I'll see you in my dreams
Time, time will never be a friend of mine again
It tries to make your memory fade, but I won't let it end
Let the sun go down, so I can drift away
Let me close my eyes and live another day
You keep comin', you keep comin' back, you keep comin' back for more
- Giant, 'I'll see you in my dreams'
It was St. Patrick's day; green beer, short kilts, and Irish brogues were in full swing. Ellis moved slowly through the sewer tunnel that led to the entrance of her lair underneath Nachton's Opera House. She whistled a short, four note tune that was sharp, yet sad. In the darkness, Ellis walked without the benefit of light, listening to the click clack of her lighter case, opening and closing.
Reaching the end of the tunnel, Ellis waved her hand over the security panel and entered the code. In front of her was a nine foot high steel door, effectively keeping unwelcome guests out. It hissed as the locking mechanism rotated, opening the door. Ellis stepped into the lair and froze.
The lair was square shaped and sectioned into different living areas. In front of her was the living room, for the most part, not that she spent time in that part of the domain. There was a long hallway leading to the kitchen and extras rooms on the right. Further down the hall, all the way at the end, was her bedroom. The space was set up for efficiency, not so much luxury. It didn't feel like home, so she never bothered to make it one. Tai inhabited one of the rooms for private meditation or whatever the hell he did, but most of the rooms were empty. The space was wireless, automated, and had a security system similar to the Domicile, yet there was someone standing in her bedroom...and it wasn't Tai.
She reached out with her perception, but only felt the one presence, other than the opera house above. Heartbeats had distinct signatures that grow familiar and she could feel the employees above, but the heart beat at the end of the hall was not familiar, at least.... Ellis shook the thought out of her mind and continued playing with her lighter, flipping it open and then closing it again as she moved down the hallway slowly. Her left hand reached behind her and grazed the handle of her .38, but shrugged it off with annoyance.
Why do vampires carry weapons when they're immortal? What could possibly be above them on the food chain? She was an ancient, after all, and with age came strength and resilience, yet something was making her spidey sense tingle with familiar fear. Ellis unconsciously flipped open her lighter as she reached the end of the hall and stood just outside her bedroom suite. The door was slightly ajar, but in complete darkness. She took a deep breath, regaining her courage, and pushed the door open.
The automatic lights kicked on, after having shut off with the lack of movement in the room. Which meant whoever was in her room had sat still, and remained still, for at least 15 minutes. As the room was flooded with light, Ellis flipped her lighter closed with a snap.
'What are you doing here?'
Ellis stepped into the room and walked up to the figure sitting on her king sized bed with their back to her.
'How did you get in here, Kyle?'

