And she's back
Hiya sweets, I've been m.i.a. for some time (well a long ass time lol), but now i'm back and GOD I didn't realize how much i've missed you all and my characters!
So anything I should know, any threads Alexa can jump into? I'm open for anything... and I do mean anything ;) :love2

Amberelle DeEspionne
14 years ago
*run-tackle-glomps* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! mine-mine-mine-mine =D

14 years ago
*gets knocked over by Amby*
Wait... does this mean you're happy to see me?

14 years ago
Welcome back!

14 years ago
Thanks hon

14 years ago

Louis Morel
14 years ago

Panos Mehalitsenos
14 years ago
two hearts and a highfive!