Second times the charm! (attn: Nic)
Livia putted around her suite, straightening up and lighting a few scented candles. On the table her brand new china gleamed. She only bought two settings but would consider more in the future. It was a lovely cream porcelain with intricate gold leaves scrolling around the outer edge. Rich burgundy cloth napkins sat in simple gold tone rings partially obscuring the plates. Brightly polished flatware gleamed beside both settings, the silver and gold tones meeting with a soft swirl.
Even the table and chairs were new but on loan from the scads of supplies Evenhet kept. The small eating area was in the living room as the dining room was taken up by an extra large floor loom. Succulent smells emanated from the oven where the dinner order was kept warm as MARI had instructed.
Brushing a wayward curl back over her shoulders, she surveyed the room with a pleased eye. It looked cozy, romantic even, which was perfect for the rescheduled dinner for her and Nicholae. Livia was clad in a simple dress in a rich red shade. The slender straps left her back almost bare, giving her a rush of daring in the pit of her stomach. Slingback sandals in a matching red completed her look. Overall it said wanton seductress in big capital letters in her mind, but she simply hoped Nic liked it. Her hair was pulled back from her face at the sides in a small clip.
Rather than sit and worry she busied herself by opening a bottle of wine for the two of them while she awaited his arrival. She tried to forget about the delays Nic ran into last time they attempted to have dinner.

The rain check on their dinner together coincided perfectly with his newest delivery of summer clothes, and tonight he was strutting his stuff in a new linen, summer suit. Not that Nic was terribly concerned with things like designer labels, but he did like nice things, and was lucky enough to have an associate in England that still kept his wardrobe updated with some of those designer labels unknown to him, but that he saw did look rather nice on his frame.
Since it had been more than a day since he last fed, Nic did so again before his shower. He had managed to destroy the evening with Livia last time, and didn't want anything to disrupt whatever she planned tonight.
Stepping through the doorway, Nic halted, and turned around. Jogging back to his bedroom he grabbed the box he'd forgotten, and resumed the trek to his lady's home. What he held in his hand, that lie within the box, was just a small token of his affection, and a wish for a nicer beginning to the evening ahead. It was a porcelain rosebud, of the palest pink, tinged with a darker shade along the edges, on top of a porcelain stem of about eight inches. Nic had thought of Livia the moment his eyes caught sight of the perfect pinkness, and how it reminded him of the way she would blush. Grinning, he hoped she liked it.
Convenient, that they lived so close, Nic arrived at her door just moments later, and knocked. Holding the glass rose behind his back, he smiled, as he waited for her visage to appear before him.

Nicholae's handsome visage captured her attention completely. He was so attractive in his suit and did not look at all injured which pleased her the most. Hopefully this silly fear of him being hurt would fade soon, but for now she smiled up at him almost shaking in relief.
"Hi" Was all her breathy voice and scrambled brain could think to say as she stepped back and gave him room to enter. Her eyes gleamed with excitement and joy as her left foot wandered back and forth behind her balanced upon the toe.

Such was the way he found himself now, and to the extent that he forgot the flower he was holding.
Suffering from a malady similar to what she must have been feeling, his retort was as simple.
However, he recovered quickly, and snapped out of his haze, to give her a huge, dazzling grin.
“You look…amazing!” It was a weak compliment, considering the sight of her nearly bowled him over, but as far as words went it was accurate.
Remembering the porcelain rose, he moved to stand directly in front of her, placed his free hand on the curve of her waist, and pulled her until she was flush against him. He had already thought about the last time they’d been together, and how she might still have lingering issues over his injuries. But being one hundred percent healed, Nic wanted to show her, and put aside her fears. Tonight he wanted the evening to be all about the good between them, and wanted it to start off on a completely positive note.
The rose now gently skimmed the surface of her cheek, as he brought it forward.
“No, you look so beautiful, as to put even this rose to shame.”
His lips brushed hers, and after a brief pause, where he just took in her gaze, Nic put a little room between them, and handed her the rose.
“Though this rose is hard and cold, which you definitely aren’t, there was something about it that reminded me of you.”

Nicholae's kiss was much too brief for her current state but she looked up at him with dark desire burning in her eyes as he complimented her further. Licking her lips once more she succumbed to the passion ruling her mind.
"Thank you." Livia said huskily as she closed the door behind him.
Gently she held the delicate porcelain against her chest and headed to the kitchen. Casting a glance behind her she crooked a finger and indicated he should follow her. Inside the kitchen she placed the rose down and picked up a wine glass to offer to him.
"Dinner is ready anytime you are hungry."

