Wanna be a rock superstar (private)
((Continued from I have a rendezvous with death.))
Ellis was leaning against the dark cherry wood railing leading up to the second floor of the Founder's Tree Square main attraction. The District Attorney's office was located at the end of the hall in a very large, very obnoxious space that both she and Simon were intimately familiar with...and not in the good way. Still, Ellis relished the moment she was experiencing.
Sometimes, if she was a good little girl, the aura of her blending sounded like the howling winds of her homeland before modern civilization took over and decimated the beauty of Scotland. You'd never quite know it looking at her with her dark hair and easily tanned skin. She wasn't even sure why it reminded her of Scotland, it certainly was never a real 'home' to her. Home was England, she decided. England in a small town, in a house on the hill. Home was a blend of warm, hazel brown eyes and the frailty of human life.
Her blending aura bent the light around her, making her invisible. When she thought about it, which was often, the ability itself didn't seem very vampire-like. It was a little too supernatural for her taste, but still an ability she enjoyed using and did so with ease. It was a bubble of atmosphere that extended out from her about eighteen inches and had almost zero gravity. Her hair floated weightlessly at the ends and on occasion a stray bit of hair would cross in front of her face. Ellis would always happily pull it back down and be mesmerized by the moment. It always put a smile on her face.
The tap, tap, tap of Simon's shoes broke her concentration, but not her blend, and she listened as he took the stairs two at a time, rounding the first landing up to where she was standing on the second. If he noticed her, he did not make it known, but as she became more familiar with their bond, she had no doubt that he knew exactly where she was standing. And with this knowledge she fell in step with him the moment he set foot on the second floor.
Ellis stepped out of her blending and they walked silently to the District Attorney's door. Simon reached out to open the door, but Ellis stopped him, immediately asking, 'Can I kick the door down?'
Simon gave her a side look that registered no surprise, but mostly confusion. 'You want to kick it down?'
'Yeah.' Ellis shrugged, facing Simon who followed suit. 'It's been a while.'
Simon shook his head and held his hand out toward the door.
'Cool!' Ellis took a step back and kicked the door in with such force that it half hung on its door hinges. Inside was one James Weatherby or, as Ellis and Tacharan knew him, the keeper of the kills.
Sitting at his oak desk, one that has been replaced more than he'd care to recall, Weatherby ran the middle finger of his right hand in a slow circle on the smooth wood. Hits were becoming few and far between, but their level of difficulty and exclusivity was increasing, but it was the double booking - the mere insisting of the client - that put Weatherby in a precarious position. It wasn't about money, he had no choice. So when his door was kicked in violently he was not surprised, it was seeing Ellis and Simon together that made his gonads shrivel up and retreat into his body cavity.
Ellis walked through the door first, as always, with her confident air of superiority. Her black hair was loose and perfectly coiffed at her shoulders. Her makeup was flawless and her green eyes sparkled with a slightly angelic intensity that made Weatherby shiver. She was beautiful, dark, charming, and absolutely fucking insane. He never liked working for her, and that's exactly what their working relationship was - he catered to her whims, her desires, and he just held on for the ride. Then, much to his dislike, Simon walked in behind her.
Weatherby's eyes could not hide the look of distrust or jealousy. Seeing them together was both an invitation and promise to a cold and calculated dance that always resulted in death. Simon was tall, his expression unfeeling, but historically his demeanor around Ellis was subservient, a trait Weatherby never liked but could respect. Simon would stare Weatherby down silently as Ellis conducted business with him, never uttering one word, but always one hundred percent present. This time, the first time, Simon stood on equal ground with Ellis and they stood side by side.
Weatherby felt his soul tremor in the wake of their destruction. The rumors appeared to be true. They were back together, seemingly as equal partners in an unannounced truce.
Jesus, Weatherby thought, Nachton's not going to know what hit it.
Weatherby cleared his throat and stood slowly, straightening his tie and pulling his jacket off the back of his chair. 'What is that I can do for you two?'

