Hilshire, Ian (inactive - notify staff for release)

Basic Information

Birth Name: Ian Sigurjon Hilshire
Aliases: Jaeger Hess
Place of Birth: Reykjavik, Iceland
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Current Occupation: Icelandic Intelligence Service (IIS) Agent
Past Occupation: Icelandic Crisis Response Unit (ICRU) Kafteinn (Captain)


Hair Color: dark blond
Length and Style: medium and straight
Eye Color: blue
Skin Color: white
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Nationality: Iceland/Ireland
Race: human
Body Type: AB

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality: Ian Hilshire is very devoted to both Iceland and Ireland. He sees the IRA as a threat to Ireland, believing that less obvious forms of resistance are more efficient. Ian has a sense of honor and duty that can't be bought, but his conflicting loyalties to MI6, the IRA, and NATO-IIS cause him to act irrationally at times. Ian is typically well-mannered and polite, though he can become explosively angry if provoked. He thinks and acts in a logical manner most of the time.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger: An average white male with a slight accent (difficult to place), dressed in a black business suit, black pants, a white shirt, and a black tie. Ian constantly carries a Glock 17 in a concealed chest holster.

3.What does your character like: Order, cold weather, cats.

4. Dislike: Heat, anarchy, small children.

5. Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned: unknown.

6. What are your fears? Failure (obviously, Ian would lose self-confidence), large insects (for as long as he can remember, Ian has hated large insects and killed them as quickly as possible... or found someone else to do it for him), claustrophobia (it isn't a serious problem, but Ian hates it if he can't move very much or very far).

7. What are your character's strengths: Intelligent (required for his job, Ian can consume large amounts of information quickly and retain information for a long time. He can also react to problems swiftly and solve new obstacles or challenges), resourceful (able to call on the database of NATO, MI6, and acquire weapons/aid from the IRA or IIS, Ian has a wide array of potential advantages at his disposal), physically fit (also required for his job, Ian keeps himself in shape).

Weaknesses: Socially inept (due to his demanding job, Ian can survive in social events easily, but is not nearly as adept when it comes to true friendships), mathematically challenged (not nearly as good at the maths as he is at reading, writing, etc.), bad driver (not a bad driver, just bad at obeying laws).

Hobbies & Skills: Owns a cat.

Cosmetic Traits: A small scar on his right cheek.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - None.

Personal History:

Born in Reykjavik and raised in Ireland, Ian was raised by his father (Matthew Hilshire), a member of the IRA. His mother died giving birth to her second son (her first being with another man). When he was young, Ian got in many fights at school and once cut his face climbing out a broken window. Ian was fourteen when his father was killed, and he moved back to Iceland to his uncle's home. Upon graduating from school Ian was quietly recruited by SIS (MI6) due to his ties with the IRA, and subsequently acquired by NATO-IIS to mask his affiliation with MI6. Given the alias Jaeger Hess, Ian was deployed to Ireland to keep an eye on the IRA. During his assignment he aided both the IRA and his employers, attempting to keep as many people alive as he could.

After two years he prevented an assassination attempt. He was then relocated and ordered to keep an eye out for any and all terrorrist activity. He owns a small cat named Io.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Hayek
Other Characters you play - N/A
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - RP Shoebox
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes