In need of a little...something ((open))
Kat perched on the tall stool at the bar, her fingers tracing through the sweat on her drink as she watched the masses dance. It was not exactly what she'd expected when she'd been given the name of this place when asking about fulfillment of some darker needs.
Still, she'd not seen the entirety of the place, and she did not feel as silly in the ridiculous skirt and corset she'd chosen for the evening, as there were girls in much more...disrespectful attire. It was not easy to find what she was looking for and the outfit, and six inch black heels she'd paired it with helped set the tone. Well she hoped it did. She usually turned to Peter when such needs arose, and she wasn't about to ask him to fly to America just for that, nor was she going to ask anyone at The Domicile. The Mercs looked at her as a bit of candy anyway and she did not think it would be wise to offer them reason to.
So she was here, and so far there was nothing even approaching acceptable that had bothered to come say hello. One thing she did notice, was that she would not be able to sit here un-harassed much longer and joining the masses on the floor would be necessary. Michael and Magdalene were all but Fred Astair and Ginger Rodgers-ing it in her head.
Tai licked a leftover drop of blood off the back of his hand and closed the door to the room, ignoring the whimpering that issued from within. Carefully, he adjusted the sleeves of his shirt. He ran his hand along the back of his neck and flipped his collar to straighten that, assuring the slender length of wire underneath was in place. He shook his wrist out, feeling the comfortable knife sheathed against his forearm. Smoothing his hands down the thighs of his jeans he felt the stiletto against the outside of his left leg. Everything was back in place. He cracked his knuckles... that was just to crack his knuckles... and headed back out into the lively night life that made the House of Pain such a wonderful place.
He spotted Val waiting for him at the bar and slid into place next to her, giving her a knowing smile and a slight nod. His hand and eyes didn't stray to the large roll of cash under his shirt and his demeanor gave no indication of what he might be carrying, but she would understand regardless.
As the bartender noticed him there, Tai gestured to the drink Val had, making sure it wasn't anything fruity and feminine, and held up two fingers. He noted the woman next to him as he did and nodded politely at her. She was pretty enough, with short, spiky hair of a medium brown color that set off her face. She didn't merit a hello, but then, Tai wasn't exactly a talker when out in public. He left that to Val.

A small cat like smile played about her lips. Going into business with the big former yakuza had been a good idea. He was defiantly talented and took pride in his work. He also didn't object to a female partner, in more ways than one, if you followed. The best part was she wasn't bored.
While he finished up their meeting, she was trying to come up with ways to expand. Too many of them involved adding people to the operation and that she wanted to avoid.
Speak of the devil. Val gave him a bright cheerful smile, she didn't ask about the money or how things had finished up. She knew the answer.
"Having a good time lover?"Â?
She teased him.
Val followed his gaze and little nod to a burnet at the bar. Feeling like playing a bit, she flashed the other woman a large fangy smile. You could get away with that here. No way to know if she was a vampire or just a human with a weird fixation.
A return of his nod was given, and her eyes fell to the woman she'd only glanced at once. Hmm, when Kat had been given the background of this place, she'd been told about the open nature of it, but to see it displayed was something entirely different. A soft smoldering took up a place in her eyes and she returned the smile, offering the woman a glance at the pointy bits in her own mouth.
He watched with interest as the two women postured, each flashing fangs at the other, wondering if it was some sort of display of dominance. Or something. For his part, he continued to keep his mouth shut. What he was was irrelevant here. He was clearly Val's companion; as a vampire he had a right to be here and as a human she had clearly staked a claim to him. There was no need to establish which of the two facts was the truth.
His drink arrived, along with the second for Val, and he made a good start on it; she was at least one or two ahead of him, after all.