Simon followed her in with a little bit of an eye roll that Ellis caught as she looked over her shoulder at him. He held in a smile as they walked to Weatherby's desk. No, not walked - this was more calculated, deliberate...it was damn near choreographed. They hadn't discussed what they were going to say to Weatherby, or what, if anything, they had planned on doing with him, but you wouldn't have thought that watching them move effortlessly together in what clearly felt like old times to Simon, only better.
Weatherby never hid his feelings for Simon and he knew that. There was always the taint of jealousy, maybe even a little possessiveness when they had dealt with him. Simon looked into Ellis' eyes a million times - he knew full well the power she had on men. She looked at him just then and smiled.
Simon felt her presence before he even stepped foot into the building. He felt her aura mingle with his as he took the steps up to the second floor and it was strongest at the top. He couldn't see her, but he didn't have to know she was there waiting for him. And now, as he watched her smile at him through the corner of his eye, all he had to do was nod his head ever so slightly to signal to her that he was taking lead. Ellis swept her arms behind her and walked with a pronounced strut planting one foot in front of the other. Simon allowed himself a small smile as he reached up and scratched the bridge of his nose.
'Are you here for payment?' Weatherby's hand went to his right hand drawer and he touched the handle.
Simon did smile now, large and toothy, fangs and all. 'Aren't you going to ask who gets the money?'
The DA's hand pulled back as if the handle were hot to the touch. 'Well...you're both here.'
Simon continued to stare at Weatherby as he closed his lips over his teeth, smile still present.
'Oh us? No, we're not together. I just ran into her on the way up.' Ellis circled Weatherby's desk and passed behind him, running her hand along the top of his oak chair.
'The double booking wasn't my idea, Ellis.'
Simon's smile disappeared. In a quiet voice that was tempered with retrained anger, Simon said, 'My question, Mr. Weatherby, so direct your answers to me.'
The DA paled and nodded. 'The kill came in that way. I don't know who...'
'Yes. You do.' Simon blinked slowly as he cut off the DA.
'Simon, I don't, I swear.'
'You shouldn't do that, James.'
Weatherby shook his head confused, the sweat beading visibly on his forehead. 'Do what?'
Ellis leaned in close by his ear, and in a clear and unfriendly voice, she said, 'Lie.'
Sometimes Simon was so proud of her.
On one hand, she was sitting in Simon Huntington's car out in front of her office building. He left without looking at her, but with a firm order to stay in the car. She tried to argue but he slammed his car door in her face and left her alone in the round about car lane that circled the fountain in front of Founder's Tree Square.
On the other hand, she was alone. Whoever wanted her dead could have easily been waiting for her at her office, she was known to burn the midnight oil, or waiting in her home. Where could she go? The quiet began to sting her already ramped up nerves and the terror that had made a place in the pit of her stomach was threatening to burst through her chest like some sort of alien. What the fuck was going on? That moment, the one she was stuck in faded around her, seeping into the ground like spilled blood. Yuu shut her eyes and felt her reality, delusional it apparently was, buckle and break.
'Ok, fuck this.'
With renewed anger, Yuu pulled on the handle and pushed opened the car door. She took a step out and looked around into the cold, dark night. Nothing. Absolute silence. Gently she closed the door, pushing it closed with her hip until she heard a satisfactory click. She'd run, but she wouldn't go far. The Senator wasn't her only friend in high places. Well friend was a lofty term and incorrect, she was fucking the guy, but that still gave her leverage in all the right places. There was the Senator's friends and her boss, the District Attorney. Turning, she looked up at the building and felt pride swell into her chest. Los Angeles had been fraught with corruption, tainting the department in every conceivable corner. Where there was light, the dark inevitably had its way with it. Nachton had been everything but. The city was controlled, safe for its citizens and everything Los Angeles wasn't. She'd figure out what the fuck was going on and see that Gerald's killers were brought to justice.
Yuu took a step back with her eyes still on the lit dome shaped building, then took one more and turned to face the darkness only to find a very tall man.
Her scream died in her throat. Not five seconds earlier she had looked and seen nothing, now there was this man, dressed in black and he wasn't Johnny Cash. His eyes were bright blue and his knit black sweater fit tightly around his neck. Yuu took a step back and immediately backed into another body. The fear that had quietly replaced her nerves were now screaming at the top of its lungs. The hairs on the back of her neck were stick straight and if she didn't pass out from the terror, she'd certainly throw up.
