Tough Love (open)
Aishe bounced lightly on her feet and then bent over, placing her hands palms-down on the floor and stretching. Her hair, restrained in a single ponytail at the back of her head, flopped down onto the mat as well. Slowly she shifted back and forth, stretching both legs evenly. She imagined a vampire could heal a muscle pull pretty easily, but she didn't relish the initial pain and figured she may as well avoid injury regardless of how quickly it would heal.
Next to her, Kem, who'd actually beaten her here, was sitting on the workout mats, legs bent into a lotus position, chin resting in his hands, elbows on the floor in front of him. It was an enviable stretch.
"I didn't know you were a pretzel in a former life," she teased from her upside down position, turning her head to smile mischievously at him.
This was the second time they'd met at Liefde, using the expansive gym to work out in. At home, Aishe had been studying Tae Kwon Do forms with Kem and they'd worked on simple punches and kicks. Kem, having at least some sort of basic understanding of hand-to-hand combat, was well beyond the need to simply repeat basic moves. While they both drilled every morning, Aishe knew Kem wouldn't reach the level he wanted to without sparring.
She hated sparring, herself. It wasn't that she was uncertain of her own skills; she'd been studying Tae Kwon Do since she was a teenager and was reliably skilled. Aishe hated throwing kicks and punches at another person though. History had proven she could certainly do so when provoked, but in an entirely neutral setting she was uncomfortable. She was always afraid of misjudging her blows and casuing injury where none had been intended.
What was worse, the dutiful part of her insisted, was that that was reason enough for her to need these sessions every bit as much as Kem. She should be comfortable with this. So here she was, learning right along with Kem.

Hopefully step three included a massage, relaxing music, and maybe a movie. And some snuggling. Because otherwise, Kem didn't like where this was all going.
It was a relief to not be spending much time on Meridian's upper levels tonight. While he'd been doing so on a regular basis, Kem's nerves were stretched thin with that particular activity. Perhaps his bond with Aishe had let her sense that too, for she'd suggested they meet after work and practice beating each other senseless instead, a suggestion Kem had jumped on.
He'd felt stupid warming up by himself, but in a lecherous little sex-driven corner of his mind he had to admit that watching Aishe go through the motions was... appealing. Maybe he'd keep getting here early.
Slightly too intent on what she was doing, it didn't occur to him that she'd asked a question until several seconds after she'd said it. Blinking, he flashed her a grin back and said, "I think I could even do better when I was a kid."
The memory was vague now, but not inaccurate.
Sitting back up, he straightened his legs out in front of him and leaned forward to touch his toes. Aishe enjoyed stretching before she worked out and he could see why. It was relaxing in its own way, especially when you'd been stuck at a desk for most of the day authorizing loan requests and answering questions about obscure artifacts.
When Aishe was done warming up, she gestured to him and he stood to join her. Silently, as they'd done before, they worked together on forms, starting with Chon-Ji. Kem had only learned three thus far, but Aishe assured him that it was normal to move through forms slowly, learning more of them as you increased your knowledge of basic skills. It made sense to him, so they moved through their three forms.
When they were finished, Kem looked at Aishe with a raised brow. It had been well over a thousand years since he'd done anything like this, so he looked to her for a start point.

Shaking her head when he looked at her with eyebrows raised, she smiled.
"You're making this too easy on me. I can't find anything to correct."
Aishe was no expert, but she was confident enough in her knowledge of this particular martial art to teach a beginner. Kem wasn't exactly that; much of the training he was falling back on had taught him similar principals when they dicussed balance, punches, and kicks. The forms were new however, and while he could demonstrate basic unlinked elements with ease, linking them all together was another thing entirely.
"Let's try low blocks and punches. I'll attack first, then once we reach the edge of the mats we'll switch to go back in the opposite direction."
She looked at him with a similar expression, her own eyebrows raised, for approval.

Kem found himself slipping into very old habits. The last time he had done anything like this, intentionally learning a combat art, he'd been equipped with a long wooden shield on his forearm and a curved stick as a weapon. He found himself incorrectly blocking on occasion and had to constantly remind himself that the purpose of using your arm to block was to knock your opponent's aim away from whatever limb they'd targeted. His early training, begun when he was a young noble of six years or so, had taught him to always block with the left arm while countering with the right. It was problematic, since he had to think about it every time Aishe's left fist came at him and he tried to turn to get his own left arm in position before remembering and turning front again to block with his right arm instead.
After several runs back and forth, he was reasonably certain he was getting the hang of that particular move. Over the course of the next fifteen or twenty minutes they progressed through side kicks, roundhouse kicks, and front kicks. Aishe was determined that Kem learn each one over again, drilling them until they were reflexive.
Between the simple punches, blocks, and kicks, Kem had more than enough to concentrate on. While he might have been eager to progress, Aishe was an excellent teacher for holding him to those few simple moves. He recognized what she was doing and applied himself to being a worthy student and learning, or re-learning, the fine art of self-defense.

