Soaking up the culture (Open)
Mosi had been convinced by his classmates to try the Buenas Noches place and so here he was. Sitting at the bar with a smoking skillet full of very rare beef, without the onions or peppers as per his request, and a glass of water in front of him. Mimicking the other patrons he rolled the meat into the flat bread provided with small portions of the rice and beans provided. From his vantage he could see into the courtyard but not at the tables behind him.
Across the way he saw a rather flamboyantly haired girl move with her companions to a table. A pang of homesickness plagued him briefly. Missing his sister was a constant ache but missing the rest of his cousins and R'asa was only noticeable at times like this. Taking a bite of his food he was wrapped up in his own feelings.
Unfortunately the passerby that jostled him, sending him into his water glass and knocking it over the counter of the bar was just as wrapped up in themselves. Muttering to himself about the inconsiderateness of some people he soaked up the spill with his cloth napkin. Luckily it did not get too much water on his food, just the counter he sat at.
(Open for those more quiet in nature. ;) )

Before he could ask some questions regarding her field, Bastien's stomach made its requests known. With a laugh he shook hands with them both as they stood.
"Enjoy your meal. It was a pleasure to have met you Reign. Good luck with that paper."
Watching the two move off he smiled and finished his coffee. It was definitely time to head home as he had a walk ahead of him to get there. In a matter of moments his bill was paid, his server tipped and he made his way out the door after a final wave to the couple. Despite the inauspicious moments tonight had turned out to be a lovely evening.
(Mosi out, thanks for joining me!)