Then it was Kyle.
Looked like Kyle, smelled like Kyle.
Blinking, Ellis took a step back toward the door as he stood up off the bed.
'You left so suddenly the other night.'
Sounded like Kyle, too.
Ellis looked at Kyle from head to toe, then looked around the room suspiciously. With narrowed eyes she asked again. 'I said, how did you get in here?'
'I came to check up on you.'
Kyle took a step toward her, prompting her to take another step back, bumping into the half opened door. Angrily she turned, opening the door all the way, but upon looking back at Kyle, noticed he had taken another step closer. The anger welled up in her and suddenly she crossed the distance between them and grabbed him by his throat. Pushing him roughly up against the wardrobe on the opposite wall, she asked him again.
'Kyle how the fuck did you get in here?'
Kyle did not look put out about being manhandled. In fact, he didn't look distressed at all as Ellis dug her nails into his neck. He reached up with his hands and touched her arm.
'You should know, Ellis, that Babylon's security cameras are everywhere.'
Ellis looked at Kyle, his bright blue eyes regarding her sympathetically. His half grin lacked its usual charming deliciousness. The touch of his hands on her arm was strong, stronger than normal, and just a little bit terrifying. She wanted to recoil from his touch, but held him pinned against the wall.
'You told your boyfriend your security code right on camera, Ellis.' Despite Ellis' iron claw on his neck, he managed to shake his head and tsk her like a child. 'Not smart.'
She had heard about another murder at Babylon. How that place stayed open was a wonder. The manager had been found torn to pieces in her office. Ellis liked information, even seemingly useless information, and this bit of info had come across her mental desk with great curiosity, prompting the same question the police had asked.
Who was her last appointment?
Ellis knew who it was. Knew this person intimately.
Kyle's grin grew into a big, toothy smile. His fingers wrapped around her arm and he squeezed.
His touch had finally become too much to bare. Quickly she dropped him and pulled her arm back away, touching it as if it were on fire. Kyle called Simon 'her boyfriend'. Kyle was privy to more information than he cared to know. Kyle was told many things and had a way with words. Kyle knew Simon personally.
This was not Kyle.
'Get out.'
Dream walking was such a useful ability, and oddly enough, a rare one. Maybe it took a particularly creative mind to use the ability effectively; to invade a person's dream, to manipulate it took great control and finesse. To change the dreamer's world into that pleasant slice of heaven, or to inspire soul scream nightmares by liberal abuse of their fears. Fantasy dreams were fun, no doubt, but it was the raw power of a nightmare that Wilhem could not resist.
Tearing someone's mind asunder took talent and Wilhem fucking loved it.
It was addicting for the user but the over use of the ability on one person could have detrimental affects on the victim. Intense paranoia, sleep deprivation, substance abuse, as well as psychotic breaks. Unfortunate, not so much for the victim, but for Wilhem. It's hard to find good subjects that can out last the symptoms, but those that can ultimately end up having the most magnificently twisted nightmares. It helped give him ideas for future victims. Still, there was nothing like the first big nightmare. Discovering the scope of the victim's thoughts and what terrified them was always a genuine surprise.
Wilhem had wandered the empty Opera House the night before, trying to picture Ellis' lair beneath him. He had walked the floor plan, measuring out locations. It was stupid of her, and a stroke of luck, that she had told Huntington how to get into her place. Jealousy creeped into his shoulders as he thought of it, walking the rows of the house seats. She had belonged to him first. He made her, molded her, gave her everything. He gritted his teeth and walked underneath the east side box seats, making a mental note as he looked up into the darkness of space.
The seats were cushioned and a deep burgandy red. Lifting his legs, he put his boots on the ledge in front of him and sunk low in the seat. He pulled the band out of his hair, running his fingers through the long layers and closed his eyes.

'I said,' Ellis put her hand on the door, reaching for the door knob. She took a step back and offered him safe passage out the bedroom door. The first time would be polite, the second time would not. 'Get out.'
Kyle, or whoever it was, looked at her with empty, soulless eyes. He didn't move. Didn't speak. Then, without breaking his stare, he took two steps closer to her and reached out with his hand. Ellis felt herself cringe away from his touch as his hand brushed by her for the door. The room suddenly felt very small as he pulled on the door, and instead of walking out of it, closed it slowly. His eyes never left hers, those empty, dull eyes. Finally she looked away.
Terror crept up into her shoulders and wrapped itself around her neck, squeezing tightly. This moment, it was wrong. Kyle's expression, the way he was talking, the way he referred to Simon...the way he talked to her like a child. It was wrong, all wrong.
And painfully familiar.
Ellis concentrated on her speed, pushing as much into it so when she pulled for her gun, it was liquid and barely visible to the eye. Without hesitation, she used that fear in her and put a bullet right where Kyle's head was directly in front of her. Much to Ellis' surprise, his hand reached out and stopped the arc of her firing arm and the bullet sailed passed within an inch of his temple. With the same kind of brute force, he reached out with his opposite hand and grabbed her wrist, twisting his body to the right, sending her flying against the wardrobe she previously had him pinned on.
The impact shook Ellis' head and the wardrobe broke, falling to pieces and suddenly she was pushed up against the wall. Kyle leaned into her with his arm and placed it neatly across her throat. He stood there, pinning her body to the wall effortlessly. Ellis began to struggle, fighting for air, but as much as she tried to pull at his arm, the more he applied pressure.
His empty stare slowly disappeared, replacing it with a wry grin. Kyle chuckled, as if he had just heard a funny joke. 'Come on, Ellis. That wasn't nice.'
Ellis tried to bring her knees up, throw his balance off, something just to get him off her throat. She was quickly punished by Kyle using the rest of his body to pin her to the wall. She strained for air as she spit back in his face.
Kyle dropped his arm and grabbed her by the shoulders, twisting again and sending her flying toward her bed. The force of her body moved the heavy king sized bed halfway across the large room. He was on her before she could even register where he had thrown her, pushing her onto her back and straddling her.
Fear, repulsion, and the realization of what was about to happen pushed her blood lust to its peak, but for all her struggle, she was nothing compared to his strength. This was most definitely not Kyle. Whoever it was began tearing at her clothes, ripping her shirt off as he one gripped her wrists. She could feel the tears in her eyes and the terror was strangling her as he lowered himself down onto her thighs and began ripping at her pants, all the while staring at her with those empty, dead eyes. It was on her lips, on the very edge of her tongue as he pushed down her pants to her knees and then began with the zipper of his trouser.
No, this wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. It hadn't happened in so many years, because it used to happen, all too frequently, but the person who did it was dead.
Finally Ellis began to cry. 'Kyle, please don't. Please.'
But he did.
Kyle pinned her hands up over her head and pushed his knee in between her thighs. The pain bit into her as she turned her head and shut her eyes. Then, as he was poised to shove into her, he grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look at him.
'Don't worry, I'll be gentle.'
Then Ellis began to scream.

