Louis Morel

Basic Information

Birth Name : Louis Morel
Aliases: Lou, Mor
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Age: 654 (date of birth 1254), turned at 23.
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Model, Assassin
Past Occupation: Stable boy/hoof smith


Hair Color: dark blonde
Length and Style: longer on the top, short in the neck
Eye Color: steel blue
Skin Color: slightly tanned
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 185 lbs
Nationality: French
Race: Vampire
Body Type: Tall, lean, athletic build, long lean muscles with large hands and long legs.

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC):

Louis, like Alexandra was sired by Michel, Michel used to part of Tacharan a long time ago, he left the clan because he felt that he could do better on his own, setting up his group of assassins he traveld across his home country of France and other countries in Europe, Michel is dead afraid of big planes of water and therefor will never cross an ocean either by boat or by airplane.

Louis was working as a stable boy / hoof smith at the royal stables in Paris, Michel was visiting the palace when he caught sight of the handsome young man, his naked upper body glistering in the glow from the fire he was currently working next to creating new horseshoes for the Princess’ favourite horse.
Michel started to talk to the young man, promising him a life away from what he had, promising him wealth and luxury, all he wanted was for him to join him and be his help/assistant during his travels across France, eager to leave his dull life behind Louis joined him, being sired shortly after during a drunk night at the local tavern.

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality
Louis is a calm down to earth kind of person, he doesn’t stress or get upset easily, however when provoked he will act purely on his intuition and emotions.
Being the very intuitive person that he is, he often acts pure on instinct, his strong senses making him quick, witty and fast to observe changes both physical as well as emotional, he’s got a strong mind, is quite stubborn, this combined with his good sense of humour and his friendly nature makes him a good friend and nice companion.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Louis is the kind of man who knows how to dress for any occasion, he doesn’t have a typical dress style, he likes the finer things in life, well cut suits and pants are what he prefers, but he’s often seen in a pair of well worn jeans and a simple vintage t-shirt (he loves vintage clothes).
But no matter what he wears he always breaths a certain air of elegance and flair with him.

3.What does your character like?
Fine wine, good music, good companion, money, sword fighting, martial arts, reading, writing.

4. Dislike?
Dampness, he hates humidity and places that will make you feel clammy, he also despises the smell of burning meat, it makes him remember his days as a hoof smith which he hated with passion.

5. What are your fears?
* Losing the woman he cares for most in this world, Alexandra.
* Losing his eyesight
* Being deprived of his freedom, he can’t stand the idea of being held captive in whatever form possible.

6. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Louis is a very kind and charismatic person, he’s warm and friendly, easy to talk to and a good friend, he’s open minded, carefree in sometimes and almost childlike way, he can get excited over little things, admire true art and has a weak spot for cars and other fast objects such as motors, boats and airplanes (he knows how to operate them all and has his flying permit).
His greatest weakness is his bestfriend Alexandra, he cares more for her then he does for anyone and will risk his life for her in the blink of an eye, this makes him vulnerable, he is very aware of this but he can’t help himself, it has been used against him many time but their mutual sire Michel.

His other weakness is smoking, he’s been smoking for what seems forever, hearing the comment “those things will kill you one day” more than once, which in the end always makes him laugh whole heartily.

Louis has an almost girl like thing about his hair, he always has it neatly styled, gelled and goes to get it cut at least twice a month, he loves to have it smelling good, feeling soft and looking nice, he's often found moving his fingers through his hair and checking himself in the mirror to make sure it still looks all neat and styled.

Like many men Louis has a great weakness for fast and special collectable cars, only in his case once he sees one he likes he has to have it, this results in him having a bizarre amount of classic and modern sports car, many have been lent out to the French car museum in Paris, others are in his private garage at his house near Nice, this collection runs in the millions as he has been collecting them since the first car came on the market in the early 20th century.

Louis is a very trustworthy person, it took a lot of his strength to leave France behind and turn his back on Michel, the man he had seen as his confidant and brother for hundreds of years, he gave him his trust and that was betrayed when he found out what Michel had done to Alexandra, his goal is to rebuild the trust he once had with her, knowing that he would never betray a friend unless there was a very very good reason to.

Vampire -




-Nervous Twitch (Louis will drum his fingers on any surface when nervous)
-Heavy sleeper

Personal History

Louis was born in France in the 13th century, being raised by two poor but loving parents he was the middle child in a family of 5 kids, he had a great bond with his ther brothers and sisters and even though everyone in the family had to work hard to make a good enough living to have food on the table and a roof above their head (which in that time and age was a thing of high importance), he was happy.

By the age of 15 he found a job as a hoof smiths apprentice, leaving his happy family life behind he began to live with the hoof smith and his family, the man and his wife only had one daughter who was a sickly child and not suitable to help out in the family business, Louis worked hard, he loved learning how to make horse shoes and other metal objects such as kitchen supplies and simple swords, he however hated hurting and branding the horses, which often happened.

By the time he was 18 he found a job at the royal stables in Paris, work there was hard, he made it to part stable boy which he loved as he had a passion for horses and other animals, he often did small chores where needed including carrying grain and other food supplies to the kitchen inside of the palace.

This is where he met his sire Michel, he walked into the kitchen when he noticed a blonde man in luxurious looking clothing feeling up one of the kitchen maids, coughing as they were blocking his passage way he walked by, returning to the kitchen he was addressed by the same man a little while later.

Michel offered him a way out of his current life, saying how he needed a personal assistant to join him on his journey’s throughout France, he offered the young man money, luxury and freedom, something Louis had secretly been yearning for for many years.

Deciding to take him up on his offer he left behind his job and the castle and began the biggest adventure of his life, while being on the road for a couple of weeks they stopped at a small quiet inn one rainy night, both men being tired and hungry they ordered a meal and drank the wine that came with it, becoming slightly intoxicated by the wine he let Michel escort him back to their room, as his companion led him into the chamber Michel looked at him and smiled, asking him how he would like to life forever, blinking Louis asked him what he meant by this, exposing his fangs Michel walked closer to him, taking Louis’ hand in his own he offered him immortality, a change to be young forever, not quite sure what he was getting himself into Louis nodded his head yes, the next thing he knew he felt fangs piercing his skin, a short time after this and the standard vampire turning procedure he too had become a young vampire, loving the extra strength and power that came with it, he began to live wildly for quite some time, as Michel created his organization and other vampires joined them their bond grew.

He was with Michel as he spotted Alexandra, feeling a special bond with the young woman right away they decided to turn her and make her part of their plan, Alexandra fitted right in, quickly building a large circle of clientèle and wealth around her, Michel not liking this sold her out to the French Gendarme and Interpol, making it impossible for her to stay in Europe, she left behind all that she had, everyone she loved, believing that it had been him who had sold her out instead of Michel.

Feeling very betrayed by Michel, the man he trusted with his life he felt he had no other choice to find Alexandra and tell her what had really happened, a huge fight between Michel and Louis happened just before Louis left France behind, resulting in almost killing both men, Louis swore he wouldn't return until he had found Alexandra.

He has been searching for her for years, finally finding her location he has now come to Nachton to clear up all that has happened and make sure the woman who is most important to him understands that it wasn't him and that he is still and always will be her bestfriend.

OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine) – Louis Morel
Other Characters you play – Alexandra, Alyshia, Ilya
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) – been here since 2005
Have you read all the Rules? *nods*
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes I am mam *salutes*