A meeting - (XERXES PRIVATE)
'Its very beautiful, Marthinus, but does it work?'
Marthinus T. Steyn stood with his hands in the pockets of his Versace band collar suit. It had a soft irridescent blue sheen that matched his eyes. It was tailored to perfection, much to Steyn's delight. His Ellis head familiar, CEO of Duibne Industries, and saw to the creation of 'the being' for his mistress.
'In theory.'
The steel contraption stood just shy of 9 feet tall. The base of it was a 3 ft tall platform that supported a T frame locking mechanism. The Being had 2 IV lines, one stemming from the right and the left. There were secured flat cables across the T, in the center and at the apex. Ellis reached out and touched the monster. Its purpose was horrifying but she purred with satisfaction.
'You haven't used this yet on one of the lessers?' The lessers being the recent stock of new vampires that her Merc's have been harvesting.
'Not as of yet, it was finished as of today.'
Of course, Ellis cooed mentally. Why waste such fine machinery on a watered down specimen. She tapped her fingernails against the steel, it echoed thruout the hidden laboratory that housed The Being. The distinct sound of a beer bottle cap being twisted off caught Ellis attention.
'Simon, darling,' Ellis purred without turning. 'Come look.' She did not have to turn, she may not have heard him come in, but she felt his presence ache behind her. This was the ache of a sorrowful man. Meetings with her 2 leading men always boggled her. Simon still had his mortal anguishes...you'd think he was still human.

Ellis turned, looking at him fully with her watery green eyes. Her smile caused his stomach to knot up, but that quickly faded as he saw Marthinus move from behind the steel demon and greet him.
'Master Simon.' Marthinus nodded.
Simon Huntington looked at the last of his bloodline with an almost sad stare. Flicking his eyes towards Ellis, she had turned away but the smile had not faded. She was enjoying this, Simon thought. His mouth curled into a softly hinting sneer. He nodded slightly in Marthinus' direction.
'Is this a dream realized, Ellis?' Simon learned long ago not to thwart Ellis from her path of descruction. He found it curious that someone so beautiful, so charming and glamorous could be so deeply evil. Maybe her focus on ultimate goals was stronger than most. Or maybe it was just blinding. 'Did Megan even agree to this?'
Ellis made a face, 'Actually no, I was dismissed.'
He looked at her, not a little shocked. 'And...?'
She shrugged, 'There's no other way around it. The clear path is the straight one. She chose to walk this path with me a long time ago. Deviating will only prolong the inevitable.'
'Ok you scare me when you wax poetic.'
She giggled, 'Yeah I know, creeps me out too.'

'Dont recall ever hearing that name.'
She tipped her head in thought, 'You know, I dont think I have either. He's older than me, but apparently he's Persian. He's going to meet us here tonight.'
Simon looked perplexed. 'Here? The warehouse? Why here? With this thing and its obvious purpose. I mean, look at the IV's hanging off it.' He fingered one of the intake IV's.
'Shall I wax poetic again?'
He held his hands up, 'No please, I've had my fill tonight.'
Ellis looked at the clock on the wall. 'I wager he should be here shortly.'
((OOC Permission from Simon for his reactions.))

He pulled into the back alley, a small, dirty road lined by garbage. During the day Xerxes imagined the gritty sounds of the underbelly of the city, cooks yelling at the waitresses in an odd mix of Spanish and English that even Xerxes couldn't quite grasp; parked cars glaring beacons of the prostitution of the area, perhpas a few kids tagging the walls, claiming to be tough.
The night told a different story. What little movement was in the alley came in quick frightened bursts, small scavengers fleeing whatever was approaching. Those who dared these forgotten roads were either very stupid or very cocky, sometimes both.
He turned the key to his car to the off position, opened the door and set his alarm system. As Xerxes walked away he noted the grim that now caked the bumpers and tires. He would need to get his car detailed tomorrow, he mentally noted. He walked deeper into the alley, towards the large warehouse at its end he heard muffled voices from within. He concentrated and listened more carefully, utilizing his heightened perception to focus on teh details. He thought he heard two, no wait, that was a third voice, from within.
His stride was quick and the black laptop carrying case in his left hand moved slightly foward and back with his gait. As he approached the door he knocked twice in quick succession and let himself in without waiting for a response.
Immediatly upon entering, Xerxes noticed a large contraption made of metal dominating the center of an otherwise empty and rarely used warehouse. The lighting was poor, a few dangling ancient lightbulbs casting deep shadows. If it were possible for a machine too look menacing, it did now. It also looked grimy, dirty, and crude.
Acknowledging the other two in the room with a curt nod he bowed slightly to the attractive woman dressed in what appeared to be a Chanel business suit. Its lines accented her seductive frame and Xerxes couldn't help but smile at her ploys. It may have fooled him, or distracted him, had he been younger, but age had taught him one thing, if no other - women used whatever resources they had for their own good. More often than not that meant their beuty, and the predictability of men.
Miss Ellis Dubán, I believe? he said as he lifted his head, his right hand holding his own tailored suit close to his body.
((OOC: Ellis' clothes as per her approval))

