A Warm Welcome


She might have been dressed well enough to fit in with executives in a board room but her voice was that of a battle field commander. Of course, bellowing was probably not the best impression Damaris could have made, but she was tired and irritable. Traveling had gotten so difficult. Even if you hired a jet there was red tape every where. Seriously, who ever heard of a Scottish illegal immigrant? Idiots.

Not getting an answering bellow, for Ambrose had never failed to shout back at her, she figured he was out for the evening. So there was no point in disturbing the peace of everyone else. She'd had her bags shipped and given the staff a heads up, she already had a key to a suite of rooms but she needed to unwind and one did not unwind locked up behind closed doors.

Fire and a cup of tea sounded perfect, then she could explore the Manor. She'd not been a frequent guest here and didn't have the best lay of the land, but the staff was helpful and while discreet at least you could see them about here and there. Humans did have their uses. Finding the library, complete with crackling fire, her tea quickly followed and she happily kicked off her shoes and curled p in a leather arm chair.

This wasn't really protocol, she should find someone to report her attack to, that was why she was here after all. But they could let her have a cuppa and maybe a meal before rehashing that mess.

Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel noted the other woman's arrival from where she was standing on a step-stool in the corner of the library not too very far from where the newcomer chose to sit. It seemed obvious that Ysabel had not been noticed, so absorbed was the black-haired woman in relaxing and curling up near the fire.

She discreetly continued to peruse the shelf she was on, looking for a particular book. Finding it she stepped off the stool and drifted quietly to the floor. Not wanting to startle the other woman Ysabel rustled her skirts, pretending to shake them out. Looking down at her book she glanced at the other armchair near the fire, an appealing seat.

Clearing her throat softly she said,
"Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?"

The woman might be expecting company or something; if that was the case Ysabel would find another comfortable place to read her book.
Damaris 13 years ago
Huh, well it was obvious she didn't have perception wasn't it? Damaris looked up at the rustling skirts and smiled at that other woman. For all they looked to be about the same age there wasn't much else that they seemed to have in common at first glance. But she didn't set too much but you couldn't set too much by first impression, and even if they had nothing in common ...

Damaris smiled slightly sheepishly, she'd drifted off into thought instead of answering the question.

"Yes, please do."

She'd appreciate the company.

"I hope I'm not intruding, I just got here and thought I might unwind a bit before I get to work or go tracking people down."
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel smiled prettily at the woman with the dark hair and took a seat in the second armchair, placing her book neatly upon her lap and tilting her head. "Just arrived? Welcome to the Manor, in that case. Of course you're not intruding. My name is Ysabel. I'd be happy to help you settle in. Who in particular were you looking for? I might be able to direct you to the right place."

She would have offered to help even if she didn't feel it was part of her duties as a member of the Rose.
Damaris 13 years ago
"Nice to meet you Ysabel. Damaris."

One could do worse than to run into a Rose right off the bat. Damaris smile softly and held her tea with both hands to warm them as she absently flexed a foot.

"I have a list of people to look for if you want to know the truth. Most of it can wait until tomorrow."

She wouldn't want to wait much longer than that.

"I'm sorry, did you want some tea?"

Not that she would be making it but it seemed rude to have some when Ysabel didn't.

"I was half hoping to Ambrose Townsend tonight, but he seems to be out."

Of course shouting was not exactly the best way to make contact. In Ambrose's case though if he heard her, it worked.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel maintained her pleasant smile as she immediately recognized the name of Ambrose's Creator. Interesting. Ambrose hadn't mentioned that Damaris was coming to Nachton. It stood to reason he did not know; she couldn't imagine he would not have told her if he did.

"Lovely to meet you, too. I shall be happy to help you whenever you like," she said.

She shook her head and made a negative gesture with her hand at the offer of tea. Ysabel rarely partook. She was neither a heavy drinker nor eater.