So when he didn’t grab her up then and there and carry her to her bed, to make mad, passionate love, it was with a terrifying force of will that stopped him.
He hadn’t needed the invitation to follow. There was no reason he shouldn’t, and while her home was quite nice, there was nothing in the living room that called for his attention.
Taking the wine glass, he sipped it politely, but really didn’t taste a thing. His mind and view was completely in her grasp, and everything else around them seemed…immaterial.
However, not wanting to appear to be a sex starved pig, Nic continued his little charade.
“I’m ready, whenever you are.”

"To joy and happiness."
Clinking her glass against his she took a small sip. Silly though it was she was feeling slightly domestic with the wonderful wine, delectable scents coming from the oven and a table set waiting for them. Rather than worry about it she simply smiled and nodded towards her weaving room.
"Would you like to see your tapestry in progress?"

Putting a casual arm around her waist, he pulled her closer, but only enough to show her how much he wanted to be near her. The time for more forceful hugs would follow later, of that he was both determined, and sure.
"I would. I know the basics, obviously, but I think it would be interesting to see in the middle of the process."
How he was able to string together all those words, and have them not only make sense, but pertain to the topic at hand, caused him to grin a little. Fortunately he wasn't so far gone that he couldn't grasp onto small periods of lucidity. Then again, they had only been apart a few days. He had to wonder if Livia was gone from his life for more than that, at any given time, would he be so patient, and sane upon their reunion.
The woman had definitely woven some sort of spell over him, and now he just needed to maintain at least an appearance of wherewithal for a little longer.
A chuckle pushed through his lips.
"Funny thought. I was just comparing your tapestry making to the way you've woven our lives together. You are quite the minx, Miss Pecora. I hope I am worthy of your designs."
He would have to trust that he wasn't speaking like a character from one of his movies, because in the back of his mind he thought perhaps that was the case. Yet this time it was different. This time the words just came to him, inspired by the woman, and not memorized to inspire the woman. Livia seemed to bring out things in him that no one else ever had.

The wood of the spinning wheel was polished to a dull shine by the use of textiles and many years of her hands upon it. The small loom pushed in a corner stood empty but had the same look if a bit more worn as it was supposed to be handled in places. The larger loom was not quite as aged as the other two. It was as old but had not been used as frequently so it was slightly sharper looking. The tapestry had its warp and weft and almost five inches of work done to create the pattern he had requested. The colors were muted in such works but still looked distinct and intricately done. Standing in front of it she could see how the rest should turn out; greens, browns and purples to make the vineyard scene.
At Nicholae's comment she smiled up at him. "I think it was a natural how we simply come together so well. As if we had spent the earlier parts of our lives happily as single yarns only to realize when put together just how much more we could be as a double strand instead."
Perhaps that was too much spinner humor for casual conversation but it made complete sense to her. And as she smiled up at Nic, so did their relationship.

From what had been done so far, it was difficult for Nic to visualize the complete picture. He could see that Livia had started something that he trusted would be perfect, and he could see the work thus far was done perfectly. However, he just did not have the ability to imagine what the piece would look like finished. Fortunately, he had a good idea, and beyond that, for now, his attentions were more happily placed on the woman he drew into his arms.
Walking up behind her, he stopped once his chest was pressed against her back, and wound his free arm around her waist. In his other hand he carefully held his glass of wine, careful not to spill it on her, or anything else.
He chuckled at her weaving reference, finding the statement cute, and very Livia.
“Two strands, two halves making one…your yin, to my yang…or is that the other way around?”
Whispering the words as his lips found the outer rim of her ear, he caressed his cheek against it. Every part of her that he touched was incredibly soft, and silky, including her hands.
Nic found a place to set his wine down on, and did so to free his hand to take hold of hers. Lifting it up to his face, he looked at her palm, and the pads of her fingers, and found it remarkable that she had no callouses or other evidences of her passionate work. Placing each finger to his lips, he proceeded to kiss the tips of each one, before pressing her hand to her waist, and taking her other hand to repeat the loving tribute to.
Any pretext of casual interest was now gone, and Nic only concentrated on dropping them both to the floor where they stood, and having his way with her then and there. He was NOT a barbarian…no matter how he felt at times.
“How is it you manage to do such awe inspiring work, and yet retain such soft, and tender hands, and fingers?”
He almost groaned at the question, hoping it didn’t sound as silly to her as it had to him. Did he care what lotions she used, or what her weaving techniques were, truthfully? No. However, he did appreciate that she was who she was, and that part of her was her smooth and satiny skin. And for the moment he was grasping at anything to say, that would help him retain his composure.

