all.

"What about that hair, the fur. It should have been ash. I'm starting to think that there is some truth to these myths."Â?

He didn't much care for the idea of talking to this Amir guy. Ambrose had taken an almost immediate dislike to the other vampire. It was irrational, but it was there. And he didn't like the idea of Belle interacting with him if she didn't have to. He didn't trust the guy for beans.

"I don't think he's going to be up and running for a while. They took him out pretty damned good. If it hadn't been for the other two..."Â?

If it hadn't been for the other two and the hostage situation he would have gotten involved because dislike or not Ambrose wasn't going to let a clan member go down like that. And he was fighting a losing battle, that had been clear.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel shook her head at Amber's continue questions. She didn't know the answers. She could just suggest directions to look for them, and Ambrose apparently didn't want to take her up on her first one. It didn't bother her; she knew he hadn't had the best first impression of Amir. He hadn't forbidden her to look into it though, and she just might.

"Took him out? Are you sure he was all right?"

Ysabel was immediately concerned for her clanmate. Differing opinions or no, Amir Rashid had always treated her and her family (except Dayle) with respect.

"I have to look in on him," she told Ambrose. "It would be rude of me not to. I won't tell him what you saw, if you don't want me to. I'll make something up."

Ysabel was a more than adequate storyteller... liar, if you would. Several husbands throughout the years had given her plenty of practice. And she was convinced that if Amir had been there, he would have answers. He'd warned them already - there was a good chance he'd be willing to enlighten them further; at least Ysabel.
Ambrose 13 years ago
"Well, he got up and out mostly under his own steam."Â?

That was the best he could say. God that one wolf had been trying for his throat something fierce and that was after he and three other wolves had basically tried to draw and quarter him. Ambrose had to admit a grudging respect for Rashid. He'd taken a licking and kept on ticking. Ambrose was certain he wouldn't have been able to manage nearly so much abuse.

Ambrose just shrugged. If she wanted to check in on Rashid that was her call. Belle was a grown woman and a responsible member of the clan, he wasn't going to forbid her to do anything... well he wouldn't forbid her to do most things.

"Why the hell should he care if I was there? Last I checked the city owned the preserve and he already knows I've been digging around down there."Â?

He shrugged again indicating that Belle should use her best judgment. She knew Rashid better than he did and if she thought he shouldn't know, well then they'd work that out when they needed to.
Ysabel 13 years ago
"Mostly?" Ysabel shuddered. She didn't want to think of the sort of creature capable of taking on such an old vampire and surviving, much less one that could also inflict a decent amount of damage. For all Ysabel knew Amir was helpless as a kitten... but she didn't think so. She would pay her respects to her clanmate and her elder and try to get some information at the same time.

Grimacing slightly at Ambrose's irritable tone of voice Ysabel didn't argue. Of course she hadn't intended it to sound, well, quite like it had. She didn't respond to his tone, and simply looked back down at the books he had compiled.

"You think Heolfor has books about werewolves?"

Ysabel had been through the library many times. She'd never seen anything marked as such. Not that she'd ever really looked for that specific topic. Quietly she began to look through the titles of the folklore books, trying to figure out if any even hinted at such knowledge within.
Ambrose 13 years ago

Ambrose confirmed. He didn't mention is suspicion that if left unaided Rashid would have bit it. He didn't want Belle scared. Alert and a bit wary maybe, scared and paranoid, not so much.

He had to admit though, he'd love to know at least some of what Rashid knew. Why was he trying to take out a pack of werewolves and why were they dead set on killing him. Something was going on here and he didn't know what it was and that bugged him.

Realizing that Belle had side stepped and argument he chuffed to himself before grabbing her and pulling her back into his lap. Somehow that made it easier to think. Resting his chin on her shoulder he half nodded.

"Beats the hell out of me. Place this big though, you'd think they'd have a bit of everything wouldn't you?"Â?

With a lopsided grin she probably couldn't see he added.

"So how exactly do you use a library?"Â?
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel was glad when Ambrose dropped the subject before it could turn into an argument. Just because he liked a good one every now and then didn't mean she was always going to disagree with him. She just nodded a little absently and laughed softly when he pulled her back onto his lap once more, enjoying the feel of the hard plane of his stomach against her back as he leaned against her.