Her smile softened and she inclined her head to Damaris.
"Ambrose is at home tonight," she said, not hesitating to use Ambrose's given name. They had been living together in relative harmony for several years now. She wasn't certain of the propriety regarding girlfriend and Creator forms of address but it seemed reasonable to her that they should simply address Ambrose as usual.

"If you would like, I can call him. If you'll forgive the assumption, and I am correct, then you're his Creator, Damaris Hunnisett? He'll be delighted to see you, I'm sure. Did you inform him of your arrival? We would be happy to have you stay with us if you like."

A little white lie never hurt anyone. Ysabel didn't think Ambrose was ever delighted about anything.
Damaris 13 years ago
"He's at home?"

Huh. Apparently her cantankerous off spring had been keeping things from her. The way Ysabel said that Damaris quickly decided that home was not the Manor and this little blond had more than a passing acquaintance with him. Very interesting.

She looked critically at Ysabel trying to size her up. On first glance Damaris wouldn't have thought this was Ambrose's type, but she could see some appeal. It would be interesting to know more about her. She smiled a bit wryly.

"I take that blame. Some one had to do it and I was there."

That was something she firmly believed to this day. Damaris was more pleased by turning Ambrose than any of her children, although they were all impressive in their own way. Coughing to cover a laugh she shook her head.

"No he doesn't know I'm here or even planning on being here. If he knew he'd probably have taken off and if you want peace in your home I'll stay here but I thank you for the offer."

Even when he was in a good mood it was easy enough to fall into an argument with the bastard and she had no issues shouting back at him. She also recognized the truth stretching for what it was, she couldn't recall ever having seen Ambrose 'delighted'.

"You're the reason he finally got back on a horse aren't you?"

He'd never mentioned a woman, any woman, but that was his way. He had, however, told her he was riding again and a horse that had been gifted to him. It didn't take a rocket scientist to put these pieces together.
"How is he?"

She softened a bit and asked with genuine interest and mild concern.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel nodded at Damaris; no point in lying to Ambrose's Creator after all. "He still has rooms here at the Manor, as do I," she explained, "but it has been several years since either of us stayed in them."

She caught Damaris' scrutiny and sat straighter beneath the cool eyes. Ysabel didn't fear criticism. She knew she looked like a fragile little doll, a bit of fluff, arm candy for those with a baser vernacular. But there was far more to her than met the eye, or she doubted she ever could have held the attention of a man like Ambrose. Ysabel knew who and what she was, and she had nothing to be ashamed of.

Her pleasant smile never dimmed but it grew warmer when Damaris talked of turning Ambrose.
"I'm glad you did," she said with a little one-shouldered shrug.

She was relieved, although she didn't show it, to know that Damaris would prefer to stay at the Manor. She hadn't expected her to take her up on the offer but if Damaris had, Ysabel would have brought her home gracefully. She simply inclined her head in acknowledgment of Damaris' wishes. When the woman proposed that Ysabel was the reason Ambrose was riding, though, Ysabel responded to the negative.

"Ambrose is riding again because it was a part of him and he wanted to," she said firmly, her voice warm with remembrance. "I supplied some motivation, that is all." Ysabel believed that. No one could force Ambrose into anything. She might have wheedled him into it and kept him from quitting, but the desire was all his.

"He's well," she said to the next question. "You realize, of course, that not having known him previously I have no basis for comparison. However, I like to think I am an adequate judge of character and by my estimation Ambrose is... happy."
Damaris 13 years ago
Years! Damaris' eyebrows shot half way up her forehead. That sneaky SOB. He was in so much trouble when she found him. She knew he tended to stay closed off but this was over the top.

"Would you mind if I killed him?"

She asked Ysabel perfectly seriously. Probably nothing he wouldn't bounce back from but they were going to have a serious talk. She watched Ysabel carefully. The fact that this doll of a woman had kept his attention for years said a great deal about her. She was undoubtedly stronger than she looked. Ambrose would not put up with a weak woman.