"That is exactly it."
She was slightly concerned when he placed his glass down on the corner of the loom but it was a brief thought as he lifted her hands to his lips. Sighing in pleasure as he made love to her fingers, she melted even more. Livia could feel her pulse throbbing with desire that grew with each kiss. It was all she could do to remain standing without swaying or rubbing up against him wantonly. All of her nerve endings were constantly sparking and sending delectable sensation from his lips to her brain.
The question he asked seemed quite silly in the vast mush filled space between her ears. Still she simply smiled and whispered one word as if it was a long held secret.
As she basked in his attention for a moment she realized that for once she did not care about being ladylike. Turning the both of them she walked out of his embrace but retained hold of his hand in hers. Looking up at him through her lashes, breathing slightly quicker than usual she made him an offer she hoped he wouldn't refuse.
"Let me show you the rest of my place."
Each step made her hips sway seductively. Looking back at him had her hair fall over her shoulder with an audible swish, exposing the low back of the dress to his gaze. By the time she had led him into her bedroom she could feel her panties dampness but refused to be shocked or stop her actions. She wanted him so badly that their dinner could wait. It could wait until tomorrow for all she cared at this point but she hoped that perhaps a bit of food would recharge them throughout the long dark morning hours.

He did.
He muttered under his breath, once he took a second to let his head clear of her intoxication. It wasn’t that he was interested in how she kept so soft – his question had been meant to be rhetorical, but he had asked, so he now acknowledged her answer, and then swiftly forgot all about it. In fact, come tomorrow he might even ask her again, but now he found his lower extremities tightening up, and was trying to decide how he could get her to remain in the bedroom, and put dinner on hold.
Adding to his increasing ardor, was the way she moved, and the way the dress she wore just accentuated her lovely curves even more. Had any other woman’s hips ever been so enticing? Had any other woman’s hair smelled so sweet? It was certain no other woman could hold his attention outside the bedroom, like Livia did, and he was both surprised, and reassured to have come to that conclusion recently.
Yet he chose not to think along those lines right now. It was something they would need to talk about soon, since he had to know if she was on the same page as he was, just not tonight. There was plenty of time.
Suddenly filled with the need to move things along a little faster, when they entered her bedroom, Nic stopped and pulled her hand back. When he could reach her body, he drew her up into his arms, carried her the rest of the way to her bed.
“You’ve a lovely home, Livia.”
Smiling sweetly, he placed her on top of her bed, but remained poised over her, as his hands bore his weight, placed to each side of her hips.
“I’m not surprised though. You are a beautiful woman, who has the ability to create beautiful things…I can’t imagine you living in anything less.”
His eyes never strayed from hers, as he spoke, and he imagined her own gaze was as full of desire as his was.
“Do you mind if…ah hell.”
He was going to ask if they could skip dinner for now, but too overcome with his rapidly increasing need, Nic gave way to it, and bent down to kiss her.

Since he had trapped her on the bed she could not capture his hips with her leg as she wished. Her mind raced with ideas on how to free at least one leg so she could pull him closer. Currently though he was complimenting her so sweetly which made her feel like an evil seductress, luring him away from their prior plans. Licking her lips she found that she could not even scrounge up an ounce of caring.
Then, he kissed her.
Soft and sweet but with an urgency that in her mind showed her teasing. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him to her, needing to feel his weight atop her own and the heat of his skin against hers. One hand played in his hair, tousling the back while stroking the silky softness. The other hand clutched at his shoulder, alternatively pulling his body closer to hers and plucking at the damned fabric blocking his skin from her touch.
Hips bucking upwards as their tongues met and stroked against one another, Livia ceased to worry if she was pushing him to quickly and simply enjoyed. Her breasts ached behind the thin red fabric of her dress, needing to be touched and caressed. As her legs moved restlessly she kicked off her sandals to run her stockinged feat up his pants leg as far as she could. Lost in the feeling of his kiss and caresses she moaned quietly into his lips.