"I do imagine we must have a lot of old books here," she said thoughtfully.

His next question sent her into a small fit of laughter once more.
"Well, cowboy," she said, glancing over her shoulder at him, "I can tell you for sure that you don't use a library the way you're thinking about using it."

She slid from his lap before things got... destructive, and headed into the section marked mythology and folklore, Ambrose right behind.

"Alphabetical by author," she observed. "I guess it just depends on what we want."

Her blue-grey eyes slid sideways and she smiled a little wickedly as she pressed against him for a brief kiss.
"What do we want?"
Ambrose 13 years ago
Belle had the most deliciously curved rear end. He thought as he tightened his grip on her waist. Ambrose was becoming less and less interested in wolves and mutilated clan mates. He had something much more interesting right in front of him.

"My way is more fun."Â?

He groused as she slid off his lap. That was a very unfair maneuver if you asked him. Still, Ambrose hoisted himself to his feet and trailed after her.

"I know what I -want-. What we are looking for is another matter. This mess is by author? Really? I have to know who wrote about werewolves in order to look them up?"Â?

Down right bad idea from where he stood. He returned the kiss but was a little more aggressive than he needed to be. Of course, if she kept playing with him like this Ambrose might actually learn to enjoy research.
Ysabel 13 years ago
"Your way will get us kicked out of the Manor."

Ysabel favored Ambrose with and arched brow and a very brief eye-roll before she kissed him again for good measure. Providing a distraction was definitely proving to be a lot more fun, and if she could stall Ambrose for just a bit while she gleaned information from other sources, well, that was a pleasant side benefit.

"Of course you need the authors. That is generally how it's done. We can't all go in half-cocked all the time. Some things require a little more preparation."

Yes, she knew exactly what she was doing. No, she didn't feel guilty about it what. So. Ever. Ysabel liked to sleep on things. Ambrose's interesting revelation was no different. She would prefer to get some rest and ponder the matter some more before making any snap decisions.
Ambrose 13 years ago
"I'm sure Rupert would understand."Â?

Or he would once Ambrose got through with him. Was it in poor form to use command on that man? Or should he just growl and threaten? Huh... he'd work that out later. He got another kiss out of the deal though so he might just keep grousing. Anything to get attention, some days he was not proud.

"Shooting first and asking questions later works on occasion."Â?

Ambrose said, sounding a bit like a sulky boy. Yeah he knew his more impetuous methods could cause problems, but damned it some days you couldn't afford to just wait around could you.

"Besides I thought showing up in the library trying to read up on this stuff counted as being prepared."Â?

Lord knew it was way out of character and honestly Ambrose wouldn't mind a bit of praise for thinking ahead a bit.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel chuckled at the fact that Ambrose was too busy experiencing slightly hurt feelings to pick up on her double meaning. The chuckle turned into a laugh, and she leaned against him as she giggle mirthfully at his woebegone praise-fishing expression.

"You are very well-prepared," she said placatingly. "It isn't your fault you didn't factor me in."

She glanced up through her eyelashes at him, an expression that didn't often fail to attract his notice.
"I really would prefer to think on it some more."

Maybe the time for subtlety had passed... Ambrose was learning, but sometimes the thickest of clubs couldn't beat a clue into his skull.

"And by 'think on it' I mean you should strongly consider carrying me off to your room and demonstrating the sort of behavior that would get us booted from the Manor."

She smiled at him sweetly. Ysabel really wanted her way in this and she was resorting to dirty methods to get it... and somehow, she didn't think Ambrose would really mind.
Ambrose 13 years ago
Huh, what? Factor? He was supposed to do math while she was laughing at him. Ambrose typically got very prickly and defensive when he felt like someone was making fun of him. Somehow, it was different when it was Belle though. She could get away with murder.

As comprehension slowly dawned on him Ambrose's slightly sullen expression turned wolfish. He handed Belle his cane and swept her up into his arms. It would be a slow walk, but as his rooms were on the ground floor he'd be able to manage it while carrying her.

"Next time just say so. There are days where a man likes to know where he stands."Â?