Time change problems?
Am I the only one who is having problems getting the board's time to be right? I have the proper area set and detect DST but it's still showing an hour too fast. Did someone forget to reset the server's clock maybe? *giggle*

17 years ago
It's off an hour for me, it says it's on GMT +1 (which is my time) but it's an hour behind... or it could be me since i'm all loopy and slept almost the entire day

17 years ago
no matter what I do...if I set it as Alaska, Hawaii, or Pacific time...I can't get it right either.

Ellis Duban
17 years ago
I haven't had it right ever. /shrug

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
It drives me crazy not to see the right times when people have posted =(

17 years ago
*Pets T on the head* we still love you darling /hug *giggle*

Amberelle DeEspionne
17 years ago
Danke hun =)

17 years ago
disable DST detection.