She nodded at that answer. It was perfect. Without thinking about it she relaxed and smiled. Downing the last of her tea she decided she wanted another but that would wait until some one came to check on them. A bit of telekinesis fed the fire in the mean time.

"You understand him then. Good. I wish I could have done that for him."

But she couldn't. It was probably a case of two people just butting heads, he couldn't show her weakness and she wouldn't really allow it in him. While she was a little sad about that she wasn't going to obsess about it. Damaris had accepted that Ambrose had to find his own way, or at least another guide. She was just happy he'd done it. Ultimately this was probably why he'd talked to the Elder too. So it was hard to find fault with Ysabel. Part of her wanted to be the 'mom' the 'mother-in-law' and pick at every little flaw, but if she was helping Ambrose succeed it was hard to do that.

In a very unladylike like reaction she snorted and rolled her eyes. It was an expression reminiscent of Ambrose. That was a fair assessment.

"I'm not sure he is ever happy, but from what I've picked up in his letters he his content. I can only assume you are good for him."

She frowned at her empty tea cup a bit but let it go. Really she was being a bit impatient. The frown quickly melted into a smile.

"I think this is where I ask about you and how you met and all of that."
Ysabel 13 years ago
"Yes, I believe I would," Ysabel said with mild humor. "I have become somewhat attached to him."

She understood Damaris' logic though, or thought so at any rate. Ysabel had been raised by the people who eventually turned her, and she couldn't imagine going more than a few weeks without some sort of correspondence. Ambrose, however, wasn't exactly the pen-pal type. She figured if he hadn't even told his own Creator about his romantic affair, he probably wasn't forthcoming on many other details either.

She smiled and shook her head at Damaris.
"It wasn't that you couldn't. He just wasn't ready. And yes, I like to think we understand each other. For all the things that count, anyhow. Part of the fun of being with him is keeping him in the dark a bit."

Ysabel had spent centuries playing the role of the enigmatic female, and Ambrose seemed to love the mystery that came with it. She admitted her secret to Damaris with a knowing smile, suspecting somehow that Ambrose's Creator would understand.

She inclined her head in thanks when Damaris agreed with her assessment, and then rolled her eyes upward in thought.
"We met shortly after my arrival in Nachton, oh, five years ago now. I honestly cannot tell you what exactly it was that drew us together but once we started talking it was natural for things to grow from there."

She noted Damaris' somewhat heavy accent and said, "If you don't mind my asking, how is it you came to be in Ambrose's time and place when he needed you most?"
Damaris 13 years ago
"Nothing permanent. I might just make him regenerate a few things."

Not that she was a romantic, but she wasn't about to undo this little bit of magic. And for anyone to put up with Ambrose in a romantic relationship for more than a few months that, yes that was magic.

She chucked at Ysabel. It wasn't hard to guess she was, or had been part of a court, at least one. In someways though it made sense, Ambrose was certainly rough around the edges and unless she missed her guess Ysabel was very polished. It would probably take one extreme to balance out the other.

"The carrot and stick? I'm afraid I was just a stick."

No, she understood what had drawn Ambrose to Ysabel, challenge, mystery, and probably the refinement as well. Something he lacked, it was something he'd want to know more about.

"Good enough. Then I wish you well."

Five years was nothing in the grand scheme of things, not when both parties had no set life span and were hard to kill.

"I was in the area on assignment. Once that was done I found I was enjoying myself. The time, the area it was exciting. I'd heard of him and we'd run into each other on occasion."

There was no polite way to say she'd seen him work and been impressed. No doubt Ysabel knew what Ambrose had been. So she didn't go down that road.

"As to his unfortunate timing... that was just luck. I didn't stay in one place too long."

She shrugged and paused as one of the servants ducked in took her tea cup and disappeared. Damaris had no doubt it would come back with a fresh hot brew.

"I did ask. I knew it wouldn't be easy for him."

