Thaddeus wandered the halls of the manor, reviewing his thoughts as he went.
Money was indeed a useful thing; with his resources he had managed to arrange for a well located apartment a block from the House of Pain. While not a preferable neighborhood in Thaddeus's opinion, the apartment was at least clean on the inside, and convenient.
And it was unlikely he would see his clansman coming by for a visit.
Now all that remained was an excuse for the Elders.
Thaddeus walked further down the hall, making his way to the music room, when his ears told him it was already occupied. Excellent; no one in his experience played the lyre quite as adeptly and distinctly as Sorin.
He stepped into the room, and, seeing that his assessment was correct and the room was fortunately otherwise unoccupied, stood off to one side, letting the music flow through him as Sorin played.
Congressus (Thaddeus)
Sorin sat in the music room with his lyre resting in his lap. A glass of wine sat half empty on a side table. He was flipped through some of the older pieces of sheet music he had available until he found one appropriate to his mood.
Which was maudlin. There was no reason for it, of course, it was just one of those things. His artistic temperament, Sorin always let it have its sway, better to just push through the moods than try to repress them. That was always his excuse, anyway.
Taking a sip of wine, He eyed the arrangement one more time before setting down his glass and beginning to play.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago

19 years ago
Sorin could feel someone enter the room but paid it no attention. He closed his eyes, not really needing the sheet music for anything other than a reminder.
Once the piece was finished he was tempted to start up another without bothering to acknowledge the person standing off to the side.. He was obviously occupied. What did they need so urgently that they had to disturb his play... Ah, Thaddeus.
He smiled pleasantly and sat down the lyre.
"I am sorry ,Thaddeus, I did not realize you were there. Terribly caught up, I'm afraid." He sighed and gestured airily to dismiss it. "I am off in another world sometimes."
Once the piece was finished he was tempted to start up another without bothering to acknowledge the person standing off to the side.. He was obviously occupied. What did they need so urgently that they had to disturb his play... Ah, Thaddeus.
He smiled pleasantly and sat down the lyre.
"I am sorry ,Thaddeus, I did not realize you were there. Terribly caught up, I'm afraid." He sighed and gestured airily to dismiss it. "I am off in another world sometimes."

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus smiled in dismissal of Sorin's apologies. He knew of the escapism music could provide.
Nonsense, Sorin. It is a privilege to hear you play, and I could listen to your music for hours. It is I who should apologize for interrupting.
However, if it is not too much trouble, I did hope for a moment of your time.
Nonsense, Sorin. It is a privilege to hear you play, and I could listen to your music for hours. It is I who should apologize for interrupting.
However, if it is not too much trouble, I did hope for a moment of your time.

19 years ago
Sorin smiled at the praise and was immediately in a more helpful mood. Not that he wouldn't have played that part anyway. Thaddeus wasn't just any underling after all.
"Of course, of course!" He gestured to one of the chairs next to him. "Do have a seat and tell me what is on your mind."
Sorin reached over and took up his wine. Leaning back in the chair, he held the glass up near him but did not drink, instead he gave Thaddeus his full attention.
"Of course, of course!" He gestured to one of the chairs next to him. "Do have a seat and tell me what is on your mind."
Sorin reached over and took up his wine. Leaning back in the chair, he held the glass up near him but did not drink, instead he gave Thaddeus his full attention.

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus sat down in the chair opposite Sorin slowly, watching his Order Leader in an attempt to gauge his mood. Deciding this was as safe a time to tell him as any, he continued.
I have found that as of late my need for privacy has increased to the point where the Manor proper is simply not the ideal place to spend my time. To remedy this issue, I have procured a modest dwelling in the city where I can spend a day or three in peace.
Thaddeus looked down at his feet, then glanced up at Sorin. The gesture was subtle, but he was confident the other man would pick up on it.
I just...wanted to inform you of this. Of course, I can arrange for communication should you need to contact me while I am here Thaddeus looked down again, and felt a touch of color reach his cheeks away.
I have found that as of late my need for privacy has increased to the point where the Manor proper is simply not the ideal place to spend my time. To remedy this issue, I have procured a modest dwelling in the city where I can spend a day or three in peace.
Thaddeus looked down at his feet, then glanced up at Sorin. The gesture was subtle, but he was confident the other man would pick up on it.
I just...wanted to inform you of this. Of course, I can arrange for communication should you need to contact me while I am here Thaddeus looked down again, and felt a touch of color reach his cheeks away.