As he closed the distance, his agitation began to increase. It grew proportionately as he neared the foundation of the structure. Rolling his shoulders, he stopped to feel his surroundings. Stray heartbeats above him in the building overlapped each other, maybe twenty or thirty people at this time of off night. Still, he felt his shoulders tense.
The opening to the underground lair was unimpressive. A large steel door and a blank panel. That's it. It could lead anywhere and was similar to many of the other ports located underground. A doorway hidden in plain sight. Simon was looking at the panel when he felt the first wave of a recognizable emotion.
He opened up his perception and was concentrating when he felt it. It was if she was screaming in his head. Simon doubled over and covered his ears as the terror washed over him, beating him down, wave after wave. The full rush of her aura was agonizing as he fell to his knees, trying to control it. It was blinding, like a stream of consciousness that was piercing his head. Their aura had always seemed more susceptible to raw emotion like lust, hate, but her fear was almost crippling.
Standing back up on one knee, he ran his hand over the panel, bringing it to life, and blinked confused at the rotating numbers and letters moving in a random sequence on the the digital display. He could barely see the jumbled letters as her fear began to come in a steady thump in his head, and blindly Simon tried to type in the pass code.

The light flickered on softly as she held onto a scream forming in her throat. The wardrobe was upright and back in its position, unbroken and unmarred. The bedroom door opened and the bed centered in the room. She grabbed at the sheets, pulling them back and saw...nothing. A long, soft jersey T-shirt and pristine white sheets. No blood. No broken furniture.
No Kyle, but someone was in the lair.
Quickly she stood and opened a chest of drawers next to the wardrobe. In it were weapons and ammunition. She pulled out a silver .38 and checked the clip which was full. Slapping the clip back in, she cocked the gun and slowly exited her bedroom.
Her perception tracked that heart beat on the other side of the hallway, in the kitchen. With slow steps she held the gun out in front of her, both hands on the grip and finger applying light pressure to the trigger. She walked the hallway back toward the front of the lair and peered around the corner. The kitchen lights were on and she could hear someone fussing with the fridge, opening and closing it.
Her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her nerves, trying not to think about what apparently had been a nightmare. Right, she thought. A nightmare? That's what it had to be, a nightmare. Opening her eyes again, she turned the corner and walked the short distance to the kitchen. Standing just beyond the doorway, she counted to three and then turned the corner, into the kitchen.
It was Simon.
He had his back to her and was looking in the fridge. Black turtleneck and matching black trousers. His hand was on the door handle and he seemed pretty focused on the contents.
'Simon, what are you doing here?'
He turned his head, showing her his profile. He was unexpected but not unwelcome. She had given him access to the lair, and considering the night she just had, a friendly face was refreshing. Ellis used her thumb to slowly disengage the hammer of the .38. With a deep sigh she crossed the kitchen, circling the granite covered island, and reached out to him.
'I don't know if there's anything good in there.' She caught a whiff of something rotten and snorted. 'Well, apparently there's something potent in th...'
Ellis' voice trailed off as she reached out and touched his shoulder, turning him fully toward her. Once Simon was in full view, she saw the other half of his profile. The dull gray skin, gaping eye socket, and decayed flesh.
Simon took a step toward her and let the fridge door close.
The gun dropped to the floor in a clatter, completely ignored. Instead, Ellis turned to run, but was pushed to the ground, bouncing her face off the tiled floor. The zombie Simon immediately bit into the meat of her left shoulder, ripping the flesh right off the bone. His ancient strength had been amplified by the zombie virus and fighting against it was pointless. Still, she twisted beneath the zombie Simon and tried pushing him off her, but was rewarded with him biting three of her fingers clean off her right hand.
Screaming at the top of her lungs, the rotting corpse smell permeated her nostrils as the virus burned through her like fire. Simon continued biting the flesh off her neck and chest as she struggled against the pungent smell. Screaming, despite the fact that no one was there to hear her.
Just Simon, with a bloody mouth full of her flesh and the same soulless, empty eyes.