'Miss, if you could please come with us.'
There it was again, the fierce politeness that echoed nothing if not a terror she was beginning to become accustomed with. Yuu didn't, couldn't answer. The body behind her moved and the man with the bright blue eyes put his hand on her shoulder and turned her back toward the building.
There were now five more men standing next to the car, in the same place that 20 seconds earlier there had been nothing within easily one hundred yards. Yuu felt the rush of nausea hit her like a ton of bricks and she bent over and vomited. Yuu's knees hit the gravel and the pain did nothing but slap her in the face with reality. She threw up again, splattering it onto the thighs of her jeans.
The men waited patiently for her to finish and were kind enough to grab her gently by the arms and lift her back up.
'Mr. Huntington would like you to join him near your office.'
The disembodied voice floated toward her while she was in her nauseous daze. Yuu felt herself be escorted toward the building and up the two flights of stairs. Five minutes, maybe ten passed before she realized she was standing alone again at the top of the flight of stairs leading to the second floor. The men disappeared as quickly as they had appeared and she was still alive.
Yuu looked around as her body began to shiver with shock. The evening could not get worse, she thought to herself. She tried to take a step toward her office, to call for help, to just reach the safety and comfort of her office, but she could not make her legs move. She looked down at them and willed herself to move.
One. Two. Three steps and then Yuu broke out into a run toward her office. She rounded the corner and almost slipped as she made it to her door. The door knob was cold in her hands and as she turned to open the door, she noticed the soft murmur of voices coming further down the hall. Yuu looked up and her eyes focused in on the DA's broken door, hanging on its hinges and letting out the light from his office. The voices were familiar, and against her better judgment, she listened.
Today appeared to be that day.
Ellis' voice dripped with icy cold disdain and it made his shoulders cringe and tighten with fear. Dropping his eyes to his desk, Weatherby took a deep breath and talked.
'The hit on DeSmith was a cover for the real kill, even I knew that. The time I received word of the kill and when I actually gave it to the both of you was at least two weeks. There were a thousand different times you could have killed the Senator, but the client requested this particular night, in this particular location...with this particular woman.'
Weatherby looked up and watched Ellis slide onto his desk to the right of him and lay back on her elbow, waiting. His eyes flicked over to Simon who maintained the blank expression of empty death. Weatherby took another deep breath.
'Why her?' Ellis asked in a confused voice, then laid her head back and looked at Simon, but said nothing. They looked at each other for a few moments and then she turned her attention back to him.
'Yeah, her position in the city...she's what, an assistant district attorney. What does she know, what does she have worth killing her for?'
Weatherby's eyebrows crinkled at the exchanged look between the two vampires and he wondered...maybe.... There was an ability that these abominations possessed, something that allowed them to communicate without words and they called it 'bonding'. Were the rumors true?
Despite being human, James Weatherby heard things in the vampire world. Things very few humans were privy to, things like the murmuring of Tacharan insubordinates who disliked their new leader fraternizing with the old one. While Simon and Ellis played their games, they were quickly making themselves a target within their world. They were rapidly standing alone in a world that counted their flesh as a high currency.
Did the client use the killings to make them target themselves? Weatherby wondered as much, but it would take more than a whisper to bring down a legend and her successor. No, Yuu's death did not factor into this chess game, not that he could see. But what could he see in a city that lived in the dark?
'Did you kill her?' Suddenly he was frantic. They must have killed her, they wouldn't have left a witness alive. 'You did kill her, didn't you?'
Ellis crossed her legs and began to kick it, back and forth. A lazy smile formed on the corner of her lips.
'What does her death matter?' Simon asked and then added, 'What is her life worth?'
'Don't you see?' Weatherby asked in an incredulous voice. How could they not see what the end result was going to be? Because he could, as plain as day.
'Whoever this is, whoever ordered these kills wants her out of the way for a very simple reason.' Weatherby paused, looking at both vampires. 'It's obvious. They're making room for someone else.'