Miss Ellis Dubán, I believe?, the persian said.
She smiled. 'Aye, Mr. Asha. That I am.' She pointed at her familiar. 'This is Marthinus T. Steyn, Duibne Industries CEO but more importantly, he's mine.' Clear. Precise. Hands off. 'The other ale drinking gentleman would be Simon Huntington. Where I do not lead, he does.'
She walked slowly up to Xerxes and tilted her head to the side. Ellis enhaled and flicked an errant piece of dust off his shoulder. 'So what brings you to my neck of the neighborhood...Mr. Asha?'

Do you bring all your business guests to such...interesting meeting places?
He gestured with a hand and watched her expression.

She walked back and fingered an IV cord. 'And what proposition do you bring to Clan Tacharan, Mr. Asha?'

Excuse me, I have been lacking in gratitude. I appreciate your honesty and am surprised, although pleasantly so at your boldness. He glanced around searching for an outlet and gestured towards his laptop.
Do you have someplace I can set this up? he asked. I seemed to have forgotten my own table, how forgetful of me. A lop-sided grin illuminated his face and he flashed a quick wink her direction.

He murmured into her ear. 'You are far too trusting, Ellis.'
Slowly and softly she replied, 'What am I to be afraid of, dearest. I'm not alone in the lion's den.' She reached up and tugged at Simon's chin. Really, he should know better.

Quite the array of, pause, tools, he finished.
His gazed moved to the man Ellis introduced as Simon Huntington and, while staring past the orbs of his eyes into the depths of the mans immortal soul.
Her trust is well placed my friend; I have built my business upon quality, integrity and product assurance.
He paused and waited a few moments.
Being an independant these days is easy, he began. It has not always been so, and I expect it won't always be so. Granted, I have fended off more then a few attempts at my life, my most effective protection is being useful to the Clans, if not being a part of them. If a client, or Elder, were to find a mistruth in anything I said, I have no doubt I would be killed.
He turned back to the laptop entering first one password, then another, and spoke as he navigated through the file system.
You see, my good sir, Elders are often in a place of power because of an ability to see thier will done, regardless of cost. That is something I see in your peer Ellis. I fear she may need her ambition tempered with patience, but that is something that has yet to be determined.
He looked again at the woman, and nodded respectfullly.
Looking back to his screen he says, almost as if reading, Ah yes. Tacharan, although not officially recognized as a clan by the other clan Elders it has quite the following. Mostly with the younger vampires disenchanted with the political heirarchy and distance between the younger vampires and the more established ones.
He chuckled slightly.
But, that is all fairly common knowledge. How about some more, shall we? He licked his lips. Currently, well up until earlier tonight, you had a strong bond with Megan of Evenhet due to your creator.
This evening you met with her in Club Eternity in a special VIP room. Words were traded and the meeting itself was fairly short, however it was quite symbolic of where she truly sees you and your so-called Clan. Need I mention what was said there, or is it apparent your security is lacking?
He turned and faced the two, backing out of the program he was using with a couple quick keystrokes as he did.
That is something I can remedy, if you wish.
Xerxes gave no reaction.
'You do realize that you've penetrated the security system of an ancient elder of Evenhet's private room...not one of ours?' Marthinus' mistress grinned. 'You are failing to impress us, Mr. Asha.'