Simon grunted angrily as he tried to block the emotion coming off their shared aura. His fingers kept tripping over themselves as he tried to get the sequence correctly, despite the jumbling digital numbers and letters. Finally on the fourth try, the door hissed next to him and opened. Her voice had began to go hoarse, screaming for who knows how long. Frantically, he squeezed through the doorway once it was barely big enough and ran into the dimly lit lair.
Her voice was coming from the opposite end of the space and he ran down a long hallway, peering into each room. There was no one else here, not that he could tell. She was alone. Reaching the end of the hallway he pushed opened her slightly ajar bedroom door.
Ellis was in her bed...screaming in her sleep.
'Ellis?' He ran to the bed and stood over her for a moment, watching her thrash. 'Jesus...Ellis?' He grabbed her and her reaction amplified ten fold. 'Ellis! Ellis!!'
Her eyes flew open and she immediately pushed away from him and he lost his grip on her. She was completely terrified. Stunned, Simon crawled onto the bed to stop her when he heard her, begging him to go away. Finally Simon grabbed her and gave her one good shake.
'Ellis, it's me! It's me!' Instinctively he pushed his emotions into her aura, washing her with his love and concern and immediately she stopped. Their aura filled with warmth and he released his grip on her.
'It's me, Ellis.'
Her face was tear stained and flushed as her entire body trembled. Simon looked into her eyes and he took her hands. Suddenly she reached out to him and hugged him tightly, crying softly into his neck.
Simon was floored. Never...never...had he ever been witness to this kind of fear from her. Throughout his long life, he had seen it in other people, inspired it in fact, but not from Ellis. Awkwardly he embraced her, shocked at how badly she was shaking. Her aura began to fade, the fear seeping out and being replaced by relief, but it was tainted. Whatever she had been dreaming about had terrified her.
Slowly he began rubbing her back, whispering in her ear that it was alright. He held her until her sobs subsided. With a sigh, he looked down at her and tried pulling her back, but her grip was like steel. Shaking his head, he waited.
The first nightmare was an easy one for him and he wondered how long it would take her to put things together. Well, not everything, but what the dream represented, at least. The second dream surprised him. The zombie nightmare must be a reoccurring one for her. He had heard something about that, the Halloween before. It intrigued him. He would have to talk to Masterson at Nachton's finest and see what other information he could find out about that.
With a happy sigh, Wilhem stood and again stretched out, popping his back. He stood just at six feet with a slightly pudgy midsection. The gluttonous life he had led right before his turning had been a disappointment to him. He should have cut back on the greasy pork. Still, he was still a refined and handsome looking man. Tanned skin, strong nose and jet black hair. His eyes were a uniquely golden brown which stood out against his tanned brown skin. Made him popular with the ladies and unfortunately the fat, old men.
His grin fell as he stepped out of the box seat and entered into the hallway leading back down to the ground floor. Nightmares always cheered him up, but his jovial mood had soured again. There was information to gather, things to instigate, people to kill.
Busy, busy day.
((OOC - Darius out))

Shaking his head as he recalled the thought, he absently looked around the kitchen. It was clean and uncluttered with pale shades of earth tones and black granite counter tops. It was nice, he decided. Picking up his fork, he ate the rest of his egg when he noticed the shower had turned off. Standing, he walked over to the pan that was still warm on the stove top and fixed another plate. He layered the egg on top of the toast when he felt her looking at him.
Turning his head he saw her peeking around the corner. Her hair was still damp and she was wearing a short bathrobe that was cinched so tight that he thought she might pop. Her hand came up and wrapped around the door frame.
He showed her the plate, but she didn't answer. With a sigh he walked back to the high breakfast nook table for four and put the plate across from him. He picked up his bacon and watched her across the kitchen. Their aura pulsed softly, her mistrust apparent.
'Either you eat it or I will.'
Simon snorted softly and tried giving her a disarming grin. Ellis ran her fingers through her hair and crossed the kitchen floor barefoot. He watched her as he bit into his slice of bacon, chewing the salty bit of meat. He raised his eyebrows at her when she looked up at him and then she picked up her fork and started to eat.
They ate in silence. Slowly the tension seemed to leave her shoulders and she started to relax, like a spring uncoiling. Finishing his meal, he stood and put his plate away, washing it at the sink. When he looked back over at her, he noticed that she had turned toward him, keeping her back away from him.
She looked up at him and licked the yolk off her lips.
'Are you going to tell me what happened in there?'

A nightmare is a dream which causes a strong unpleasant emotional response from the sleeper, typically fear or horror, being in situations of extreme danger, or the sensations of pain. That's it in a nutshell and Ellis knew this. She had undoubtedly been the main character in quite a few nightmares, but personally had never suffered from one so vivid, so extremely distressful as the two she experienced back to back. Was it her conscious rising up, punishing her for her recent do-gooder path? Was she so psychologically wired to live without remorse that her conscious would try to assume control?
Or was she just having nightmares?
Two of them, rape and the reoccurring zombie dream was enough to put her on the floor of her shower, rocking back and forth, too terrified to close her eyes. No one is infallible, a rock, or an island, and it was probably just a matter of time before over fifteen hundred years of doing the wrong thing would catch up to her, but these dreams seemed...personal.
There was no one that she knew of with the dream ability even remotely close to the power that she experienced. Besides, who knew, other than Tai or Simon, where she slept? Ellis stopped rocking.
One other person did.
Standing, Ellis finished her shower and wrapped herself in the white bathrobe hanging on the back of the door. Simon was still in the lair and the pleasant aroma of breakfast wafted into the bathroom when she opened the door. Quietly she padded barefoot down the hallway toward the kitchen. Peering around the corner she saw him standing there, at the stove, fixing a plate.
It was him. Simon. The wave of concern and calm washed over her, his aura specific and like a neon sign. That was Simon. Her nightmare Simon always lacked that aura, a little fact that she'd hold like a amulet the next time she slept.
If she slept.
Vampires didn't need to sleep, it was more of a old human habit that was hard to break. Eventually she'd need to recharge, but she could go an undetermined amount of time without actually sleeping, and she planned on testing how long she could go.
Simon was being sweet. Making her breakfast and encouraging her to relax, she appreciated his effort and eventually did sit down. He watched her eat slowly. When he stood to clean his plate, Ellis moved to face him. She had done it unconsciously, but when he said her name, she blushed realizing that she still didn't trust her surroundings.
'Are you going to tell me what happened in there?' He asked as he leaned up against the counter, crossing his arms.
Ellis put her fork down and used her fingers to wipe the corners of her mouth. She answered him as truthfully as she could.
'I don't know.'

'I've seen you wake up from a nightmare.' He looked her in the eyes and reached out to touch her arms, lightly running them down her shoulders, rubbing the skin with his thumbs. Quietly he added, 'That wasn't a nightmare. I didn't have to hold you while you cried.'
Ellis made uncomfortable noises and shifted in her seat.
'Listen, listen.' He gently squeezed her arms as he stood close to her, pressing up against her knees. 'Is it possible someone out there has that strong of a dream ability? Someone we know? Someone who would know where to find you?'

'You told your boyfriend your security code right on camera, Ellis.'
Ellis let her sentence trail off with her sudden thought. It was what the Not-Kyle had said. The dream, like all dreams, were starting to fade. Not the horrific parts, but the small, almost seemingly insignificant moments that went nearly unheard.
'You told your boyfriend your security code right on camera, Ellis.'
Her attention snapped back into Simon's face which had clouded with concern again. He was asking her what she remembered.
'I don't...remember.' Shrugging, Ellis filed the information away. Not forgotten, definitely...not forgotten.

Her eyes were looking at him, but she wasn't there.
'Ellis, do you remember something?'
Her pale green eyes focused again, and with a shake of her head, claimed not to remember. But Simon knew better. It was something she didn't want him to know, something in her dream. Maybe something she was trying to figure out.
'So right now we're saying that it was just a bad nightmare? No outside influence?'
Ellis shrugged again. They couldn't say definitively that it was dream walking, and if it had been, they had not one clue to go on. Or maybe she did? She slipped down from the chair, making him take a step back. Taking her plate, she took it to the sink and set it down.
'What? You're not going to wash your plate?'

'I don't do dishes, baby.'
Simon rolled his eyes at her and it made her smile. A genuine, honest-to-god smile. Pointing over her shoulder, she walked around the kitchen island and headed back toward her bedroom.
'I'm gonna get dressed. Are you staying?'
He nodded as he pushed his sleeves up and moved toward the sink to wash her dishes. Moving out of the doorway, Ellis put her hand up on the door frame and looked back at him.
'Thanks for being here, Simon.'
He turned and looked over his shoulder at her, giving her a small smile coupled with a wink.
Her heart fluttered unexpectedly at his gesture and she felt a blush rise up into her face. Returning his smile, she walked the long hallway to her bedroom, pushing the door open before she entered.
No one there.
Shaking her head, Ellis tried to ignore the nervousness building up in her shoulders. Approaching the wardrobe, she opened it slowly, looking at the clothes. The high fashion had been replaced since her raged filled tantrum from over a year ago, when she found out about Simon and Carol. With a sigh, she pulled at a pair of white wide ankle pants, unconsciously matching her outfit to Simon's.
It was still cold on the eastern seaboard, even with the first day of Spring coming in just days. Simon wore dark gray trousers with a cashmere gray sweater, white crisp button up underneath. His coat was a lightweight wool coat that matched his trousers and it was soft to the touch. She pulled out a gray Ralph Lauren metallic draped kimono wrap and threw it on the bed behind her. The wrap had a silver dusted tube top that went with it and she grabbed it, daring winter to ruin her spring outfit.
She undid the belt of her robe and pulled it back over her shoulders when she felt the flush of desire. Pulling it back on, she turned to see Simon standing at her bedroom door, watching her. His eyes were hooded in the shadow of the doorway, but she could feel them moving up and down her body. Weirdly enough, she wasn't sure what to make of the moment. Two years ago she would have just dropped the robe and did her sexy little thing, playing the vixen. Before she let his grandson die, slowly decimated the clanless vampire population of Nachton, led a notorious clan that she cared nothing for, and the world was hers. Two years ago when she was viciously unkind and cared nothing but herself. Was she so different now? Had Simon been better off without her, or did he make her a better woman?
Ellis considered these things as Simon stepped into the bedroom, walking slowly with his hands in the pockets of his trousers. Instead of dropping her robe, she unconsciously closed it, holding it with her left hand as the right pushed a bit of damp hair behind her ear. As he closed the distance, Ellis looked up at him with uncertain eyes.

Ellis was lazily throwing bits of clothes behind her onto the bed. Her bathrobe was still on, but he could see her hand on the belt, pulling at it slowly. Leaning against the door frame, he watched her intently, taking in the curves of her body and the shimmer of her still damp hair. Her profile was thoughtful, yet serene. The terrifying moments of her dream had seemed to finally dissipated. The bathrobe was plain white, but stopped at mid thigh, exposing her muscularly long legs. His hands slipped into the pockets of his slacks as his eyes traveled from the back of her calves, up and around her toned thigh to her hourglass shape still obvious through her robe. Her hair was touching the middle of her back and as she reached for the collar of her robe to push it over her shoulders, Simon felt the rush of desire and anticipation course through him. It penetrated their aura before he could stop it and Ellis turned, taking full notice of him.
Common sense was telling him to wait in the living room, to give her the space she probably needed, but more importantly to avoid what probably wasn't the best of ideas. He was not surprised when his body willed itself forward, into the room. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he reached up with his left hand to scratch his chin slowly. Again common sense was warning him to keep quiet and turn around and leave, but instead he stopped in front of her, surprised to see her closing her robe out of modesty.
'You know, I came here against my better judgment.' Simon looked down at her, standing only five foot eight barefoot - a good eight inches shorter than him - and let his eyes stray from her watery green eyes to her mouth. Slowly he reached out and pulled on the belt of her robe with both hands.
'I came here with every intention of making love to you,' Simon looked down at the belt and ran his hands down to the ends, 'but maybe now isn't the best time.'
Simon tied the belt in a half bow, closing the robe. He smiled down at her as he let his hands drop in front of him. Ellis made no move to stop him or encourage him. That act alone told him his decision was the right one. Wasn't like they were rushed to burn up the sheets and it wasn't as if they hadn't already been there and done that.
No, he thought. It wasn't something they had done a thousand times before. Looking at her now, the thrill of what sex would be with their bond almost made him change his mind, but if she were ready, she would have stopped him. He slipped his hands into his pockets and turned.
'I'll wait for you up front.'
Simon quietly left, giving her a final look as he walked out of the bedroom.