"You've been practicing at home," she observed. "You've stopped leading with your heel."
It was a common beginner's problem when working a front kick. The position of the foot, straight but with the ball leading instead of the heel, was awkward and uncomfortable for many beginners. Knowing that, Aishe had drilled Kem repeatedly when they'd first begun. He took his studies seriously and obviously had been working.
When they switched directions again, with Aishe on the offensive, she got a little creative and offered up not one, but three high kicks in a row, hopping on her left foot to press the attack a bit, snapping her right foot out and slapping the top of it lightly against Kem's wrist first, then his forearm as he positioned himself correctly.
"Better," she said. "How about the other arm?" Easily, she hopped from one foot to the other, her left foot popping up into a low kick, then up to follow with two high ones. He movements were slower than they might otherwise have been, both because this was Kem's bad side and because she was still being careful not to cause injury. His reactions were good... he blocked the low kick with his left arm, but then raised the same arm to try to block the high kicks when it would have been better to cross with his right. He came to that conclusion fast enough on his own though, supplementing it with something else she'd mentioned briefly. Blocking her second kick with his right arm, he adjusted his grip, blocked her third, and then grabbed her ankle lightly with his left, twisting gently to show what the movement would have been were they actually fighting.

She was sort of idly playing with testing wireless signal at random points through out the buildings but that was more an excuse than anything. Short of stairwells, it was hard to find a place that didn’t get a usable signal.
Her random wanderings led her to stumble onto Kem and Aishe. It took her a second or two to process what was going one. Even when she did figure it out she didn’t feel like taking it seriously.
“Fight! Fight! Don’t make me break you two up, I’m pretty sure I’d wind up broken.”
Lounging up against the wall, she dramatically put a wrist to her forehead.
“Oh why can’t you two get a long.”
Wow, she was in a odd mood today. Even by her standards.

[Practicing at Meridian actually,] he responded, the answer punctuated with a quick smile. [Whenever I'm stuck on the phone with an annoying intern.]
She tested him a little after that, mixing up her kicks so he had to think hard in order to block correctly. Several times, he caught himself almost using his left arm to block kicks that should have been blocked with his right; he was able to rectify them on time. Granted, Aishe was giving him plenty of that.
He admired her balance and her poise as she moved toward him. Hopping forward on the ball of her foot in that manner had to be difficult enough without doing it in slow-mo to accommodate him, but each strike was well-measured and perfectly executed. And she was afraid of sparring? Unbelievable.
As he twisted her ankle lightly, she surprised him by going with the direction of the twist and whipping her second foot off the floor. Briefly horizontal in the air, Aishe used Kem's surprise to pull her right foot free of his hold and planted the ball of that foot firmly on the ground as her left swept up past his face, slapping gently at his exposed hand. She stopped there, beautifully controlled, a demonstration of what an experienced opponent might to against a weaker one such as himself.
"Damn," he said with a grin, dropping his stance entirely and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I thought I was getting better."
Pak's arrival, somewhere in he middle of that pass, only served to make him laugh. "Great, the melodrama has arrived."

Breaking free of his light grip and taking advantage of his moment of surprise, she planted her foot up against his hand and grinned at him. Releasing her pose as he dropped his own, she shook her head and smiled at his self-criticism.
"You are getting better," she said, stepping in close and rising to her toes to give him a quick kiss. "There's always going to be someone better than you though, so don't let them surprise you."
Pak chose that moment to arrive, not looking particularly ready for a workout. Aishe didn't see their friend as the "workout regularly" type.
"What brings you here, Pak?" She couldn't help but wonder. "Did you want to go a few rounds, too?"
Assuming that the answer was going to be "no," Aishe gestured for Kem to take his position again. Just because Pak was here was no reason for them to stop their own practice.

She followed that statement with an intimidating scowl.
Working on not intruding and being non-invasive, in as much as that was possible for Pak, she watched as the love birds settled back into trying to kill each other she just shrugged.
“Maybe. I’m not sure. What in hell’s name are you doing any way?”
It didn’t occur to Pak that Aishe didn’t speak Siamese. Hell it never occur to her that people didn’t understand what she was saying. Most people, those who knew her or dealt with her on a regular basis, had learned the gist of what she was saying when she flipped to her native tongue.
Besides asking what they were up to was a nice dodger for asking what she was doing there. Pak just didn’t have an answer to that.
((OOC... red... Siamese... we all know this now right?))

