A Foray into Pain
Talon followed Simons directions and found the warehouse fairly easily.. ' too many scents converge here.. this must be the place' he thought to himself.
the entrace is in the sewers is what he had said 'good enough'
Talon moved to the nearest manhole cover and easily lifted it off with one hand then made his climb down into the lightless depths, placeing the cover back on its fitting as he decended.
the path was ovious, the scents were like a blazing neon trail..
soon he approached the entrance, and made his way inside past the bouncers
Talon took a moment to grin at the idea of them trying to Bounce him out the door.. it was almost laughable..
he found the elevator in short measure and soon was on his way to the 20th floor..
The music hit him even before the stink of cigerettes and laxtex did..
when the doors opened he stood there for a moment taking in the scene..
mix of Vampires and cattle all of wwhich seemed to be here to play dress up.. 'wonderful This elevators taken me to France' he gave a slow sigh, and stepped out into the club and made his way up to the bar..
"gimme a bathtub full of your strongest beer" he said matter of factly to the barkeep..
now pitcher of beer in hand he turned and leaned his back up aainst the bar and started watching the crowd..

Slowly scanning the interior of the club he took a moment and allowed his eyes focus into the darkest shadows of the room and spotted Simon sitting in one of the booths, relieved to at last find a familiar face, he drained the pitcher and called for a refill, once full up again he made his way across the club to the booth the other Vampire was occuping
"Hey" he said and gave simon a quick nod, then seated himself oppisite the man. "How's it goin'" less of a question, more of a greeting.
(( ooc: such a Barbarian, seating himself with consent

A bad thing to be wandering this place alone. Chryseis had no doubt he wasnt afraid of what horrors may be lurking in the deepest darks of the House of Pain, but just incase she figured to get a better look. She didn't want to answer to Morrigan or Mai about why she had let a new resident of the mansion wander the club aimlessly.
Like it not beast man, i am following you. It wont be my head on Morrigans desk tonight.
Chryseis slipped out of the booth and sauntered over to the bar in attempts to get another drink.

Talon approached the booth and made himself comfortable, again Simon grinned. He abhorred the newbie arrogance. Talon will be a fright to the new ones in the city.
'Hello, Talon. Glad to see you made it.' Simon nodded out, towards the dancing crowd. 'Newbies...but, they keep things lively. There are less Tacharan out there than before though.' His face turned annoyed, 'They were thinning the clan blood.' Snapping out of his reverie, he called a waitress over and ordered a Guiness for himself and a Fosters for Talon.
'So, what brings you to Nachton?'

"what brings me to Nachton" he repeated the question, turning it over in his mind..
"I can't say really, I follow the wind, and it lead me here.. I'm sure the norns have a plan for me here, only time will tell"
when the drinks arrived Talon smiled "Ahh! now thats a good man" and gave Simon a toast..
"My nose tells me your someone important around here, well my nose and the way everyone in this place looks a you.. " he grinned
"now to make this picture complete we just need some women to drape about us" he said half jokingly, though his eyes were scanning the club.

'I see to it that her bidding is done.'
Simon looked about the room, searching and finding again the vampire following Talon. 'Why dont we ask the little girl that's following you to join us?'

he looked back to the club watching now..his face still the slightly bemused grin at the scene inside, while analysing what Simon had said 'following me? and i didn't know? ..i must be slipping' after the briefest of pauses he said "A girl eh? sounds good to me.. " with a lewd grin.. he sipped his beer, strong and cold.. just the way he liked it..

Why don't we slow it down a bit and you get this lady a nice cool drink. Jack and lemonade please.
She let his collar go and jiggled the ice cubes in her empty HighBall glass. The House of Pain logo displayed smartly on the side. He stood mouth agape at the audasticy of this random woman.
She darted a glance over her shoulder at where the beast man had gone. She could see he was sitting with someone, a male someone who looked quite a bit younger than her. Looks we're decieving but she knew he was not Anantya and wondered what the beast man was doing with him. Her head snapped back to the bar tender.
So how about that drink?

The bartender looks at the beautiful woman and turns his back to make her drink. He had gotten used to turning his backs on vampires. It took several years but as a human, he made himself valuable by making excellent drinks. He also belonged to an Evenhet...that helped tremendously.
Turning back to the female vampire, he placed a square napkin down in front of her, then the Jack and lemonade.
'This is courtesy of the gentlmen at the far booth, madame.' And pointed at Simon and Talon. Simon lifted his guiness bottle and tipped his head. 'They would like you to join them, if you please.' With a nod, he stepped back and waited to be useful again.

I never was good at that secretive thing. she stated to no one in particular.
She stalked over to the large booth, glass raised midbreast. As she approached she could see the gentleman who the beast man entertained. The Tacharan minion. She walked up to the edge of the table and stopped. She put her full weight onto her right leg and sipped her drink.
Well, hello, hello, hello. And here i thought it was a gentleman who had bought me this drink.She took another sip and stared at them placidly.