What the hell is going on with her? She looked down at her hands and watched as they trembled. Two, no three years ago they'd be in the middle of fucking each other’s brains out by now. Admittedly Ellis fed off of the intense worshiping that Simon had for her; it was an incredible ego boost, to say the least. She had taken it for granted for so long that it inevitably became the source of his resentment. Now she was being given the chance to redeem herself. At least, that's how it felt.
She looked down at the belt of her robe. With great confusion, she pulled it loose and let the robe slip off her body. Her eyebrows were knitted in frustration as she grabbed white lingerie and slipped on the silver and gray outfit. Walking into the bathroom, she ran a quick brush through her straight hair and called it done. A $400 cut and style will get you that type of versatility and ease. As she applied minimal makeup, her perception picked up Simon's heart beat as he moved in and out of the front rooms. Guilt rose up into her chest as she felt the flare of jealousy pass thru their aura. Simon had happened upon some of Tai's discarded things, no doubt. Closing her eyes, she finished her lipstick and exited the bathroom.
The lair was small compared to the three thousand square foot apartment she had in the Domicile. Granted she brought nothing by way of personal possessions when she left Tacharan. What does a dead person need, anyway?
Her wardrobe had grown significantly in the two years of taking up residences underneath the Opera House, and even though the new lair was no Domicile, it still had enough room for her shoes. Happily she bounced into the side room connected to the walk-in closet and picked out a pair of Jimmy Choo open toed sling backs.
The trick about an entrance is to look nonchalant but devastatingly beautiful at the same time. A technique difficult to learn, but invaluable if mastered. Ellis not only mastered it, she invented it. Yet she still found herself walking timidly into the front room.
Looking to her left, she saw Simon sitting in one of the few pieces of furniture in the living area; a square, single person red chair. His arms were resting on the arm chairs and his face betrayed just the bare hint of annoyance, until he looked up at Ellis. She watched as his expected jealously drained out of his face and he started to rise slowly. Ellis averted her eyes and looked around the room.
‘This isn’t home, you know,’ she said suddenly. His eyebrows rose as he stayed in his spot in front of the chair. ‘That’s why I haven’t bothered….’ She nodded her head toward the nearly empty space and then shrugged.

He was looking down at the ground when she walked into the room. Closing his eyes slowly, he tried to clear the glare off his face when he glanced up at her. She had not entered with her usual come hither swagger or bubbly disposition, but quietly and hesitantly. She, of course, looked beautiful. Wearing white and silver, she barely had any hint of makeup, yet her beauty was effortless and always had been.
She was saying that this new lair was not a home. Simon wasn’t sure if she had ever called anything home, much less the Domicile. Looking around he did notice that there was nothing personal there, no art, nothing collected from over the years, just clothes and minimal furniture. Tai had more there than she did.
And there it was again, Tai. He could not get over his presence in Ellis’ lair…in her life. It hurt him, more than he’d ever admit, but Ellis flinched again at the resentment that filled their aura and she refused to meet his eyes.
‘Why?’ He ignored her previous comment and asked. ‘Why did you make him? Spite? Revenge? As a replacement?’

'What did you expect, Simon? Do you want to know when I made him? It might interest you.'
He stopped with his hand on the steel door and turned to look at her. Licking her lips, an act done out of thought, not out of sexual distraction, Ellis crossed her arms and shrugged.
'It was the night I saw you outside of Shades. The night I saw you and Carol together for the first time.' Simon sighed and put his back to the door. His expression was unreadable.
‘Would you like me to say I’m sorry? Sorry that yes, I made him out of spite? That I made him because I was alone? Because you were fucking my familiar after you tried to kill me?’
He narrowed his eyes at her and clenched his jaw. That last part was something she did not want to bring up. His attempt on her life had been a scathing betrayal, and much like his jealousy, it was something she just couldn’t let go.