"I'm almost sorry I wore these shoes tonight. I wouldn't have minded helping out. He was good."Â?
The little thing had had a high tolerance for what they'd thrown at him and he'd paid up. You couldn't ask for more than that, not really.
Snorting at Tai's lack of reaction, she snapped the coin from her knuckles to the palm of her hand and flipped it at him. Indicating he should entertain himself if he wasn't going to get involved.
Men, why did they never want to get in between two women?
Val sized up the little burnet, deciding that she was no threat at all she actually laughed. If this skirt wanted to play, so be it. She couldn't make up her mind if she wanted to brawl or not though. If she did though, the shoes were going to have to go.
"Just out for a bite to drink doll or did you want more?"Â?
A sigh passed her lips, and she lifted an eyebrow at the woman's question. "That depends on what the more is."
She was in fact looking for something more than blood, she'd had her fill of that at the Abby, and had no need of it here. But she didn't know if what she was looking for would be found with this woman and her lover as she called him.
He flicked a glance at Val's shoes and snorted softly. He knew full well she could apply pressure where it was needed regardless of the height of her heels. He shook his head at her briefly to indicate he wasn't fooled by her; it had been his turn, insofar as they took turns, and she knew it.
At Val's question to their neighbor, Tai raised one eyebrow at his red-headed companion. Val could go either way in her offers. Something as open-ended as that could be interpreted many ways.
The other woman's response had him raising both eyebrows. How fun. He gave her a measuring gaze, up and down, then looked back at Val and inclined his head, indicating he was game for whatever role she wanted him to fill.

Her voice took on a smoky quality.
"Maybe we should share next time. You know I love to watch you work."Â?
The skirt was quickly falling into the category of 'no fun'. You'd think some one dressed like that in a place like this would have more to offer. Although Val liked the skirt, it was something she might wear. Hell, it was something she might have in her closet and had forgotten about. The top... well... it was the House of Pain.
Regardless, Val purred at her half taunting and half encouraging her to play a bit.
"Mmmmmmm if you knew me dearie I don't think you would have asked that question. The answer can...."Â?
After a pause she looked quickly to Tai,
"What would you say gorgeous? Varies?"Â?
That answer seemed to satisfy Val as she flashed the other woman a perfectly friendly smile.
"Yes let's go with that. The answer varies. Depends on what your game is."Â?
Well that and her mood, and possibly Tai's mood, oh and what she was wearing and probably the phases of the moon.
The sulky old bat moved to the back of her head, and mumbled derogatory things at her for a while. "Getting to know you seems hazardous to my health."
A wicked little grin curled the corners of her lips, and the long nails on her fingers tapped against the glass before her. "How exciting."
At the other woman's rejoinder Tai let out a low chuckle.
"You have no idea," he said with a slight smile.
He could have been referring to the health hazard or the excitement bit or both. He decided to leave it deliberately vague. Either way it was going to be a fun show if these two kept at it. Whichever way it turned out Tai considered it a win-win. A brawl was fun, a threesome was fun... let it not be said he wasn't accommodating.

"Awww sugar you keep up compliments like that and I'm libel to blush."Â?
She played the schoolgirl for a second batting her eyelashes at Tai.
Val didn't know what to make of the doll. She wasn't giving many signals and the ones she was reading were mixed. It was like she was waiting for Val or Tai to make the first move. That was irksome. If you were going to hit on some one do it, if you were going to pick a fight, do it if you just wanted to be left alone... well go some where else.
"Hazardous or not it might be fun."Â?
Translation, come Ms. Priss make a move I'm game for anything.
Looking to egg the other woman on Val actually turned away and sipped at her drink. Sure she wanted to play but she wasn't going to do all the work. Val wanted proof the skirt was interested.
And speak she did, and then turned her back. What now? This was so strange for her, and she didn't considered herself a timid person, but then she was not used to asking strangers for this sort of thing. Well nothing to do but be more aggressive.
Standing, Kat took the few steps around the couple to the seat beside the woman. It, however, was occupied by one of those young men that seemed cut from a mold; tall, skinny, long-limbed, hair short in the front, and long over one eye,the visible eye colored with much too much make-up, and piercings that made absolutely no sense. This particular version had the fleshy part just above the bridge of his nose impaled with what looked like a miniature pitchfork. Kat really just wanted to stab him through it. But then she'd have a nicked knife, and a body to deal with, both things were not on her list for the night.
Instead she stared him down until he hurriedly grabbed his piss colored drink and high-tailed it with backward glances at her. The wicked little smile returned to her lips, as she moved the bustle of her skirt so that flesh touched the warm leather of the stool. All of this put her back in the line of sight with the red-head.
"I'm Kat. Care to have a little fun?"
The other woman came into view on Val's other side and glared the occupant of that bar stool into running off. Nice stare. She introduced herself as Kat. Tai, receiving his new drink, lifted it to her in acknowledgment. He didn't bother introducing himself. Val could do that. It was even odds as to whether she bothered giving the correct names, too. Tai had stopped trying to spoil her fun in that regard and generally just played along.