"A few rounds of snark maybe," he interjected before Pak could answer Aishe. "And unless my hearing is going, which seems pretty unlikely, that was melodrama. Just then."
He mimicked her previous stance, wrist to his own forehead, pretending to swoon, then grinned at Pak as he got back into position with Aishe. "See, that was melodrama for sure."
Raising his arms, he squared his stance and noted that Aishe was checking to make sure he had it right. She flashed him a smile, which he interpreted to mean he was correct, and the fun began all over again, only Aishe hadn't told him what to expect this time.

"We're sparring," she pointed out. "Tae Kwon Do. Kem wanted to learn, so here we are."
As she and Kem took up their positions again, she watche him settle easily into a pose of readiness. She didn't think it was too different from what he'd known hundreds of years ago; the muscles of the body didn't forget so easily, and he seemed comfortable in this.
"It's been interesting," she said to Pak. "Kem's like a little history book and he doesn't even realize it. I had classmates who'd have murdered to know a fraction of what he knows about ancient Egyptian martial arts."
Pak's presence was bound to be a distraction, but Aishe figured Kem could stand the practice with both an audience and a distraction. He was secure enough in the simple punches and kicks that if they took it at a reasonable pace, she didn't think he'd have a problem. As far as first students went, she had a feeling she was getting off pretty easily.
Lining up a series of moves in her mind, something designed to take Kem from one block to another in a particular order, she opened with a left-handed jab into a right roundhouse, then spun into a short series of high kicks.

She stated with diffinity.
Pak snorted at Kem and was tempted to try to tackle him but if he was playing rough with Aishe, he’d certainly be ready for her scraggly ass unskilled self to try and knock him down. Oh, that reminded her she needed to get her water gun back from him.
“Trust me you will –know- when I’m being melodramatic. Right now I’m just being obnoxious.”
She wrinkled her nose at Aishe. The young vampire didn’t know it but Pak had been harassed, teased and even mocked for a period when kung fu and martial arts were all the rage of pop culture and Pak didn’t know the first thing about any of them. Some how being of some type of Asian decent meant she –must- be a master. Stupid stereotypes. In fact, she still had a bit of a chip on her shoulder and refused to study them at all. Something, that the zombie attack had graphically illustrated, might not have been the best course of action. But seriously, how likely was that to ever happen again?
“Yeah but try to publish a serious scholarly paper on it citing yourself as a primary source and you’ll either be locked up or laughed out of the publisher’s office. Take your pick.”

Snapping into the correct block, he managed to fend off Aishe's foot. She touched her toes lightly to the ground and gestured for him to make an attack. They hadn't done much work yet with linking attacks together, but he wasn't a complete beginner and could improvise.
He expected Aishe to block everything he threw at her, so he wasn't particularly worried as he executed a front kick into a roundhouse then offered up a series of punches. Shaking his head at Pak's continued banter, he called out as he and Aishe worked their way down the mat once more, "Right on both counts. Mean and obnoxious. And melodramatic."
Speaking of, he really needed to give her back her water gun. It was fully loaded, under his desk, waiting for the perfect moment for revenge.

The pass he sent at her was logical and sound. His form was good and, as always, he managed it with a particular grace and athleticism no beginner should have had. It was just unfair. Aishe had looked in many mirrors as a new student and her own moves had always been gawky and awkward.
Turning the tables, she slipped in a new kick, dancing back and then hopping one step forward to snap the ball of her foot out. Her attack fell short as she'd planned, but she grinned to see Kem had sidestepped appropriately and brought his arm across and down to knock her ankle away.
"No one's got enough knowledge for that kind of paper," she said to Pak with scholarly regret. "Even so, people have been studying Egyptian warfare for ages."
She sent another set of kicks Kem's way, this time a classic low-mid-high combination followed with a high jab. She was drilling him a good deal on his high blocks; those were where he was most likely to fall into his bad habit of bringing his left wrist up into harm's way. He was supposed to deflect her blows, not position himself directly in her path.
"You sure you don't want to try this out Pak? It's a great workout," she offered.

“Let’s not forget cute, charming, devastatingly intelligent and modest too shall we? Its not nice to point out only my less positive aspects.”
Pak winced, slightly as Kem almost got hit, sort of almost (it was hard for her to judge) got hit.
“Go for the eyes Aishe! The eyes!”
Some day, come hell, high water or just Halloween, Pak wanted to see Kem in an eye patch.
“OK a scholarly pamphlet. It would take less time out of your schedule and I’ll even front the publishing costs.”
She watched the two of them and their odd violent little dance back and forth and was actually caught by surprise when Aishe repeated her offer. A quick glance down at what she had on, loafers khakis and a t-shirt, it was her night off after all. Pak decided to surprise Aishe right back.
“OK sure what the hell. Its not like you can kill me so why not.”
((OOC… red = Siamese… shall we just start giving Aishe Siamese lessons?))