'You'll have to forgive me, but clan business calls. Talon.' With a smile, 'We'll get together again and call upon those ladies you spoke of.' Turning to the female he bowed stiffly and winked. 'Madam.'
((OOC - Simon out))

Odd as he may be, he still has a bit of charm to him. I do wish he'd come back to the folds of Anantya and ditch that troublesome Ellis. He's too sweet for her, really. Speaking of odd little Simon, what brings you to the table with the Tacharan minion?

he listened intently, memorizing the rythm and pattern of her voice, her scent and the little movements she made.. "I dont talk politics, religon or clans.. its a rule I have, keeps everybody friendly" he smirked and sipped his beer..
"As to how I came to be here.. well, he invited me, and so far this town's inhabitants are pretty low on the hospitality meter, so I said sure.. "
"What brings you here? you a Dominatrix or somthing?" he grinned.. then took a second to picture her in a little leather get-up with all the juicy bits showing, his grin got bigger..

Hospitality is given to those who do not make such a mess of their grand entrance. There are reasons you know, that you were not welcomed with cakes and pastries and hugs and kisses, if thats what you were especting. Her speach slurred a bit and her shoulder twitched slightly.
Beware of being to friendly with other clans Mr. Talon. There are rules to our faction and they aren't taken lightly. I am not aware of where you have come from or where you have been. But in the heart of the clan is where you are now. Some of the oldest vampires reside here and they take their rules very seriously. Even little Mai. With the mention of Mai's name she turned her attention back to him. She had noticed there was no malice in Mai's attention towards him. Maybe even a little bit of approval.
Dissapointing the few youve befriendly probally isn't in your best interest. Just a simple warning though, not a threat in anyway so please don't take it that way. Just remember that dealing with the Tacharan is risky bussiness. You may feel like they understand your every thought and feelings, but they are playing you. Simon takes orders from his leader Ellis who is a strange and ruthless vixen. Do not think for a moment that his kindness does not hold a plot or plan behind it. He is not a free soul.
Her face contorted a bit into what could possibly be a frown. She thought for a moment and resumed sipped from her glass.

...Snapping out of his fantasy to see Chryesis has stopped talking, He drained the last of the beer from the pitcher and called for another when the waitress passed by.
"well I'll keep all that in mind, so I guess you always follow the rules eh? you look like the type to me" he said while pulling his steel cigar case out of his jacket and selecting a smoke. he Lit the cigar and felt the soothing taste of the tobacco in his mouth and settled back in the booth watching Chryesis, his eyes lidden like a tiger watching a stray antelope at the watering hole.
"If you really must know, I dont believe in this clan non-sense, we are all Vampire, we are all Anantya, no matter what they call themselves, they are all Anantya. were like a river with one source, we all come from the same place and eventually, we'll all end up the same way"
he said, taking a deep pull on his cigar, then blowing the smoke out towards the ceiling
"And I make my judgements of people from MY experinces, not the experinces of others, but thanks for the tip.. This Ellis chick sounds cool"
he smirked, 'Lets see how she takes that... though I have a feeling everyone back at the Manors gonna know all this pretty soon' once again he just smiled at the thought.. 'this place is long overdue for a good shake-up'

It is true, we are all Anantya. Evenhet and Tacharan are those souls that have been lost to the calling. A river starts out strong and tight and as it goes on it splits off in many different ways. Taking twists and turns, sometimes looping back and then breaking off once more. But, She pauses as the clubs door opens and more people trump through. Another anantya? Her brow arches slightly. With so many splits and break offs the river becomes weak and diluted until it eventually no longer exsists.
If weakness is who you really are mister Talon, then i completely understand. It isn't easy upholding the standards and values of Anantya, but like most things, they are there for a reason. A diluted man can be sniffed out by the youngest of vampires. Easily taken advantage of and easily disposed of is what you become.
She seemed a bit distracted now as she kept glancing away trying to see who had joined them and possibly why. It wasnt too often that any of the Anantya fold besides her, came to this place. Her intrest was peeked. She turned her legs from the booth and leaned back reaching for her glass.
Pausing for a brief moment she locked eyes with Talon once more.
If you ever are assalted by your weaknesses, the door to our home is always open to those who wish to improve themselves.
Her head slightly twitched once more before she stood and quickly dissapeared into the crowd giving herself the benefit of the last word.
(OOC: Chryseis out to wander the club)

If weakness is who you really are mister Talon, then i completely understand. It isn't easy upholding the standards and values of Anantya, but like most things, they are there for a reason. A diluted man can be sniffed out by the youngest of vampires. Easily taken advantage of and easily disposed of is what you become.
Talons expression turned dark.. 'she thinks to question me, what does this hothouse flower know of strength? A diluted man indeed.. perhaps one day soon we shall see who is so easily disposed of' he slammed down his now empty beer pitcher and climbed out of the booth, his mood soured by the exchange, he stalked out of the club with a sneer on his face..
((OOC : Talon out))