Somehow Nic managed to maintain decent control of his physical needs, so to be able to concentrate on pleasing Livia. He had learned long ago, that for his own desires to be achieved, it was always more exciting and fulfilling if he could see to it that his partner was satisfied as well. With Livia there was no question or hesitation on his part. For once in his life he was truly more concerned with making sure she enjoyed herself, even more than he did.
It did finally dawn on him that she seemed in need of something, and though it was impossible for him to break away from their kiss, his mind searched for reasons for her assumed distress. Within seconds the reason hit him in the face like a baseball bat, and he moved to allow her more freedom. Half climbing, half rolling, he managed to retain his plundering of her lips, but found himself lying on his side.
Hands no longer needed for support, Nic set out to explore Livia’s body through her clothes. His thumbs brushed across the front of her breasts, as they sought out the feel of the taut buds beneath. His fingers, and palm caressed the outer area of her breasts, and flexed in need. While he didn’t want to savagely just rip off her beautiful dress, if he didn’t find a way to get it off her quickly, he was afraid he might do just that.
“Sweeting, I hope you don’t think me a cad, but really, we need to get you out of these clothes. I’m afraid if I try, your pretty dress won’t be worth wearing again.”
Tugging on her lip as he pulled his head back a few inches, Nic grinned as he made his declaration. It wasn’t like him to be so clumsy at such things, but when he was with Livia he considered her, more than himself. It wasn’t a totally foreign concept, but one he hadn’t quite yet patented, and was still a little afraid of not getting right.
His fingers toyed with the straps to her dress, as he gently pushed them over her shoulders, then stopped. Sitting up, his eyes were glued to hers, as he began unbuttoning his own clothing.
Then, almost as if a light bulb flicked on over his head, he pushed himself up off the bed, and shimmied out of his shirt. Shaking his hips, in a manner much like Elvis, he began removing his pants, as well, and was standing before her naked within seconds. Evidence of the arousal she created within him, blatantly pointing in her direction.
Nic chuckled, but ignored his body, as he walked back to her side of the bed, and assisted her up.

A small voice in her head responded to his comments but she did not allow the wanton thought to escape her lips. Instead of telling him to rip it she nodded and reluctantly released him from her grasp. Fumbling slightly for the side zip her eyes went from half closed in passion to wide open in wanton hunger watching Nic remove his own clothing. Wedging herself into a sitting position to watch him strip had her licking her lips at each exposed inch of skin. All memory of needing to remove her own clothing fled when he sexily thrust his hips. Livia licked her lips at his naked body, wanting to reach out and run her hands all over him and follow it up with her lips.
With such feelings racing through her she knew that next time she would push just as hard to get him in her bedroom again. Mouth watering at the sight of his muscled body so obviously aroused for her, she let him tug her to her feet. With gentle hands she caressed his shoulders and chest before turning him to sit upon the bed with little pushes. Once he was sitting on the edge she kissed his lips briefly before stepping back a few paces.
Fingers trembling she reached up and released her hair from the clip that had contained some of it. Tossing it to the dresser she shook her head and let the mane of curly hair flow like water down her back. Next she finally found the side zip of her dress and lowered it slowly. To her ears the sound of the tiny plastic teeth were loud as clapping. Still she burned to rub her naked skin against his so she pulled the loosened straps down over her shoulders and stood still as the soft dress crumpled to the ground.
Standing before him bare to the waist, as the dress had not permitted a bra, she took a step forward only to place her foot upon his knee. Her thumbs hooked under the lacy top of the sheer black thigh high and slowly worked it down and off her leg. The wanton act made her feel a rush of warmth as he could clearly see the small scrap of silk panties hiding her most intimate spot from him. Once the fine stocking was removed from her foot she draped it over his lap and stepped back, only to repeat the entire scene with the other leg. This time though she picked up the two sheer socks and dropped them atop her discarded dress.
Biting her lip she wondered how she found the nerve to be such a brazen hussy. With her eyes on Nic's she realized that only the heat in his gaze mattered, not any silly ideas from cultures long dead. That decided she decided to tease him a bit and turned around to flash her lacy red tanga silk panties at him. Bending at the waist she reached down and picked up her clothing. Tossing her hair back she stood and took the few steps to the hamper before dropping everything in. Walking back with a pronounced sway in her hips she once more hooked her thumbs under silky material and let it fall to the ground.
Standing in front of him, naked and trembling in desire she licked her lips before leaning down to kiss him with all the passion burning inside of her.