He smiled coldly at the familiar.
I am quite aware of what I can and cannot access. Considering the considerable resources of the established, he put a particular emphasis on the word, clans I thought that my demonstration would show that even they are not outside my realm of expertise. Apparently, my subtlety was lost on you. His eyes flicked towards the behemoth dominating the room.
He turned his back again to the three and began shutting down his laptop, speaking over his shoulder to them. If my services are not something that you feel can benefit you or your, Pause. organization, then I will be on my way.
I will, however, return your honesty in kind, he said as he closed his laptop and returned it to its case. He turned to face Ellis then, ignoring the other two in the room, pointedly.
I will be approaching the other clans with this, I thought first to come to you as you seemed to be most in the need of such security systems, considering the precarious state of which your upstart clan resides. I wish the best for you and can perhaps help you at a later time.
As long as there is nothing else, he concluded, starting towards the door.

'Do me the honor of joining me on a search for a specimen to test on my beast, and we can talk further of your...proposition?' She spoke softly and took great care to look Xerxes in the eye. 'Tomorrow night?'

((ooc - Simon out))

Xerxes remembered back to those first years of his life, fighting to survive as a cast away. He remembered his sister and of her determination to live. Living as slaves would ahve been more comfortable then eeking thier lives out stealing or, in her case, whoring themselves out. But, living as slaves also meant sacrificing one of their most valueable possessions, freedom.
His impression of the man no doubt staring at his back was reduced even further.
He listened carefully to the words of Ellis, and admired her tactics. By speaking low, she forced him to concentrate on her almost entirely.
'Do me the honor of joining me on a search for a specimen to test on my beast, and we can talk further of your...proposition? Tomorrow night?', she said.
He mulled the invitation over in his mind, weighing his options, before finally coming to a decision.
Nodding, 'As long as there is nothing else that comes up which demands my attention,' he began, 'I would love to talk more with you. However, I think you may have gotten the wrong impression of me. You mistake the pride in my work for arrogance and mistake my freedom from clan structure as weakness, I think.' He made a point to indicate he wanted little else to do with her infant clan then this and perhaps maybe one or two further business dealings.
Her, on the other hand.
'So, let me try to alter your impression of me, there is still time left in this night to become,' he paused teasingly as he pulled her body even slightly closer to his, 'better acquianted,' he flashed his most disarming smile.
'What do you say, perhaps I could buy you a drink at one of the many establishments of the night?'
Xerxes knew what it would look like to her familiar, Simon if he were here, and even Miss Dubán herself. He wanted them, especially her, to think she had seduced him. Perhaps in a way she had. But, he told himself, only in a certain way.

He radiated power, just being an ancient. Ellis could not help but want that power. It was, admittedly the only reason she let Megan control their relationship. He thinks my desires lie within the clan. She smirked slowly then, her desires were much grander. She would let him think whatever he wanted of her, but she'd keep this persian at bay. Besides, what good little girl gives in so quickly?
Ellis reached out and touched his tie, stroking it slowly. 'Why Mr. Asha, I do believe you are flirting with me.' She grinned, touching the tip of her right fang with her tongue. 'You dont seem like a man who would appreciate a drink in the many social gatherings of Nachton. I would guess...fine art?' Ellis reached the bottom of his tie, only to bring it back up to the top in continue the molestation of the fine silk. 'Fine wine, private viewing of old, heralded masterpieces?'
Ellis disengaged herself from the Persian, sauntering away slowly, letting the clicking of her heels emphasis her walk. She motioned Marthinus and he bowed, leaving the room. Turning fully, hips slightly jutting out, arms behind her back in quite the demur stance. 'Shall we?'
((OOC - heading out, waiting on Xeres response))

As long as he didn't make a habit of it.
He straightened his tie, watched the pet-thing scurry away and picked up his laptop case, set carefully next to his feet when Eliss approached him earlier.
After checking himself over briefly, to make sure everything was in order, he made his way for the door, extending his arm for the woman. He saw her reaction flash through her carefully maintained exterior.
So, he thought to himself, she likes being treated as a lady, even if she won't admit it to even herself. He grinned then, and opened the door for the woman, 'My car is parked at the end of the alley,' he said.
This woman was dangerous and he liked her for that; he was mysterious and polite, and he guessed that she liked him for that. It wasn't the beginnings of a love, but it could have been the beginnings to a very enjoyable night.
((OOC: Reactions used with permission from Ellis))
((Xerxes out))