Kem wasn't sure what Pak's fetish was with his eyes, but she seemed to be trying to get him to lose one. Often!
"I don't even think I know enough for a scholarly pamphlet. You're both out of luck," he said. "You can pick my brain on just about anything else, but warfare wasn't my forte even when I was human."
Sure, like any other child of a noble house he'd learned the basics, but he'd never employed that knowledge and it was long-forgotten. Fighting was what kids did. Even odd-looking ones like Kem had been (well, especially odd-looking ones) got into their fair share of fights, and he supposed that might have been why he retained a little of his hand-to-hand knowledge. He shrugged at them both after a moment.
"My brain can only hold so much," he reasoned.
As Pak took Aishe up on her offer of a lesson, he grinned and stepped back some. "Don't beat her up too much, Pak. We had plans later."
Grinning, he took a seat to the side of the mats and watched, happy to play "innocent bystander."

"Step on up, then," she invited. "You can't learn anything until you learn the basics."
Turning around and pointing at Kem, she crooked her finger in a beckoning gesture. "You too. No reason why we can't drill said basics even further in. I don't want you going all alzheimer's on me in two hundred years and forgetting this!"
Her eyes sparkled at Kem even throughout her teasing. She was rewarded when he wrinkled his nose at her and made a big show of rolling his eyes, sighing, and slowly getting to his feet.
With Kem watching from just behind her, she began to walk Pak through the first few steps, starting at how to make a fist for a punch, and how to move her body to get the most out of it.

Make the bastard grow new eyes, it was all good.
She amicably rolled her eyes at Kem being a not aggressive/violent sort even in life. Figured. Really, she hadn’t changed all that much over the years either. She out and out pointed and laughed as Kem was mocked for his age. Apparently, this was the thing to do, but she held off fully aware she had a few years on Aishe and it could be turned on her as well.
Kicking off her shoes she ambled onto the mat trying to figure out what the hell had come over her. This was –so- not her thing. But she did her best to follow Aishe’s instruction still she felt like an idiot and was pretty sure she looked like one too. It wasn’t like anything else she’d ever done and felt awkward. She was highly tempted to do a Karate Kid imitation but had a feeling that –would- get her hit and so stayed serious.

"We're going to teach you how to break holds," she said. "I think Pak will find it the most useful, but you need to learn too, Kem. There's always someone stronger and bigger than you."
She snuggled back against Kem for a moment, grinning at Pak. "Of course, it won't be so cozy."
To Kem, she said, "Go ahead and wrap your arms around me like you're grabbing me in a bearhug."
Silently she sent, [Sorry 'Isu-mery! But Pak's got to learn!]

Amiably, he wrapped his arms around Aishe, squeezing and clasping his hands together to pin her upper arms to her sides. He didn't think for a second it might actually work.
[Sorry for...] "Whaaaaaa-ow!" He broke off mid-sending to voice his opinion on the issue as Aishe made some ridiculously minute movement and there was a sharp pain in his hand followed by a complete inability to make a fist.
He dropped his arms, stepped back, and looked at his hand. "Huh. Do it again!"
Fascinated, he wrapped his arms around Aishe once more, craning his neck this time. She chuckled at him and then demonstrated once more, using the knuckle of her fist finger to rap sharply on the tender spot between his ring finger and pinky finger. The result was the same, a short burst of pain and the release of his grip.
"That seemed easy enough. Want to give it a shot, Pak?" Kem didn't have any particular worries; even if someone messed something up, well, vampiric regeneration was a wonderful thing.

As Aishe set something up Pak rolled her eyes at the younger woman.
“No mushy stuff, I didn’t sign on for that.”
It came out a bit more curt than she would have liked, or intended, but Pak was outside of her comfort zone and feeling a bit nervous and self conscious. See this is why she stuck to water guns, she understood water guns but they were hardly useful for self defense besides she didn’t always have one on her.
Concentrating hard she was startled by Kem’s out burst. If anyone else had made Kem say ‘Whaaaaaa-ow!’ Pak would have tried to break their toes; but Aishe had a pass on that point. It was the previously over looked masochistic streak (‘Do it again!’

Pak did a double take when asked if she wanted to try. Actually… not so much. She –really- didn’t like the idea of hurting any one, throwing flatware and frying pans aside. Ack! No she couldn’t be all squishy like that, she had a T-Rex image to maintain. Frowning a bit she nodded.
“OK why not. What exactly did you do?”
While trying to appear confidant Pak was busy hoping she didn't seriously injur any one... herself included.