‘That familiar I was fucking? Her name was Carol and she was the best thing that ever happened to me.’
Ellis’ lips thinned into a straight line. With a bitter grin, Simon took full advantage of the bitterness that had made a comfortable place in his psyche. He walked right up to Ellis and stared down at her, anger and arrogance fully released.
‘There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, there wasn’t anything I didn’t do…for you. Literally a millennium of servitude and what did I get from you?’
Ellis’ eyes narrowed as she interrupted, ‘I was there for you.’
‘Nothing. Not a god damn thing from you. Carol? She loved me, for me. She filled the void you left behind and she was everything to me. And what did I do in return for her? I left her…for you.’
‘I never asked for you to spend every waking minute groveling…’
‘But I did, Ellis and you never said no.’
The regret was apparent, not only in his voice, but in their aura. What had he done? What did he give up for another chance at being Ellis’ servant? He gave up a perfect love because of an obsession and their aura swelled with raw anger, bitterness, and vicious hate.

Ellis lifted her chin, avoiding the painful jabs from Simon and narrowed her eyes up at him.
‘I didn’t need a shadow, Simon. I didn’t need you at my beckon call. I wanted you, the human I cared so much for, the human who put an immortal’s needs in front of his own. You started to obsess, to be this right hand man. I didn’t want that.’
‘You never said you didn’t.’
‘Alright, that I’ll accept, but you never said it wasn’t what you wanted.’ Simon turned his face away from her, his aura fuming with anger. Ellis changed her approach. ‘Have you had bonding all this time?’
Simon looked back at her with glaring eyes. ‘I don’t know. Maybe.’
‘Why is it that we never bonded before then?’
‘Because you didn’t want it.’
Nodding, Ellis shrugged. ‘Did you ever stop to think that it might be because you never acted more than a subservient right hand man? That when you stepped up, took control of the clan…I don’t know, acted like a man…’
‘Oh, nice, Ellis.’
‘…and stood up for yourself that it changed my perspective of you? That I respected you, maybe even feared you, but became something that I wanted because you resisted so much? Listen, I can’t change the past fifteen hundred years, Simon, I can’t take it all back, but neither can you. It wasn’t just me. You fucking tried to kill me, you left me for dead, but you know what? I fucking get why you did it.’
Simon’s expression tightened up and he looked away again, crossing his arms. Ellis reached out and touched his chin, moving his face back to look at her. His hazel eyes were a warm brown with a shimmering gold outline.
‘You saved me, Simon. You had to kill me to do it, but it made you into the man you were meant to be. If I held you back all those years,’ Ellis shrugged, struggling with the words, ‘then…I’m sorry.’
His forehead was still creased with anger and his glare still piercing, but he still reached up and touched her hand, moving it to his cheek. Ellis wasn’t sure what to do with the pain she felt about Carol, but part of her knew she couldn’t take that away from him. Carol strengthened his resolve when she couldn’t. That hurt, more than he’d ever know.
‘You’re a dick.’ Simon’s face broke into a slow grin and he chuckled. ‘But I’m ok with that.’

If there had been anything remotely good in Ellis, Simon would have been the first to admit that it more than likely died in the infancy of her vampire youth, but as he reached out and held her face in his hands, he could have sworn she was someone else entirely.
Their bond had started out being a curse. Awkward, inappropriate, and ill-timed to say the least, but he reached out to her, fully opening their bond and let her aura engulf him; if there was a truth to anything she was saying, it would be there. You could hide your feelings, if you were lucky enough to have that subterfuge ability, but you couldn’t transmit something that wasn’t there. A lie would be so easily seen, especially to him, and he looked for it, no, he felt for it in her aura. Not only did he want her to be telling the truth, he really needed her to be honest. There had been too much he was going to give up and had already given up for her to be anything less than one hundred percent truthful. He had loved her, this entire time, and he knew that, but it was a fine line between love and obsession.
‘What are you doing?’ She asked looking into his eyes.
Simon opened up his aura to her completely and she inhaled sharply through her teeth. He didn’t understand the nature of their bonding; his bond with Carol was so different. He could feel Carol nearby, sense what she might be feeling, but with Ellis it was a deeper, more tangible bond.
And if she was lying, he’d know it.
The best way he could explain it, was to compare it to a soul gaze. That was easiest, purest way to explain it, actually. He chose his next words carefully, reading her response to everything.
Simon found himself curiously speechless. What could he say that hadn’t already been said? What was the question to an answer you were hoping for, but had no idea what it was? Her skin was warm to the touch and silky soft under his finger tips. Absently he caught her long black hair in the webbing of his index finger and thumb, tugging on the strand of night. Then suddenly, without thought, Simon leaned in and kissed her gently.