There was no apology or sympathy in her voice, not even an excuse, just an acknowledgment that she had taken a risk, as had he.

"To let that... to let him die like that, idiotic and senseless, it would have been a crime."
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel smiled and nodded at Damaris. "Well... I would still prefer him unharmed. If you must injure him, you may keep him while he recuperates."

She was certainly not going to do the caring, for Ambrose was prickly on a good day - on a bad day, well, if Damaris wanted to break him she could care for him.

"Mostly carrot," she said with a smile. "Ambrose works best when the stick is not present or, at the very least, hidden from view."

She listened quietly, with interest, as Damaris told her side of the story. Ysabel smiled when she was through.
"I agree. It would have been a crime, and I am glad you were there."

Ambrose was younger then Ysabel by several hundred years. Clearly he had done just fine without her. But she was still happy to have him with her. They functioned better together than they did apart.

"Would you like me to call him?" She offered once more. "He is definitely at home. I know he'd like to see you, in spite of what he might say."
Damaris 13 years ago
"That is low."

But she grinned oddly pleased that Ysabel wasn't going to fuss over Ambrose and want to coddle him and nurse him back to health. There was a fine line between sympathy and support and letting him fall into self pity.

Her mostly stick technique hadn't worked so mostly carrot didn't surprise Damaris. He she didn't care what methods any one used to get his ass in gear or who used them. If he wanted to be inspired by a seventeen year old boy she was fine with it. She was a bit relieved that he'd found inspiration in a nice Anantya vampire woman, apparently maternal instincts did extend to vampires.

"Lord no. If he isn't here I'm not going to drag him here. I've some business I need to take care of and then I'll find him."

It might be better for him if he got used to the idea that she was here. He didn't do terribly well with surprises some times. She was a bit leery of these command hunting bastards but was hoping that Ambrose's relative youth would make him less interesting to him.
Ysabel 13 years ago
"It is truthful," Ysabel sniffed. But she smiled a little at Damaris, who surely understood why Ysabel would refuse to fix what Damaris broke.

She inclined her head toward Damaris once more, acknowledging her wishes.
"Shall I tell him you're here, or would you prefer to leave your grand entrance for when he least expects you?"

She considered for a moment. "If the latter is the case, would you do me the favor of letting me know when that will be? I really don't want to miss it."

That was true for a number of reasons but mostly because Ysabel did want to be there when Ambrose saw his Creator for the first time in many years.
Damaris 13 years ago
"It is smart."

Damaris conceded. Ysabel was quickly going up in her estimation. This was no bit of fluff and if she lived up to the little bit that Damaris had seen she was strong enough to keep Ambrose interested. They would very probably be a good pair.

"As bad an idea as it is, I think I'd like to surprise him."

She wanted to confirm this command issue and would like to be sure she wasn't going to be spreading panic and rumors. It was one thing to occasionally flout authority, it was another thing to start something that could send the clan into a tizzy. Some one had to know about this. With any luck she could see the Elder tonight or tomorrow.

A throaty laugh was a response to that request.

"Did you want to sell tickets?"

Honestly there was no telling how Ambrose would reaction. There was a good chance he'd greet her enthusiastically and with open arms. There was an equally good chance he'd just shoot her. Both was also a possibility as was anything in between.

"Any suggestions on how to break the news to him?"

She wasn't sure how long she'd be staying, but she would be seeing him at least once before she left.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Once again Ysabel simply inclined her head toward Damaris and acknowledged the other woman's words. If Ambrose's Creator considered her smart, then that was fine by her. The truth of the matter was, Ysabel was just used to people and their various quirks and foibles. Ambrose might be a bit more complex than most but he was still just a person, and she loved him enough to try her best to always understand him.

She laughed softly at Damaris' guess.
"As profitable as that might be, I was weighing the benefits and disadvantages of being present versus being away on holiday. So far they're both looking appealing."