Again an unfocused look passed Ellis face and she nodded. Simon shook his head.
'She's what...third, fourth in line for...your position, correct?'
Weatherby held his hands up and laughed. It was a nervous, tight laugh and it filled his ears and echoed in the half lit office.
'Someone's looking to take over. And with her death, mine isn't that far behind.'

Ellis narrowed her eyes at Weatherby. 'Why her?'
She leaned her head back at the sound of Simon's voice. He was looking at her with an intense expression on his face when she realized he had used their bonding to speak to her. The thing between them, their aura pulsed and grew stronger, which was very much a surprise to Ellis. Instead of her usual sarcastic remark, she gave him her full attention.
['She's downstairs waiting. I think it would behoove us both to protect her until we find out why she's important.']
Ellis looked back at Weatherby and asked, 'Yeah, her position in the city...she's what, an assistant district attorney? What does she know, what does she have worth killing her for?'
Weatherby was scared, there was no doubt about it. The conversation progressed with Simon asking the obvious questions and the DA becoming more and more agitated. Ellis tried to focus in on the possible reason for the hits, but her mind kept straying back to Simon breaking the unspoken rule. Part of her was thrilled that he was using it without hesitation, the other part was terrified.
Against her better judgment she used the ability and spoke to Simon.
['Her death is presumably a domino effect, right? It doesn't make any sort of sense to me.']
'She's what...third, fourth in line for...your position, correct?' Simon asked out loud to Weatherby.
'Someone's looking to take over,' Weatherby said with a nervous laugh. ' And with her death, mine isn't that far behind.'
There it was, Ellis thought to herself as she slid off the desk. 'For a second there,' she started as she pulled out another cigarette and lit it. With a deep inhale she smiled and finished, 'For a second there I thought you were actually concerned for your ADA. It's your own fucking skin.'
'And why not?' Weatherby exclaimed as he waved the plume of smoke away from his face. 'I may be a hypocrite, but I provide a service to the city. To Tacharan. To you.'
Something tickled the base of her skull and Ellis' eyes shot toward Simon who nodded.
['You thinking what I'm thinking?']
['Yeah,'] Simon replied in a monotone voice in her head.
'James, darling, I do the kills, I don't pick who dies. You do. Like...oh your old ADA?'
'That was to protect you.'
'Me?' Ellis coughed out with a laugh. 'Sweet heart when did I start needing your protection?'
'Harold Gray was poking his nose into certain deaths done by your clan. What was I suppose to do?'
Ellis shrugged and flicked her ashes onto the carpet. 'Shit, I don't know, James, own up to the fact that there was a lot more he was looking into that didn't involve us?'
Weatherby closed his mouth into a tight, thin line.
'What I don't get is, why go through with these kills now? When obviously the end result puts you in the dirt? I mean...that's just a tiny bit stupid, isn't it? Or,' Ellis watched as the DA remained silent, his eyes nervously darting to and fro.
'Or you were hoping we'd protect you,' she pointed at him with her cigarette. 'Fuck your new ADA. Am I right?'
'Is she, James?'
Ellis looked over as little Shiroi Yuukaku stepped into the room. Perception being a wonderful thing, she always enjoyed the early notice that allowed her to set things up just perfectly. Ellis walked back over and stood next to Simon as she took another drag off her cigarette, enjoying the small smile at the corner of Simon's lips.
['God, I just want to know where to set up the camera!'] she said to Simon.
The weariness of her voice shocked her as she stepped into the office. James was standing there, behind his desk and her captors standing near the middle of the room. She had heard everything and it was tearing her neatly packaged world asunder.
'You...,' she started as she felt the weariness of her voice seep into her limbs, making them heavy. The silence was as thick as it was painful. James looked at her, his expression void of any type of compassion and his lack of a response more telling than any explanation he could give her.
The world that she loved was crumbling around her. Her existence as a young, ambitious and horribly snobby elite was paling in comparison to what she was now - an indirect casualty. Much like her predecessor who supposedly was a twenty year friend of James, her life meant nothing.
