The Anantya may be more populated but...
We have music
Meridian Apex Enterprises
I put this together for Meridian Apex Enterprises with the intention of doing a video for it at some point. I have a .psd of MARI that I was working on.

Océane Émond
19 years ago
*CLAPS loves it!

19 years ago
That is REALLY cool!

Aron Swiftwood
19 years ago
*wonders where the new shiny subforum suddenly came from, but gets distracted by the shinier music*
Ohh! Shiny!!
And gotta love trance
Ohh! Shiny!!
And gotta love trance

19 years ago
Thanks guys
well the forum was here but people weren't given the authorization to see it. =/ I was wondering why Evenhet was so quiet compaired to those chatty Anantya.

19 years ago
Must.... get... sound....

19 years ago
LOL this is true! How do you live without sound on your computer? *boggle*

19 years ago
I'm a singer damnit. I make my own sound. I never miss it except for when someone posts something I wanna hear. Then I have to dig out my speakers and kick my computer into submission until they work!

19 years ago
Very cool!
*kicks computer again for good measure*
*kicks computer again for good measure*

19 years ago
Should I ever make another one I'll try to add better word recordings that was typed and modulated. =/

19 years ago
OOOooooo pretty!

19 years ago
Thank ya, Ma'am