What made her actions even more endearing, as well as tantalizing, was that he imagined this wasn’t something she had a lot of experience with, and might have even felt a little uncomfortable doing. But the way she moved, and looked at him as she did, was sexier to Nic than any other woman he had ever been in the presence of, including those who’s lives had been dedicated to pleasing men. What those women did with the skills of training, Livia did with sincere emotions, and the results were infinitely more substantial.
Standing before him in all her ravishing glory, Nic’s hands tenderly stroked her outer thighs, as he returned her kiss with more emotion than he probably had ever experienced. Hands sliding upward, he squeezed her ass, and pulled her forward as he, himself slowly fell back onto the bed. Keeping her body pressed against him, he cushioned the fall for her, before twisting to place her back on the bed, and lie halfway across her, never breaking his lips from hers until they were both prone.
Lifting his head, Nic looked at down at Livia, and found something a little difficult to believe. He was feeling things for this woman that he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt before, and wondered if perhaps he had truly found love, at long last. He grinned admiringly as his gaze took in hers, but didn’t linger too long, finding his body was deciding things for him. The feel of her silky skin against his…the scent of her hair…the heat from her body, coupled with the images in his mind, and his own body’s responses moved his lips back to hers, as his hands began caressing her breasts.
It was a heady thing to feel her nipples tighten beneath his touch, and to know he could give her such pleasure. It was also something akin to a minor miracle that Nic could think beyond his own satisfaction , something he had rarely had need to do. But with Livia, things were just…different, and damn it to hell but he was really more concerned that she find her fulfillment first.
Groaning, his mouth left hers, and he kissed a trail to her breast, to replace his fingers with his lips. His hands now free to roam her body further. His hunger growing, Nic lavished her breast with his tongue, and nipped the bud teasingly with his teeth. Again he had to refrain from biting a little more forcefully, because along with the pressure building in his burgeoning manhood, Nic yearned to sink his fangs into her firm, but yielding flesh.
Of course he didn’t, being much too much the gentleman. Yet he was not so much the gentleman that he stopped his hand from pressing between her legs. While he suckled at her breasts, he sought out her core of her glory, and encountered such delicious wet heat there, that he again moaned in gladness.
His mouth moved to her other breast, as he refocused his attentions on her upper body, instead of throwing caution to the wind, and replacing his hands with his mouth once more.
They had time…

When he moved down to suckle at her breast she could do nothing more than arch up into the caress and moan. Her fingers moved into his hair and stroked the silky locks which made her fingers tingle at the softness. Each tug of his lips sent a bolt of lightening from her breasts to her core, where her womb throbbed and wept. One of her restless legs wrapped itself around his hips, anchoring him to her as she twitched in delight.
A flash of stars sparkled behind her eyelids when his fingers found her entrance. The noise from her lips almost sounded like a scream as she trembled with pleasure. Unfortunately instead of satiating her growing hunger for him, this little peak only made her want more. Her hips arching up at him while she clung to his muscular form was a desperate attempt for more.
When his lips casually just moved from one hardened peak of a nipple to the other she moaned. Tugging at his hair she tried to hurry him and keep him in place at the same time. Her body was giving her such conflicting signals that she hardly knew what to do. One of her thrusts upwards caused his thumb to brush against the center of her very being which caused another wave of pleasure to wash over her. Whimpering she trembled riding out her pleasure while knowing there would be more.

As her body movements urged him on, he found they also stoked his own fire, which was raging substantially between his loins. When Livia’s leg wrapped around his hips, Nic almost slid into her as if it was his natural course. He managed to hold back at the last minute, and teased her by sliding up and down between her legs.
His length pulsated as it pressed against her, finding that tiny peak within, that was a miniature match to his own. The feel of the nubbin rubbing the underside of his cock made him growl, and only a few passes were enough to force him to move inside her, which he did in one slow, firm thrust.
“Sweet mother.” He gasped softly, as she welcomed him into herself. He kissed her then, both to enjoy her taste as well as to stop himself from saying something totally inane. Nic wasn’t known for being the most articulate of people, and right now he didn’t want some silly words of love to come out all wrong, and be looked back on later. Right now he needed to focus his restraint, and movements on Livia, and hopefully driving the woman into one of the most incredible orgasms of her life.
Kissing away from her mouth, after regaining his control, Nic nibbled along her neck and shoulder, bearing his weight on his arms, as his hips moved up and down. Sliding in and out of her body seemed to be exactly what he had been made for, so well they fit. Yet he still kept his thoughts in check. The most he could offer as far as verbal communication was “Oh Livia…yes, my love…” And then he reverted back to kissing and nipping at her skin.
In time with him, her body molded itself to his, and together they seemed to be heating up to the point where they would each dissolve into the other, but first the world seemed to come crashing down around them, as Nic felt her body tense, and his did as well, and then come apart at the seams.
When he had poured all he had into her, and it seemed she had done as well, he rolled over onto his side, and held her close. His mind seemed to be settling down, like a spinning top coming to rest, but at least he didn’t’ fear his words then.
“I love you, my sweeting. I’ve been looking for you for so long, and now that I’ve found you I have to tell you. Please don’t be afraid though…I promise I’ll not overwhelm you. I will go slowly…as slowly as you need me to go.”
Maybe he wasn’t making sense after all, but now the deed was done, and he couldn’t take back his words even if they sounded trite and simple. At least they had been sincere.