19 years ago
Sorin watched Thaddeus closely while he said his piece. Interesting.
He drank a sip of his wine to stall a reply while he contemplated the man across from him. His first thought would have been this had something to do with the personal matter that he said he needed to work on before. The one Sorin was still not supposed to know about. He smirked inwardly at that.
This though seemed something different. Perhaps the personal matter had been something else? Maybe Thaddeus had not been telling him about Emma last time? From the need for a room in the city and this blush... Sorin suppressed the urge to laugh. It would seem even the most uptight amongst them could manage to find a trick or two. He idly wondered just what Thaddeus's taste ran towards since he'd never seen him with anyone. Perhaps he should have him followed one day to find out.
"Certainly, Thaddeus." Sorin smiled benevolently "Though I rarely feel the need to be away from here these days. I do remember times when there were other pursuits that kept me in the city. Take your time."
He drank a sip of his wine to stall a reply while he contemplated the man across from him. His first thought would have been this had something to do with the personal matter that he said he needed to work on before. The one Sorin was still not supposed to know about. He smirked inwardly at that.
This though seemed something different. Perhaps the personal matter had been something else? Maybe Thaddeus had not been telling him about Emma last time? From the need for a room in the city and this blush... Sorin suppressed the urge to laugh. It would seem even the most uptight amongst them could manage to find a trick or two. He idly wondered just what Thaddeus's taste ran towards since he'd never seen him with anyone. Perhaps he should have him followed one day to find out.
"Certainly, Thaddeus." Sorin smiled benevolently "Though I rarely feel the need to be away from here these days. I do remember times when there were other pursuits that kept me in the city. Take your time."

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus allowed his shoulders to drop in relief at Sorin's apparent understanding, though the slight blush still warmed his cheeks.
I cannot thank you enough for...understanding.
With that, Thaddeus rose from his chair.
And now, I should leave you to your music.
I cannot thank you enough for...understanding.
With that, Thaddeus rose from his chair.
And now, I should leave you to your music.

19 years ago
Another blush. How quaint. He wondered at Brits sometimes, so rigid. How did they ever manage to hold power for as long as they did? Ah, well perhaps the experience would help Thaddeus get over this awkward shyness about such things.
"Of course. Feel free to come to me if you need anything else."
Sorin set down his glass and picked the lyre back up. He flipped through the pages and found what he was looking for. A romantic ballad for his fellow brethren in order to wish him luck. He chuckled inwardly.
Sorin would say one thing, his mood at changed for the better, perhaps he should pay attention to interruptions more often?
"Of course. Feel free to come to me if you need anything else."
Sorin set down his glass and picked the lyre back up. He flipped through the pages and found what he was looking for. A romantic ballad for his fellow brethren in order to wish him luck. He chuckled inwardly.
Sorin would say one thing, his mood at changed for the better, perhaps he should pay attention to interruptions more often?

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
Thaddeus nodded and, seeing that Sorin was once again absorbed in his music (which he did not entirely miss the significance of), slipped out the door and down the hall. Once he had turned the corner, he stopped, leaning his back against the wall and breathing deeply and a little shakily.
It had not been easy to deceive his Order Leader, though he knew the necessity of it. Moreover, he knew this was only the beginning in what was sure to be a long line of deceptions and falsehoods.
All worth it, ultimately, when Emma's killer was found. And Thaddeus knew he was in too deep to back out now.
Pushing himself forward quickly, he went back to his rooms to pack a few things and make some final arrangements for the apartment, and tried to forget the knowing look in Sorin's eyes, tried to shake off the sad guilt he felt.
/ooc Thaddeus out
It had not been easy to deceive his Order Leader, though he knew the necessity of it. Moreover, he knew this was only the beginning in what was sure to be a long line of deceptions and falsehoods.
All worth it, ultimately, when Emma's killer was found. And Thaddeus knew he was in too deep to back out now.
Pushing himself forward quickly, he went back to his rooms to pack a few things and make some final arrangements for the apartment, and tried to forget the knowing look in Sorin's eyes, tried to shake off the sad guilt he felt.
/ooc Thaddeus out

19 years ago
Sorin continued his playing and finished his wine. He did ponder Thaddeus's love interest but put it in the back of his mind as he once more became swept up in his music.
((OOC: Sorin.. eventually out ))
((OOC: Sorin.. eventually out ))