Mostly she wanted to be with Ambrose when he saw Damaris. Not that it would be stressful or anything, she just wanted to be with him. That was all. As far as Damaris' question went, however, Ysabel shook her head with a slightly impish smile.

"From out of sight, perhaps, possibly via phone."
Damaris 13 years ago
That made her laugh. She liked this one. He'd chosen well, or she had. It was hard to say and her best guess was neither could Ambrose. Her laugh had been cheerful and hearty and she shook her head.

"Now that is no fun at all. And to borrow a phrase from my son,"

She frowned for a second and managed a fair Ambrose impression for the next bit. It wasn't great but it was clear what she was doing.

"That would be all sorts of cowardly."

Maybe it had been too long since she'd seen him. She should have come to Nachton before too. Her smiled relaxed as did her body. The reason for being her was poor, upsetting, but being here was right.

"I think we're going to need to go out at some point so I can subject you to a ruthless inquiry."

She observed casually. Damaris wanted to know her story there was more to this than her being drawn to him. Something in her past made a man like that acceptable. Or possibly this was a midlife crisis and she was rebelling. It was hard to say.
Ysabel 13 years ago
Ysabel smiled pleasantly. "Well, if I may, my lady, going in guns blazing is definitely Ambrose's method. Not mine. If it works for you as well, then I recommend it. But carry a shield. You know how he loves to shoot first and be polite later."

She laughed softly at the Ambrose impression and nodded her head. It wasn't a bad mimic.

Ysabel stood, holding her book close, and offered Damaris a curtsy.
"I would enjoy that," she said honestly. "I'll be frank, however, there's very little of intrigue about us. It's a simple matter of 'opposites attract' and your son has been keeping a fairly low profile for the last few years. Maybe because of that. Who knows?"

She smiled softly.
"Either way I hope you'll let me know when you're ready to come by for a visit?"
Damaris 13 years ago
That was one trait they did share, for better or worse. Damaris was amused by the notion of a shield. She'd never liked using them. Instead she focused on this new statement.

"You've gotten him to be polite?"

Dear god that was a miracle in itself. Not that Ambrose had manners, just that he'd use them. But it seemed that Ysabel might be going to check in on Ambrose. She stood as well, although she didn't bother with the curtsey. She was wearing pants and while there was polite there was also over the top.

It was time for him to stop with this low profile though. He had talent it was high time he use it. But she'd have that argument with Ambrose rather than Ysabel.

"You'll be the first to know I promise."

She wondered if it would be over the top to call Graham and see if he could easily dig up something on this Ysabel. It was probably obsessive, she -knew- it was obsessive. But she couldn't help thinking about the idea, even if she didn't act on it.
Ysabel 13 years ago
"He did it himself," Ysabel said with a smile. "Mostly."

She smoothed her skirts, gathered her book close and said, "It was lovely to meet you Damaris. I know Ambrose will be glad to see you."

It didn't hurt to stay positive.
"Please let me know if I can help you with anything while you're here."

With that last polite goodbye Ysabel took herself off with her book, heading back home to Ambrose with a secret held close.

((ooc: Ysabel out))
Damaris 13 years ago
Damaris muttered a polite good bye and curled back up in her chair. She was listening to the minor sounds that verified the Manor was indeed inhabited. Hearing people, servants, vampires, clansmen moving about, even the occasional TV, all very -very- muted and subdued was enough for her. She started to relax.

So Ambrose had found a woman. That was nice. She was quite pleased really, a little worried maybe but she figured that was a maternal thing. Raising a child for a hundred years or so was different than your typical mother son bond, but it was no less real, not to her.

Glancing at her watch she decided it wouldn't be proper to go and find the Elder now. It would wait until tomorrow night. For now, she would just enjoy the tea and the fire. It was a strange city and the sounds of people was relaxing. Eventually just as the sun started to rise she found her rooms, cold and impersonal but at least comfortable. Travel wore out even vampires, she needed, or at least wanted, some sleep.

((OOC... Damaris out too))