It's alive!

Hi all.

Just wanted to say I live! I'm finally moved to Austin, and we're settling into our new home. And, yay, we have internet.

I hope everyone's been well and things are going all right!

*brushes the dust off various characters*

I will be back and posting very soon, so long as y'all have room for a few dusty vampires.

Amberelle DeEspionne 17 years ago
Welcome to Texas, and welcome back! It's good to see ya around again =)
Alec Devereaux 17 years ago
Ellis Duban 17 years ago
/does the wave!
Fallon 17 years ago
/joins Ellis in the wave

*hugs* Welcome back to all your folk, and glad to hear you're settled finally!!!
Alexandra 17 years ago
Welcome back hon good to see you back amongst us /hug!
Livia 17 years ago
Wooowooo!!!! Congrats on the move and more on the ability to surf!