A musical for me? (open)
Jumping to her feet in applause, Diane whistled loudly. The broadway musical Wicked had just ended and even though it was her third time seeing it she still had the same reaction each time. It was a wonderful production that even though it was quite different from the book she loved she still couldn't keep herself away from the opera house each time it came to Nachton.
She carefully swiped at a stray brown hair placing it behind her right ear. She had recently colored her hair in attempts to spruce life up a bit. It worked for about a week before she was bored with it again.
As they single filed out of the seating are she lingered around in the lobby waiting for the souvenir lines to dwindle. She cursed herself for waiting until after the show to shop.
Wrapping the navy blue sweater around her a little tighter she sat on one of the cushiony benches and waited. From afar, she still looked like the girl next door. There was nothing incredibly stunning about her. She wasn't a plain jane but she was no Catherine Zeta-Jones either. What couldn't be seen beneath the layers of sweater and loose fitting slacks was the smooth muscle tone she had worked so hard for over the past few months. There had been a fight she was involved in last year that she was lucky to have survived, let alone pulled through as the victor, that convinvced her to start training.
You could never tell though as she sat waiting patiently, that inside the small frame of a woman was a beast that could take down a mythical creature such as a vampire. Then again Werewolves were real so why was it hard to believe the same was true for Vampires?

She slowly ambled out to the front of the lobby. The crowds were dispersing as the people got into their vehicles and made steady lines out of the parking structure. As she walked a man caughter her eye at the consession stand. He was tall and had deliciously strong broad shoulders. She raised an eyebrow as the woman behind the counter handed him a bag of trail mix. His skin was a perfect combination of hues that reflected an ample peach with just a hint of bronze as if he had been out at the beach all day. His brown hair was styled smartly and the messy look was achieved perfectly. It was hard not to stare.
She tore her eyes away and blushed to herself. She prayed to God that no one had seen her gaping at the man as she stepped towards the Opera houses doors. Reaching for the handle to push the door open a quick hand appeared in front of her and held it open. With a startled jump back she looked up with a dirty look.

"Hey, I'm just opening a door for a pretty face, I'm not trying to mug you or anything." His expression was confused.
Quickly as the horror had replaced the anger previously, embarassment set in just as fast. She was sure her face was clearly marked with tones of red and maybe even purple.
"I'm...I'm not worried about being mugged. You just caught me by surprize. I thought someone was trying to shove past me. Sorry." She mumbled the appology.
She didn't know where to place her gaze so she averted it to the ground. He was just too dreamy to look at this close up. She could smell his cologne and named it right away. Polo Black, a definate new favorite. Her eyes fluttered.
Snapping back to reality she shook herself and walked out the propped door.
"Thank you."
Daring one more look at the man she peered over her shoulder as she hit the sidewalk smiling slightly at the baffled guy. She wasn't being fair and a burst of courage stopped her. Turning around she called out to him.
"Hey! What's your name?"
His lips drew in and he rose his eyebrow. She was surprized he was still holding the door open like that. Her sharp eyesight spotted the five of clock shadow of his and she could feel a growl from somewhere deep inside of her.
Mmm. Benjamin. Even his name gave of a warm fuzzy bear hug of a feeling. She grinned with perfect pearl white teeth.
"Hello Benjamin. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did."

Walking back to her car there was a small hop in her step. As she rounded the corner the street lights beamed off the hood of her Graphite black BMW 750Li Sedan, she giggled slightly. That car looked amazing at any given moment. Never in a million years had she ever dreamnt of owning such a vechile. The 80,000 dollars it had cost was like chump change to the account she paid for it with.
One of the major things she had learned in the past year was that to vampires money meant nothing. They had ample amounts of it and it seemed to come from nowhere but all the years they had spent trolling the lands and torturing people. That was no doubt where Panos had gotten his dirty money. He wouldn't miss any of the money she had spent of his without his knowledge. Hell he had been in a coma for months now what did he know?
It didn't really matter what he knew honestly it was what she knew and what she knew was big. There was an account in Europe that slowly filtered money into Panos's account here in Nachton. This mother account didnt have a name on it that she recognized of course, but they obviously had no idea what he did with his money. So she began setting up sub accounts and investing his money while he slept. The disgusting creature that he was didn't deserve any of the riches she was accumulating in his name. Hence the sub accounts.
For a vampire he wasn't that savvy. He had left documents in obvious places at his home in the woods and even went as far as carrying all the seperate state licenses in his wallet. He was an idiot. Didn't he know this was the age of the internet and that a person could find out just about -anything- they wanted on there?
He'd have some quick learning to do, especially if he remembered anything and came looking for her again. She had already controlled his life for over a year now, she wasn't about to stop now that he was awake.
The engine purred to life and she put it in drive. This was good night, a better night than she had inticipated.
(ooc : Diane out)