'You...son of a bitch!' Yuu roared at him as she approached his desk. She pointed a finger at him and let lose her anger. 'Harold Gray was a friend of yours. You said for years. Both of you...as young lawyers...you said your dream was to be DA and...this is what you do with your office? Nothing to say? No explanation for your total disregard for your staff's life, your friends...for human life, period? You taint the integrity of this office to hand out kills to...' She turned and looked at Simon and the woman. '...to them?'
Yuu took a step closer to the couple and screeched. 'And who the fuck are you two?'
The woman took a step closer to Yuu and inhaled deeply on her cigarette. She was tall, dark haired with sparkling light green eyes that were curiously gleaming with a private joke. Looking at Weatherby, she nodded silently.
'Her name is Ellis Duban. She's a vampire.' Weatherby jutted his chin out toward Simon and finished. 'Him, too.'
'Oh well, of course. Vampires.' Her sarcasm was tight in her throat and Yuu felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her anger welled up into chest just as the woman moved closer to her.
Exhaling the smoke from her cancer stick, the woman came within a foot of Yuu, smiling down at her with bright eyes. She turned her head to the side and smiled, exposing an elongated canine. Her tongue touched the sharp tip of her tongue and Yuu watched mesmerized, closing the gap between them as her eyes showed her what her brain refused to acknowledge. Suddenly the woman, Ellis, snapped her jaws shut just as Yuu got within inches of her and the ADA jumped back. Crossing her arms, Ellis tilted her head down and let her smile fade.
Yuu side stepped and looked over at Simon who ran his tongue beneath his top lip. He hooked a finger into his mouth and pulled back his lip, showing her matching fangs.
'Any...anyone can get those. That proves nothing.' Yuu stop short as Ellis closed in on her who was at least five inches taller than Yuu, but it was the proximity of her that frightened Yuu beyond words. She could not bring herself to look her in the eyes, so she opted for her throat.
'Would you like me to show you the truth?'
Yuu felt her heart stop in her chest at the buttery smooth words. Vampire or not, this Ellis Duban believed she was dangerous, even murderous, and Yuu felt her lips purse close in fear of speaking. Slowly, Yuu took another step back, away from Ellis, still avoiding eye contact. One of the office chairs backed into her legs and Yuu fell into it.
That moment Yuu kept thinking about? The one she was stuck in? It was nothing compared to this one, the one that broke her reality into a thousand little pieces and pushed her over the edge of fear and terror.
Her mother was right, she should've gone to medical school.

'Rock, paper, scissors?' She asked in a monotone voice.
Shaking his head he looked up, her palm was held out with a fist ready to pound. 'Of all the things...fine.' Simon held out his palm and readied his fist as Ellis began speaking to him.
[So what do you want to do?]
[I thought it was already decided. I mean, rock, paper, scissors is pretty serious.]
[Don't be a dick, Simon.]
[I'm not. I'm not.]
In unison they counted in their heads. One. Two. Three. They pounded their fists and Simon snarled. Ellis had paper to his rock.
'Ha, ha,' Ellis laughed out loud.
'Two out of three?'
One. Two. Three. This time Simon came up with dynamite to her rock and immediately they started their third round. One. Two. Three. Simon - scissors. Ellis - dynamite.
'You suck,' Ellis said with a grumble.
'What the hell are you two doing?'
Simon glanced over at Yuu from her perch in the chair, her tear stained face confused and incredulous. 'Seeing who gets to do it,' he answered.
'Do what?' Weatherby asked as he pointed at Yuu. 'Kill her? Now?'
Yuu cringed in her chair, trying to hide.
'No,' Simon said. 'You.'
And with that Simon pulled out his gun and put three bullets in a neat line across Weatherby's forehead. The blood splattered against the wall in an angry spray that was mixed with bone and brain. Yuu screamed long and hard, terrified and probably close to her breaking point as Weatherby slid down to the floor behind his oak desk. Simon looked back at Ellis who rolled her eyes.
Ellis huffed and remained silent as Yuu sprang up from her chair, screeching at the top of her lungs.

Yuu stopped screaming and tried to pull away, presumably out of the office to god knows where. Simon tried to get her to calm down as well, shushing her quietly.