The girl apparently still hadn't made up her mind -what- she wanted to do. Val slammed back the rest of her rink in irritation and signaled for another. She was starting to lean toward picking a fight. It would be easy enough and not the first time she'd gotten into a brawl here. Besides her blood was still a bit up from their earlier meeting.
Although their little pussy cat wasn't too hard to look at.
"Nice to meet you Kitty Kat I'm Moira this is Akio."Â?
Val lent Tai one of the few Japanese names she knew. If they decided she was worth it they could later correct the names easy enough. She didn't even care if the Kitty part bothered the woman. Val was dying for the woman to make a move one way or the other.
"I'm all about a good time Kitty."Â?
The Kitty part did...She wasn't looking to defend her honor here, and she'd really not like having to replace the skirt, she just didn't own that many and hated shopping for them. Still...
What she wanted, and if she was honest with herself, needed, had little to do with honor. This could go exactly where she wanted, but she had to play it right. She really wished Peter were here, or that Maggie and Mike were actually any real help.
A tilt of her head, and lowering of long black lashes had her looking at the woman through a feathery veil. "The last person that called me Kitty, asked if I purr."
Despite her better judgment, Kat lightly touched her finger tip to the woman's wrist. It was a harmless gesture, but she had no idea how it would be taken. "Him I killed; you I'd like to show."
It seemed like Kat had finally taken the hint and stepped up her game. Tai raised his eyebrows at the overt innuendo and tilted his head slightly with curiosity. Val didn't always take well to uninvited physical contact, and and could swear she'd been leaning toward a brawl, having missed her chance earlier.
And, too, she did have something to prove about being able to kick some ass in heels. Tai hadn't let her forget how they'd met, and it had become something of a running joke between them - Val's selection of brawltime footwear. He vividly remembered a brawl in this exact room some months ago, wherein a red-headed cross-dresser had maliciously snapped the heel off of Val's shoe. She'd flipped her lid. It had been hilarious, in retrospect.

However, Val was a salesman and this little moggy here hadn't bought anything yet. She was looking for a free sample. Yeah, Val didn't do premiums. You either bought or you didn't but you always got your money's worth. But until the deal closed one way or another, she wasn't about to back down.
She coolly raised an eyebrow at the girl's touch, but her smile never faltered, it just failed to reach her eyes.
"You might purr doll, but,"Â?
She looked pointedly at her wrist where Kitty had failed to remove her hand,
"But I bite."Â?
Delicately and casually, she disengaged her wrist and became fascinated with her drink. Thoughtfully swirling it in the glass.
"We come as a package deal though, unless he doesn't want to play, and neither of us is cheap."Â?
An ironic little smile crept across her face, just barley exposing one of her abnormally large canines.
"Or easy for that matter."Â?
He quickly brought her another tumbler of liquid that would never pass her lips, just occupy her hands. The woman seemed irritated by her touch and Kat wasn't about to make that mistake again.
Oh, God what did she say now? Tell her you're willing to pay. It's not like you've never exchanged money for it before. Go on! She felt a little nudge, like Mike had real hands and could push at her brain. That was new, and strangely he was right. Damned idiot.
Still they were playing a tenuous game here and she couldn't just say, ok how much?
"I've the means." That was a bold statement, as she had no idea what the woman wanted as payment, and the both of them together had been a given in her head.
In Tai's case, he'd performed for money before but it wasn't by choice and the idea left a taste in the back of his throat that alcohol did nothing to cleanse. He wouldn't mind including Kat in the night's pleasantries, but not under those circumstances.
Kat hadn't mentioned money, however. She'd just said she had the means. He flashed her a quick smile. He liked that she was willing to play Val's game. Obviously she was searching for something - entertainment, a thrill, danger... whatever. People came to the House of Pain for any number of reasons.
Watching the interplay between the two Tai still felt that the night's outcome was up in the air. He found he rather enjoyed the unknown factors. He casually flipped Val's coin a few times, noting it seemed equally balanced and landed heads and tails the same number of times.

Val leaned back toward Tai, he seemed to be taking this all rather in stride but at least he wasn't bored. She'd know if he was bored. She turned to face him, her smile was sly and her laugh was low and smoky.
"Did you hear that lover? She thinks I'm a whore. Well at least me, maybe both of us. I'm not sure how I feel about that."Â?
Val leaned forward toward Kitty. Her smile was easy, deceptively friendly, but predatory at the same time.
"Now think careful doll, did you mean to say that or did I maybe hear it wrong? It's loud in here, I could have heard it wrong."Â?
God she was going to get a fight out of this yet. She could smell it and it excited her.