In the maelstrom of delight she had somehow bitten her lip and absently sucked the abused area into her mouth as she basked in the glow of their lovemaking. His words raised her eyelids to reveal her own emotions so shiny and fresh. Instead of replying she pulled him down and kissed him breathless, her soft lips and tongue actively stroking his. Her hands caressed his face, ears and neck before lightly pushing him up for a moment. Two small tears clung to the edges of her eyes as she gazed lovingly at him.
"My gallant knight. How could I not love you with all my heart. Slow or fast I am happy to be yours."
While she wished to pull him down and kiss him until daybreak she just looked up at him and gently ran her fingers over his jaw. Marveling that such a chivalrous man had survived to this age. Livia licked her lips and wondered if they should eat the meal in the oven or just stay in bed and enjoy each other.

Loving someone, and having them love you back was one thing, as long as neither person had any misconceptions about the other. As far as Nic was concerned, Livia was the epitome of all things good, and beautiful, and graceful, and honest. How he managed to convince her he was worthy of her attentions, much less love, would probably remain a mystery to him for who knew how long. But hearing her voice such lofty feelings of his character made him…uneasy.
“You know, I thank the heavens for finding a way to bring us together…but in all good conscious, I doubt I deserve you.”
Shifting a little on the bed, to assure her comfort in his arms, Nic also reached down and pulled the coverlet up over the two of them.
“I’m not sure what I’ve done right, to capture your heart, and if I were a smart man, I would undoubtedly just bask in your adoration.” He chuckled softly then, to make sure she knew he was teasing.
“But Livia…I am about as far from a gallant knight as a man could be.”
Knowing his true self, and the way he had treated women in the past, Nic realized he was afraid of hurting Livia…something he hadn’t given much thought to in his past ‘relationships’.
“I just want to make sure you are seeing the real me, before you get behind any declarations.”
He tilted her head up, and gazed into her eyes…a gentle smile playing around the corners of his mouth.
“I’m not entirely sure what has changed in me, or if its something that is permanent…but I can honestly say I do love you, and for a change want your happiness above my own. But I’m not sure if that’s enough, and I’m really quite afraid of hurting you.”
It occurred to him that what he was telling her now, was what he should have told her before making his declaration of love. Swearing almost silently under his breath, his confusion, and self irritation threatened to ruin what had been a wonderful evening so far.
“I apologize. I’m sure I’m not making much sense. This thing with Ellis…and my resort…I should be able to keep them separate from us, and what we have, but I’ve been doing a lousy job of it, and now I seem to be making things even worse.”

Finally he was done, apology and all. Her free hand, the one not tucked under her head, rose and gently stroked the strong lines of his jaw and cheek. Shaking her head slightly she sighed.
"You are the very definition of gallant, Nic. You said so yourself. By holding my happiness above your own you proved it. By trying to shield me even when you were gravely injured you showed it. By your every word and action you have shown me nothing but the brave, noble, chivalrous and dashing man that you are."
Gently placing her fingers over his lips, to keep him silent so she could finish and to trace the sensuous outline, she smiled into his eyes.
"Perhaps in the past it was different. For me I know it was, I was colder, more proper and quite handicapped by antiquated ideas. But you have helped me grow, into a woman who is not afraid to be more to the right man."
Her foot began petting the back of his calf as she wound her leg over his hip. It was not a move she would have ever attempted in the past, but something about Nicholae made her yearn. Inside she burned to be closer to him always, touching or caressing him. Perhaps it was the newness of their relationship or just pheromones, but it created a sensual hunger she had never felt before.