Annoyed, Ellis grabbed Yuu's other wrist and pulled her close. 'Listen to me. Listen!' Yuu stopped squirming, but it looked as if her legs were going to buckle underneath her. 'Where are you going to go, Yuu? Huh? Where? What, quit your job, walk away? Someone wants you dead. It doesn't matter now if it was just for your job, you're a liability and if it were me, I'd kill you just in case.'
'You mean more like for the helluva it,' Simon murmured.
'Ok, not helping.' Ellis gave him a dirty look to which he raised his hands and turned away. 'Are you calling them in?' Simon nodded and reached for his cell phone from his trouser pants.
Ellis slowly let go of Yuu's wrists, letting the little girl stand shivering in the wake of some really serious shit. 'We can help you, but only if you do something for us.' Yuu's eyes finally made contact with Ellis'. 'You'll stay here,' Yuu's head began to shake in disagreement, 'and you'll help us find out,' Yuu covered her mouth with her hands and began to cry again, 'listen, you'll help us find out who did this, but more importantly...why. Then Simon and I will take care of it.'
Yuu had closed back up again, shaking her head and rocking on her feet. This was bad, Ellis thought. Yuu was rapidly approaching the brink of no return and becoming less than useful to herself and them. Ellis caught Simon's eye as he finished up on the phone and tucked it back into his pants.
['I don't think she's going to be any use to us.']
['She'll have to be.']
['Look at her, Simon. She has completely lost her shit.']
['Let me talk to her.']
Ellis stepped back from Yuu and took Simon's gun from his hand. It was staying here anyway.

Yuu was crying uncontrollably again. Simon finally did feel that pang of sympathy as he realized that her life had been completely turned upside down with ridiculous epiphanies, murder, and now she had to pretend like none of it ever happened. Checking his watch he noted the hour, close to dawn, and they would now have to make haste. As gently as he could without dislocating her shoulder, Simon walked Yuu out of the room, away from the blood. Ellis followed them to the doorway and waited for the Mercs.
Out in the hallway Simon looked down at Yuu and spoke softly to her. 'We will protect you, Yuu. I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you now or ever. I just need you to take a couple deep breaths.'
Yuu looked into his eyes and clasped her hands together against her chest. She took one deep breath, then another. Her sobbing subsided and finally she was still, for the most part. Her face was haggard, her makeup a mess, and her nose was bright red. Nodding she straightened herself and listened.
Simon's perception picked up the Mercs entering the building. Looking over at Ellis, she nodded and walked past them toward the Merc team. He watched Ellis hand the gun off to one of the gloved men who were carrying large silver cases. It was time to go.
Again, Simon took Yuu by the arm and walked her down the hallway to the staircase. Ellis disappeared down them with nary a sound. Yuu was walking on her own strength now and seemed to be regaining her composure. As they reached the exit door, Yuu did not wait for him to open it for her, but pushed the door open and walked out into the night.
Ellis was waiting on the sidewalk with her eyes on the horizon. He knew she was doing her best not to tap her foot impatiently.
'We'll be able to keep you under twenty four hour surveillance, so let me apologize now for the lack of privacy, but I'm sure you'd rather be embarrassed than dead.'
Simon silently said to Ellis, ['I can keep a team of Mercs stationed around her in the evening, the day shouldn't be a problem.']
Ellis was looking at Yuu with narrowed eyes when suddenly something occurred to her.
['I don't like that look.']
['Oh please, it's the look of genius and you know it.']
Simon rolled his eyes and cast a wary eye to the horizon. Dawn was upon them and time had run out.

['I can keep a team of Mercs stationed around her in the evening, the day shouldn't be a problem.'] Simon paused. [ 'I don't like that look.']
['Oh please, it's the look of genius and you know it.']
['Who'd you have in mind?']
Ellis' devious gaze broke and a smile stretched across her face. She reached out and touched Yuu's shoulder, squeezing it gently.
'A friend of hers,' Ellis said aloud. 'A very good friend.'
((OOC Ellis, Simon and Yuu out. DA dead.))
Continued in Superstitious